MacBook Pro :: Clean Install Versus Time Machine Backup - Performance?
Mar 26, 2010
I recently bought an intel x25 160gb for my uMPB. I have a time capsule backing up my system so I just swapped in the new SSD and hit "restore from time machine backup".
About an hour later, the install was finished and everything looked exactly how I left it.
I can't understate how impressive that feature is by the way. However, I wonder if it might be better to do a clean install to really get best performance here.
I say that because I also installed a clean copy of win7 via bootcamp and it actually seems faster than OSX. For example, every common app; firefox, chrome, microsoft office, etc. launches faster in win7 than it does in OSX.
My OSX installation is about 18 months old without any clean installs, and I'm wondering if anyone here has noticed significantly better system performance with a clean install rather than a time machine backup.
Albiet to the claim that the Time machine performance in SL is almost 50% faster than Leopard seems to be not true. The initial backup after the upgrade took almost 45 minutes and incrementals around 15 -20 mins as before.
Anybody else seeing the Time machine backup performance improvement in SL ?
I just got my new Seagate Momentus XT, which is going into a late 2007 MBP. I got it because I'm running out of hard drive space and wanted a performance boost. My question is: should I just restore from Time Machine, or would I get a bigger performance boost with a clean install of 10.6, and reinstalling only the apps I currently use?
I know back when I used XP a clean install was a big performance boost itself, but with a mac, is it necessary or worth the hassle?
I recently purchased a Mercury Elite-AL Pro from OWC and it included Prosoft Engineering Data Backup. Are there advantages in using Time Machine vs. Prosoft Engineering Data Backup or vice versa? Also, what about something different like Carbon Copy Cloner? I'm looking to do this right the first time.
I'd like to try a clean install, but i also don't want to reinstall all my apps and settings, etc. But if i recover from a TM backup, won't it bring over all the crap to? I guess my question is, what exactly is on my TM backup? How would i do this?
I'm going to reinstall Snow Leopard from scratch for the 6th time since I bought my MBP, which is a little over a month. Why? Constant freezes, lockups, beach balls (OMG I HATE THOSE DAMN THINGS). So I just want to start fresh... again again again again again again.
My question: if I restore from my Time Machine backup after I install Snow Leopard, what will happen? My SL DVD is 10.6. If I restore, will it go to 10.6.1? How is all of this going to work? I could just start completely clean and manually transfer my files from the Time Machine drive to where they usually are and be happy.
Just upgraded my macbook pro to a new model and trying to copy Parallels and windows to new mac? Parallels transporter agent not working for me. Can I install from Time Machine backup?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
So my hard-drive died. Luckily I have a Time Machine backup of my system. I bought a new HD and tried to restore from the backup. No-go. It complains that it can't restore certain file, so it snorts the restore. I tried an older backup, no help.
So I decided to do a fresh install instead. But once I have OS up & running again, can I restore files from my old Time Machine backup? How does the process work? I'm afraid if I point Time Machone to my old backup, it will overwrite it.
I do have my files backed up manually as well, so I can always copy them by hand. Bit that backup is not as recent as the TM backup.
am thinking about doing a clean install of Snow Leopard, but was wondering about the use of Time Machine in the Migration Assistant after it's re-installed. I have a lot of music, documents,apps etc (probably around 70-80gb) on my Time Machine backup that I would need to re-install. When you choose Time Machine in the migration assistant, does it let you choose what to pull off the Time Machine, or does it just take everything?
I need to do a clean install of Snow Leopard on my machine, but don't want to restore everything that is on my time machine. I have purchased much shareware software that I don't currently need and don't want hogging disk space.
Is it possible to do a partial restore of selected programs and their settings, or is it an all-or-nothing affair?
Did a clean install the other day to see if that'd help out my system's performance. Seems like it might just have done that.
1. Since a clean install helped me out, I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to do a full Time Machine restore. Or can I safely do that (since that would kinda be the easiest thing to do)?
2. If not, how do I restore all my settings and stuff. What about the programs that aren't just DMG files but have installed some of their stuff in some other folders?
3. I'm especially concerned with my iTunes library - since I sync it with my iPhone. How do I easily and fully restore that?
4. After solving all of this, how do I get my Time Machine back up running - without it starting "all over", as if it was a new machine?
I decided to do a clean install of Mavericks to get rid of all the very old files hiding in my system folders. I made a start-up disk following online instructions, rebooted from the USB drive and wiped the drive and reinstalled Mavericks. Then I plugged in my Time machine backup drive and tried to recover particular folders from the latest backup. However, I am getting a permission error that prevents me from going into the old user folder from that backup. It has a red circle/line icon on the folder.
As I speak time machine is backing up everything onto my new 500Gb portable hard drive. I also have a new 500Gb internal drive which I am going to install after the backup is complete.
I was just wondering what exactly time machine backs up? Does it include things like firefox bookmarks? As I would be annoyed if I lost them.
Also, once osx has bee installed on the new internal drive is there a way to use the time machine backup on the portable drive? I basically don't know how the files are stored on the portable drive when using time machine...i.e. whether it is a backup saved as one individual file, or many files?
i recently clean installed snow leopard after backing up my data via time capsule even after using the migrarion assistant my iphoto library is gone doesn't time capsule backup the iphoto library?
I ordered the $29 upgrade online. I was wondering if I could do a hard drive format and fresh install then restore my photos and documents and mp3s from my Time Capsule using Time Machine. This would probably free up even more HD space and make the OS cleaner and fresher, no? Would this be possible?
