OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Get Finder Window Spinning Wheel Status Indicator Back
Jul 1, 2012
In Mac OS X Lion the bottom finder window frame is gone. Consequently the spinning wheel status indicator in the lower right corner is also gone. How do I get the status wheel back so I can tell whether the window view is still loading or hung? In Mac OS X Lion the bottom finder window frame is missing. Consequently the spinning wheel status indicator is also gone. How do I get the status wheel back so I can tell that the window view is loading vs. hung.
In the past couple of weeks, Finder on my MacBook has been ridiculously laggy in doing just about anything. For instance, if I try to rename a file, I can usually count on having to wait anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds for the new name to appear on the Desktop. The same thing often occurs when moving files. Finder also constantly beachballs for ~5 seconds, which extends to things like save dialogs in other applications -- if I open up a Save as... dialog, the app usually hangs for awhile waiting for Finder to figure itself out. During these periods of lag, the computer is otherwise 100% responsive -- I can use other apps, I can open other apps via LaunchBar or the Dock (as long as I don't try to use Finder, which is busy beachballing), and my CPU usage sits at around 90% idle.
No problems at all except for Finder constantly beachballing and lagging. Performing disk tasks like moving and renaming files via Terminal complete instantaneously, so it doesn't look to be a problem with my disk. When I started writing this post, Finder was "Preparing to move" one file, and only just now finished. I don't recall exactly when these problems started, but it's possible it was around the time I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard. I imagine that reinstalling Snow Leopard would fix these problems, but I'd rather not resort to that. I've got another computer running the same software as far as I can tell that doesn't exhibit any of these problems.
I am a novice Mac user. I think I was using Mountain Lion (i paid for it - about £20) but upgraded to Mavericks last year when prompted by my software update. I now understand from reading various online posts that this means I am now stuck with it. At first I had lots of problems with PDF files crashing but this has been fixed. Today I am not having a nightmare trying to use Finder. Any time I click on a file or folder the colour wheel spins for about 10-20 seconds. This happens for every command I make. I just tried to access my files directly from the desktop and the same thing happened. I am not sure what to do and I dont want to end up deleting something important!
i need some help regarding my iMac. I was busy installing combo update 10.5.8 on my iMac when the power in the entire house went down due to the snow. When I started my iMac back up it got stuck on the apple logo with the spinning wheel below it. I can leave it there for as long as i like nothing happens. I had the idea to reboot using the CD's i got with the iMac but there is already a disc in the discloader so i can't put the reboot CD's in. anybody know how i can get my iMac to work again? There aren't any files on the computer that i neccesarely need but if i would be able to save my photo's etc. it would be great.
I left my G5 for a few hours and it is set to put both the Computer and display to sleep mode after 1 hour. When I came back and woke it up the display had gone very low resolution, almost like a low res colour negative.I tried resetting the pram and all that achieved is that on start-up the opening mac screen with the spinning wheel is crystal clear again, but after that its back to low res.
For a couple of days now the activity wheel on my incoming iCloud/mac.com mailbox won't stop spinning.Mail seems 'extra' active in Activity Monitor but I cannont discern what it is doing very long log file with no obvious crashes or repeating patterns (to my amateur eye).There is no send/receive activity indicated in the Mail Activity pane of Mail just the wheel spinning constantly in my mac.com inbox.I seem to receive all the mail sent to that account so nothing obvious being blocked or missing just the constant activity.
I've rebuilt the mailbox but that didn't help.It has been fine up to a couple of days ago and I've not sent nor received any odd or very large files.
I am running an emac with OS X 10.4 installed (I think). Anyway, I've been searching all morning for a solution in the forums, but haven't really seen or been able to solve my problem.
The computer was shut down correctly over the weekend, there are no grinding noises, no error messages, the screen is just stuck on that grey screen with the apple and progress wheel and won't finish booting up all the way.
It's happened once before, but I just did a hard restart on it, and it has worked fine ever since. Never had any real problems until now, but nothing I have tried from searching on the forums has worked (apple X, option control, restarts, etc.). It won't boot up in any kind of safe mode, that I can figure out.
Is there something I am missing, or not trying, or am I just toast?
Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.
I have a 13 in. black MacBook (late 2006) and somehow have managed to break it. Last year I had trouble where the computer randomly messed up how it booted and I had to use live Linux cd's to recover my data. I had to completely wipe the drive that time. Things went blissfully on until yesterday when it froze, after waiting for at least a minute when I held the power button down to kill it. I tried to restart but it froze on the apple with the spinning progress indicator. I killed again, and started in single user mode, where I got a plethora of disk0 I/O errors. After waiting there a while the computer stopped doing anything so I killed again. Now, it doesn't even recognize the fact that the hard drive exists. I am able to boot a Linux cd but there is no hard drive anywhere. All help is great as I don't want to keep using this win7 computer.
Greetings and saluations everyone. I've recently delved into the OSX world via secondhand eMac. The specs are eMac (2006 - not a typo... this is what it says)/1.42gHz/80GB HDD/1GB ram/etc. It came equipped with 10.4.6, did an update to the software and it brought the machine to 10.4.11.
After a week or so of tinkering, I think I have accidentally deleted some very necessary system files. Given that the computer did not come with any manuals or recovery discs, I've been doing some major digging over the last three days via internet and can not come up with a fix for my new love. I saw this post on MacRumors and it nearly is exactly what I'm experiencing: Mac chimes upon pressing of start button, goes to greyish screen with grey Apple logo and a spinning progress indicator then the computer goes silent (no HDD/CD activity)... yet keeps the active grey screen.
I've tried booting into safe mode but to no avail which leads me to think I've accidentally deleted some extremely necessary boot files. However, I do not remember emptying the trash during the last successful boot... is there a way from a command line prompt to "put the files back" to where they go?
