OS X V10.7 Lion :: WD Smartware Is Mounting Unknown Disks
Apr 26, 2012
I have a WD Passport. It used to do this annoying thing, where in addition to the actual drive, it would load a virtual vcd drive containing the smartware software too. (This was common to a lot of WD products). To get rid of this, I installed the WD Software on my mac, and changed the settings to that it no longer displayes the VCD. This made the VCD dissappear, but now it shows a new drive called "Boot OS X" , everytime I plug my WD drive in!Â
I don't know what this drive is! And now I have the same equivalent problem to that stupid vcd drive popping up! When I plug my WD drive in, all I want to see is only one icon for the WD drive. Right now I have "Boot OS X" , and "Keanu's Time Machine". I only want "Keanu's Time Machine" to pop up when I plug in the drive.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
After installing SL on a separate drive in a 2008 MacPro, the none of the four disks mount on the desktop. Also, the Migration Assistant doesn't recognize any disks.
I am replacing my G5 (10.5) Xserve with a late 2008 Xserve (10.6). This server is primarily a web server, with a small amount of mail traffic.I keep my 'webfolder' on a RAM disk. All of my pages are dymanic php/mysql, so they can't be cached. But reading from RAM is so fast, you'd never know it.This is the command I used in 10.5 to create a 1 GB RAM disk at boot: [code]/usr/sbin/diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "web-ram" `/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -notremovable -nomount ram://2200000`[/code]Not the "notremovable", that flag makes the system treat the mounted disk image (or in this case, the RAM disk), like a real physical disk, and not a mounted disk image. When you use this flag, the ram disk will actually show up with a regular hard drive icon. Without this flag, it shows up as a white disk image.But this flag doesn't work in 10.6. According to the man page, it's still there. But when I use it, I get permissions errors. I am using it with sudo (from the command line, or as root via lanuchdeamons). As I look closer at my errors, It appears that what might be happening is that the diskutil command is being run as root, but the hdiutil command inside of it, is not.
Anyway this is about more than just the icon. When the ram disk is mounted as a real disk, its harder to eject, which is good because it's my web folder and I don't want it going anywhere. AND when its mounted that way, I can use time machine to back it up. Which works out to be a great system for that.
Info: Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 8 x 3.0 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Early 2008
i just posted this but i don't think in the right place as i have been assigned a ticket number and rec'd an email telling me my ip is logged..i hope they don't charge for advice! I'm a desperate woman with a small wallet at the moment. i have a ibook g3 running osx 10.4.2 toast titanium 6 and suddenly she is indicating there is no disc in the drive when i go to use toast and i realize it is not appearing on the desktop nor elsewhere just in ATA. it is neither reading nor writing from the disk drive. the optical drive isn't seeing it. i have tried rebooting and different disks but it doesn't respond. i am not a seasoned veteran here, I'm a layman. I do know when i look under ABOUT THIS MAC: It lists the following:
SONY CD-RW CRX800E: Model: SONY CD-RW CRX800E Revision: 1.3g Detachable Drive: No Protocol: ATAPI Unit Number: 1 Socket Type: Internal
Got a WD external drive for backup and the WD Smartware Icon is on my desktop and as I am not using the WD software I want to get it off my desktop but when I try to eject it or drag it to the trash it just goes right back to the desktop. If I drag it into the finder it just makes an alias and goes right back to the desktop. It showed up when I turned on the HD along with the MY BOOK icon. Turned off the HD but when I turned it back on same problem. There is an uninstaller for the software but as I have not installed the software it does not work.
Whenever i log into my terminal i noticed that i see that my hostname says unkown040ccedf8e88: ny name, is this normal? because i know that my friends MPA's have a different host name, and when i type in "hostname" on terminal, it gives me that unkown###
There appears an unknown file on the desktop. I cannot delete it, cannot open information about it, cannot move it away. When trying to delete it a message appears "This file cannot be moved into trash". I have no idea what it might be, however I want to delete this file. This file might be seen on the desktop only, but not in the finder window.
