OS X V10.7 Lion :: Find The Startup Items?
Apr 17, 2012I just received this message: to open outlook, first delete the daemon from the startup items. How do I find the startup items?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just received this message: to open outlook, first delete the daemon from the startup items. How do I find the startup items?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How to "delete daemon from startup items"??
Mac OS X (10.7)
My own account login items list in my systems preferences window is limited to one item- an istat menus helper app. But my mac hd/library/StartupItems folder contains two items that I don't recognize and don't think have much to do with starting up the computer. One is a Qmaster folder and another is named RDUSB00A3Startup. Each folder contains a few items, including a unix executable file and a plist file. My mac hd/system/library/StartupItems folder is empty. Can anyone please advise on whether the items in my mac hd/library/StartupItems folder are necessary and if deleting them could affect my computer? I don't use Qmaster and have no idea what the RDUSB00A3Startup folder is for.
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Looking at the login items under my admin account all that is listed is 'itunes helper'.
Are there any non essential bootup items that I can safely remove?
When I trash items on my boot drive, they appear in the trash. But I can't find items trashed from my secondary internal drives.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I recently installed a major update to Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac, and, now, I cannot open Outlook because I get this message each time.how to do this?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
not under account settings. a bunch full of deamons (little snitch, crossover cd helper,like that)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't usually turn off my MB, only when I need to bring to school then it's off. Well, when turn it back on, the items on desktop are not in the same place, I have to rearrange them. Preferences are set.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I boot my MacBook Air I get this message, twice.Insecure Startup Item disabled
/Library/StartupItems/Intego Backup Assistant” has not been started because it does not have the proper security settings.How do I disable these messages? Intego is no longer needed and most files have been deleted.
How do I remove startup items to speed up my boot up in OSX 10.7.4?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I want to speed up my boot up.
I'm sure many of you know how using bootcamp can cause slow startups when switching OS's because it has no cache to use. For example I'll be in Windows and then need to swap back over to Leopard to get something done, but it takes forever. The worst part is the list of login items... I've tried using scripts to separate them by 10 seconds or so, but nothing really made it faster. I was wondering if it was possible to login but cancel or disable the startup items for that login that one time... Sometimes I just need to login to grab something off the internet or something quick, but it takes me awhile because I have to wait for everything to load.
Do I make any sense? :P
And no, safe startup mode does not count. I don't want to disable the entire system... just the login items.
I just deleted the "Startup Items" folder by accident, it's found in the "Library" folder. How do I fix this??
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan't download updates because there are too many things on my start up disk. Where do I find my start up disk and how can I delete unwanted items w/o losing my important ones?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
For the reason my downloads say startup disk is Full. I can't download or clear STARTUP DISK??
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Safari
i keep getting an error message at start up that I have too many files - how do i delete them
MacBook Pro
Does anyone know how to remove 360 Controller Driver Daemon from the Startup Items on an iMac?I downloaded this so I could use an Xbox 360 wireless controller for Onlive but since downloading this I get a conflicting driver error when I load up Onlive.I thought I'd deleted this from my mac but I can still see this sitting in System Information/ Software/ Startup Items but I can't remove from here. It does not display in my System Preferences to allow me to remove from the Startup Items?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.0.1
I've had my Macbook for a couple years. I'm not someone who downloads a ton of stuff, but I suspect that my sluggish performance is due to the many startup items I have.Using iBoost, I've identified many, and know where they are, but I don't know which ones are necessary. [code]
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I use Google's Google Play and I made the mistake of Downloading my Library from the Google play Music Manager in my (early 2011) MacBook Pro's System Preferences after I already had my music library in iTunes so now I have a duplicate of every single song and not sure how to delete them. I tried using the the advice offered on here where I sort all music based on DATE but every song has the same date and about the same time so that won't work for me. Other then downloading a paid program I'm not sure what my options here are. That being said, let me know if anyone know what options other then paying for a program to do this for me or worse... having me click on every single duplicate song individually until I finish?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Not sure how the duplicate songs were created in my iTunes on my iPad, but I am looking for a way to select all the duplicates and delete them.
iPad (3rd gen) Wi-Fi, iOS 5.1.1
I started using Aperture only a few days ago, my initial objective being to print a book. Unable to find the "Add selected items to new book" checkbox.
iPad 2
I need your help please. It all started when I was trying to install Windows XP under Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro (Leopard). I followed the manual and made the partition for Windows (32GB), but when I inserted Windows XP Install CD and had to choose partition to install it on, there was just one that seemed to be my Leopard startup disc (it had some 120GB). I did not know what to do, so I just left the installation process and the notebook restarted. When it loaded, it was trying to boot from the Windows CD so I tried to install it, but same problem appeared -> restart. I tried to load Leopard by holding Option key while loading, but only options for windows and windows cd appeared, no Leopard -> Shut down. While booting, I force-ejected the CD by holding down trackpad button -> blinking underscore on black screen appeared. I shut the MBP down by holding power button and inserted Leopard Install CD. When it loaded, I booted from the CD by holding Option key. This time I was ready to even re-install Leopard just to make it work but when I had to chose the harddisk to install Leopard on, there was none. It seems to me that somehow nobody can see the harddisk and I have no idea what to do with it.