I had the hard drive replaced in in my mid 2009 17" MacBook pro. After the clean install of lion I migrated my data from time machine (lion) to the new clean partition.. Upon completion the machine is unresponsive. The progress wheel turning for 10 minutes. I force quit and restart to kernel panic. I have been through this 3 times same sequence of events same results.
I just did a clean install of Snow Leopard on my older macbook. I did not specifically back up my itunes purchases, however, I did do several Time Machine back ups as well as manually moving data via Finder (copy "Macintosh HD" and paste to folder on external), and finally a clone using CarbonCopyCloner. I wanted to start fresh, but I failed to think of my iTunes purchases, as well as iPhone app purchases/downloads. Is there some way I can specifically restore iTunes from the back up without having to restore from a TimeMachine backup?
I had to give up my Macbook Pro and am now going back to my Macbook. I have everything loaded on a Time Machine backup, but am having trouble getting to my Macbook. I bought a Leopard Install DVD back when they were released, but when I pulled it out I saw it is now scratched. Can I use a Macbook Pro Leopard install disk to restore my Time Machine backup to a Macbook? If not, is there any way to completely restore a computer from a Time Machine backup without an install disk?
I recently wiped/installed Lion on my hard drive and I'm trying to figure out how to link my old time machine back ups to my time capsule. I haven't gotten the oft quoted dialogue box that lets you link it to the new install. Does anyone know how I can manually force this to happen? I've already started a fresh backup, but I'm fine losing what's been backed up so far.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a Time Machine Backup that I created in Lion 10.7 and I need to know if this will allow me to install it from 10.6.My HD is on its way out and I need a replacement. I will first install 10.6 onto the new drive (as this is the disk that came with my Mac) and from there, I want to install my Time Machine backup.
Info: Mac Mini (Early 2009)/MacBook (Late 2008)Mac Mini (2010), Mac OS X (10.6.7), LED Cinema Display
I have looked into this a lot already. It is to much that Time Machine backs up every single hour! It would be nice to set it to something like 3 or 5 hours. I have tried a 3rd party app to do this, but... If my computer was off or asleep when it was supposed to back up, it would get an error. It would not just do the backup when i turned it on or when it came out of sleep like stock Time Machine does. I have also seen a way to change the time incraments in the Terminal.(I am very good with it, not a noob) I have tried this and it screws up time machine completely. Maybe it does not work with the newest OS X. By the way... I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, got it 2 months ago.
Does anyone know a solid 3rd party app, that will work seamlessly. Or has anyone changed the time in Terminal and are currently using something different than 1 hour. There is a lot of examples online, but I would like the codeing that you literally used.
Just wanted to check if he problem was unique to my MBA (Rev B, HDD) or you notice it too ;
My Time Machine backup takes up to 6 hours to do a backup of about 30GB. And each backup size is 31.5GB everytime !!
I have the following Config - 80 GB for OSX (53GB Free) and 40 GB (10GB Free) for Win 7 on Bootcamp. Sometimes I wonder if TM making a backup of Win 7 also everytime. (Does it mean - In a way its good, that means I should be able to restore the entire hard disk from TM including Applications, Win 7 , bootcamp and all the programmes installed in Win 7 in case I have a problem ?)
But the speed should still be fast... 6 hours to do a 32GB backup is torturous specially because then I have to leave the machine alone and cannot use it.
I am getting the following error from Time Machine when doing my first backup. The startup disk being backed up, and the TM disk are both the same size.
Macintosh HD: 465.44 (total); 393.99 (free); 71.45 (free) Time Machine: 465.44 (total); 465.29 (free)
The Time Machine error is: Quote:
"This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 472.7 GB but only 465.3 GB are available." why would this be? Other disks are excluded from the backup, and Time Machine is telling me that it needs more space than it actually needs. What should I do?
A: an old macbook (the white one) B: a modern macbook pro (retina) C: another modern macbook pro (TBD)
I am giving away B now; I expect to get C in 2 months time; I keep A with me all the time.
The goal is to migrate all of the data from B to C. I have Time Machine backups of B.
Since the transition is a long time (2 months), I need to keep working on my data during this period. For this I will use A. This will generate new files, modify old ones, ...
Since A's HDD is much smaller than B's backup, I can move only part of them.
By the way, I have totally erased A and used migration assistant to restore part of my old data from B. So, when I use A now, I do it with my same account as in B (and the same I will use in C).
How do I manage my backups in such a way that, when I will get C, I can safely move all of the data I had in B plus all of the changes and modifications that I have done during the 2 month transition?
Can I just continue to use Time Machine (on A) to update the old backups? I am afraid that some mess could be created because the computers are different (before the backups were taken on B, while now on A), even the present data are different (because now A only contains a subset of the original B data, which I do NOT want to lose), the good point is that the user is the same.
I just received my refurb 1.8/SSD Air and I'm excited about getting it up and running. I'm confused about one thing. If I do a reinstall to delete printer drivers and languages, and then do a time machine migration from my MBP, would all of the drivers and languages reappear from the migration?
I plan to do a clean install for SL, and was wondering if I could simply drag my applications onto a flash drive or DVD and then retrieve them once in SL. For example could I just drag the iWork and MS Office 2008 folders onto a flash drive or DVD, do the clean install, then drag them back into my Application folder?
I was thinking of doing a clean install of Snow Leopard. I back up via Time Machine to a Time Capsule. If I do a clean install, do I then just open Time Machine and then choose restore from the last backup or is not that simple.
My snow leopard has been performing really badly, so its been recommended that I do a clean install, however I am not too sure how to go about it. The main issues are how I actually start the whole process, and the second thing is what I need to be aware of when restoring from backup? I assume you need to use migration assistant, is it possible to restore documents and music, or only applications and settings?