OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Do Wired And Wireless Mice Have Different Accelerations

Jun 19, 2012

For some reason, when I plug in a wired mouse to my iMac, and then plug in a wireless mouse, the acceleration of both are totally different. The acceleration curve for the wired mouse seems to be about the same as it would be on a Windows computer, while a wireless mouse has the typical annoying Mac acceleration curve that many are aware of, which is an increased acceleration—when moving the mouse slowly, the acceleration is low, and when moving it quickly, the acceleration is high. I noticed this years ago but only recently switched back from a wired to a wireless mouse after it finally died, and I decided to take the jump back to wireless mice since they are far more common than wired ones these days.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, 16 GB RAM

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Mac Pro :: Is Wired Faster Than Wireless?

Feb 18, 2008

Macpro, Apple extreme, Comcast cable modem.

it's right next to my mac pro (soon to be repaired mac pro)

is it better to just wire it to the modem? or is wireless the same speed?

what am i missing out for using wired? why wouldn't i just wire it?

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Mac Pro :: Mixing Wireless And Wired Connectivity?

Jan 11, 2011

Is there any point in mixing wired and wireless connectivity with a Mac Pro? Would this bump up/down speeds at all?

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IMac :: Wired Versus Wireless

May 11, 2009

Just wondering what type of network connection you use (if you have a choice). Do you run wireless or wired?

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Hardware :: Wired Or Wireless Keyboard - How To Know About It

Jul 24, 2009

Along with a first mac mouse, I am also looking to buy a keyboard for my MBP for use at home when connected to the 24" screen.

The big question is however, the small wireless or the fullsized wired apple keyboard?

Are therer any issues with the bluetooth connection? Like, does the MPB need to have booted completely before it is "active" or will it be active from the boot chime? (this could be usefull when needing to boot into bootcamp )

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Hardware :: Can AE Take Wireless And Make It Wired?

Dec 1, 2009

I have a wireless network (n) created by an Airport Extreme.

I also have an Airport Express and another Airport Extreme.

My computers work fine with the wireless. But the PS3 is very slow, and is 'G' only.

I was hoping to figure out a way to use one of my extra devices (the express or extreme) to connect to the 'n' network - and output a wired connection to the PS3 (and old xbox actually).

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Hardware :: How To Use USB Wired To Wireless/bluetooth

Aug 14, 2010

I was wondering if I can make a wired USB to wireless, Bluetooth whatever. I want to use my old G3 mice and keyboard with my new mac mini but I want the keyboard and mice to be wireless!

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MacBook Pro :: Is It Possible To Make A Wired Usb Printer Wireless To Use With MBP's?

Oct 7, 2010

Need to covert my Kodak all in one to wireless. Getting tired of having to connect my pro to it. Are there in a ways to do this?

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OS X :: Apple Airport: Wired Or Wireless/which Is Faster?

Feb 18, 2009

I have a MediaSmart Server due on Friday. I have an iMac, MBP, MB, and two PC's using an Apple Airport, how should I connect the MediaSmart Server EX485 to my airport, wired or wireless? Is there a performance difference between the two setups?

If wired offers best speed then I can easily do that as they will be near each other.

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Hardware :: Difference Between Wired And Wireless Keyboards?

Nov 14, 2009

i've been using the aluminum wired keyboard for the last 2 years or so. i just upgraded to the new BT version.

for whatever reason i cannot get used to typing on this thing! it feels like the keys are smaller or something. hard to explain.

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Hardware :: How To Use Airport Extreme Wired - Wireless At The Same Time

Oct 3, 2010

Can i have it wired to my computer and wireless at the same time?

If so, what ports to i plug what into?

Is it - modem-wan port on extreme and a cable going wired from the ether port on the extreme to the iMac?

Do i need to do any configuring?

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OS X :: Possible To Share A Wired Internet Connection From One Mac To Another Computer Through Wireless?

Jul 18, 2009

I know that it's possible to share a wired internet connection from one mac to another computer through wireless, but I was was wondering if it's possible to do the reverse: share a mac's wireless internet connection through the ethernet port.Ideally, the setup I want is to have my iMac connected to wifi and have my xbox 360 connected to the iMac with an ethernet cable.

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IMac :: Wireless Keyboard And Wired Mouse Sometimes Not Working?

