OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Isn't IMac Transferring Files Over Network At Wireless-n Speeds
Jun 2, 2012
First of all here's my setup: 30d/4u Charter internet coming in through my Linksys modem, from there to port 1 of my 2006 Intel Xserve running NAT and DHCP, out from port 2 of the Xserve into my AirPort Extreme running in Bridge Mode, and then out to my other devices.
My AirPort setup is as follows: Internet tab-DHCP, address set by Xserve; Wireless tab-Create a wireless network, WPA/WPA 2 Personal; Wireless Options...-5 GHz network name is not checked, Radio mode is set to 802.11a/n-802.11b/g/n (Automatic), both 2.4 and 5 GHz channels are set to Automatic; Network tab-Off (Bridge Mode).
I am transferring 100+ GB of data across the network to my Xserve, but it is only Xferring at 5.5 MB/s, or around 44 Mbps, which isn't even at wireless-g speeds. My iMac is the Mid 2010 27" BTO w/ 2.93 i7 and 8 GB of RAM. It is also wireless-n compatible.The Xserve is wired and they have had gigabit NICs since the G5s.
Things I've tried: In Wireless Options... I tried turning Radio Mode to 802.11a/n-802.11b/g and leaving 5 GHz network name unchecked, but the speeds were down in the 2 MB/s range. Again in Wireless Options... I checked the box for 5 GHz network name, and left Radio Mode in Auto, joined the 5 GHz network on my iMac, tried again, but again only 2 MB/s or less. In Wireless Options... again, I checked the 5 GHz network name box, and set Radio Mode to a/n-b/g, but ocne again, it ran at 2 MB/s or less. The AirPort Extreme is model A1354, which is obviously 802.11n compatible, and the iMac is also 802.11n compatible.
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Feb 25, 2008
I need a little help with transferring files between my MacBook and my iMac on my wireless network. I'm using an AEBS (the newest one, just got it last week) and both computers connect to it through their AirPort cards. After fooling with my router for about 30 minutes after I got it I was finally able to connect to the internet, and after about 6 more hours I was able to wirelessly print so yea, I am pretty much a noob when it comes to wireless networking.
So my question now is, what is the easiest way to transfer files between my two Macs on my wireless network? I've tried copying files into my "Public" folder on one Mac and then accessing it on the other and that works fine sometimes but it's too time consuming and file permissions are killing me! Do I have to set the permissions on each individual file or folder so that all users can read and write to them when I transfer them? And better yet, can one Mac ONLY access the files in the "Public" folder of another?
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Apr 18, 2009
How long does it take for you to copy about 12GB wirelessly over a N network to a NAS attached to your router? For me (Granted its over G because I don't have a N card), it takes close to 5 hours for 12GB :O. Is it supposed to take that long or what?
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Jun 29, 2012
I have an older imac running Lion 10.7.4.My router is a Time Capsule running 7.6.1. Yesterday my imac randomly disconnected from wifi and hasn't been able to reconnect since.When I click the wifi icon no networks show up in the list; it simply shows a greyed out "No Network My iphone and laptop each show 5 networks in the area including my own, the imac shows none.I even set my iphone up as a pesonal hotspot to see if the SSID would show up - it I tried putting my network name in manually through "join other network"- nothing. I have reset the computer and router several times each As far as my imac is concerned there are no wireless signals available.
So here's the odd part, I assume the wifi card has just died and haul my imac into the nearby apple authorized repair center. The guy plugs it in and it works no problem - shows the store's network and another one nearby and connects right away. The guy ran one or two quick tests but everything's working fine. I bring it home, the problem comes right back - can't see any of the wireless networks.Works fine through ethernet.
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Jun 4, 2012
When I arrive at my office and turn on my MB Air, it does not always connect to my wireless network, it sometimes connects to an un-secured wireless network locaterd somewhere else in the building. Is there a way to force Lion to always connect to a specfic network and ignore others?
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Jul 31, 2009
I just got an AirPort Extreme BS (Older one from a friend) and want to transfer files from my G5 iMac to my Intel iMac. Can someone run me through the basic steps? I'm new to this personal network thing.
