OS X :: Clicking With Trackpad Won't Open Things In Finder
Nov 12, 2009
When I find things through finder, for example text edit, I'll click on it, but then nothing happens. But then, if I use Ctrl+click-and pick open, it opens. This didn't happen on my old MAC, and I'm using the new Snow Leopard-Mac white '09. Is there anyway that I can make it so that I can double click to open apps that I find in the finder? just to be precise, I wouldn't be able to open up Library in this finder if I just double clicked on it
My pointer/trackpad is doing weird things on its own.
For example: If my pointer is sitting idle it displays a drop down box that says "Back,forward, stop, bookmark this page, send link, view all,and various other selections." Another example, if I use the trackpad to go to an icon on my dock, sometimes it takes the icon and takes if off dock and removes it. Another example, if I'm down at the bottom of my screen and typing like I am now, I get done and say I scroll up to the top to go somewhere else, all the areas that I traveled across get highlighted (like a paste and copy highlight). I have checked my settings in trackpad and that looks fine. I have rebooted, shut down, unplugged my internet and even went to disk utilities and repair. I did notice this after I have visited a site to order something that I needed to add a picture too. In order for me to drag my picture to thing I was ordering I needed to use their tool. It was after this that my pointer/track pad has been working weird.
My trackpad is now having some troubles on my Alu macbook. I can't highlight or drag things anymore. Occasionally it will work but it will be jerky and only highlight bits that I don't necessarily need. This is vital for me as I need to copy parts of statutes etc. as I'm in law school. I think I have installed the firmware update but I'm not entirely sure - if someone could link me to it that'd be grand.
My internet on campus is also extremely slow.. It doesn't have anything to do with the signal either. We have an Apple reseller on campus who said it might be a problem with the airport card.
Basically - should I take it in? Obviously it has some issues but I don't know if I'm being too pedantic or what..
I have an "old" Macbook 13'' (2007) and i'm experiencing a trackpad problem: my mac behaves as if i was always pushing down the trackpad button.In this way i drag what i don't want to drag, i select what i don't want to select, etc., and it's impossible to use my mac at all.I have had this problem before, but it stopped after a few minutes. Now I'm stuck.I have OS 10.6.8, updated firmwares. I just resetted the pram.I suspect it's an hardware problem.Using a mouse won't help since there is no "Ignoring trackpad when mouse is present" option in my preference pan.for my purpouses deactivating the trackpad and using the mouse would be enough.
The trackpad works fine for tracking, but the left or right click won't work anymore. It works fine if I use an external mouse though. For the last 5 months I've been using the "tap to click" feature. I believe that is what it's called. It works fine like that. Hopefully I didn't word this too badly. I was wondering if anyone knows what the problem is and how much this would cost to repair it?
I have a serious problem with my mbp. I can scroll, I can move around the screen, but I cannot click, anywhere. I restarted my computer to no avail. What do I do?
I've only had my white Macbook for nine months, but the last few months I've had trouble clicking the trackpad. There are times when I have to force it down. The right side of the trackpad seems to be the most problematic. I tried to ignore it, but it only seems to get progressively worse.
My late 2009 13" mbp trackpad clicking funtion stopped working. The one figure tap jestures still work and click, but when i physically push the trackpad down and "click" it doesn't work. Anyone have any advice? Nothing was spilled on it or anything abnormal like that.
I've been having some difficulty using my MacBook Pro lately. The trackpad is acting up. It's being extremely sensitive. When I am trying to navigate on my computer, it is very difficult for me to click on things, let a alone get to the thing I want to click on because as I move my mouse across the screen, it clicks on everything that it passes over. I have shut down my Pro, and nothing seemed fishy in system preferences!Â
I must report that the trackpad's clicks aren't as audible, maybe it's sunk lower?Â
When my macbook is awoken from standby the trackpad moves the cursor around as normal but will not respond to a tap or a click. A restart won't get it working again, but a little later it will start working once more. At the moment I can't identify what gets it going, possibly by clicking using the magic mouse but can't be certain of that.
Just wondering how to adjust my settings with the new trackpad? Would prefer it to be like the older MBP however with the new track pad seems things got all messed up due to the new settings. 3 finger swipe 4 finger swipe. I know to go to system settings > trackpad but from there I don't know how to set it up without all the extra stuff. I did something and now when i double click anything on the desktop it will not open so cannot double click to open things or double click to highlight text. I've tried everything and cannot get it fixed. It will let you double tap the top of trackpad but then you have to scroll to the open and click open. Is there anyway to set it up the trackpad to open icons by double clicking them? Or just dumb down the settings to standard point/click double click to open.
A friend just got a MBP 13 a month ago and despite running all the updates his trackpad will move the cursor but tapping(which is selected) and clicking don't register anything. He's using a usb mouse at the moment so the only thing I can think of is that he erased some drivers, should he do a install and recover or just back up files and do a complete re install? I'd imagine that as the trackpad moves the cursor it's not a hardware problem.
i have and aluminum macbook 2.0 but recently i have notice that my trackpad dosent really workS sometimes it wont click when i do it or when i try to drag a windows i have to press it really hard and if i try to drag it only one finger its really hard what should i do?
