i was tinkering with it, osx lion, i came upon audio midi setup. i was trying to get it off the dock y making it poof in the desktop but it didnt it just sat there, somehow through my frustration there was an audio midi setup 2 now i got one in stacks and poofed it the other sent to the trash and now i cant find stacks in the finder, only the file named about stacks, through my frustration looking for stacks i thought to open audio midi setup again , and again got stuck with a file named audio midi setup.zip, so now i lost stacks wont come up in finder, and have audio midi setup , audio midi setup 2 and audio midi setup zip sitiing in my trash , what will happen if i delete these files, and i want my stacks back,...help please google has been nothing but a run around and some help but i dont have leapord and most support is for that, i have lion?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), just looking to get stacks back
I love the new stacks in snow leopard but sometimes I find myself wanting to space bar to preview etc and I can't so I want to quickly launch the finder into that folder. Is there a way? ie a hotkey and a click etc.
I love the new stacks in snow leopard but sometimes I find myself wanting to space bar to preview etc and I can't so I want to quickly launch the finder into that folder. Is there a way? ie a hotkey and a click etc.
The subject title says it really. I've connected a Harddrive via an ethernet cable to an iMac. Under Preferences, Network, it says 'connected' and provides an IP address.
When I open Finder, select Go and input the IP address, the response is 'This file server is available on your computer. Access the volumes and files locally', however I cant see the drive in Finder and don't know how to get it to appear.
Ever since I've been using Lion (came pre-installed on my MacBook Air), I've noticed that the top icons in stacks do not update unless the Dock is restarted (with a "killall Dock" from the Terminal, or by logging out/restarting, etc). This happens for absolutely any folder that is added to the Dock as a stack. When a new file is added to the folder, the stack simply shows a generic white file icon on top. Once the Dock is restarted, the stack will show the proper preview as it should.
So far I've tried deleting and re-creating stacks, repairing permissions from Disk Utility, reseting ACLs on the home folder, and even deleting the caches and .plist files for the Dock, Quick Look, and Finder. Nothing has made a difference.
Does anyone know if there is an app, a hack or a way to pile similar apps on the dock as it is possible in Launchpad or on an iPhone? This would really save space on my Dock. Also how can we suggest such an enhancement to Apple?
Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.
If Finder has been running for a while, and I have a number of finder windows open, when I option-command-w, the Finder crashes and then restarts with all the windows that just closed.
finder application stopped finding certain types of files on an external drive. The external drive (WD 80GB) is recognised and I have access to all files, however, when I search for specific files in the finder window it wont find pdf, txt, doc files. It does find picture files such as jpg. I have tried using the drive on my laptop (snow leopard) and macmini (leopard)
I was just playing around with stacks and I found out that if you hold shift and click on a stack it springs up VERY slow, kind of cool looking the first time you do it, kind of stupid after that lol.
I've noticed recently some odd behavior regarding google chrome and my download stacks in the dock. I have my download stacks folder set so that the most current downloaded object shows up as a preview (ex. if its a pdf a photo of the pdf appears).
However recently I've noticed that when i download some .rar files or mp3's, the preview in the stacks icon is just a blank text document. its not until i click the stack and it fans out that i see that a preview of my downloaded file (ex. mp3 will show its album art).
when i click the stack again and the items fan back into the stack, the preview once again turns back into a blank document image instead of the corresponding mp3 image.
Right now, in my Stacks area I have my Firefox Downloads, Music, Movies, Pictures, and Documents. Most of them have a folder as the first item, so unless I mouse over them, I don't know which one is which. I had those folders have different icons in Tiger, but I'm not sure how to go about changing them now.
I'm really not sure if this is some stupid thing I'm missing, but I've never been able to choose 'Fan' view for any of my stacks, I only have List or Grid! I've tried it for all different sized folders, and I can't think why it's not there.
I got the latest version of Imac OS X Leopard, Whatever. I just got my Imac and i saw stacks in the start. I was stupid so i delete documents and downloads from stacks and now i cant find stacks on my dock! Is there any way i can put stacks on my dock or add something to stacks? or do i have to download it or something? Pretty much, I cant add any Folders or files to the dock. But i can add apps to the dock.
my stacks have started displaying backwards � in other words, rather than showing me the most recently added item first, it puts it last; when the stack expands, the �open in finder� option is at the top of the screen, with the most recently added item at the bottom. Instead of the other way around, which is the default. How do I change it back?
My stacks have disappeared from my dock. I used to automatically get my downloads on the dock and they fanned out when I clicked on it. That is gone now... not sure if I did something to get rid of it, but I want it back.
I am using a Mac OSX 10.5.8 - my problem is that I had a number of important docs located on the dock in Stacks and today they are gone. I do not know how they disappeared or where they are, and they aren't in Finder where the original documents should be/were located. It replaced the folder in Stacks with a "?" icon instead of the first file. I have tried to go back in time using Time Machine, but restoring old data (Documents and Library) hasn't found those missing docs. Any suggestions on where to find my docs? I am confused as to how they could have totally disappeared from my desktop, hard drive, and backup.
Is it at all possible to right click documents from the documents stack? For instance, I'd love to be able to quickly right click and open certain .pdf files in preview directly from stacks. Instead, I'm forced to go specifically into the finder and right click there and select open with.
i HATE stacks with a passion. i used to use the dock for shortcuts to folders so much, and frankly stacks just ruins it. is there any way to turn it off with terminal or applescript or anything?
I'm trying to use the stack overlays from: http://t.ecksdee.org/post/19001860
But I can't get them working. Apparently the overlays are set to a date, so they always will appear in front. But they don't on my Mac. When I drag them over they will appear in front, but when a newer item is placed in the same folder, as the stack overlay, the overlay will just go up in the "stack hierarchy"