OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trigger "Hard Disks" In The Sidebar?

Mar 27, 2012

I have my Mac "Triple Booted". The "Hard Disks" in the FInder SIdebar shows the "Bootcamp Hard Disk". I used the "Prefenceses in the Finder" to triggered the "Hard Disks" to show the Mac HD. The "Devices - Hard Disks" in the prefenceses, used to be "partially selected", and is now "fully selected" (The Mac HD & Bootcamp HD are both showing in the sidebar). So, "How do I make the Mac HD not showing in the FInder SIdebar"? Making the Device - Hard Disks in the prefences to "partitally select" again? 

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Time Machine For Clients On Multiple Hard Disks?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to setup a macmini server with four different firewire drives (has this working in 10.6.8 working great) however in lion server you can only have ONE timemachine backup destination.apple put an Share items/Backups folder with a .com.apple.timemachine.supported file in it.  and set permissions to a group com.apple.backup_access However i can't dublicate this setup and have the system accept an extra folder on another drive. 

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion Server

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trigger Video Clips With MIDI In Quartz Composer?

Apr 4, 2012

How do I assign clips to my MIDI board notes? And is it possible to trigger multiple pictures at once or effects like fade in out?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Quartz Composer

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Intel Mac :: External Hard Disks Not Visible On The Hard Disk

Jan 31, 2012

I've connected my new Iomega Minimax with a firewire cable directly to my iMAc but nothing appears on my desktop.


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Mac Pro :: Dual OS Installation On Two Hard Disks?

Mar 22, 2009

Just want to find out has anyone experimented installing 2 hard disks in your macpro and the 2nd hard disk is installed with xp pro via bootcamp?

Have you experienced any problems?

Would this be a better solution as compare to installing xp pro in virtual software?

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OS X :: Replacing Hard Drive - No OS Disks

Apr 14, 2009

I am wanting to replace the hard drive in my macbook but I don't have the os disks that came with the computer (I've recently moved and they're beyond lost). I've read where apple can send me replacements (I assume I'd have to pay for them). Can I get the leopard upgrade and use that, or it just that, an upgrade and I need osx already on the computer. I don't care about backing up anything, as theres nothing on it of any importance, all my music and photos are on an external hard drive.

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MacBook Pro :: It Keeps Breaking Hard Disks

Jun 13, 2012

MBP Mid 2009


8GB Ram


The problem started with my MBP freezing about once per day (sometimes spinning wheel, sometimes complete unresponsiveness). After doing a hard reset, I would usually be given the grey screen with stop sign, and the machine wouldn't boot. Resetting the PRAM would fix this, and it would boot OK. This was going on for a few weeks (I did disk checks which came back fine).

Then a couple of days ago the machine froze (unresponsive), I did a hard reset but just got the chime and grey screen - no Apple logo, no spinning wheel, no stop sign. Nothing. I did PRAM and SMC resets, but still nothing. I tried booting safe, safe verbose, hardware test, single user - nothing would work; just chime and blank grey screen. So I thought my OS installation had died.But when I tried to boot to the Lion DVD, still nothing - grey screen, the DVD would spin up, then spin down to a stop. I thought it might me faulty RAM, but not having any others to try I just swapped the two pieces over. Nothing. 

Then I plugged my external 500GB HDD in to the USB (which was the machine's original internal HDD) and suddenly the Lion DVD would boot. So, the internal 1TB was dead. I put the 500GB back inside, booted Lion DVD successfully, formatted the HDD and started the Lion install. This failed with an error message 'the support files can't be copied - restart to try again'. So I restarted and in disk utility it said the HDD S.M.A.R.T was failing and it had a serious fault which could not be fixed and needs to be replaced. The 500GB disk was working fine and had had very little use since being replaced by the 1TB in January this year (the 1TB was brand new in January). So it seems odd that the both decided to fail one day after each other.


