OS X V10.7 Lion :: Terminal Command To Give Admin User Privileges In Finder?
Jun 29, 2012
Someone gave me a terminal command that allowed my OS X Admin user permission to make an application alias without having to enter my user password. I've since forgotten the command and wish to use it for a new admin user since my old admin has gremlins on a number of apps but new users are not troubled in same way. I can't beleive Apple would default to requiring a password to make/edit an alias but there you go the distrurbing trend towards their total control of my desktop advances… not to mention User SysPrefs leaking over from another user for keyboard shortcuts and sounds?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 10.7.4 actually Wacom 6x11
When using finder and browsing through folders, it will only show me a list of recent folders. I use Lion. If I want to see all the folders or open up a less recent folder, I have to click "show all" at the top right hand corner. It gets tedious when I'm dragging and dropping files to different folders when I have to constantly click "show all" just to see the folders I want. Is there a way to override this function through the terminal? Is there a command I can use?
So I just inherited from my coworker's MacBook Pro. I then decided to transfer all of my files and realized that the root folder was still on his name. I changed the User's name in "System Preferences" but that did not change the root folder's name. I then went to Terminal and tried to change the folder's name using the "mv OldFoldersName NewFoldersName"Â and the prompt said Permission denied. I then used "sudo mv OldFoldersName NewFoldersName". After restarting my computer, all the files were gone and I landed on a "LION first time USE" type of Desktop. All my files are gone and terminal shows me two users' names under /Users/ => OldUser and NewUser.
What can I do to recover my old files? What can I do to repair my Mistake and only have one User?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I purchased my iMac a few years ago, I created one user account and just started using my computer. I am trying to implement a few Safe Computing practices by creating a new Admin user account and changing my original user account to a Standard user. Â
For some reason, I cannot change either of the accounts to a standard user after I type in the password. I've logged in as both and tried to change the other user profile to a standard user, but the checkbox is greyed out on both of the Admin User accounts.  Â
I can create a new standard user, but I have everyting set the way I like it on my current Admin user account. It would be much easier to have a new Admin User account and "Downgrade" my original Admin account to a standard user account. Â
why the option to change from an Admin user to a standard user would be "Greyed Out"? The support articles walk me through, what should be a few simple steps, but I can not change the settings because the checkbox is greyed out. Â
I am using a Mac Mini (mid-2011) running Lion Server 10.7.4. I have noticed lately that when I check files the Sharing & Permissions portion using Get Info on my files I find that there are two lines for each user on my computer. The first set of lines says Read & Write which I actually selected. The second set of lines says Custom. When I check I have the list Read & Write, Read, Custom. When I try to change Custom I cam select new option No Privileges Info. For the other users I am able to delete the extra line once I select No Privileges Info.
However even though I have more than one line I cannot delete the extra line for the main user. I will try and delete the extra line for the main user logged in as someone else that has what I have defined as admin privileges (reason I have more than one user). This really concerns me because this issue is causing problems with me adding or removing files as needed in the terminal. When I try I get this funky error: "Dubious permissions on file (skipping): filename with duplicate entries for a user." This is happening more and more even though I am not changing the file permissions that I am aware of.
There is a possibility that there is something amiss with my external hard drive. I have ejected the hard drive and read in a thread that there is a way to disable TM's continuous "local Snapshots" Backup with a command typed in Terminal. The reasoning is that TM uses a lot of CPU's? and things can become a bit sluggish. If I turn TM to "OFF", doesn't this stop the hourly snapshots on the INTERNAL hard drive?Â
I am teaching myself UNIX and messing around with the terminal and noticed when the book I am using stated you can us Â
ls | spell
to pipe the cpommands and spell check the list tht the ls command gets yet when I try to use the spell command it says it is not recognized and when I try and pull up the man page for it says it does not exist....any reason why it is not working?
After entering sudo command, terminal asks for password. After that it will not accept typing in password, I type and nothing appears. If I try to paste in password nothing happens.
I'm trying to intergate my companies AD kerberose with the services hosted on a Lion Server in a golden triangle setup. Here's what I've tried so far.Â
1. Bind to AD host.
2. sudo dsconfigad -enablesso
3. Make a Opendirectory Master
4. sudo kinit list, all listed services should point to AD KDC.
First, here is the spec of my machine. Hardware Overview: Model Name:Mac Pro Model Identifier:MacPro1,1 Processor Name:Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor Speed:2.66 GHz Number Of Processors:2 Total Number Of Cores:4 L2 Cache (per processor):4 MB Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.33 GHz Boot ROM Version:MP11.005D.B00 SMC Version (system):1.7f10 Serial Number (system):CK7480180GP Hardware UUID:00000000-0000-1000-8000-0017F20F877E
I have three drives on my computer. I bought Fusion 3 to install on drive No 3 because I need windows based music and sound studio programs that I already own. All 3 drives had a working OS X system which I thought was Leopard. Fusion 3 would not load and said that the drive needed OS X. Since the drive already had a working system on it I assumed that it Fusion 3 wanted Snow Leopard, so I loaded it. This is the result:- It loaded reloaded Snow Leopard onto all three drive in spite of me selecting drive 3.
Lost:- All iPhoto picture on every drive. All itunes recordings, (mostly home studio personal stuff) on every drive All address book info on every drive Most non Apple software such as Photoshop, all (replaceable by using the original disc) on every drive All settings, background, dashboard, Mail etc. All administration privileges, and I mean ALL, the clocks are 8 hours out and I don't have enough admin power to change the time. iWork 8, specifically 'Pages', which I can't reload because of the admin problem so I can't save a document of any description.
