So my IMac running 10.6.3 has developed a bit of a problem. When a launch certain apps, the icon just bounces and the app never launches. I end up having to force quite and restart to get the app to work. Other apps freeze up (sarfari and chrome) and I have force quit and restart. then there is VLC which launches plays media then freezes. All of these are solved by restarts. Seems if i let the machine fall asleep, then all these bugs resurface. My first solution was to create a new user and delete the old one as my "backup" username seemed to work fine. this did indeed solve many of my problems but now different apps have developed bugs. Should I just reinstall the OS?
I have a problem with my MacBook with applications 'bouncing' in the dock and not opening. I took the macbook into the genius store and they said it wasn't a permissions issue they thought it was some 3rd party programme I have loaded.
I have loaded Snow Leopard onto both my iMac and Macbook, the same apps work fine on the iMac but on my MacBook i am having to reinstall nearly all my apps to get them to work.The problem started a few weeks ago with leopard and I was hoping that with Snow Leopard it would sort it but as I used Time Machine to import all my data after upgrading I seem to have brought the problem into Snow Leopard.
The only thing I have done around the time this started happening that I can think of is that I downloaded one of those programmes that help free up space on the mac by deleting all unnecessary languages (I just need British English) . could taking languages off interfere with so many apps?
I figured out how to run multiple copies of skype by launching the .app file from different osx user accounts in terminal. What I'm trying to do now is script this or automate opening terminal and typing the line with automator. The following is the line that I use.
su user2 -c "/Applications/ && exit"
And I just change user2 to user3 for a third instance of skype and so on. how ot automate this process?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 27" / i5 / 8GB RAM
Some apps like VLC, Skype etc. won't open. They show up in the dock and starts to bounce, but all they do is keep on bouncing for 1-2 minutes. I started up my Mac in SafeMode and then the applications worked just fine! So i think its some thirdparty application that messes with my apps.
My dock won't reappear. I've gone to Terminal and typed killall Dock, and it says there is no process called that. So after literally two days of troubleshooting, I found the file, and when I click it, the dock opens, my wallpaper (which was permanently blue) comes back, everything is fine. Until I quit. Then the Dock is missing again. So the Dock obviously isn't launching upon startup or login.
None of my apps will open. They just keep "bouncing" on the dock. I have tried resetting the SMC and going into Utilities and doing the repair disc. I was going to just re-intall the OS, but my disc is scratched and doesn't not.
every time a copy a .app file to the Applications folder, and then I click to open it, the icon stays bouncing forever in my dock. If I click again on it, it just disappears. It happened to me with Bodega or Skydrive
How do I remove any application association with the F8 key? F8 is currently launching iTunes when I hit it and since I don't use iTunes on my work computer and need F8 for other functionality this is interfering with my workflow. I do not see any association with the F8 key in System Preferences > Keyboard Preference Pane > Keyboard Shortcuts. The only thing listed there is: Move focus to staus menus ^F8 I also do not see any way to remove the F8 association in any of the iTunes preferences.
I notice that any new apps I try and install aren't launching.I tried to install the 30 day trial of Textmate and when clicking on App in Applications folder the icon just bounces on the dock permenantly.Clicking it again makes it disapear form the dock. I then tried to install BetterTouchTool and when I click on that absolutely nothing happens.Any apps installed prior open up fine.I did a Repair Disk and Disk Permissions, but nothing.I know it may be a loaded question potentially based on other apps I have installed, but hoping someone else has encountered and can at least point me on the right track.
I'm looking for a way (probably with Automator) that will automatically toggle the Function Keys as standard function keys when I launch games, and that will automatically toggle it back to the default options (Brightness, Mission Control, Launchpad, etc) when the game quits.
I have reached this website after scrawling to find a solution on the internet. I hope someone can help me with this problem.I have a 4 years old G4 ibook (OS 10.3.7), and have been using it for internet, skype and foto-storage mainly.Situtation:Yesterday I tried to use the internet (Firefox browser) and skype, but the skype didn't work at all. Since firefox was not working properly either, I did force quit and restarted the computer. I attempted this several times until I could use both applications (never had any problems before). However, Skype didn't work, and in the end, I could not quit firefox at all. At last I did force quit again, and saw white screen with apple icon at the centre when restarting. No time-spinning mark, the apple just sits there.
Troubleshooting that I have done: I called up support center, and they told me that it's very likey that the computer is stopping at "'carnel" stage (I'm sorry but I don't know what this is). The possibility that it's got something to do with HD is 50/50, so I may have to send it to repairing service in the worst case. They told me to try using Disc Install CD1 to check/repair something wrong in my computer. So I followed the instructions and inserted the install CD and restart the computer with "c" key. The computer read the CD and Installer window showed up. As instructed in a manual, I used First Aid in Disc Utility, and tried "repairing disc". After a while it said "1 HFS has been repaired". It also said that Macintosh HD doesn't seem to have a problem", so I quit the disc utility and restarted the computer.
Against my expectation, the same white screen with apple came up on the screen and sits there with no other movements.I'm afraid of trying somethinig without further so I hope I can get the same story or ideas that someone here might have.