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MacBook Pro :: Can See Hard Disks In USB Enclosures / But Not Internal

May 16, 2012

I have a mid-2010 macbook pro 13". The other day, it crashed on wake-up, and would not boot. I had a OCZ Vertex SSD boot drive, and the OEM hard drive in an optibay enclosure (replaces the optical drive and used only for data). I used this setup for one year with no problems. After much troubleshooting, I found that I could see the SSD drive by booting into a recovery partition that I have on a USB stick, and putting the SSD in a USB enclosure. Then disk utility could see it, but not mount it. The label on the boot partition was "lion", but it changed to "disk1s2". I was able to repair the drive using disk utility, and then boot from it using the USB enclosure.Once booted, I could still see the OEM hard drive with no problems. So I powered down and put the SSD back inside the case and rebooted. It booted in safe mode, but it booted fine. The next time I rebooted, it would not boot. I swapped the OEM drive and the SSD drive, and then the sytem booted with no problems and I was able to use both drives.

One day later, I noticed my OEM drive was no longer mounted in OSX. I took it out, put it in a USB enclosure, and OSX could see it fine. There were no errors on the disk. I put it back in the macbook and reboot but OSX couldn't see it.So, the primary SATA port seems to be working intermittently. Three times now, a drive has stopped working on this port. Each time, I could use the drive in an external enclosure (or using the other SATA port normally used for the optical drive. Does anyone have any ideas? Could it just be the cable?I'm trying to make this computer last at least another month or so because I need to upgrade to a larger model, and am holding out for the 2012 release.

Macbook Pro 13", Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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OS X :: Hard Disks With Lock On Bottom Left Of Icon

May 3, 2010

I cannot open HDs in my Mac as they have this bloody Lock Icon on it. I tried all sorts of gimmicks aka change privileges , reinstall OS to no solution. PGP WAS installed..

OS 10.6.3

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Hardware :: Backing Up Time Machine Hard Disks?

Feb 27, 2010

What's the best way of backing up a time machine backup external hard disk? Are there any disk checking tools for the mac, I could use to keep track of the health of the drive?

I can not afford too loose data, but I don't wish to break the bank either.

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Mac Mini :: What Is Done With Damaged Hard Disks When Replaced By Apple

Jun 29, 2012

Wondering if anyone knows what the security policy and process is that is followed by Apple when a damaged hard disk is replaced by Apple. Is the disk destroyed, or demagnetized. How do we know that the data on the disk is will not be accessed and copied anywhere? Is there a stated policy document available somewhere in the Apple Store that discusses this?

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MacBook Pro :: Dual Disks IMac Style - Technically Hard

Sep 16, 2010

I know it has been discussed previously in terms of desire to see it happen. But my question is how hard would it be for Apple to accomplish this?

The optical drive takes up a lot of space, and also connects through Sata, right?

OptiBay and others have hack solutions, do surely Apple could make an elegant one for us.

The mini has dual disks. The iMac also has dual disks.

Any reasons as to why we're still waiting to see this in a MBP?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Compare Two Hard Disks To Determine Different Files

May 18, 2012

Is there a program that will catalog the two and show me the differences? I seem to remember such a program in the old classic days.

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OS X :: Trigger Anxiety With Dashboard Key (F4)?

Jun 9, 2010

I don't use dashboard, but I do use 'Anxiety' to manage my to-do's. It would be cool if I could trigger/pop up Anxiety by hitting the Dashboard key on my keyboard (F4) instead of bringing up the Dashboard.

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IMac :: Energy Saver Options - Put Computer - Display - Hard Disks To Sleep

Jan 16, 2009

1 "Put the computer to sleep when it is inactive for.."
2 "Put display to sleep after..."
3 "Put Hard Disks to sleep when possible..."

