OS X V10.7 Lion :: Missing Color-sync Profiles?
May 15, 2012
I'm really struggling to print greyscale with my HP B110 printer. Print using a greyscale colorsync profile In the OS X print dialogue box, there is a menu under the paper size and orientation settings which should have the name of the printing application in it. When users click this menu there will be universal printing options available first, followed by a set of driver-specific options. In the first set, select "Color Matching" and select the "Colorsync" radio button. Then in the "Profile" menu choose "Other Profiles" and select either "Black and White" or "Generic Gray Profile". With one of these profiles selected, printing the document will now be in black and white or greyscale.
The problem is that neither of those Profile options appear through that print dialogue box. There are a dozen or so, such as "Wide Gamut RGB" and "Generic RGB Profile" but none mentioning Gray, Grayscale or Black. If I open ColorSync utility, I can see that there is a System file called Generic Gray Profile in /System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Generic Gray - however if I navigate to this path, it is not there, only something called Gray Tone and a few others. how can I activate this profile so I can select it as a printing option?Â
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Mar 12, 2012
My screen went high-contrast. color profiles and calibration didn't work well - HOWEVER-It looks fine right before I log in! Is there a way to repair the color profiles or whatever? I Installed Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements a couple weeks ago that's when I think it began
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 23, 2009
Every now and then (every few days maybe), my macbook's display profile will switch from my good-looking calibrated profile to one of the really bad looking color profiles (which gives everything a nasty purple tint). This usually happens when the display is woken up, or when I switch from a fullscreen game back to the desktop.
When it does it, I can switch it back by going to system preferences > display > color and clicking the color profile I normally use, but having to do this is getting annoying.
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Jul 19, 2009
I was trying different profiles for my external monitor (make and model in signature) and I noticed there were 2 identical profiles for Adobe RGB 1998 and sRGB 2.1.
I attached a screenshot of the system preference pane that shows up on my external display when I go to Displays.
Does it have to do with my external being attached? Maybe the main LCD has one of each profiles and the external display has another set?
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Jul 4, 2009
I run 4 different screen profiles depending on whether I'm at home or work both day and night. Does anyone else use multiple color profiles depending on where you're computer is?
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Oct 29, 2010
I'd like to have my RGB values in Photoshop produce the same values in Keynote and Powerpoint. That is, I'd like to have the blue of my logo (128, 215, 236) appear identically in all three programs by typing the value into the color picker.
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Dec 12, 2008
Just got my new cinema display -- loving it so far! Has anyone gotten around to calibrating their displays yet? I've seen similar threads in the past and found the profiles posted by folks to be pretty useful. If you have a good profile, please post it here!
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Feb 8, 2010
Sometimes my MBP will randomly "forget" it's color profile after waking up from sleep or screensaver. It doesn't happen very often, maybe less than once a month now. I know a few other people have had this problem, and as far as I know the issue is unresolved, with the solution being "go into display settings and it will change back" but there was nothing that could be done to prevent it from changing.
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Jan 20, 2009
I've been trying to get decent color on my Acer AL2216W display to no avail.
First, I attempted to fiddle with the brightness and contrast levels because I've been having trouble seeing really light grays. I used this as a guide so my whites, grays, and blacks looked good but then my colors were completely off.
Then, (after resetting all my changes) I downloaded a color profile from the Acer support website. Surprisingly, that profile is completely off.
Next, I tried using Mac OS X's Color Calibration utility in System Pref > Displays > Color > Calibrate. I ended up with incorrect colors & grays again.
Am I doing something wrong? Could someone please direct me about how to achieve proper colors and contrast?
Also, if any of you have an Acer AL2216W and you have made a correct color profile, please pass it along!
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Nov 3, 2008
I did this for the Macbook Pro's a while back, but I'm a Macbook guy now. There are a few other threads with profiles but it's no good if you use a profile made from a different panel than what you have. I'm just trying to consolidate things here.
I will try to keep this post current; please only submit profiles created from hardware, not those done by human eye (meatware?) And be sure to say which panel the profile is for. Thanks to everyone for contributing and improving the Macbook experience!
How to determine your panel type/code
How to install and use color profiles
Basic tests to determine if a profile is a good fit:
Black level
White level
9C89 (LG)
See attachment (rezonat0r-9c89.zip)Spyder3 Pro. 2.2 Gamma, Native and 6500K whitepoint. I recommend using the Native whitepoint.See attachment (rezonat0r-9c89-alt.zip)Spyder3 Pro. 2.2 Gamma, Native whitepoint. This is an alternate profile made from another Macbook with the LG panel. It is similar to the previous but slightly darkerjessica's profileSpyder2 Pro. 2.2 Gamma. Native whitepoint (I think - not confirmed)
9C8C (AU Optronics)
See attachment (rezonat0r-9c8c.zip)Spyder3 Pro. 2.2 Gamma. I only did a calibration at native whitepoint (honestly, if you really need 6500K then you won't be using a Macbook screen, or any laptop screen for that matter)
See attachment (rezonat0r-9c8a.zip)Spyder3 Pro. 2.2 Gamma. Native whitepoint.
