My Finder is now in my Pictures folder and won't run at all. All I can see is the finder menubar, but it's not active. I've tried using Quicksilver to move it back into the Applications folder, but it gives me an error each time. I've also tried opening the Pictures folder in terminal like this: open ~/Pictures/ but it obviously can't open until I move the Finder app.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7), 11" early 2011 model with SSD
My application folder appears to have "split" from the applications shortcut in the Finder window. The shortcut under Favorites contains all my applications, while the folder itself contains none...When I get info on both of them, I see the following:
App Shortcut: "Where: /"
App Folder: "Where: /Users/SarahSteeds"Â
Also, I've only had one new software download that saved itself to the Applications folder (at location "/Users/SarahSteeds"). All others have been directed to the shortcut (at location "/")
I don't know when started to happen, but when I open a window of Finder, and click in the left sidebar to see what is in Desktop, it didn't show in the right panel, it open a Terminal window. If I click Applications, or Music, it works good, but not with Desktop. I already installed Lion again 3 times, but when restoring from Time Machine, it starts to doing that.
i have recently been doing some things to my system as in this faq i found at to "speed up OS X". and then not long after, i tried to move something out of my trash, and the finder locked up, my icons dissapeared, and it kept restarting! I rebooted my machine and the problem persists. it tries to run, freezes, not responds, then restarts. meanwhile, i can only get into programs that are on my dock.
i restarted, typed cmd-s, then fsck -f, and there were no problems there.
I put my osx panther install disc in, to try to do an archive & install(to reset prefrences) however i do not know how to get it to run, because i can't use my finder.
My finder is crashing and restarting every minute or so. Applications are not closing, just folder windows. System is GM (power pc) with latest OSX 10 Tiger update recently installed virtual PC.
I'm using eclipse and a need to select where the LibreOffice is installed. But the don't permitte me to select the as a folder.
my work computer (Windows), but my 2012 iMac that I've had for 2 years has worked flawlessly up until recently. A few days ago it started taking forever to display files in finder. I had to keep relaunching, and it would freeze. I tried the workaround that was posted here but that didn't work either. It went away for a few days, but last night it really came back with a vengeance. The relaunch finder trick only showed the current folder, while navigating to other folders would simply show the loading icon forever. Â
Also, my iMac was shutdown for over an entire day yesterday, and when I turned it on the " Your computer restarted because of a problem". came up. I've never experienced this problem before, but after 3-4 tries it finally logged in to the Home screen. This is when I noticed the above (finder problems) returning from a few days ago after being absent. The finder issues continued, so I restarted the mac, and it just kept cycling over and over (reboot, try to load, auto-reboot, etc.).
Is this an issue with the HDD? I did a disk utility check the other day and it said everything was in great shape.
I try to buy music in iTunes. I learned that I have not set correctly the rights on the shared folder in the Finder. I tried to correct the rights to read and write for all three user groups, it´s still not working.I figured that one of the three users is not correct:
1. system (me)
2. wheel
3. everyoneÂ
In my case, it´s not showing system, but it´s stating "loading" with a ?.I think I can´t buy music cause of the missing name in the shared folder, right?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7)
you know in finder there is a folder called images in the sidebar? I have like images from there that I haven't seen in years.. even before I have had a macbook...
I placed a folder in the toolbar of a finder window to the right of the view icons, and now I can't remove it. The folder goes to a folder in use but I can't find a way to remove it from the toolbar. Anytime I open a finder window the alias folder is up there now. How do I remove it?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), folder stuck in finder toolbar
When I open Finder on my iMac, then click on my user name in the sidebar, I am not seeing the Library folder for my user name. I need to modify some of the application support folders for specific applications, but I cannot find them using Finder. These folders are specific to my user name and are not located within the Macintosh HD/Library folder for the entire computer.
They should be in the path Macintosh HD/Users/[my username]/Library/Application Support/[application name].
But for some reason, the "Library" folder doesn't even show up in Finder when I click on Macintosh HD/Users/[my username]. It's visible when I open one of the applications and use preferences to access folders in the application support folder for that application, but not when trying to get to the same location using Finder -- which I need to do in order to copy and paste some of the files.
Info:iMac, MacBook Pro, iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhone 4S, iPod Classic (160 GB)
I don't like the way that finder arranges my files and folders. I have tried all the arrangements and none of them "flow" for me. What I would like to do is to be able to put my files / folders where I want them. I like to group similar folders together and put the most important files/folders at the top. Now this isn't an exhaustive list of how I want to arrange them. Its more about where my eyes go and what I want to see. I am a new mac user so maybe this is a really simple fix that I don't know about.Â
Is there a way to see the number of items in a folder shown in finder?