My late 2008 MBP has been experiencing random times where I have to press down really hard (on glass) to get it to click. Obviously hardware related. It makes the "click" noise, but doesn't click on the OS. If I push harder, it picks up a click, but if I let off any pressure, it releases, while still pressed before it "clicks" back to normal. I'm going to keep using it until it's no longer random because I believe I'll have a hard time convincing Apple to fix a trackpad that is currently working perfectly at the repair center. I don't really care that much right now because I'm mainly on OSX, where tap-to-click works (unlike Windows... which only kind of works)
I got my Macbook Pro a couple of months ago, but lately I have had problems with the trackpad. There are times when I try clicking using tap and clicking by pressing down and get no response. Any possible reason for this?
I am the owner of an Aluminum Macbook from '08, and I haven't had any issues with my Macbook until recently. I've found that recently, my trackpad has become less and less responsive to clicking and dragging, and it actually got to a point where it would not respond at all (had to hook up a wired mouse). The actual movement of the cursor and multi-finger gestures work perfectly fine though. Has anyone else had this issue? I just wanted to get a general idea before I call up Applecare. Nothing has been spilt on Macbook.
For people to start getting use to not having a button with the track pad and only learn to use multitouch like how it is on iphone?I realize now that i turn on trackpad clicking that i just about NEVER use my think click button. Also the click button is so small i'm thinking they did it on purpose so it'll force us to use multitouch.
The whole typing level surface (track-pad, palmrests, keyboard) are all acting like they're the trackpad button. If I rest my palms on the palmrest, it's registered as a click. If I press the keys any harder than super lightly as I type, it's a click. The issue is much worse when my laptop is on my lap as opposed to a hard flat surface. Sometimes, I seem to lose total control. I'll be using the trackpad to navigate around my monitor, and it will act as though I'm constantly clicking (following links, dragging icons around, etc). It's getting REALLY irritating. I know I'll most likely end up having to make the journey to the Apple Store, but I thought I'd try here first just to see if anyone at least has an idea of what could be causing this.
title says it all really. Every time I touch, even lightly the button below the trackpad I get a double click. It's making it impossible to highlight text and windows automatically go into the dock if I try to move them. Is it something serious or could I just try and fix it by dismantling and cleaning it? I'd rather not take it apart, to be honest.
Well my Macbook Pro makes a loud "sticky" sorta noise when I click on the edges of it, and you can really hear it when i click outside the trackpad on the actual frame. Its quite annoying, and I just bought the new 13" Macbook Pro and this does not make this noise. [URL]
Whenever I tap the right side of the trackpad to move the cursor or scroll, it makes this annoying clicking noise. It doesn't do this on the left side, only the right. Is there something that needs to be tightened? Can I do this myself or do I have to bring it in to an Apple store?
Since I have done a disk repair (only change I can think of that may have had an impact) my Apple Magic Trackpad now randomly acts as though there is a "left click" being passed through. Sometimes it gets "stuck" in this left click mode. I've tried turning off single tap for left click in System Preferences, but to no avail.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27", 3GHz, 8GB, 1TB
I just bought a refurbished Macbook Pro and after less than a week, I've just started detecting a sort of soft clicking noise when my palms make soft contact with the area near the trackpad. It's not the trackpad clicking, which is a distinct noise.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
My MacBook Pro is running hot. The Apple store ran tests overnight and said it is above average. Their suggestion was to send it to the Service Depot and for $310 plus tax anything out of spec will be replaced. Basically sounds like a good deal but I can't give up the machine for the 3-5 days it takes. I typically have many things open, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Calendar, Mail, Safari and have multiple things open in each. Would reducing that number have any impact on the heat being generated?Â
I don't know when started to happen, but when I open a window of Finder, and click in the left sidebar to see what is in Desktop, it didn't show in the right panel, it open a Terminal window. If I click Applications, or Music, it works good, but not with Desktop. I already installed Lion again 3 times, but when restoring from Time Machine, it starts to doing that.
Sometimes I simply cannot open a new finder window. If I use Command-N or if I choose New Finder Window in the Finder menu, nothing happens. If I am using Command-N, I can see the File heading in the Finder menu bar highlighting, and then after a few seconds the highlight goes, but no window opens. Also, clicking on my Downloads icon in the dock, the dialog opens showing all the files, but if I then click on Open in Finder, the dialog closes but nothing happens. Now that I am writing this message, it all works again! That's what I mean by 'sometimes'. This issue can last for tens of minutes. Secndly, and this is still a problem, my finder Preferences do not stick. So for instance, I don't want to see an icon for my hard disk on the desktop, so I untick this in Finder preferences. The icon disappears. If I now re-start, then it comes back. The same happens for removing the empty trash warning and all of the other Finder Preference tick boxes.Â
Now, when the first problem of not being able to open a finder window suddenly stopped being a problem, the icon for the hard disk suddenly appeared on my desktop. So the two issues are linked. This has been going on intermittently for a few days. I have verified my disk, and repaired permissions.
Is it possible to disable the "clicking and cursor" aspect of the Pad and only use it for scrolling and gestures? I would want to use it for my left hand while still having my mouse act as my cursor and clicking device in my right. I just wouldn't want the two to interfere.
I have a problem that when selecting a file that is either an attachment in email or is in my finder, double clicking on it fails to load the associated application successfully. For example, selecting a pdf file results in the pdf reader logo appearing on the lower bar on the screen, bounces up and down as if it is doing something, but just continues to bounce. I have to force quit it, then go to my application folder to load reader directly, and from within the reader I can then go and select the file. This isn't an application specific issue (It does it with Excel, Word etc).Â
It only started recently. I'm using a MBP summer 2010 with Mavericks 10.9.4. Everything else seems to work.Â