OS X V10.7 Lion :: Search Not Working Properly In Mail?
Apr 19, 2012
The search feature in Lion/Mail will not find names or words in the "Subject" category even when I know they exists. I use mail for my business and often need to find old emails from clients..... the new search feature in Lion does not work. How can Apple release a product with such a obvious flaw?  Â
Other problems with mail..... • When I open mail no new mail will appear in my "in box" until I select another mail box like "trash" or "Sent".... then the new mail will appear. • The "Hide Mail" feature is greyed out when mail is open.... there's no way to hide mail. • The scroll down bar on the right side of the window is hidden until you drag the edge of the frame over to reveal it. • Windows are locked and can't be moved. I've been using Apple products from the earliest days in the 1980's and quite frankly have been shocked at some of the things Apple is screwing up these days. From the Final Cut Pro conversion to Final Cut X disaster that has sent thousands of professional editors running to other products, to these seemingly small but irritating flaws with the new software being released before these problems have been addressed. A search feature that does not work?Â
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Jun 6, 2012
I am no longer able to use Search in Mail. When I type anything in, I get zero results. I am almost certain it worked previously. Am I missing a setting somewhere?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 22, 2012
The search engine in mail has stopped working altogether. When I type something into the search field nothing happens.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Apr 3, 2012
I am having a problem where my mail App is not searching the entire body of the message any more. I installed Lion soon after it was released, and I believe that it has been working up until recently.Â
If I do a search, it won't search the message body, and gives me no option to search for "Message contains" (just "People" and "Subjects"). If search for subject "foo" and then click on the "Subject" pull down menu, it shows "Subject" and "Entire Message", but "Entire Message" is greyed out.Â
I've done a lot of web searching and most people with similar problems had problems with Spotlight. If I do a Spotlight search, it does find all of the mail messages correctly. Its just the Mail app that won't let me search.Â
I haven't tried re-indexing spotlight yet because spotlight seems to be working okay. Note that all of my mail accounts are "POP" accounts with the mail stored locally on my machine.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 18, 2010
I have the Mozilla Firefox web browser version .
I clicked on a Google image of the NAFTA Super Highway and the picture at the site opened with Internet Explorer .
I didn't have Internet Explorer on the computer before this happened .
Since then Internet Explorer pops up after I go on line with the Mozilla Firefox browser .
I could not get it to stop, so I moved it to the trash and it is still being held there . This is what I removed .
Internet Explorer 5.0 SR-1
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Internet Self-Repair
Microsoft Internet First Run
Before this, I'd open my mail, click on an web address in blue type, my browser would appear and the web site would open .
Now in mail when I click on a address that appears in blue type , like this [URL]= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Mail was unable to open the URL [URL]No associated application
could be found .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Do you know if there is a application missing, or could it be something else?
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Aug 22, 2014
So i had not used my laptop in about a week because of an issue with safari..When i get to https sites (totally random) have a box to enter something like a cc number or address as i start to type safari gives me the busy wheel for infinity...let it sit for hours one day, never stopped. had to force quit. relaunched, same thing on the same box. cleared history and cache, rebooted and tried again.happened on multiple websites on random boxes where i needed to enter some info, was always on a https site though.
Second issue, went to use my computer again, launched mail. none of my accounts are syncing. iCloud, exchange, gmail..all show most up to date from the last time i used it over a week ago. let it sit for hours, still no sync. got it to update by taking all accounts offline then back online. went to send a test message. hit the send button and mail locked up completely!!   Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 23, 2012
Whenever i click on an email on the web (like Craigslist), instead of opening mail (yes its running) it opens a new tab in chrome (i haven't messed w/ the chrome settings) and brings me to my email sign in. I have tried quitting and also restarting my computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), imac 17" 1.83GHz, 2GB RAM
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm using a PowerPC G5 dual 2GHz with OS X V10.5.8 with all updates installed that have been released as of this date. I've looked at a number of other topics here and elsewhere and have tried a number of ways to get this to work:
I tried using Onyx and one or two other system tools that offer the ability to rebuild the Spotlight indexes. (I've made sure that Spotlight is enabled on the volume where my mail folders live, of course.)
I've also tried that from a Terminal window:
<p> <code>$ sudo mdutil -E</code>.
I tried the following command to force the mail message files to be reimported: <p><code>$ mdimport -r /System/Library/Spotlight/Mail.mdimporter</code>
...all to no effect. And repairing permissions and then repeating any of the above doesn't help.
