I am not able to open a credit union account in Safari, I continue to get a window that says my user name or password are invalid. But the same account can be opened in Firefox with no problem. I have not nor ever do open this account from any email or any out of the ordinary site. I have not noticed any other problems with Safari.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've found the New User that has been created on my MacAir but none of my passwords will open it to transfer my data into my regular User Account. What can I do? I've tried migrating a couple of times and I still can't open the account.
Info: MacBook Air, Bought today with the latest software
Can't open mail account even though it's still in the dock and in the applications. Also finder went missing from the top left menu. Do I have a virus?
After only my safari didn't work anymore now i've got internet again because of firefox but now all the apple programs such as iphoto, ibooth, itunes and pages etc. stopped working! When i try to open them i get the message 'the program quit unexpectedly' (translated from dutch) I think this is because i installed an older software version over a new one, but if this is the case, how do i fix it? I if go to the apple sign and click there on software update that program shuts down too!
After upgrading to Lion I see a check box at shutdown to refrain from opening web pages currently open in Safari. I did that, unchecked it, but they still open. How odd they would make this a opt out scenario - is there a way to make this permanent? I liked the old way where you could go into History and do it during a new session.
I installed OSX Lion on my Mac Intel but now Safari wont open - instant shut down. What do I do?, I installed OSX Lion but now Safari wont open - instant shut down. What do I do?
Ever since upgrading to Lion, when I log into LogMeIn each computer I log into opens a new window. I have set the Safari prefs to open new windows as tabs, and it works for everything except LogMeIn. They claim it's a Lion issue. It also does this on Firefox.
I am unable to open .pdf files in my Safari browser or in my Firefox browser. Firefox crashes completely. Safari just gives me a blank page. I'm unable to click on .pdf files online and view them.
I am having problems with all of my browsers opening random websites. All was working fine until one day Safari simply refused to open a few random sites. I thought it was a provider glitch, but they said it's not and besides I have no trouble opening those same sites on my iPad and even from my Bootcamp Windows 7 system. I have no idea what is causing it, some sites simply won't open without any explanation. The browser just keeps loading and loading and loading, but no effect. To make matters even more confusing, it even won't load some images in the mail. The system is up to date.The problem is the same in Safari, Chrome, Opera and Firefox with same web pages. Â
I would love it if my downloads simply opened using their respective programs (e.g word documents, powerpoint slides, PDFs, etc) after they completely finished downloading in Safari.
Whenever I launch Pages, the application opens pretty much all the documents I've worked on. I take care to close all the windows, hoping that they won't launch again next time I start the application, yet they do. I can't find a setting in the preferences or Settings to disable this behavior.Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I bought this new MacBook Pro a month ago. When I try logging into my guest account, it froze. I had no other alternative but to get out of it by pressing the power button. Then I tried open a new user account to see if it also has the same problem. Unfortunately it did have the same problem - froze after I logged in. I had done a harddisk check, there seemed to be no problem.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
A freshly created account under 10.7.4. is a Admin account by default. The checkbox "Allow user to administer this computer" is grayed out. I end up with an Admin account and there is no way to convert this account into a Standard account. Facts: 10.7.4 - clean install on a current iMac i5 Freshly created account uses name of a deleted older account (my name)Repaired permissions several times (disk utility and "resetpassword utility" via terminal and safe boot)The older account had been relocated to a external disc for security reasons. There the access rights got corrupted so that I wanted to freshly create a new account and copy all files from a backup. how to create a new account for me?Â
Working on a 2011 Macbook Pro with 10.7.3.I"ve setup many other macs with the same build and they all have created the mobile account when logging in for the first time, but this one will not allow the mobile account to get created.I'm connected to the line that gives me LAN access. I can log in with my own credencials and that works fine.I suspect it's the way the AD account is setup on the server but I'm not an admin for that. The same account sets up fine on a Windows box. Once I log in for the first time, it goes directly to the desktop. Basicly a local account but no user directory is created. With Fast User Switching turned on I see that it's showing someone elses name there, not the user that I logged in with. i.e. It should show 'joe jones' but it's showing 'fred smith'
Can't get screen grabs because there is no access. Can't show the FInder drives for the same reason, even if I go make the user an admin from a local admin account.I've seen some fixes in the forums but nothing works. I could just give in and create a local account an leave it at that, but that is not a fix
There are a number of user accounts on my computer.
All of them work, apart from one.
When I try to log into that User Account it will not open. I am using the correct password .
I can see the contents of that account when I am logged into one of the other accounts.
Is there any simple way of getting the User account working properly again?
I have backups of the Users folder. I could just replace the User that I cannot log into with that User from one of the backups. But the information will be slightly different as the backups were done weeks ago. Also I don't want to use those backups as I have had problems doing similar things before (because the system seems to remember where the files came from and that causes clashes).
my mac wont open up a different itunes account. i have one and so does my son but all of a sudden it wont let me open his. pressing option when clicking on itunes and then choose account but then it just brigs a small box up with my itunes in it and no option to switch to another account.
Lately, I am not able to open any web links from my safari. This happens only when I click on short link on webpage by which I expect it to open another webpage of a different website. Interestingly, I am able to open the same links from the same MacBook but from from a different log in account! I have tried Safari, Firefox, Chrome but with same results. There is something in my profile which is causing this. Any ideas?
I tried to click the 'Download Beta' from Apple/facetime today and it has the same results too.
My daughter has just moved out and so now has her own internet and email address. Yesterday she was setting up all her new email addresses. Because she was having problems with setting up one of them, she deleted the old account even though it will still be active for another week or so and then recreated it. Now she cannot access any of her old emails from that account. The message she receives "This message from _____ has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it." There are no emails left on the server and they are not on her online account either. She has some rather important emails in there. Is there anyway she can access them?