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Nov 26, 2010
I have the 27" inch quad core i7 imac I just got a few days ago. Some reason for certain things like d/ling the vlc players its taking a few minutes to d/l a 24 meg file. With this type of computer, it should take like 3 seconds to d/l a small file like that. I have a fast internet connection, don't understand why that's happening.
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May 3, 2012
OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM
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May 3, 2012
Have a new (for me) iMac and need to transfer all 10.4 files including mail, etc.from an older iMac to my newer one whioch is running 10.6.
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Sep 8, 2010
I just ordered my first iMac. (27" i7). When it arrives, I would like to transfer a few gigs (15-20) of data from my early '08 15" MBP to it. I won't be doing the whole Apple wizard transfer thing, as I only want a few folders, not all of my settings.
What would be the best way to transfer these files? I'm thinking firewire. My MBP has both the 400 and 800 port. Would this work well? How about ethernet?
I would like to order from Monoprice, as I still have a $40 store credit. Will this 800/800 cable work with both machines? I get so confused with all of the different cables they have.
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Mar 14, 2009
I have a Power Mac 8600 OS 8.1 and would like to transfer files to a New Imac OS 10.5.6.
The 8600 has a built in 100 zip drive. I was thinking of buying a used Iomega 100 mg external zip to use on my Imac to transfer the files via the removable disks. Will this work?
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Jun 4, 2009
I recently moved my WD 1Tb HD from my PC to my iMac which recognised it and it's files at once. However when I try to move any files from my iMac to the external drive, I get the following message:The item � � could not be moved because �WD My Book� cannot be modified.I have no idea what this means (I'm a relative Newbie to Mac) can anyone help me?
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Mar 22, 2010
Do I need a special cord to transfer large files from one mac to another? Examples pictures etc... Can I just plug usb between the two and go? I really do not want to burn DVD or transfer to external HD....
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Dec 28, 2010
I'm buying a new 21.5 inch iMac tomorrow, and I want to transfer all of my files (.mp3's, .avi's, wallpapers, etc.) from my macbook via firewire.
The problem is that the iMac has a firewire 800 port, and the macbook has a firewire 400 port. If I buy a firewire 400 cable, will it work on the iMac?
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Oct 15, 2009
My previous computer was an HP Pavilion laptop, in which died on me few months ago. The graphics card died and it was built into the motherboard, so I had to replace the whole motherboard. A) Money wise it wasn't worthed B) It was 2 years old.
Now the laptop still works, just doesn't show anything on the screen, but in the background its actually working. So the files from the hard drive are still there. The only way I used to get the screen viewable was by connecting my laptop to another monitor and go into safe mode. The laptop has 2 hard drives. And the files weren't on the primary but on the secondary built-in hard drive. The operating system I was using was Windows Vista.
I've just bought a new iMac, and wish to try find a way were I can transfer the files into my iMac.
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Aug 23, 2014
My new mac has pages, numbers & keynote. Do I still need to buy Office, in order to transfer my word & excel files? I would be fine trying out the apple versions, but I don't think iMac will transfer the files unless I install Office. Is there maybe a slick way to change the file extensions prior to transfer? I am trying to transfer, by the way, from my files backed up on Carbonite.
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Mar 8, 2009
I searched but couldn't find anything about this. I'm fairly new setting up networks. I have an AEBS with wireless N (NOT the new one which would solve my problem). I also have a Belkin wireless G router. I would like to set up a network where my new macbook can take advantage of the wireless N speed and not be slowed by my wireless G devices.
Current setup:
iMac (early 2006) wired to AEBS (G speed max if wireless)
iphone 3G wireless (G)
PS3 wireless (G)
Macbook wireless (N capable)
Is there a way to setup my AEBS so only the macbook sees it so it gets full wireless N speeds then use the Belkin G router for the other devices?