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May 17, 2012
Do realized there have been multiple threads on this topic. Just checking to see if a soilution has been found.
Note: Mail and Spotlight search worked perfectly in Snow Leopard before upgrade.
Upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion. Mail search and indexing no longer working. Unable to search Mail from finder (Spotlight) or within Mail. Spotlight shows all other search ares with the exception of "Messages". [code]...
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Mar 24, 2012
Time Machine can not find a file that I deleted just a few days ago, which is very annoying, because I can find the file just fine when I open my external hard drive (my Time Machine backup drive) with the Finder and navigate to the exact date and location where the file was located when I deleted it.Â
Why is Time machine not working like it is supposed to?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 5, 2012
I have tried everything to fix Spotlight search with no luck. I have deleted the index file in the root directory with out success. and tried several other ways of tring to re index my machine. As you can see from my screen shots. There is a file called Apps on the desktop. Yest when I search the desktop it cant find it.
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Jun 22, 2012
If I search files in my local server using "File->Find" in Finder, zero item are showing. Search option is not working for local servers. Here, I didn't use Spotlight option for searching. Since, In Spotlight option, there is no option to search files in "Servers".
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Mar 20, 2012
I just bought a macbook pro last week. Since using lion, I have noticed a problem clicking. Such as opening folders, minimizing windows, clicking the back space button etc. I click on a few folders and they open, and then I try to click on another one and it refuses to open no matter how many times I click on it unless I unselect it and try again. It is not consistent to specific folders/icons, it just happens at random.
It is as if the OS is not registering clicks consistently, like it were a hardware problem. Also my right click malfunctions at times and will either not work or will behave like it is the left click and vice versa and takes awhile to regulate itself. Keep in mind I use both a wireless usb mouse and my trackpad and this is a problem I experience with both of them. I am using the latest version (10.7.3)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 12, 2012
I was opening apps today and realized that the indicator lights weren't activating. I am aware that they can be turned off, but I made sure they were on and I still have this issue. For example, here is a screenshot of my screen with Safari and Settings open, but with no indicator lights. All software is up-to-date and current.I have come to rely on these inducator lights to let me know what apps are running, and this problem is troubling to me.
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Apr 20, 2012
Some e-mails from the same sender appear fine with images and links properly displayed, yet other times I only see text with underlined links. For example, I receive promotional e-mails from Land's End (a retailer in the U.S.) with images of the items. Some e-mails display perfectly and others are as below in the cut and paste. (I have noticed the problem frequently with Google news alerts.)
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 29, 2012
I recently upgraded my dad's system from Snow Leopard to Lion, and it went without a hitch, however he's noticed now that Mail is no longer finding emails that it should be. For example, when he would type in Mark in the search (scope: all) in Snow Leopard, he'd have at least 100 emails show up from mark@address, however now in Lion the result returns only 2 recent emails (scope: all). I played around with it for a bit -- but I couldn't get it working. Here's what I tried:Â
I typed in the name of the person and still only two came up. I tried the email address, and still only two came up. It doesn't matter whether what's being searched for is a part of the person's name, email address, subject, to, from, or message, it's just not coming up. Again, scope was set to all, i.e, inbox, sent, etc.Â
Worked perfectly on Snow Leopard. Doesn't work at all on Lion? Dad should be able to type in "Mark" and see the hundred or so emails sent to or from mark@address.com, etc., and this is happening with all his previous emails. He types in things and stuff just doesn't come up anymore. He's on a Mac Pro running the latest version of Lion.
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Feb 29, 2012
Just moved to new iMac with OS Lion. The Mail function used to search the body of the email, but now it does not (apparently).[url]More importantly, the search function is not looking at my old emails in separate folders. And apparently it is not looking at emails not received by the new computer either. Thus I have no historic email search function, which is annoying.How can I force Mail to look at and search all the other old email folders?
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Jun 3, 2012
Very recently, a search for a particular artist starting yielding songs by that artist but also many other artists. Some might think I shouldn't be disturbed by this, but the search function was perfect until now. There were no unwanted selections. What is wrong? How can I get iTunes to function as perfectly as it has for many years?