Apr 11, 2010

I've had my imac for over a year and a half now with no troubles. But, the last couple of weeks my wireless keyboard has not been working. A message pops up saying that the connection has been lost. Then, the wired mouse moves around....but won't select or highlight anything...the 'click' doesn't work. Then all of a sudden everything goes back to normal.

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OS X :: Slow Internet On Wired Connection - Fast Wireless On Same Network

Jul 15, 2009

My Internet has just been upgraded from 2MB/s to 10MB/s. To confirm the upgrade I have used [URL:...] to test my upload/download speeds with Firefox and Safari. I have 2 computers on my network which consists of a cable modem connected to a white airport base station with 128 bit WEP encryption in 802.11 b/g compatible mode. The 2 computers are a dual 2.8 ghz MacPro which is wired directly into the Airport base station by Ethernet and an iMac 1.83 Intel core 2 duo. The much faster MacPro only achieves a download speed of 5.5MB/s over its wired connection while the slower iMac achieves 9.8MB/s - very close to the advertised speed over its wireless connection. These are consistent speeds not one offs so I am wondering why the difference? The MacPro is my main machine so I'd like to have the best speed possible on that. What can I try?

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IMac :: Finding Wireless Keyboard More Cramped Than The Wired With Number Pad?

Nov 9, 2009

Are the keys on the new wireless keyboard (late 2009) more cramped and smaller than on the wired keyboard, or is the only difference between the two the addition of the number pad?

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Hardware :: Creating A Wireless To Wired Network Using A Time Capsule

Mar 2, 2010

Is it possible to create a network where the broadband router is wireless to a time capsule which in turn is hard wired to a 360 thus allowing the 360 to access the internet?

broadband router <---[wireless]--->time capsule <---[wired]--->XBOX360

If so can anyone give me any pointers?

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OS X :: Piggy Backing Onto Wired Or Wireless Router - Setup Options - DHCP?

May 4, 2010

I have an additional question about the Airport Express. I am interested in buying one but don't want to commit until I get a few questions answered.

1. I own a D-link wired router and a d-link wireless router. I have been tempted to buy the express, hook it into my wired router and run wireless off of the apple. I want the express so I can run itunes on my stereo from anywhere in the house.

Would there be any advantages to me using the wireless router in conjunction with the airport express instead?2. I am interested in the DHCP comments from above. If I turn off DHCP on the airport express then any friends who come over to use the wireless internet will need to be personally configured. Could I just assign the Airport Express a static IP address on the wired router, keep a DHCP on on the express for my friends and turn off DHCP on the wired router?

3. I have a PS3. I don't want to slow my gaming speed down. I intend on plugging the PS3 into my existing router (wired or wireless router, I will have it wired though) Will daisy chaining the express off of the router slow down my PS3 connection when other users are not using it?

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Hardware :: Unable To Use A Wired Keyboard To Set Up A Wireless Keyboard

Apr 4, 2009

I've just bought a Mac mini to use as a media centre, and I picked up the Apple wireless keyboard and mouse while I was at it. It wasn't until I got home that I read the "requirements" section on the side of the mouse and keyboard boxes, where it states that an existing keyboard and mouse are needed for setup.

I have a USB mouse, but no keyboard (my other Mac is a MBP), and nowhere to borrow one from (all my friends have laptops).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Don't Want To Connect To Other PC's In Wired Network

Mar 19, 2012

Am currently renting a room in a boarding house, and have a wired connection within my room with access to free Internet (included in rent). Yet am worried that as I am connected to (given I needed no password to access) is a relatively insecure network, I am leaving myself open to hackers. Is this the case? And if so, what methods can I go to so I can protect myself from potential intrusion (already unchecked all boxes in sharing folder and switched on the firewall) 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Possible To Use Mac's Ethernet Port To Extend Wireless Network To A Non-wireless Device?

May 3, 2012

OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM

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Mac Pro :: Freezing BT Mice?

Apr 12, 2008

Does anyone have problems with Mac Pros and freezing BT Mice? Every so often, my BT mouse freezes on me for a few seconds. It's more than frustrating. What's the suggestion? Switch to plain old wireless mouse?

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OS X :: Multi Button Mice On Mac

Mar 10, 2009

I'm thinking of getting one of the WoW. It has 15 buttons, which is great for a MMO, but since it dosn't have Mac drivers I would be relying on the mouse drivers built into OSX when I'm not in Bootcamp. So how dose OSX cope with mice with more buttons than the Mighty Mouse?