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Aug 20, 2009
today I bought a 7200rpm 500gb seagate hard drive. The installation went great. reinstall of osx went great. The computer is up and running but at osx 10.5.5 and I noticed my color profiles have not migrated over so I'm guessing other things haven't either... My AT&T card is also encountering a "fatal error" while trying to connect so I can't even get online to try to update. What went wrong? What should I do? I did a TM bck up right before the HD swap.
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Jun 14, 2012
I recently lost all the emails from my INBOX folder one of my email accounts. Is there a way of syncing this account only with its time machine backup that I have on an external hard drive. Where do I find the folders.
1.5 GHz Powerbook G4, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Oct 22, 2007
I am running into a lot of problems with my color in photoshop. I like the way it looks when I'm working on it, but as soon as I export it it looks horrible. When I go to get the project printed it looks bad as well. When I open a file in preview, it will look good for a second, but then the color will get darker and not look the same. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I am working on another huge project now and I don't need these color problems.
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Feb 21, 2010
I just got a 30" yesterday and out of the box the colors seem a bit washed out.
I figure before going out and buying something like a Huey Pro or Xrite calibrator that I'd try the built-in OS X ColorSync utility.
Does anyone have any tips or tricks to using this? I tried creating a profile once for another monitor I used to own and had very little luck. I'm hoping I have more luck since this is an display and the other wasn't.
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Feb 20, 2009
before switching to Mac, I used an "X-Rite Eye One Display 2" color meter device with software. You can find them most places like Amazon for about $150. The device should still work, but I can't find any software for it for the Mac. After going to the X-Rite web site, I could find no software at all for the Mac as it is only windows based.
Surely someone out there has used a color meter such as this one as they are quite popular especially for graphics artists that use professional graphic monitors. I am hoping someone can tell me how to use my color meter (USB), what software for Mac Leopard I need and how to save the color profile in the Mac OS.
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Dec 14, 2010
Ok I have been trying to find the reason why this is happening. I am having an issue with the icons disappearing, the file is still there and you can click on it if you click on the words, but the icon is not there just the icon is gone. The icon that is not showing up is the folder icon primarily. I have searched several different sites and can not find an answer to my problem. I have included a link to view what my desktop looks like with the files pictured so you get an idea.
I have tried to do the equivalent of a (rebuild desktop) desktop reset which was a program I downloaded from apple:
It did not help either and after installing that and doing the reset. Now when I go to open a picture, it opens in color sync instead of preview. The only way I can open a picture in preview is to open preview and then open a picture through itIt is like color sync is the default for some reason. Does someone know how to fix this? But my main concern is tis icon issue I am having. I don't know what to do as it is making it very hard to work. This even carries over to my external drives when hooked up. I need help as I do not know why it is doing this
As far as other information, I just installed Tiger a few months ago if that helps any and this is on a mac mini. Other than that everything has been the same. I have relaunched the finder through opt+cmd+esc but it is not available to relaunch through right clicking the icon on the dock. Also it no longer allows me to drag a picture file over a program like Photoshop in the dock to open it in Photoshop. What is going on here?
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May 11, 2012
I have set up a server with several network profiles. When logged into a network profile the user has no problem creating and saving a file of any kind, as soon as you edit and try and resave one of these files (only those of utilize Versions) does it give you an error "The file cannot be saved." at which point it reverts back to the origional file or offers to save it under a new name. Through trouble shooting I've discovered it only happens when trying to resave files that use versions, and only happens when im accessing these accounts through the network profile (in other words if i loggin and screen share to the account everything works fine), which in tern suggests the problem is occuring in the disconect between the home folder(which is all the network profile accesses) and the applications.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Server
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Sep 10, 2014
In iTunes 11.4 (which just updated today) - the Sync Music checkbox is missing for my iOS devices. The devices are the latest released versions from Apple (just verified).Â
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2
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Jun 27, 2012
Since getting my iPhone 3GS just a few months ago, I have never been able to connect to iTunes. I was getting a strange error code, but when I tried again today, I got this message instead, "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. Could not allocate a resource." I have had this phone for months now, but have never connected it to iTunes, and would REALLY like to so I can back things up. I have tried plugging into EVERY USB on the back of my iMac. The same thing happens in each one. I've also tried unlugging ALL other peripherals, and still nothing. Oh, and FYI, the phone connects just fine to iPhoto.