I will have to wipe and start again, but I can't wipe (admin). I have tried resetting permissions but I am not allowed to unlock the little lock! Can I wipe the discs in a Windows based computer and then put them back in the Mac for reformatting? I have a tetrabyte of external drive that still works fine with most of my pictures backed up there after an iPhoto glitch which wiped the lot. I have found a folder called images which contains a lot but not all my lost pics (which I have backed up anyway) but it has pictures that I deleted 2/3 years ago, and all pictures are duplicated from three to five times in varying resolutions.
I'm on a standard user account and I would really like to install icalbuddy which is a terminal app. When I install apps normally I simply have to provide a admin name and pw, but this doesn't work when it is a terminal app because it requires that the 'su' command be run.
So I thought that I could run terminal as admin through 'su - admin' and then install. But of course the admin account doesn't have access to the user folder where the installer is located. I just can't win.
1st time use of the forum, so forgive me if I posted incorrectly.
I'm running MacBook 10.6.3.
I'm trying to change the permissions and password to a user that uses the notebook. When I try to change the permission to "enable admin" it gives me the pink swirl. Only way I can escape is by rebooting.
2ndly, the option to "change password' is not there.
I have always run under admin, ever since jumping into Mac's. Want to know how I gain access to everything that I have ever used as admin on my new user name?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), MacBook Pro (2007) (2010)
My Mac has my home folder on an internal HD (with the startup disk on internal SSD). How do I get the "locate" command to index (and hence be able to find) all files that are in my user folder (~/) and its subfolders? I want to be able to do this without changing permissions on my user files, of course.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4GHz Corei7, 16GB, SSD + 2T HD
When calling the find command in finder (cmd-f), search criteria are by default set to Kind is Any. I'd like to add some, e.g. Sytem files are included (instead of having to do this manually in almost every search). Can't find anything on this in the net.
Unfortunately, I got hit with Flashback on my imac. I've removed it with ClamAV and now I'm trying to clean things up and learn from my own mistakes. I've disabled Java and I am in the process of changing all my passwords everywhere I can. One mistake I had made was to use myself as administrator as my only account. I would like to change that, but one reason I hadn't done so earlier is that everything I've done and set up for the last 10 years is in my administrator account.
Is there a simple way to transfer everything over to the user account, rather than starting with a blank slate and trying to set things up from memory? And if so, should I then erase or delete things from my admin account? Which things and how do I do that quickly? I know I shouldn't have been using my admin account as user, but it didn't seem like a big deal back in 2002. Now I've been burned, and I want to get this fixed.
The finder keeps wanting my admin password to put items in the trash - is there a solution to this? Repaired permissions, only an admin user on the machine, no other users.
Info: iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/MacBook 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6), 4 GB RAM - 500 GB HD/4 GB RAM - 120 GB HD
I've got a major problem, i was messing around with File Sharing and the user privileges and now Me and the system dosent have access to the files and i cant boot!!
I have seen a solution for this on this forum but now i cant find it, i think i remember it using the chmod command.
I have tried booting from the Installation disk and running the disk utility and restoring my user privileges but nothing.
I don't know when started to happen, but when I open a window of Finder, and click in the left sidebar to see what is in Desktop, it didn't show in the right panel, it open a Terminal window. If I click Applications, or Music, it works good, but not with Desktop. I already installed Lion again 3 times, but when restoring from Time Machine, it starts to doing that.
i want to create another user account (i know how to do that) but it create a brand new mac profile..i want to share certain folder e.g. documents, applications, pictures etc..i understand i can right click and select get info and find the username .e.g  JOE BLOGGS and select 'read/write permissions'but when i login as JOE BLOGGS i see the directory but not the files within it...Â
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
OS 10.4. I know it has worked in the past month. My user account ( first one set up on system) no longer has administrator privileges. I went to do daylight savings update last week, and reply back says must enter administrator name and password......... Stuck because I can not even do a archive and reinstall because you need admin to do anything
I have (had) an effective VPN connection established on my iMac to enable connection to my work computer. I recently reviewed my use of users, creating a separate administer account and changing my home account privileges from admin to 'standard'.Â
I am now unable to use the VPN connection from my home account. The connection shows in the Network pane but the "Connect" button is greyed out. If I unlock the Network pane using the administrator details the Connect button becomes operational.If I change to the administrator account I can use the connection fine.Â
How can I enable the use of the VPN connection from a standard user, having locked the network connections (for the sake of not having children interfere with the network settings)?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Finder keeps telling me I don't have privileges when trying to move, delete or change a file on my desktop. everything else on my computer works fine and I can change files or folders in my docs or my other folders.
Simple request and for some reason my google-fu is failing me. How do I change the volume (drive not audio) in the Terminal app in OS X. I am using SL.
Is there a command to clear the terminal screen that works like 'cls' on Windows? I know about 'clear', but clear just moves the prompt on the top of the screen, leaving the previous output visible if I scroll up.
A friend suggested 'clear_console' (I think he's on debian) but I can't find it on OS X or MacPorts.
I want to build a redboot kernel in a wireless router, the command required from my newly acquired knowledge is insmod and modprobe.
However from the mac 10.5.8 terminal it says that the command is not found. I have installed gcc , sdk compiler support and enabled the super user as well.