OS X V10.7 Lion :: Changed ISP And Changes POP & SMPT Accounts But Old Inbox Disappeared?
May 31, 2012
I recently changed ISP and changes POP & SMPT accounts for new provider. Shortly after, my old inbox disappeared. I tried using time machine to recover, but was not successful.I didn't delete the mailbox, so can anyone tell me where I can locate this folder???Â
For some unknown reason, all my iCloud Mails that were in my inbox on my iMac, my iPhone, my iPad have disappeared without me actually deleting them. When checking on icloud.com the mails are not there neither. How can this happen all sudden? All my Mails in the Sent Folder are still there. I am using the latest software on all my devices.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion, 2.4GhZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB, 1TB
I am not sure how it happened but after upgrading the gmail account, the user accounts were changed from standard users to Mobile Me users. None of the users has ever had that type of account, and I am trying to figure out how to get it back to a standard user account. When the user attempts to log in, it asks for the user name, but also the Mobile Me user name (which they do not have). to make it worse, Mobile Me is no longer accpting new users, so I annot just add an account and log in using the new info.
All of my iMail accounts/mailboxes disappeared overnight (two nights ago). I did not delete the accounts/mailboxes, nor was anyone else using this computer (a MacBook Pro). Did make one change before this happened: I setup a LogIn Password. Running OSX 10.8.5 Mountain Lion. Time Machine not setup (so no backup). Using iCloud but not for Mail.
After re-installing Lion, my login accounts disappeared.I can only see the Guest account.However, when I boot with Windows, I can see the directories of my accounts.Currently, I can't login Mac OS.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7)
45 minutes ago I went to check my mail on my computer and my inbox is empty! There was mail in it an hour ago, and then it just disappeared. I didn't change or move anything, the inbox was just empty. I then checked my sent box and all my sent emails were there, checked back 5 minutes later and their gone! The emails in my deleted and junk folders are still there. I checked online through icloud.com and Inbox and sent mail are empty there too, as well as my phone.Â
I say again, I didn't delete, move or change anything in my mail, it was there and then it was gone. Where did my mail go? I am running a intel Mac Pro tower with Lion 10.7.2 and a iphone 4 with IOS 5.1
I recently decided to download a vast amount of email from by email service provider (Verizon) to Mail. But now, when I get into email, 99% of the emails have disappeared. I don't have time machine backup or archival turned on.Â
For the second time in less than a month, all my older than 1 week emails disappeared from the inbox. The ones from Sent or from my "On My Mac" folders are still there, but the Inbox has only 20 or so emails. I have an IMAP account that worked great so far.Â
I've got really odd behavior in my Mail application running on a MacBook Pro 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 4GB RAM OS X 10.7.3. I have several email accounts. In one of them, "X," some emails don't show up in the account Inbox even though they are present in the overall Inbox marked as "Inbox - X"! Also, when I set up a Smart Mailbox with as criterion that the sender is "Y," the sender of one of these "missing" emails, those emails don't show in the Smart Mailbox. What's going on here? It screws up my email management as I can't be sure my Smart Mailboxes and folders contain all that they're supposed to.
Somehow all the accounts on my computer automatically changed to standard. The mac website said that this can happen after an upgrade and to fix it run the "reset password" utility from the install disc. I am using a school computer so I don't know where a mac os disk is. I am using OSX 10.5.8. I also don't know the root password.
I tried this to fix it : [URL] but the account I created was also set to standard. Is there any way to fix this without the install disc?
I also tried this but it hung after starting SystemStarter: [URL]
I think i may have two iCloud accounts as i changed my apple id, I don't seem to be able to access the other. How can i see my documents in the cloud .
Today, I can not get any mail from my mail accounts becaue no accounts are listed. I migrated to iCloud, but it didn't do any good. Mail.app is now useless and I have no way to send or receive email.