Read this in Console: "Could not create /var/db/lockdown//SystemConfiguration.plist: No such file or directory." Tried to reset the lockdown folder as described in step #6 of this article: [URL], but it says "The folder can't be found." So, I can't continue on with the steps. Now what?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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Mar 31, 2012
I have an iMac 27 (end of year 2009) I5.It has 1 TB internal and I want to replace it with a 2 TB internal. I have time machine backups on an external hard drive that has been connected via Firewire. I have another iMac (my son's)Imac 24 Intel Core 2 Duo that has it's own separate Time machine backup to it's own separate firewire connected external drive.Both machines are completely up to date with the latest version of Lion and all other necessary software updates.When the internal hardrive is replaced - I want to use my latest time machine backup to create one profile on the imac and then use my son's latest time machine back up for a second profile.The end goal being to have everything from my current set up ie: apps, documents, itunes, etc existing in one profile and everything in my son's current set up existing in the other profile.We can both be administrators for the time being as well.I should note even though we both have some of the same apps, we both also have other apps that the other does not.
My profile will be using about 900 gigs of total space.My son's profile will be using about 250 gigs of total space.This is temporary until the new iMac is released.Then I will want to transfer my profile to that leaving my son's intact on the iMac 27 I5.I realize that during the temporary period that Time Machine will be making backups of this entire two profile setup, which I am now understanding as I write this will create a new issue for me when I want to transfer only my profile to the new computer as well.But one bridge to cross at a time, I guess.I need to do this because we must bring his current computer to my father - as his iMac G5 is inoperable. We have been doing this round robin hand me down in our family since IMac DV special edition :-)
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 19, 2010
I have an 09 Mac Pro Nehalem, with nvida gt120 graphics card running 10.6.2 with the latest mac pro 1.4 efi and two 23 inch Apple cinema displays (the older DVI kind)
I go into system preferences>displays>color and try to adjust color on my monitors but selecting different color settings on either monitor only affects ONE monitor, the other monitor is essentially stuck at whatever color setting it is set to.
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Jun 2, 2014
When starting the iMac in the mornings, the upper strip of the desktop appears in the screen color instead of white. What could this be?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Jul 16, 2009
i really want to customize my macbook. i want to change the color logo to apple classic color. (but not for a while) the main thing i want to do is something like this [URL] the second picture to last. the guy with a suit and a hat, being covered with the apple logo. i want something like that, only not that image. you get the idea though. where can i get something like this? are they stickers as well? or are they laser engraved? i do not want it permanent on my macbook, since i get easily bored with the same look
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Aug 3, 2010
I installed iwork 08 and everytime i type the letters come in white. I tried changing the color font and everytime i try putting black it always comes up white but when i do it dark blue for example it shows dark blue, it shows every color except for black.
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Apr 19, 2012
How do I change color permanently for mail using Lion
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Apr 29, 2012
Is it possible to put the color back into finder in Lion?
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May 10, 2012
I have a problem after updating to 10.7.4. It seams that the red color has changed after the update. I can notice it in the US flag for the keyboard layout. I have no idea what to do. I have tried to use different color profiles and calibrate the monitor, but nothing helped. I think maybe it is connected with the fact that I didn't disconnect the external monitor while the update process.Â
I had an issue with the red color before while I connected external display and used only it. After I disconnected the display the red color changed itself. At that time the reboot only helped. But recently I started to use both displays of my macbook pro and external one and the issue with red color did't appear any more. And now after the update the red color has changed and I don't know how to return it back.Â
I've just made a clean install of Lion on monday and everything was perfect. Now I don't want to do it again. It took the full day of setting my system. I don't have time for the second time. I need to Work! I have MacBook Pro 17" of mid 2009. The external display that I use is Dell 2408WFP.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 20, 2012
I have an HP Laserjet 1525nw. When I try to print any PDF that has color, in the print preview, the page(s) is white. If I go ahead and print, it will print a blank page. Black and white will print fine. My printer is very low on color ink but full on black. If anything, shouldn't it default to grayscale for color. My windows computer uses the same printer but will print anything.Â
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Mar 1, 2012
I just tried to change the color of the IMAP folders in Mail. I want to mark some of the folders to find them easier. if i can chance the color of the Name or Icon.Â
Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mail 5.2
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Apr 3, 2012
Getting error in mail.app. When writing new message try to change text color to red and then to black. My text becomes white. And there is no way to change it back to black.
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