I've downloaded several Mac OSX Leopard torrents but can't get them to boot off of USB drive, DVD RW external drive, external USB hard drive nor via OSX 9 CD ... Indeed, I am trying to burn from windows but have learned of several utilities which create ISOs in Mac Format and will decompress DMG files (ISOBuster & TransMac).
Please... will someone give me some good news? For example, telling me there is a way to boot from USB drive (and in what format the mac needs to boot - ISO? DMG? Expanded file system in appropriate directory folders? I don't care about wiping the hard drive... that's absolutely fine... I just need a working system again.
Why my safari freezing on me daily? I am often opening new tabs and viewing 4 or 5 pages at once, and while they are loading it seems to be stuck on the annoying spinning rainbow wheel, ultimately leading me to end the program for not responding.
When I start up my iMac, it runs ok for a good 3-4 minutes, then all of a sudden when I try to click somewhere, I get the spinning wheel of death for about 2-3 minutes. Then when I click somewhere else I get another spinning wheel of death for another few minutes. This goes on and on and the computer is basically unusable, unless I want to wait 30 minutes to complete easy tasks that should take 2 minutes.
I tried resetting the ram by holding apple-option-P-R while restarting, but nothing is working. I have a good 15% free on my hard drive.
I can barely type this post or do anything on my mac book pro without a spinning wheel popping up. Any help would be appreciated. I have cleared Pram, ran disk utility fix permissions.
I'm currently using Win 7 on my partitioned drive since I can't get OS X to boot. Here's what I did to screw everything up: Installed SL awhile back without performing what people here are referring to as a "clean install" (I had lots of third party apps installed). Things seemed to be working fine, though Finder seemed to lag more in 10.6 than it did in 10.5. Today, however, I tried updating Parallels 4.0. It required that I reboot in order to finish the installation.
But, when the Apple logo appeared, that damned spinner just wouldn't stop. [Perhaps Parallels is "tainting" the kernel?] First, I tried reinstalling from the SL Install DVD. No luck there. I tried downgrading to 10.5 (archive and install). Still didn't boot. I even tried several volume repairs. Those didn't help either. So, now I've heard that some users are having luck booting in safe mode. But, if I try that, will I be able to transfer data to a backup drive?
My SL was working perfectly until yesterday. I got my late 08 UMBP back from AppleCare without any replacement (see post here). They just run a kind of apple test suit on an external OSX, I guess they booted from a firewire disk.
Anyway, now I getting very often a system hang with a spinning wheel. When I try to repair permissions in the Disk Utility, the progress it stays like 10 minutes on the same place at the very beginning, then spinning wheel again then the system doesn't react. I can move the mouse that's all.
I just got my imac 21.5 a week ago, and now already a problem. It was working fine until now.
I have been copying and pasting pictures and avatars from forums onto Microsoft office (office mac 2008). And tonight I got the dreadful color spinning wheel when I tried to copy more. I wouldn't go away after 10 minutes, so I restarted the computer. I reopened office, and it still had the wheel. It keeps saying it has to close. Why is this happening? Is it bad to copy and paste?
I have a brand new macbook pro, and whenever I use itunes, iphoto or firefox. I get the spinning "wheel of doom" about every ten minutes. It only lasts about 30 seconds, but happens even when I only have one application open.
I'm really stuck with this one. I have just purchased 2 Macs, an iMac and a Macbook (the white one). This problem only happens with one of them, the Macbook.
When I login using my windows account (DOMAINUser) on my iMac everything works fine. When I try the same on my Macbook however I type my password, hit Login, and then I get the spinning colorful wheel, and nothing else (I have waited a loooong time).
This is really frustrating because:
1. I can log in to a local account on the Macbook
2. the settings between both machines for Active Directory are exactly the same
The only 3rd party software I have installed on both machines is Office 2008 (the standard edition - not home & student).
This is what I have tried so far (remembering, I'm not a Mac expert, but am a PC expert):
1. Reboot
2. Removed the mobile account that was created when I logged into Active Directory, then logged in again
3. Typed a wrong password, this confirmed that the Macbook was talking to the Windows server (I can see network traffic as well)
4. Cleared the Library/Caches folder, and System/Library/Caches folder
I have a macbook 2.16mhz with 2gb ram mid 2007 model. It has started showing the spinning wheel for about 10-20 seconds for the last 3 months and it was getting worse and worse! and it came a time last week when almost every 5 clicks I was doing the wheel was appearing again!
First I thought I had a faulty ram and I ran memtest but everything was ok! then I reinstalled the system but still the problem exists not so ften though.
My computer stopped charging and turning on a short while after it was dropped.
I bought a new charger and my dad managed to fix it. (after i was told by a tech expert at a dodgy asian store the main processer had to be replaced) The only issue im having are. The spinny wheel apears in almost all tasks, internet , browsing flies , clicking top tab.
It only appears for about 30 seconds then goes away, sometimes freezing completely, It seems to happen less when the computer is stationary but still will happen quite often even just typing text. Logic Pro after reinstalling refuses to Open. Music sometimes freezes skips for 5-10 seconds.
I did some research and try a few things its not the CPU usage cause i been checking using that program that checks. Is there a way i can check what part is failing through software or maybe do a general clean up? since it was reformated.
Do i need to get a new computer or just a replacement part if i eliminate all other issues? Or could it be the start up drive?
Three seconds after iTunes starts, spinning wheel up and never disappear. We have thrownplist in preferences. We've reset the parameters (cmd + alt + p + r). We have reinstalled iTunes. The operating system is Leopard and iTunes is only used toplay songs and burning it. No iPhone synchronization.