Mac Pro :: Wireless Card - Retaining High Speeds

Dec 15, 2010

I've recently bought a mac mini (newest revision) and I noticed that it's wireless card is a lot better at retaining high speeds (especially at 5ghz spectrum). Is there a pci-e wireless card that I could pop into the MP that's better?

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PowerPC :: Unusually High Fan Speeds On Reboot In G5

Jun 30, 2007

So today I got back to the house, to find my iMac had turned itself off somehow in the hour that I was away, and when I went to reboot it, it turned on like normal, but the fans began blaring very loudly. When I checked out the speeds in iStatpro, the hard drive fan was going at about 3700rpm and the optical drive fan was around 2900. The fans normalized shortly thereafter, but I don't know if this is cause for concern, or just a little random kink.

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OS X :: High Fan Speeds While Watching YouTube Videos?

Sep 14, 2009

So what exactly affects fanspeeds? Heat, yes, but should my MBP (early 08) be heating up so much from watching Youtube videos, maybe it's just the widescreen ones? I do have other apps running though.

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Intel Mac :: Fans Run Almost Constantly At High Speeds

Mar 20, 2012

The fans on my 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 imac run almost constantly and at high speeds. I have reset the SMC, fixed permission, and tested the disk. Also, I downloaded SMC Fan Control. Here are my current readings will the fans are blasting:

ODD: 994
HDD: 5577
CPU: 1200
Temp: 44C

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: High Exhaust Fan Speeds For No Apparent Reason

May 16, 2010

I have had my MacBook for 3 years and it has run great. Recently I have noticed that my exhaust fan has been hovering around 6000 RPM for no apparent reason. When I took that screen shot I only had Safari Open. Here's the vitals on my Mac..

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IMac :: Temperature And Fan Speeds High - Need Newer Upgrades?

Feb 8, 2010

I just recently bought an imac computer and my two friends who know a lot about apple computers thought that the fans and temperature might be a little high. The cpu fan at idle runs at just under 1200 rpm's, the harddrive fan runs at 1100 rpm's and the optical drive fan runs at 1000 rpm's. The temperature itself 40-44C. The other imac that they know of is a year old, so we weren't sure if there were newer upgrades that might be making the difference between our speeds and temperature compared to that one.

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Hardware :: NAS Wireless Transfer Speeds Over N Network?

Apr 18, 2009

How long does it take for you to copy about 12GB wirelessly over a N network to a NAS attached to your router? For me (Granted its over G because I don't have a N card), it takes close to 5 hours for 12GB :O. Is it supposed to take that long or what?

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OS X :: Ultra Slow DL Speeds On I5 Mac Wireless But PC Is Normal...

Feb 19, 2010

I just got my first Mac last week and I love it to death except for one thing. I can only get D/L speeds of about .7 - 1mbps wirelessly on my Linksys N router but my PC gets the full "advertised speed" (about 5.8) on wireless. This is very annoying and I have no idea what it could be. I don't really know what it does but I did some research and some people in other places recommended clearing the cache and I did. Nothing works, no reboots, no unpluggs, nothing.

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Hardware :: 5GHz Wireless LAN Transfer Speeds

Jun 19, 2010

Got a question for all you people experienced with wireless LAN transfers over a 5GHz 802.11n network. I just got myself a new AirPort Extreme and a 2TB hard drive. I'm planning on using this 2TB hard drive as a media server, but only for one stationary MacBook that I have hooked up in the living room. Here's my problem: If I plug the hard drive directly into the AirPort Extreme and transfer something from my iMac in my bedroom, the speeds are fantastic. I definitely see the 5GHz speed bump, and can transfer a 4GB file in just a few minutes. However, since the MacBook isn't that powerful, streaming a movie over WiFi seems to skip the playback a bit.