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MacBook Pro :: Gone Thru 2 Corded USB Mice On My MBP?

Aug 28, 2009

Whats the deal? I've gone thru 2 corded USB mice on my MBP and both do not track correctly regardless of how I adjust the tracking speed. Is that common with Logitech corded mice? They work fine on my PC laptop. There just seems to be a slight lag. Also, where do you leave the apple mouse preferences tracking speed at when adjusting the Logitech driver tracking speed? In the middle?

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OS X :: Logitech Mice Not Working On SL

Sep 6, 2009

I have two Logitech mice (V220 and V470 but non of them is working in SL. I tried this TUAW hack but it doesn't help.

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Some Mice Not Working On New Mac Mini

Feb 25, 2012

I recently bought a new Mac Mini with 10.7 for school - previously I was using a Macbook running 10.6. When I set it up and turned it on I found that though my optical mouse lit up, the cursor on the screen wouldn't move.  

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Hardware :: Keyboard / Mice For New IMac

Nov 15, 2010

If you've seen my other mega-post you'll know what situation I'm in. If not, here's a simpler question which won't take quite so long to read! I am contemplating a new iMac. I LOVE it's looks - but I really don't like the new style of keyboard. It looks nice and stylish on its own, but next to the mega-big new iMacs I think it looks kind of silly, such a tiny keyboard next to such a big screen. Also, I dislike "chiclet" style keyboards. I like them to be big with regular big keys. I buy a desktop like the iMac precisely because I don't need to save space, I don't move my computer around so I don't need to have any of the compromises that go with laptops, such as a tiny keyboard and little screen - then Apple gives me a desktop with a huge screen and a tiny fiddly laptop-style keyboard. Ideally, I'd like a really old-school keyboard like the IBM Model M like the ones at clickykeyboards.com - and I understand they also sell original Apple Extended and Extended II keyboards which have the same old-school style and quality.

Do you think I could get an old Apple keyboard to work on a modern iMac with some adaptors? Are there any keys modern Macs need to have on the keyboard it wouldn't have. I know an old keyboard would look odd next to a new iMac but I'd quite like the juxtaposition of old and new styles and anyway I think the new keyboard looks silly anyway. Failing that, I have one of the white USB keyboards which came with my old iMac G5 - would that be a better compromise? It's at least an OSX-era keyboard and presumably would work okay on a modern Mac? If none of the above are good options, do any manufacturers make keyboards for the new iMac range which are standard-sized but match the look of the iMac? Or would any standard keyboard work on a Mac?

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Hardware :: Recommendations For Gaming Mice

Mar 31, 2010

I'm looking at getting a new gaming mouse, I really like the Logitech G500 however it doesn't have OSX drivers. Can anyone recommend a good gaming mouse.

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Hardware :: Do Non Bluetooth Cordless Mice Have No Lag

Apr 20, 2010

I was keen on getting a Bluetooth mouse to pair with an upcoming MBP purchase, to be used for very occasional gaming. In reading reviews, particularly customer reviews at Amazon, for even the top-rated Bluetooth mice, like the Razer Orochi, there are always some complaints of mouse lag. That led me to think that if even Razer's Bluetooth mouse can't execute Bluetooth well, perhaps I should consider getting a non-Bluetooth, cordless mouse, the ones with a USB receiver (what's it called? RF mouse?).

So I'd like to ask, do non-Bluetooth, cordless mice have the same lag issues as Bluetooth mice? Are they better for gaming? (I'll probably be playing mostly FPS) The impression I get from the many reviews I've checked so far is that they do lag less and that the lag only appears after significantly longer periods of inactivity, unlike a Bluetooth mouse like the Orochi, which powers down after only about 3 seconds.

If lag isn't an issue with these mice, then the Logitech Performance MX [URL] seems most appealing to me.

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Hardware :: Replacement Mice For Mac 6500

Sep 28, 2009

Are there replacement mice available for Power Mac 6500?

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Hardware :: Using Two Magic Mice In The Same House?

Apr 7, 2010

For some reason using two magic mice in the same house, the mice will connect with any computer configured to use magic mice. So you switch one on and suddenly you're controlling someone elses computer. is there no control over this?

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