On sunday my dad and I bought the brand new 24" iMac, it is a great machine. However today when I went to login, all of the user accounts had disappeared and was replaced with "other...". When you click on it, it will ask you to type in your username and password but no matter what you type it will never let me on. I heard you can do this using terminal a while back, by hiding user accounts. However nobody here has done this, and as everybody else's account does not work it, so it raises some suspicions. My mom immediately thought we had been hacked, which I refuse to believe but it still is possible. We were using the beta of Safari and my sister had been using google images to find wallpapers. I downloaded Quicksilver, Adium, and Amua. That is it. We booted into single user mode and all accounts are there.
I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail (outlook.com) in conjuction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on outlook.com will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on outlook.com to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. BTW, we're allowed 25 gigs on outlook.com so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.
Mail does not show some new emails in the Inbox, but they are visible in that email's folder below. This only started happening recently, I tried removing and re-adding the account but no good. See screenshot, Gmail account for reference:
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I delete a large batch of emails from my inbox, empty the trash, and the deleted emails reappear in the inbox. This happens repeatedly. How do I get rid of these emails permanently?
In the OS7 Mail Inbox window, along the top of the message section with from and date and subject, there is a little box with two opposing arrows. What is this for?
I have 4 email addresses. Messages for one of the addresses comes in via the wrong inbox and I dont know why. I have 4 inboxes displaying in the left hand (mailbox) pane, under inboxes, but only 3 seem to be working properly. I have only 3 accounts displayed in the left hand pane under the inboxes. I do however receive messages, and am able to send, from all four addresses. I need to separate out the accounts and get the fourth account in the mailbox pane, but dont know how. I cant see any obvious settings that appear wrong. 2 of the addresses are gmail, 1 is a @me address and the problem one is an external address. Mail v5.2 (1257)Mac OSX v 10.7.3
Imported mail not showing up. I have a few mbox files that, though show successful and imported, don't show up in my inbox. Stopping and starting Mail.app has no effect. Tried this on two different Lion machines.
How can I scroll to the top of the Mail inbox with a shortcut? Instead of endless finger swishing or clicking and scrolling the scrollbar. Using a MBP.
I setup my macbook air 11" with a folder within the inbox in Apple mail. I set up a rule so that any email with a certain address [URL] went into that folder. However all my mail went into that folder for that particular email address.Â
Here this adds to my problem:Â
Having had issues I exchanged my 11" air for a 13" and apple moved everything across. The mail coming in from [URL] etc is still going into the folder but so is everything else for that mailbox - however when I go to preference > Rules there is only one listed called Apple (a default I think)Â
So how can I get my mail going back to the main inbox an then segregating the mail for the info@ into the networking folder? I am using Lion 10.7.4 13" air 1.8ghz intel core i7
I upgraded to Mac OS X 10.7.4 from 10.7.3 recently. Around the same time (shortly afterward, anyway), I started having a new problem.As of a few days ago, one of my Gmail accounts has stopped downloading the Inbox. I can log into the Gmail web site with that Gmail account and it shows the latest mail, but it does not show up in Apple Mail. I have done these steps:Â
1. Get New Mail
2. Synchronize account
3. Disable and re-enable the account in Preferences
4. Checked the account shows up in the Activity window when I do these things
5. Quit and restarted mail
6. Took the account offline and online
7. Checked Connection Doctor
8. One other thing I can't remember what it's called, but it opens another window with a selector for all the accounts at the top and lets you look at various things
9. I can send mail successfully with that Gmail accountÂ
All my other Gmail accounts (3-4 others) seem to be working fine, but of course the one that's broken is the one I use most often. The mail is showing up fine on my iPad and iPhone as well, so it's just Apple Mail that is "messing up."Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Aperture 3.2.3
Some of my mail is not showing up in my inbox on my Mac but came through on my phone. Am using imap so it should not have deleted from the server...and I have never have had this problem before.Â
It seems to be working again now, but there are 5 or so emails that just will not come through to my Mac inbox even though I can see them in the inbox on my phone...important work emails....concerned this may happen again and something will slip through the net.Â
It is possible to use the IMAP INBOX folder for sent emails in Mail.app? I configured Thunderbird on my Linux Machine like that, it is very useful to have this conversational view! Is it somehow possible to do that on MAC too?
Info: MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)