I would love to have the server plugged into the MacBook to avoid this skipping. I've tried playing a movie off a USB drive and it plays perfectly fine. However, when I transfer a movie from my iMac to the hard drive hooked up to the MacBook, the transfer speed is much, much slower (what would normally take a few minutes takes about 15). Why is it doing this? Is this normal, or should the transfer speed be theoretically the same as if the drive were plugged into the AirPort? I double checked that this MacBook is in fact connected to the 5GHz network (although it's at 270mbps instead of 300, but I don't think that should make that big of a difference).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Isn't IMac Transferring Files Over Network At Wireless-n Speeds

Jun 2, 2012

First of all here's my setup: 30d/4u Charter internet coming in through my Linksys modem, from there to port 1 of my 2006 Intel Xserve running NAT and DHCP, out from port 2 of the Xserve into my AirPort Extreme running in Bridge Mode, and then out to my other devices. 

My AirPort setup is as follows: Internet tab-DHCP, address set by Xserve; Wireless tab-Create a wireless network, WPA/WPA 2 Personal; Wireless Options...-5 GHz network name is not checked, Radio mode is set to 802.11a/n-802.11b/g/n (Automatic), both 2.4 and 5 GHz channels are set to Automatic; Network tab-Off (Bridge Mode). 

I am transferring 100+ GB of data across the network to my Xserve, but it is only Xferring at 5.5 MB/s, or around 44 Mbps, which isn't even at wireless-g speeds. My iMac is the Mid 2010 27" BTO w/ 2.93 i7 and 8 GB of RAM. It is also wireless-n compatible.The Xserve is wired and they have had gigabit NICs since the G5s. 

Things I've tried: In Wireless Options... I tried turning Radio Mode to 802.11a/n-802.11b/g and leaving 5 GHz network name unchecked, but the speeds were down in the 2 MB/s range. Again in Wireless Options... I checked the box for 5 GHz network name, and left Radio Mode in Auto, joined the 5 GHz network on my iMac, tried again, but again only 2 MB/s or less. In Wireless Options... again, I checked the 5 GHz network name box, and set Radio Mode to a/n-b/g, but ocne again, it ran at 2 MB/s or less. The AirPort Extreme is model A1354, which is obviously 802.11n compatible, and the iMac is also 802.11n compatible.  

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Hardware :: Multiple AirPort Expresses - Huge Impact On Wireless Speeds

Jan 10, 2009

my internet connection got extremely slow. I thought it was because our ADSL modem was acting up, so I restarted it several times. That didn't help at all. I didn't really need a fast connection until today, so I started digging to see if I could find where the problem was. Well, it turns out it's with the AirPort Express base station. Base stations, actually, as I have three. I couldn't get a good reception in the back of our house, so I bought a second that's used in the living room, which I now have connected to my stereo. AirTunes is very nice, as I found out. I also wanted to connect a printer wirelessly, so I bought a third AirPort Express to go in the back of the house (as that's where I put the printer).

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Hardware :: Poor Wireless Speeds Using Airport Extreme Base Station?

Jul 22, 2010

I've recently upgraded into a faster Internet Provider, but for some, I'm still getting poor internet speeds using my Airport Extreme Base Station (Model # A1034) when using my Wifi.

When connected via Wifi, I'm getting at least 1-3/Mbps downstream while I can achieve 10-15/Mbps when wired.

What's causing this drastic downstream speed difference between Wifi and wired? Do you think it's time for a new wireless router?

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Mac Pro :: Wireless Card - Can't Find Networks And Airport Card

Apr 14, 2009

I bought my Mac Pro as a refurb from Apple, but it didn't come with the wireless card built in. This didn't bother me because at my old apartment my computer was near the router so I just wired it up by ethernet. I just moved into a new place and my computer isn't within router distance and I don't want to run a bunch of cable. My boss gave me a card to plug into Apple wifi card spot and OSX found the card and showed some airport info, but it didn't find any networks and if I run the Airport Utility it says it can't find an airport card. So I assume it's not compatible. What are my options? Oh yeah, I found this on ebay. Sound reliable? [URL:....]

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IMac :: Possible To Add SSD While Retaining Current HD?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a late 2009 i7 and would like to add a 2.5 SSD and retain the current 1TB HD. Is this possible? I don't want to replace the DVD. I have read I would need to short the temperature sensor. Could someone tell me what cable is required? Also do I need a special mount for the OEM HD(3.5?) + SSD? Also another option, have SSD 2.5 and regular HD 2.5 to replace the standard 3.5" OEM HD. I read the logic board only have one SATA port but would like to know if it is possible to use a cable that fits both? Would this affect performance?