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Jun 11, 2010
I have a friend that has an iMac (I have a Mac Pro so no Airport) and I couldn't get it to create a wireless network (he just got an iPad). When I turn Airpot on it see other wireless networks and will even join them so it's working. However when I try to create one it just says something like "Unable to create Wireless Network" and gives no reason or code as to why. I've tried with/without Password and auto/manual on different channels with the same (non) results. He has just passed phone support time and don't want to spend $49.95 for phone support (you can buy a wireless accesses point cheaper). Being a 24" it's a lot of trouble to lug to the Apple store also.
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Dec 15, 2010
I've recently bought a mac mini (newest revision) and I noticed that it's wireless card is a lot better at retaining high speeds (especially at 5ghz spectrum). Is there a pci-e wireless card that I could pop into the MP that's better?
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Feb 19, 2010
I just got my first Mac last week and I love it to death except for one thing. I can only get D/L speeds of about .7 - 1mbps wirelessly on my Linksys N router but my PC gets the full "advertised speed" (about 5.8) on wireless. This is very annoying and I have no idea what it could be. I don't really know what it does but I did some research and some people in other places recommended clearing the cache and I did. Nothing works, no reboots, no unpluggs, nothing.
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Jun 19, 2010
Got a question for all you people experienced with wireless LAN transfers over a 5GHz 802.11n network. I just got myself a new AirPort Extreme and a 2TB hard drive. I'm planning on using this 2TB hard drive as a media server, but only for one stationary MacBook that I have hooked up in the living room. Here's my problem: If I plug the hard drive directly into the AirPort Extreme and transfer something from my iMac in my bedroom, the speeds are fantastic. I definitely see the 5GHz speed bump, and can transfer a 4GB file in just a few minutes. However, since the MacBook isn't that powerful, streaming a movie over WiFi seems to skip the playback a bit.
I would love to have the server plugged into the MacBook to avoid this skipping. I've tried playing a movie off a USB drive and it plays perfectly fine. However, when I transfer a movie from my iMac to the hard drive hooked up to the MacBook, the transfer speed is much, much slower (what would normally take a few minutes takes about 15). Why is it doing this? Is this normal, or should the transfer speed be theoretically the same as if the drive were plugged into the AirPort? I double checked that this MacBook is in fact connected to the 5GHz network (although it's at 270mbps instead of 300, but I don't think that should make that big of a difference).
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Sep 24, 2009
I have a 1T time capsule. Right now my time capsule is connected to a modem/router from which i get my internet connection. But i wanted to connect my time capsule with a modem to get rid of the router(waste of space,small apartment). But from what i've read it seems that time capsule is awful when it comes to internet.
So what do you thing? Should i do it or not?Don't know if this is important but i have a 8mbps internet connection.
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Sep 5, 2010
I've just found my old G4, I'm now trying to connect it to the network (wireless).
It finds the router, I then connect, it asks for the key, enter wireless key, click connect.
I then receive the following message: The password you entered is not correct for the Airport Network "Netgear".
The password is correct, any ideas?
Running Mac OS X 10.3.9
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Dec 11, 2007
I am trying to connect my new iMac (Leopard OS) to a PC running Windows XP Home Edition using the wireless router. I have the PC connected to the internet via modem/router (supplied by Aliant, the SpeedStream 6520). I have been able to "get on" the internet with iMac using the wireless router. However, I can't get the PC and iMac to connect together over the wireless router inorder to share files etc. On the PC side:
1) I disabled the Windows firewall
2) have set up and named a sharing folder
3) have set up a "work group" name
4) believe I have the correct user name and password
5) not sure about the "network" name, (?SSID) information.
6) have a # with several periods in it that I don't know if this is the computer ID, IP address, or one of the above items, or if they are all one and the same.
On the iMac side:
1) have the IP address of the iMac
2) I have tried "connect to server" but am unable
3) I have never been able to see a "shared" section on the left side of the finder screen.
I have read the thread by "edesignuk". However I did not "put your mac in the same workgroup as your windows PC" as I couldn't find the correct screens on the iMac, and also in phone discussion with Apple help they said they had never done that and advised against it!