On the right hand side of my desktop when I download a program it seems to put an icon or doc on the right hand side. Like right now I have a skype dmg file I can't delete as it says Skype is in use, then right above that is a seperate skype icon that even if I drag to dock it still stays on the right hand side (like a copy), then I downloaded open office again and it put the install icon there (like when you open and you drag your program to teh applications folder)
since the 23rd march skype crashes after 2minutes when i open it and i cant install the "Mobile DEvice Framework" from xcode, when i click install and enter my password it shows "An error occured. See the install log for more details". url...pls help me i already reinstalled mac osx lion and instaklled the 10.7.3 combo update..but still not working
I am using mac book pro with OS X 10.7.2 and safari is also the latest one, but safari bounces and does not open and keep bouncing kindly let me know how to fix this without formatting computer.
I got a logitech pro webcam C910. I have no audio or video with Skype. I can open Logitach software and get video. When I check microphone in system preference the sound shows a voice signal.
Info: Mac Pro 2x2.8 Quad, 8G ram, Mac OS X (10.7), Acer 24 inch, 300, 500,2x 1000 GB drives, 2TB backup
I am just getting comfortable using FaceTime with my friends who have computers and phone but I have friends who are not Apple users, I know, I'm working on them. They have Skype accounts for their video talk format. Can I use my FaceTime to call them on their Skype address?
When I make a call through Skype, after a few seconds I have a coreaudiod crash and skype stop responding. I am using Lion 10.7.4 and last version of Skype. All my softwares are up2date. I already re-install Lion ...
Could be linked to another issue I already logged about applications crashing [URL]Since Coreaudiod crashed, Safari is going very slow and crashed also 3 times in 10 minutes. I suppose because coreaudio is not there and should?
So I used to be able to use skype video chat and photo booth at the same time but now photo booth says that there isn't a camera connected when I try opening it while I'm skyping.
In System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Application Shortcuts ( I have set up ⌘+Enter to send mail. It works great...until I use certain Mail commands. For example, if I use Shift+⌘+H to view the full headers of a message, the next time I try to use ⌘+Enter to send a mail it doesn't work. I have to quit Mail and then when I restart ⌘+Enter works again. Same thing happens if I use Shift+⌘+B to bounce a message. I can duplicate this every time so it's not an intermittent bug. It's a minor annoyance, but I wonder if anyone else can confirm it happens to rule out that it's something specific to my Mac. I'm on OS X 10.6.4.
So, strange thing happened today - I got home from work, came downstairs to my mac, and clicked on Safari in the dock.
And nothing happened.
So I clicked again. Ahh... there was the reassuring bounce from the dock. Until it stopped bouncing without opening.
For some reason or another, Safari will no longer start running on my computer! I reparied permissions, trashed the prefs, etc - to no avail. It's not working on other accounts on this computer either.
Any ideas on what to do? Btw, for what it's worth, I can access the iTMS just fine through iTunes... don't know if that will help diagnose the problem or not...
I updated my MBP last night (6/1/09) with the latest updates, including the one for garageband. Soon after the update, comcast was out for the no online connection for the rest of the night. After the connection was lost, I tried opening up garageband and all I got was a bouncning garageband icon on my dock. I looked at the error report created and it did mention something about my airport base station. So I was hoping the application not opening was a result of my lost connection. I am not home now to try again. I just wasn't aware that you needed to be online to start GB or is it the fact that it was the 1st time since the update that I opened it?
I'm not an expert on OS X, however recently I've been trying to spend more time with the system to learn and possibly switch from W7. The weirdest thing happened last night. I'm was trying to uninstall istat 3.0 from my system and it froze( the beach ball ). After force quiting it, i tried to start Word but the icon would only keep on bouncing and stop after a minute. No error message no nothing. I was sure it's an issue with Office itself, but no other software is starting. Mental Case, UnrarX, Excel, even Ponyvid, just bounce their icon around for 30-40 seconds and wont start. The only software that works are Apple's own Safari, Mail, Calendar , iPhoto and iTunes. They start normally with no fuss. I tried restarting and even creating another user account, and it didn't help. Is it possible that istat 3.0 blew something in the system? If so, what can it be? Anybody had this kind of situation before? Any fix on hand? What should I do next?
As of today, Safari only opens links by bouncing them to the reading list. I have to go find them in there and click on them again to view the link. Why are the links not opening directly in the browser window, the way you'd expect? I haven't changed any prefs or anything like that. I'm on Lion.
had problems with the trackpad - when I tap to select an item the mouse pointer "bounces" off the item I'm trying to select. It happens randomly - not every time. I migrated all my data and settings from my old Mac Pro (2011 model, also running Mavericks) via Time Machine - could that have an impact? Not using any non-Apple power supplies or other devices.
My girlfriend upgraded her computer night before last and it stopped working. It's now turning on but after about 30 seconds the application launcher stops working as does finder. I ran disk utility (can open it quickly) but the only diference it's made is that an error is coming up as below.
Every time I click to open it, it just says that the program quit unexpectedly. A few months ago, it opened basically flawlessly. An error would pop up saying No AGP card, but I would just hit esc and the program would open right up.
I've seen several post about this issue, which was caused by either VMware or changing the desktop background. However, neither is the problem for me. I have the default background and I don't even have VMware installed. Here is a screenshot of my active programs:'
I have the new MBP with Retina and Lion 10.7.4. I tried loading in safe mode with same problem. I don't use parallels or anything similar either.