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Mac Pro :: USB Wireless Adapter Or Installing An Actual Wireless Card?

Oct 8, 2008

Which would be better, a USB wireless adapter or installing an actual wireless card? The computer is a PowerMac G5 1.6GHz and I want to add wireless capability to it. Which card is the best and which USB adapter is the best. We'll be using a Linksys router.

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OS X :: Format System While Retaining Some Applications?

May 5, 2010

Is there away to format a mac but retain some applications (it would be under a new account profile)? Also is there away to like import an old mac's admin account to a separate account on a new mac? Basically I have an old mbp and I've been using my new mbp for awhile and would like to import the old admin account (doesnt need to stay admin since I wouldd rather keep my new admin account) to this new mbp? I would like to wipe clean my old slow mbp but keep applications such as Office.

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Mac Pro :: MacPro (bootcamp) With High End Graphics Card?

Aug 7, 2010

Is it possible to run the a MacPro under bootcamp all the time using a high end Nvidia or ATI graphics card?

I would like to use the MacPro as a gaming PC.

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PowerPC :: High Speed Wireless Router For IBook G4

Sep 4, 2007

I need advice choosing a wireless router. It will be permanently connected to a pc but I plan on using its wireless for my IBook G4. My wireless card is 54-Mbps AirPort Extreme WiFi 802.11g. I am looking for whatever will give me the highest speed, reliability, and least amount of interference (I live in an apartment complex with multiple networks).

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OS X :: High Speed Internet Now Gets Very Slow? - Wireless Connection

May 5, 2009

I am using Windows right now. I never realized this but my download speed is supposed to be 768 Kbps. Though when I download something my speed is between 70 - 90 Kbps. Is this normal? I ran many virus scans and I am clean.Is there something that is slowing it down? I am also using wireless connection.

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MacBook :: Wireless Keyboard Slow / Disconnects When CPU High?

Jan 19, 2010

1x Macbook 2.4Ghz, 4Gig RAM. December 08 model.

1x 24" monitor connected via DVI connector

1x USB mouse

1x mac wireless keyboard (was used on iMac 21.5" new 2010 model)

Latest version of Snow Leopard, patched to the latest on everything. Software update says that everything is up to date.

I've unregistered the keyboard with the iMac and associated it with the Macbook. I'm typing this message with the wireless keyboard no problems.

This is where the problem comes in, when I start up for example MacTheRipper, or Handbrake. Essentially any tool that kicks the CPU into overdrive the keyboard starts acting strangely.

Typing will go to a crawl, it takes longer for the letters to appear, as if in slow motion. It will popup the keyboard disconnect and reconnect image every once in a while and if I leave the keyboard for a while it will disconnect from bluetooth completely, when I then try to reconnect by tapping a key it doesn't connect for sometime. Even if I hold the key down for several seconds.

Once the program has completed processing and the CPU drops back down to nothing, the keyboard works just fine again.

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IMac PPC :: How To Connect G4 To High Speed Wireless Network

May 3, 2012

How do I connect my iMac G4 to my existing wireless cable network using OS 10.2.8. I have installed a USB wireless network card.

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Mac Pro :: Running System Under Bootcamp Using High End Nvidia Or ATI Graphics Card?

Mar 25, 2008

Is it possible to run the a MacPro under bootcamp all the time using a high end Nvidia or ATI graphics card?I would like to use the MacPro as a gaming PC.

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Mac Pro :: High Capacity Hard Drive / Video Card Recommendations?

