OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Is The Apple In The Menu Bar Is Pink
Mar 3, 2012I just looked up at my menu bar and the apple was pink. No idea what this means, if it means anything at all.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just looked up at my menu bar and the apple was pink. No idea what this means, if it means anything at all.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I start up my MacBook Pro I get the apple logo but for the past few days when starting up the apple logo now goes pink, does this mean that there is a problem ?
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)
On my Mom's iMac, while starting up with Mavericks 10.9.3 (2.7 GHz Intel Core i5), the usual apple first appears on the gray screen. Then, it flashes hot pink with pixelated edges before completing the startup.
View 1 Replies View Relatedlittle word bug, that there is in the finder menu, when using the Danish language. First there is the grayed out "Ordn" that needs to be "Orden" and then there is the highligted "Ordn efter" that should be "Orden efter". Just wanted to le you know so you can make a better product.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy screen will flash pink with a yellow apple icon just after the spinning gears has stopped when I start up.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
So i know this is gonna be a challenging one...
After a day of installing and trying/deleting new apps as well as trying terminal tricks from UsingMac.com like these and these, i went up to my apple menu in the menu bar for the first time since i started fiddling around, and it looks like what you see below in the attachment. I have absolutely no idea what made it happen; I'm just wondering if there is a way to reset the menu alone. because instead of having just what it says in the "system services" section in the menu, it has all that other stuff as well (Calculator, FruitMenu, etc.).
P.S.: Fruitmenu isn't even installed. i uninstalled it after i found out it was only a demo.
So basically:
1) how do i restore the main menu in the menu bar back to its original settings?
and 2) I need to do it in a way that wont screw up the rest of my computer or settings
The Apple menu, on all users accounts, is not working. The actual pull down menu doesn't pull down when I click on it. Also, if I try quitting applications by using the keyboard, it doesn't work. I have to force quit any application I open.
I tried repair disk permissions, and starting up in safe boot, but it didn't help.
Is there a way that I can easily change the color of the apple in the menu bar (make it red) in Mac OS X (currently 10.5.6, but updating now).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'd like to change the color of the apple logo in the menu bar. I got Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.7 and this is how it looks like:
You see: standard leopard style... But I'd like to change the black apple logo in to a blue one. Like in Mac OS X Tiger:
I know there are some useful programs but they don't work in 10.5.7!
You all know these....
classic menue
Has anyone got a solution?! !
I know how to change the icons on the menu bar except one. I've looked on the internet but couldn't find any thing about how I can change the apple logo() in the left corner of the menu bar(application bar). I was hoping any of you guys could help me out on this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed and uninstalled Aqua Connect Trial today (Terminal Server / Remote Desktop for Mac) and I'm fairly certain I now have 2 major issues because of it.Googled for the past hour for a solution but found nothing so far.
- in the menu the Sleep item is greyed out. I cannot click it, the keyboard shortcut for sleep doesn't work and pressing the power button does nothing
- all my animations aren't smooth anymore like expose, dock, dashboard, etc
I'm pulling my hair out of frustration
Any ideas on how to remove the Apple Logo from the bottom right hand corner of the menu?
Just makes my DVD look a little too "Home Movie" ish.
Choosing 'Sleep' from the Apple Menu doesn't put my iMac to sleep, the first time, sometimes not the second, usually third try after a lo-o-o-o-n-g delay. On first try, keyboard shortcut 'Sleep' worked; thereafter, instead, the same key combo causes Restart.
24" iMac Intel Core 2 Duo
2.8 GHz (late 2008)
OS 10.6 (SL)
Hello everyone. No I AM NOT looking to mod the apple logo in my menu bar. My question is this: Why does my apple logo change color from time to time? I have seen it Red/Orange, blue, white/grey, and traditional black. Why is it doing this? I have never seen it before. No I haven't changed backgrounds/themes. It isn't all the time, infact I am not sure if it is related to any specific user intervention. I am just curious as to why it may be doing this. I've googled and only founds ways to hack it. NO I am not on hallucinogens. I thought it was related to the Apple Software update, indicating I had new updates, but this was disproven today when it was Red and I checked for updates.
View 14 Replies View Relatedis it possible to change the menu key on the apple remote to open a different program other than front row?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was switching between Blue and Graphite and now I think my apple icon in the menu bar is stuck in graphite. Though I'm not sure if that was just the way it always was. Everything else seems to be in the blue theme. Here is a screen shot of the specific area...
I have restarted my computer and everything. I'm running Mac OS 10.6.4. My menu bar is currently set to translucent but it seems to be just darker when it isn't anyway.
I have an iMac running 10.7.3 that will not shut down or restart using the apple menu. The only way to get this machine to shut down is to hold down the on/off button on the back of the computer. This has been a problem for quite some time and may have started with Lion, but I’m not sure. .
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Cannot Restart or Shutdown my iMac from the Apple menu.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My mouse running out of battery, now i want to select apple menu for shutdown, restart or open any programm with key board, how can I do that?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Why does the Apple menu on my new Apple 10.9.2 laptop no longer have a "Locations" option as prior OS versions had?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI ma not sure but almost in all places I read that macbook + sandforce SSDs crash if they go to sleep due to being idle.
Is that the only case or selecting sleep from apple menu will cause the same effect.
i have an imac.
suddenly, everytime i start up my computer, apart from the apple icon, now there also is a symbol for the apple hardware test as an option when the comp starts up!
anyone who knows how to erase this so that when i start my comp only the apple logo appears when it starts up with the light blue screen?
I was working in my iMac - OSX 10.5.8 and i believe i did something wrong. I started seeing 2 restart / shutdown/ force quit links on the apple menu.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSystem preferences in apple menu is not opening
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I get my iMac (Intel / Lion 10.7.4) to go to "sleep" using the Apple drop down menu. I have never had a problem until recently.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), No iCloud after Lion download
In the Apple drop-down menu I have duplicates of: Restart, Shut Down and Log Out. In my Applications folder all the items are not in alphabetical order, they are reversed, ie. A's on the bottom of the page, W's on top.
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
When I click my Apple Menu 10.9.4 there are no icons, nothing is listed. This is after a total system restore from Time Machine. Everything else is working. I deleted the finder prefs with no success.
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I can't restart or shut down my mac from the Apple menu
iPhoto '11, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
When i click System Preferences on the apple menu nothing will happen.
View 14 Replies View Related2 or 3 times recently the clock has been flashing and the apple menu text has been split up on starting. I've rebooted and the problem has gone. I'm using a G5 with OS 10.4.11. Might it just be needing a new battery?
View 2 Replies View Related