I'm guessing that #1 won't spin down the Hard Disks unless #3 is checked? Is that right? I'm also guessing that if I'm downloading a file or securely deleting the trash my iMac won't go to sleep? The reason I ask is because it seems like if I'm deleting the trash and my display goes to sleep, when I come back to the computer i really don't see any progress. What options do you guys typically use? I keep my iMac on 24/7, but didn't know about the first sleep option.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Copying Files Between Hard Disks Interrupted By Error Code -36

Mar 18, 2012

This error probably indicates a hardware problem or some system malfunction. I usually try to find out what exactly went wrong to take measures to avoid the repetition of the same problem. Exchanging the HD and restoring the sytem may be the quicker solution, but I would miss an opportunity to reconfigure my system to make it more robust. 

The system in question is a MacMini (Model A1347) with Os-X-Server 10.6.7. and 2 physical HDs: HD1 has 2 Partitions, the smaller for the server OS, the larger for the Shares (We use the MacMini only as a file server). HD2 is not used (was kept in reserve for cases like this).  

That there may be a problem manifested itself first when the mounting of the shares on HD1 became suddenly slow (within 2-3 days) and eventually failed. I first tried to copy all the files from the shares on HD1 to HD2 before attempting any repair actions. Most of the files copied properly but a few failed with error (-36). Those few can be restored from backups, so there is no data loss. Remains the question, what went wrong?  

It may be pure coincidence but just before the File-Server failed there was an attempt to upgrade a 3rd party software on one of the clients (17'' MacBook Pro / OS X 10.6.8) to a newer version. Could be that new version was part of the problem because the data files of this 3rd party software are stored on one of the shares on HD1 and the data file format has been changed between the versions. For obvious reasons I need to make sure that this data file conversion was not the cause of the problem?

1) first check the HD1 with a different tool than DiskUtility (It thinks the HD1 is in perfect shape), TechTool Pro or DiskWarrier comes to my mind, any reason to prefer one over the other? 

2) Hopefully those tools can reliably test whether the HD1 is damaged or not. If it is the former the HD1 replacement option is the way to go and there is no more reason the 3rd party software may have been involved. However if HD1 is not damaged I'm left with the uncertainty of what exactly lead to the problem..? 

3) Is there any check I should do before I just re-format the HD and re-install the OS and switch back to  an earlier version of the 3rd party software to be on the safe side?  

Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Hardware :: Pulled The Trigger On 24" LED ACD?

Aug 26, 2009

Just pulled the trigger. It should be here early next week. Very excited to get this. I hope it's in as good a shape as everyone says the refurb units are.

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OS X :: Trigger Spacebar Key Through Terminal Or Applescipt?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to trigger a spacebar keystroke through the terminal or applescript.

I don't know if it is possible, maybe someone can tell me?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What Font Is Used In The Sidebar

Apr 21, 2012

what font is used in the Lion Sidebar? 

You can see it all over the OS for example, it's also used in Mail to show all the folders and Mailboxes... 

I know how to adjust the size, I just want to know the name of the Font.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Trigger Automated Event In ICal

Mar 30, 2012

I'm trying to fix an issue I had for a while with a automator script I want to use. I added several things it should do, test it, and it works fine. I use it usually as an workflow. But I tried to implement it through an iCal event! Which does not work. (and I checked already in preferences if the turn off all iCal alarms is unchecked) I the workflow basically to open when I first fire up the MacBook, but only once, not when I start it up again later n the day. So I thought about adding the workflow to the startup, but that would open it every time I start my MacBook. How can I get around that? By a iCal event? If yes, how can I fix it, that it starts not at a specific time (I don't start my computer at the same time every day) but when I first open it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion

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Motion 5 :: Audio To Trigger Rotation In Both Directions

Aug 29, 2014

I have attached an audio file behaviour to an object. I want the audio to trigger rotation in both directions. When I select 'add' in 'apply mode', I get plus values for rotation along with amplitude. When I select 'subtract', I get negative values for rotation. But when I select 'add and subtract', I only get positive values. So, for example, for the Y axis, I can have rotation to the left, or rotation to the right, but not both.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Drop Anything On The Sidebar Of The Finder

Feb 1, 2012

When I try to drop a file or folder in the sidebar i get the sign of stopping restriction (German: Halteverbotszeichen). 