Aug 6, 2009

So the time has come that I bought a 5D Mark II and have begun editing a lot of HD footage, and my Mac Pro's current hard drive setup will not suffice. My current setup: Bay 1 = WD Raptor X 150GB 10,000RPM (OS, Final Cut Studio 2, Adobe CS3, etc) Bay 2 = Apple-supplied WD 320GB 7200RPM (Music/iPhoto libraries, small Windows partition) Bay 3 = Samsung Spinpoint 500GB 7200RPM (Media dump/scratch disk for editing, as well as my spillover Applications folder, etc) Bay 4 = Empty I'm looking to revamp this setup, as I'm struggling in many ways. First off, my main boot drive being the Raptor 10,000RPM was a dumb idea. Yes, it is faster, but I can't install the full OS X, FCS2, CS3 packages and my regular cornucopia of apps without leaving ~1-5GB free. I feel that this kills any speed gain because the drive is full to the brim, and for such a minimal speed increase I'm working with a very very low ceiling of free space. I'm considering ditching this and going with a bigger 7200rpm drive so I don't have to worry about running with a filled up drive again. Here's my idea. I was thinking of getting a 1 or 1.5TB 7200RPM drive to run the OS on and also store my footage, keep all my applications, downloads, etc. Then I could move my 150GB Raptor X out to bay 4 and make that my project scratch disk for video editing(not sure it'd be big enough for larger projects). And then if I had any money left, I would axe the 320 and put another 1TB in its place. Or I could save money and get that new nVidia card for the Mac Pro (I still have the stock HD2600).

I boot windows and play games, but rarely. Would this upgraded video card help with video editing or rendering effects significantly enough to justify the ~$400 pricetag? Or should I save my money and buy camera equipment? More importantly, any recommendations for the quickest/most reliable 1-1.5TB drive out there? or should I avoid them? I don't want to spend a ton of money so I'm not looking to do expensive RAID setups or anything, i'm not editing uncompressed.

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OS X :: Slow High Speed Internet, Network Card Cannot Be Detected By System?

Feb 26, 2009

This is driving me crazy, so any help would be greatly appreciated.I am using an IBOOK G4, running OS 10.3.9. Never had any major problems with the computer itself I am currently living in Korea, and thus have very highspeed internet. However, on my Mac, it is running quite slow. There is no modem that I can reset, because the apartment building is already wired so my ethernet cable connects directly into the wall. A friend came over to test the connection ( with his PC and he was downloading 60,000 KBPS, when I plugged in my MAC I was downloading at 15,000 KBPS. He downloads various things at around 2mb/s and I sometimes only get 50 kb/s.

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PowerPC ::When Downloading Via Wireless Network At High Speed, PB 12" Will Consume Lot Of CPU Power?

Jan 30, 2007

When downloading via wireless network at a high speed, my PB 12" will consume a lot of CPU power. For instance, 1MB/s, almost 90% CPU.

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MacBook :: Put "n" Wireless Card - Limited To Buy Apple Card?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a new Time Capsule and was wondering if I can put an 'n' wireless card in my 1� year old MacBook? Am I limited to buying an Apple card or are there other options?

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OS X :: Can't See Wireless Card In Parallels

Jan 8, 2011

New iMac and have installed latest version of Parallels 6 via Switch to Mac edition. Coming from Dell Inspiron Laptop. When booting in, it hangs forever on Welcome Screen. Have been told I need to update Wireless Driver, however, cannot see a wireless card under Device Manager. ( I got to desktop by CNTR-ALT-DELETE) Downloaded the new driver from Dell, but when I run, it says the hardware not found. I can get to Internet from Vista in VM no problem. But I am trying to fix the hanging on Welcome Screen issue by updating the driver for the wireless card.

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PowerPC :: Wireless Pci Card For G4?

Sep 6, 2006

I have a 450mhz powermac g4 that I am using for a simple file server in my house. I was wondering if there are any pci cards that have mac drivers, that would work. In order to steam movies and stuff, the card probably has to support 802.11g.

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Mac Pro :: Wireless Card For Desktop?

Sep 3, 2007

I have a Mac Pro and need to get on a wireless network. Of course I don't have the airport card because I didn't want to wait for the BTO and never thought I'd need wireless for the desktop. Anyone know what will work aside from airport or where to get airport (apple store doesn't list anything for the mac pro).

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PowerPC :: Wireless Card For Mac G4

Jul 10, 2008

I have a power mac G4. My tech man says I have a generic wireless card installed. I have tried to use internet connect but it does not see it. Also when a do a summary of the network the card is not detected. Finally, no Airport option ever comes up to connect to. It is not available. Anything I can do or do I need to find a mac pro in my area?

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