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May 25, 2012
Is there a way to search my mail messages for a specific word or phrase?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM
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Sep 11, 2014
On my macbook pro which is using mountain lion, by safari search engine preferences is set to google, but when i enter a search term it defaults to bing. Only noticed this problem after downloading adobe flash player for what it's worth.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
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May 10, 2012
Started the 10.7.4 install, and it halted. Turned my Mac off, started it back up, and apparently the 10.7.4 update didn't install, but it has caused the Mail function to not work AT ALL - I get a long error report that is auto sent to Apple.Â
I downloaded Lion from the Apple store, but have my Snow Leopard disk. How do I go about re-installing Mail?Â
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
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Aug 21, 2014
I Have two Microsoft exchange mail one mail works properly, but the other has developed problem from past one week. Mails are automatically getting deleted every day, sometimes every few minutes. I have to restart the computer to again download the mails. The mails only get deleted from my computer and not the exchange. Also, would like to inform my MAC pro book got infected with Trojan.gen.2 virus. Which I discovered with Nortons antivirus software. I installed this software as I doubted if my mails are getting deleted owing some virus. Although my MAC is free of virus, the issue with one exchange mail remains and emails still gets deleted.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 14, 2009
My dictionary is synced to my spotlight, so when I type in a word, it defines it. But now it doesn't. It also loads only a few icons of the files I'm searching. I have MacBook. (2008)
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Oct 25, 2009
I have no idea what has changed other than I have been messing with GeekTool today. Some of my widgets are not working properly.
and any WebClip widget
They are all stuck at a fixed size (not the same form one to the next) and redownloading has not fixed the problem.
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Jun 27, 2012
Rules in Mac Mail are working terribly randomly - create a rule to color messages from domain = x, didn't work; then tried a rule to color messages to = one of my 3 email addresses ... that worked on about 80% of the messages to that email address (***? no discernable pattern!) after exiting and re-launching mail ... Finally realizing this thing just doesn't work I deleted all the rules ... several exits/re-launches I now still have about 80% of my messages to one email address I use colored, with no discernable pattern. There are no rules now.Â
Using OS X 10.7.4 on a 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro w/ 4 GB Ram, Mail 5.2. Have 3 email addresses, 1 Mobileme using IMAP and 2 Gmail addresses using IMAP.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 28, 2012
suddenly, I can't search within my computer or external hard drives. It spins forever and finds nothing. I have put in an easy search which is readily available but can't be found by searching.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Sep 24, 2009
What's the best way to uninstall this Snow Leopard beast? I've backup files in Time Machine but I'm not sure of what system folders and/or files should be restored.
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Feb 23, 2010
out of the blue about 3 months ago my MacBook(version10.4.11) started refusing to recognize my home wireless. the problem has now reached the point where it AT TIMES will display that the wireless newtwork is on in the toolbar yet the computer will not jump onto the internet. Now it has reached the point where it won't even show that it sees the wireless in the toolbar. I have reloaded all passwords , checked the Verizon wirelss set up, reloaded firefox , checked all firewalls. The wierd thing is that my kids macbook is fine. Mine is the one with the problem.I checked all my settingts to correspond/copy hers and they do. Have zapped pram too. It works fine EVERYWHERE else but home.
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May 21, 2010
I have an iMac Core 2 Duo running Snow Leopard V10.6.3 with 4 GB RAM... I've seen the threads regarding the inability to "Empty Trash" and the error code. When I open the Trash window, it is empty. When I place a single item into Trash, there is one item seen in the window. When I Empty Trash, there are then six items being deleted. If I place three items into Trash, then eight items are deleted... etc., etc. What are those weird ghostly five items??
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Sep 8, 2009
Starting about 4 months ago my 3 year-old 2.0GHz Core Duo MacBook's wireless started to not work very well. What was happening is that after starting the computer or waking it from sleep, it was able to connect to my network, but after about 5 seconds it would lose the signal despite being physically very close to the router without anything to block the signal. The problem progressively got worse, and at its worst it was only able to connect about 1 in 10 times. Either it wouldn't find the network at all, or it would find it but couldn't connect because "The connection timed out" or something like that.
I never bothered fixing the problem because my Mac was having a bunch of other issues at the time, so I was just going to fix them all by doing a fresh install of Snow Leopard once it came out.
So 3 days ago I did a fresh install of Snow Leopard (I formatted the harddrive then did a fresh install, not an archive and install). Unfortunately, it only kinda helped the wireless problem: I can now connect half the time rather than 1 in 10 times like it used to be.
I'm quite sure my network isn't the problem because everyone that has used my network in the recent past (which has been about 10 different PCs, Macs, and iPhones) hasn't had any problems. FYI, I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router.
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