Seems to me that in earlier versions, if you had a folder with 100 items (e.g., photos) in a folder in a finder window, when you clicked on the folder, something like "100 Items" would appear at the bottom of the finder window. I don't see this now in Lion.
My main user account went haywire at the weekend - dock disappearing and Finder cycling and rebooting every few seconds. I fixed those issues by trashing the dock and finder .plist files, and all appears to be well except...I cannot access the Applications folder without the Finder crashing. All other folders appear fine.- I can access the Applications folder using another user- I can access the apps themselves from spotlight- I tried trashing .DS_Store - no difference.
how can I print a list of folder and subfolders from the finder window? I want to reorganize the contents and it would be easier to look at a printed list. I have too many folder and subfolders to do it well from the computer alone.
Attached you'll see two images. The first, 'Applications Folder', is how I want my Applications Folder to look whenever I access it directly (i.e. from the Go menu in the Finder Menu Bar, or from an alias or from the Dock by right-clicking, Open "Applications").
Finder used to remember this appearance perfectly. I can't remember exactly when this started, but now whenever Finder is restarted (killall Finder or a reboot) it completely forgets the settings for the Applications folder and opens it as shown in the second image, 'Finder Bug'. That's the far right of the screen, by the way. Not only does it forget the size and position of the folder's window, it also resets the grid spacing to the default value.
It only does it for this folder...I've already tried removing the .DS_Store file many times, so it's not an issue with that file. I've also run clean-up scripts and repaired permissions. It's bugs like this that still make me long for Tiger.
I am creating 2 AppleScripts to automate mounting Windows shared drives on Lion Macbook Airs. The first creates an alias on the user's desktop to the user's shared drive. This is functional and doing what I want it to do. The 2nd script attempts to create a favorite to the alias in Finder's sidebar. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this script to work.Â
I am attempting to create an alias on a user's desktop to a folder in a Windows network share.Here is my applescript: set user_name to (short user name of (system info))tell application "Finder" activate set myFolder to ((home as text) & "Desktop:" & user_name)select myFolder tell application "System Events" keystroke "t" using command down end tellend tell The script runs, Finder opens to the user's folder, but nothing is added to the side.Â
When I find things through finder, for example text edit, I'll click on it, but then nothing happens. But then, if I use Ctrl+click-and pick open, it opens. This didn't happen on my old MAC, and I'm using the new Snow Leopard-Mac white '09. Is there anyway that I can make it so that I can double click to open apps that I find in the finder? just to be precise, I wouldn't be able to open up Library in this finder if I just double clicked on it
After installing Lion, I can no longer move program icons from my applications folder to a sub folder. When I do, it makes a copy and leave the original in the applications folder. When I then try to delete the icon in the applications folder it tells me it's required by the OS and won't let me delete. I'm forced to keep certan applications such as Time Machine and Stickies in the application folder.
I would like to create a Smart folder that only has applications & utilities in a sub-folder.Â
This will be similar to the default applications folder that shows in the dock, but without all the extra files & folders - just a list of applications.Â
I can do this by esily by just having a smart folder of applications showing only type=application.
However, I would still like to have utilities in a sub-folder.Â
If thats not possible, then it would be OK to have 2 seperate smart folders, 1 for apps excluding utilities & 1 for utilities only.Â
Is there some way in the smart folder options i can exclude a sub directory?
I have a problem that when selecting a file that is either an attachment in email or is in my finder, double clicking on it fails to load the associated application successfully. For example, selecting a pdf file results in the pdf reader logo appearing on the lower bar on the screen, bounces up and down as if it is doing something, but just continues to bounce. I have to force quit it, then go to my application folder to load reader directly, and from within the reader I can then go and select the file. This isn't an application specific issue (It does it with Excel, Word etc).Â
It only started recently. I'm using a MBP summer 2010 with Mavericks 10.9.4. Everything else seems to work.Â
Anyway, one of my home folders for a user account has gone missing. when you are logged into the account it belongs to you can navigate to it via finder. However you cannot see the folder via finder from any other account. This account is NOT an admin. I had this problem when I was running tiger and it still remains now that I have leopard. 2Ghz INtel core 2 duo Aluminum iMac.
I'm trying to import media from the old version of an iMovie project to the new version. However when I go to the "Import Movies" selection in the "File" menu, the relevant media folder is unclickable.
I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.