I already tried restarting in several modes and resetting ... no Change. 

Lion 10.7.2 and .3 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remove Shortcuts From Sidebar?

Feb 3, 2012

Have accidently added a file link to the sidebar in finder window for a film and really don't wan't it there! It's under Favourites. Can't remove the shortcut from the sidebar and have 2 now .how to get rid of them, really bugging me now! Tried highlighting them and just moving them to trash but it won't work...

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Item Missing From Sidebar?

Feb 10, 2012

Documents is not showing up on my Finder's sidebar, I went into Preferences and under sidebar the box for Documents was unchecked so I tried to click it to make it appear, it appeared for maybe a millisecond and then unchecked itself.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Adding Documents To The Sidebar?

Mar 1, 2012

I am inexplicably unable to add my Documents folder to my sidebar on my 10.7.3 MBP.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Add Favorites In Finder Sidebar

Mar 25, 2012

I added some folders in finder sidebar a while back, and suddenly, they disappeared, such as the documents shortcut. When I try to put them back, finder removes it again.Also if I go to Finder - Preferences and try to check the documents shortcut to appear in sidebar again, the checkbox doesn't work. I'm pretty sure this happened after I synchronized my iPhone for the first time. How can I add favorites to the finder sidebar again?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Put Shortcuts In The Finder Sidebar?

Mar 29, 2012

one of the most convenient things for me as a photoshopper about Snow Leopard was to be able to have sort cuts in the finder side bar under "Places" so i could just drag the image i wanted to open to the left onto the App icon and it would open it from there.  NOW I have drag it to the dock to open or open the dropdown menu... both slower.  I am not happy about this.... Is there a way to get this function back... I have looked and looked and can't find it! 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sidebar Items Disappear In 10.7.3

Apr 8, 2012

I add a Numbers spreadsheet to my Finder sidebar with Command-T and then drag it to the position desired. Sometime later I'll open a Finder window and that icon is gone and I have not manually removed it.Any idea how to prevent this? I upgraded from 10.6.8 to 10.7.3.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac 21.5" i5; iPad 32Gb

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: My Finder Sidebar Won't Resize

Apr 17, 2012

My finder window's sidebar appears to be locked and I cannot resize it.  I've read that when putting my mouse in the line between the sidebar and the files area to the right it should change to a bar cursor that I can then use to resize the sidebar.  But the cursor never changes when I do this so I cannot resize the sidebar.  Any suggestions to re-enable this?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mailboxes Vanished From Sidebar

Jul 3, 2012

I have Mail on my wife's MacBook Pro (running Lion 10.7.4) set up to access our host's mail server via IMAP. The inbox appears in the sidebar as 'Guided Tours' under 'Inbox'. She's set up a whole bunch of custom mailboxes which normally appear in her sidebar under the heading 'Guided Tours'. After shutting the Mac down for a week while she was away the only mailboxes there are Sent and Trash. The mail, in all its folders and subfolders, is all there on the server - I can see it via our host's horrible webmail interface. I've looked at Mail's preferences and come up with nothing - 'Mailbox behaviours' etc. are no help. The mailboxes had also disappeared from inside [URL] so I restored them from the last Time Machine backup from before she went away, but Mail wouldnt see them after quitting and relaunching or even after restarting the Mac. I then tried restoring the entire ~/Library/Mail folder from TM, but still no good. Finally, I deleted the whole account and recreated it from scratch, and this is where it gets even more interesting... This appeared to work - hurrah! Back in business with all the mailboxes showing as they should, and apparently fully functional... until I looked at her Mac about an hour later - when it hadnt even been to sleep, let alone shut down - and they'd vanished again! This time though, the mailboxes are still there in the INBOX.mbox folder... except they're all empty! For what it's worth, as well as being there on the server, the mailboxes are, fortunately, all accessible and usable from her iPad and iPhone, so she can use those for now. 

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