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Feb 21, 2009
So a friend of mine just bought an iMac and is trying to use it on her wireless network. Before the iMac was bought she could use the wireless network I. Her house fine but since the iMac got hooked up the computers can't be online at the same time.
If the MacBook is on and the iMac is off the Internet works on the MacBook and vice versa. Is there anyway a firewall is preventing both computers from connecting to the same wireless network? If so, is there anything you can do to help me out to get them both working properly?A netgear router that was provided by time warner is being used and I'm not sure if y'all need anymore information than that.
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Nov 21, 2009
Just got new Samsung TV which (with a dongle) has wireless capability. However, the SW supplied is for Windows only. Can anyone recommend a program for iMac to allow video streaming via my wireless network to the TV.
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Apr 9, 2012
my imac keeps on dropping out of the wireless network, when hardwired i have no problem. I also have a laptop,printer and ipod, all of which work fine.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 31, 2012
I'm transferring files from my MacBook Pro to the new iMac. I decide to use the Migration Assistant and proceed to connect both machines using the USB port. All looked nice in the beginning and the bar tab status started to fulfill indicate the advance and hours to finish. Since yesterday in both screens indicate "3 hours and 53 minutes remaining" and don't go forward. Looks like the process freeze.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 1, 2010
So I've been using a 1TB Time Capsule for a while now with my old HP and recently purchased a MacPro [15 inch base model]. My room mate has a recent model Macbook as well as an older iMac. We have a 50MBPS internet connection through our local ISP. More or less I am looking for advice on how to make sure our network is:
1. Secure.
2. Faster transfer speeds between all of our computers to and from the Time Capsule. [Where to find / adjust / optimize these settings]
3. Utilize our internet connection to it's fullest potential.
I am mostly concerned with my machine [optimizing it that is.] then the rest of the computers in the house. Go slow and use medium sized words as I am still wading into the world of Mac.
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May 2, 2012
Our two computers running Leopard can transfer files across our home network to all other computers with no problems, and can grab files from other computers with no problems. Our new iMac Lion can't do any of that. The long: We have recently purchased a new iMac (Lion 10.7.3), and have connected our old 2006 iMac (Leopard 10.5.8) to the TV and stereo (and directly to our B/G/N Airport Extreme) for use primarily as a media server. We also have an MBP (Leopard 10.5.8). All three computers are shared on a home network, and I believe I have set up the sharing and permissions correctly.
From both Leopard computers I can transfer files back and forth, as well as access files on the other and bring them over. Additonally, from both Leopard computers I can do the same while accessing the iMac Lion- either transfer files to it, or connect to it and bring files over. This is what leads me to believe that the sharing is set up correctly. However, when I am on the iMac Lion and try to do any of these processes with either of the Leopards, I get a confusing set of steps and ultimately, failure.
First, I when I try to transfer or copy a file I get a window asking: Finder wants to make changes. type your password to allow this. It automatically fills in the admin username for the iMac Lion. While it is waiting for me to enter the password, a progress bar pops up stating that it is "Preparing to copy to "(Location)", and then I enter the password. As soon as I enter the password, a new window tells me that: A newer item named “(filename here)” already exists in this location. Do you want to replace it with the older one you’re moving? (note- this 'file' has just been created, it is the 'newer item', and it contains zero kb of information). and gives me three options: Keep both files, Stop, or Replace If I choose Keep both files it immediately begins duplicating the empty version of the file and it will make thousands of duplicates in mere seconds. I must kill Finder in order to make it stop.
If I choose Stop the process simply quits. If I choose Replace it says The operation can’t be completed because an item with the name “” already exists. (the quotation marks are exactly like that with no filename inbetween). Summary: I am at a loss as to how to proceed. I cannot seem to find why the iMac Lion cannot do anything to the Leopards, while the Leopards seem to have full abilities, even with the Lion. I have tried turning off AFP and turning on SMB to no avail. It is incredibly helpful to be able to share files between our systems, as the iMac Leopard has PPC programs that I cannot install or run on Lion, and so I keep them around in case I need them. Plus, my wife uses the MBP Leopard for specialized research and many of the programs they use do not run with Lion.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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