I am having this BIG problem with address book in Lion. There are hundred of thousands of unknown entries in my address book. More than twice I have deleted all of them they come back again. My MacPro is hard to use when it happens, I can hear the sound of the hard drive working and if I open the address book app then it slows down the MacPro. I was thinking about uninstalling the address book app and the reinstalling it but I do not know of to do that or where to use the info in order to do that. I would like to be able to keep my good entries, but what can I do!
I just got a new MacBook Pro at work, and it is running Lion 10.7.2. So far, the system will not mount any disk images, although all programs are also brand new. Neither .iso nor .dmg works. The warning message I receive each time says "Warning: The following disk images couldn't be opened ... Reason: not recognized"Â Disk Utility is also unable to mount the files.Â
I am having this problem with disk images (no matter if they are .dmgs or isos or whatever) in a Lion 10.7.3 fully updated iMac: when openning one of these from the desktop or a Finder window, the disk utility helper starts opening and checking the image, and then it gets to a point where a window opens as a result with the message "image could not be opened, file system not allowed" (or so, I'm translating the message from Spanish).Â
And after that, no image I ever click even shows even theprogress dialog. Just nothing happens. I still see the process in Activity Monitor, and force quitting it allows the helper to work again, but I never get a .dmg to open up (so I cannot install anything...). The same images work perfectly in other computers and systems..
Having a WD Studio My Book coming next week and want to know what to use with it, WD Smartware or Time Machine. The reason I and is that I have read both positive and negative posts on both. Some say to not load the WD software into your machine as it will cause your problems but do not state what they will be, others say to use the WD software as you he more option for back up. Others say that Time Machine is the only way to go, and others say stay with the WD software. I want to know if either of them is better than the other or it's just a case of either or as both do a good job and it is a matter of personal preference.
We had an issue with our macbook about a year ago and when it was sent into and Apple authoized service they upgraded it machine from 10.6 to 10.7. Now a year later we want to totally clean the machine and restore to factory status (to seel it as we have upgraded to an new macbookpro)but it seems we need a dik to do that - any options??
My finder windows seem to show that I'm "sharing" with other computers. I have file sharing turned off in System Preferences. On the left side of the finder window it shows "Favorites" and under that "Shared" pops up with what I assume are other computers nearby. These are not names of other computers in my house. These computer names pop up and come and go. They are the same two names. Underneath the "shared" names, my external drives show up under "Devices". My cable modem is connected to an Apple Airport Extreme router. Any ideas on why this "sharing" is showing up?Is my data secure?Â
I was using Logic Pro X and the program crashed before I could save my project. There is now a file called "untitled" that appears to be a Logic Project file, however I cannot delete, open, rename, and move it anywhere. When I try to click and drag the file icon, it doesn't allow me to move it anywhere.   When right-click on the file, it pops up the window, but there are only a few options available. I went to "get info" and saw that the file permissions are "unknown". I've tried repairing disk permissions in the disk utility, however the file is still unaccessible.It's not a large file (only 578K), but it would still like to remove it.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
About 90% of the time, SD cards and external hard drives are not mounting as soon as they're connected (via USB or the SD card slot). I need to launch disk utility, and mount volumes manually (disk utility is detecting the devices). This has persisted through multiple 10.7.X updates.
I just replaced my HD and I want to restore from my Time Capusle. However, my install disks for my MacBook Pro (late 2008) are Leopard, and I was using Lion. Â
Do I restore first from TC, or install Snow Leopard first (then I can't use Set-up Assistant)?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (+7 previous Macs), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
got automatically put into the Logic Pro discussions, however it's not really a Logic question or issue, more of a disk permission issue (I think..). Here is the original post: URL.... I'm stuck with this file on my system and how to remove it.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I'm running Lion on a Macbook Pro. It doesn't recognize one of my external drives that was used on my windows based laptop when connected via the USB cable. Is there a way to mount this external drive on a mac?Â
Everytime I restart my machine a CIFS drive mounts on my desktop and I cannot figure out where it is coming from, or how to prevent it from mounting. In the screenshot you will see that it says the server is an NFS://x-browser?