View 1 Replies View Relatedto make a long story short, my first gen 17" G4 PB had its trackpad/power button cable severed a year ago, forcing me to remove the battery and memory door each time I need to start up. It's been kernel panicking a lot in the last few months, but always restarts fine. Tonight, on startup, it could not find the HD, and the logo shifted from happy mac to question mark and back. Is my HD toast? I know the comp is totally doomed and will be getting a new MBP when they come out (if they come out...), but I had wanted to keep the Powerbook in order to do a firewire transfer of files to the new MBP I get. Can this be fixed? Can the HD be mounted in an enclosure?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy iBook G4 (see sig below) has an intermittent problem. It usually sits on my desk, plugged into the power adaptor, always on. The only time I ever do a shutdown is when I'm taking it with me to the airport. Here's where the problem happens -- WHEN it happens. I start it up and one of two things happens:
1. I get the old question mark disk icon, or
2. I get a plain grey screen
Sometimes, if I do a manual force reboot (cmd-ctrl-power) several times in a row, it will finally boot correctly. The lovely grey Apple logo shows up, and all is well.Other times, when that fails, I boot from a DiskWarrior CD. Sometimes it can't see the internal HD. Other times it sees it, and when I run DW, it does find errors to fix. Yet other times, DW sees it, and finds NO errors.
When the iBook is working, the internal HD's SMART status shows as Good.So, whatup with this? Is the drive actually going bad (SMART status notwithstanding), or is it maybe the controller or some other logic board component? I could chuck the iBook and get a nice new MacBook, but this 2004 antique still suits my needs.
P.S. BTW, the internal HD backs up to an external FW drive daily, so there will be minimum heartache if/when the thing totally bites it.
what shows on screen at startup when using find my mac if owner locks it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have tried booting it up from the startup disk and when it tries to find the harddrive to install on it takes a long time to find it then the icon disappears off the screen and I can't select anything
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.7)
My August 2007 MacBook runs OSX 10.4.10. It has performed flawlessly since my daughter bought it in 2007, and perfectly after I purchased it from her last september. The other night I was surfing the web while flying on a commercial airliner. (GoGoNet or something similar) Performance was kind of slow but I attributed that to the in-air wifi, which I had never used before. Then the browser started to hang with the spinning pinwheel. Option apple escape WOULD NOT force quit safari. After a few shutdowns using only the power button, the mac hung up on startup. I hear the chime, see the apple icon, the gear turns but it never goes past that point. It may be significant that the plane was flying through scary turbulence when my problems began.
When I boot up using the mac install disk 1, I can get it to start cleanly using the C key, the D key and NO keys. But when I run the hardware diagnostic, both short and long test, the mac comes up 100% clean. But i cannot see any test for the hard drive. When I try to run disk utility, the colored pinwheel arrives and it never goes away. When I go down the road of re-installing the system software, I cannot see the target drive.
When I put my ear on the deck, just to the right of the track-pad, I can hear the hard drive quietly spinning away with regular - not random - clicks.
I see that Apple is quietly replacing these hard-drives, but the affected computers seem to have a folder/question mark on the desktop on startup, not the apple/spinning gear.
I really would like to be able to recover my photos and some files if the hard drive is going to be swapped. But I am resigned to the situation that these un-backed-up files will be forever lost.
Any time I try to remove an icon from the dock or an item from the login items and then logout/restart they come right back. It's like OS X is remembering my last login and then just duplicating it. I can't get it to keep it the settings I give it. Google and a quick search of the forums gave me nothing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the sent items to show who I sent the email to? Right now it lists the "from" (me). It basically has my name over and over and over again. Makes it difficult to speed through and find an email.I've gone through the settings and such but didn't find an obvious check box - did I miss something?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Iv'e set up a Mail account and for some reasons the Sent and received items are going in the opposite folders?
Anyone any insight into what could be happening?
How do I remove icons for applications from the Lion dock? I have a new iMac and can't use the normal drag and remove "poof" or add by dragging from applications folder.
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