I had been using Time Machine successfully for a while now but I am going traveling and thought I better encrypt my backup just in case it get's lost or stolen. I turned on encryption and chose a password, I don't really know if it completed the process as I was away from my computer, I susepct it failed, what I do know is every-time I plug the drive in I get the popup FileVault window and once I put my password in and select unlock it just goes grey, it's not saying it's incorrect just nothing happens and the drive does not mount.Â
I can see the drive in Disk Utility but if I select it I get the spinning beach-ball. I'm afraid encryption has destroyed my new 2TB drive (less than a month old). I don't really want to attempt to erase the drive as it contains other data that is not back of the Time Machine backup. I'm running 10.7.4. What can I do to get the drive mounted?
At work I back up my laptop to an external disk using time machine. I'd like have a second back up at home. When I back up to the disk at home Time Machine does not recognize the back up on the work disk and writes the whole drive instead of doing an incremental back up. Does this mean that Time Machine can only do incremental back ups to one disk?
I have had a Lacie 500gb external hardrive formatted and used with time machine on my macbook pro for about two years now. I haven't had any problems until recently. When I plugged it in, it wouldn't mount. I opened disk utility and it was visible but showed as unmounted and I wasn't able to mount them manually from there.
Yesterday I was copying some files to my 32gb microSD drive during the night. Probably the computer went to sleep during the copying and now I can't use the drive. I tried to fix it in disk utility, but it says the drive has only 8.4mb and I can't use first aid, erase, nothing. I tried to partition it and it stucks at "Waiting for the disks to reappear". I tried terminal too - diskutil eraseDisk HFS+ newdisk disk1. Same. Waiting for the disks to reappear at 50%. I even tried to format it on windows, but it says it can't format it too.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13", Model 7,1; 2x2, 4Ghz; 4GB RAM;
I'm trying to setup a macmini server with four different firewire drives (has this working in 10.6.8 working great) however in lion server you can only have ONE timemachine backup destination.apple put an Share items/Backups folder with a .com.apple.timemachine.supported file in it. and set permissions to a group com.apple.backup_access However i can't dublicate this setup and have the system accept an extra folder on another drive.Â
I have a Macbook Pro Intel Core Duo (first generation of MacBook Pro released). I run OSX 10.6.5. My disk utility has detected a problem and says I need the install disks that came with the computer. Called apple and they said I could reboot from snow leopard or the upgrade.** Problem is that I don't have any disks with me except those that came with my brand new iMac. Can I use those to reinstall the system? Is there any other way?
**They also said that after 2007, the install disks that come with computers are keyed to that specific computer so I "might" not be able to use the disk to repair.
Additionally, and I don't know if this makes a difference but I have the airport/time capsule which backs up my computer for easy restore.
I have my Mac "Triple Booted". The "Hard Disks" in the FInder SIdebar shows the "Bootcamp Hard Disk". I used the "Prefenceses in the Finder" to triggered the "Hard Disks" to show the Mac HD. The "Devices - Hard Disks" in the prefenceses, used to be "partially selected", and is now "fully selected" (The Mac HD & Bootcamp HD are both showing in the sidebar). So, "How do I make the Mac HD not showing in the FInder SIdebar"? Making the Device - Hard Disks in the prefences to "partitally select" again?Â
For the last week, my Mac has been running very slow. Even when I don't have any apps open, it still lags. I opened up Activity Monitor to see what is going on. I see that a root process "AgentDaemon" is taking up almost all my CPU and RAM.
When I try to quit (or force quit) this process in the Activity Monitor, it will go away for a second and then come right back.
Does anyone know what purpose the "AgentDaemon" serves? And why is it hogging all my CPU and RAM?
The other day I downloaded some apps off the net as I had to reinstall them as I had to reinstall Snow Leopard. I downloaded the programs and in my Applications folder one of the apps was just an empty space with no name. I knew something was there cause I could click on it, highlight it, and move it. I dragged it to my trash but it ended up on my desktop. Now I can't get rid of it! I can only highlight it, but not move it or right click to delete it! I don't know exactly what it is. Its not causing any problems. Its just bugging me cause its there.