OS X :: Iphoto Taking Much Time To Load?
Dec 3, 2010I am not really good with computers at all, but my brother give me a mac book some time ago..
It is a Mac 0S X Version 10.3.9
memory 256 MB Built-in.. roughly 10 years old now..
I am not really good with computers at all, but my brother give me a mac book some time ago..
It is a Mac 0S X Version 10.3.9
memory 256 MB Built-in.. roughly 10 years old now..
just finished installing 10.6. I have noticed that when I click on my stacks, icons for files in the stack take a couple seconds to load. This seemed to happen for the longest amount of time the first time I pulled up the stack after the 10.6 update. Even after a few times they will occasionally take a bit to load. Does anyone know a reason for this to be happening?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhy but lately all the .wmv videos I have watched have taken an extremely long time to fully load. Before the whole file would load and I would be able to seek throughout the video to any part which I liked. Now however, the video instantaneously pops up but I have to wait for it to load before I am able to seek but I can basically watch the whole video before it fully loads (as if it was streaming).
In the attached picture, the Quicktime seek bar looks like this as I open it.
I have the free version of flip4mac, quicktime and OSX 10.5.8.
currently using a mid 09 13" Macbook Pro with 4gb of ram. Currently i have a Western Digital 1TB My Book External Hard Drive connected to the usb port. But everytime i try to access the ext hdd, there will be the dreaded beach ball ands takes around 3-5mins before the files can be displayed on finder. I never had this problem when it is plugged into my windows PC. My ext hard disk is currently formated in NTFS, im accessing the files through my mac using NTFS-3G. Could this be a reason?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWithin the last few days my iMac (Mac OS X 10.5.8) has started acting up. It is running very slowly. I have over 100GB of space left. 4GB of Ram. I have been so worried that I have tried everything, including a virus scan (which I knew would be useless) and turns out I have no virus'. I have repaired the permissions on my HD. I have also rebooted it a bunch of times, did a software update. Things like my hot corners won't work. My dock doesn't pop up when I run my mouse over it. Right click is VERY SLOW. It's gotten so bad that when the screensaver on my iMac turns on the motion of the mouse doesn't do anything. I have to actually push a button on the keyboard for the screensaver to go away.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDuring the past week or so, I've had difficulty accessing YouTube videos. At first, they would not load at all; now, in the past couple of days, they have been loading after a couple of minutes of leaving the page open. I have installed the lastest version of the flash play and emptied my cache on Safari.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
For quite a while, any Java based applications on my Mac have been taking a long time to launch. When I start them, the icon just bounces on the dock for about 2 minutes and then once it stops I force quit it, start it again and it loads fine. I have the same problem with both Minecraft and Angry IP Scanner so I'm near certain that it is not application specific. All other applications load almost instantly and there is plenty of memory available (8GB installed) for them to launch. Just for reference: all of the updates available on Software Update are installed as well.
Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, 8GB DDR3 RAM
Just downloaded the Java update and now my entire mac is taking a significant amount of time to load applications, internet and everything. For instance I was doing some video editing and I couldn't even watch the playback.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am running a MacPro 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with 8 GB RAM and OS 10.6.6 that is connected to an AirPort Extreme connected to a Westell DSL modem. Lately I have been experiencing strange behavior that I can not solve. When I first start up, Safari and Mail generally launch and work properly. But after a while, from 10 minutes to an hour, I get strange behavior. In Safari, pages take a long time to load- with a spinning beach ball for several minutes. Or they don't load at all. In Mail, I can't get new mail- a get a message that I'm not connected to the internet. When I go to System Preferences and check the Network, it says I am connected.
Rebooting usually solves the problem, but I am forced to reboot once an hour or so. Also, other programs show strange behavior- either failing to launch or crashing. This happens frequently with Photoshop Elements 9 and occasionally with Pages. I am also running a PowerPC Dual 2.3 GHz using OS 10.5.8 off the AirPort Extreme that runs fine and experiences none of these problems. Both machines are connected by ethernet cables to the AirPort Extreme.
I've done a couple of single image emails that were under 2mb in size. Decent cable upload/download speeds usually, but this is pretty slow. 2-4 minutes per email before it says "Sent".
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy mac is taking ages to load and making loud noises, i'm getting really scared! could be the hard drive dying??
it all happened yesterday i left it on its own and when i came back next morning it was off, it ran out of charge! thats all what happened
now is taking forever to load the os x, if its gonna brake down how can i make a backup? and start all over again?
should i buy a better hard drive? and which is the highest storage hdd i can get?
I just noticed that my umbp is kind of slow. For example, safari used to load up less than a second. Now it takes about two to four bounces. Then, it will take 1 second to start up. On Firefox, it usually takes 5 to 6 bounces to start up as well. Could there be a lot going on through my activity monitor?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've had my Macbook Pro just 6 weeks, why do my aol emails take an age to load?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am having problems loading websites. Takes about 5 min to load.
Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
My Macbook has been running pretty slowly recently but only at log in. Its been taking ages to load my name at the top of if you try anything before is loaded my user profile I guess it just crashed. Also every now and again the wallpaper doesnt load up. Anyway to fix this is booted into safe-mode, verified the disk and repaired the permission. My work insists I use McAfee enterprise edition for Mac if connecting their servers so I am also protected from viruses and mal-ware. Its just got worse. And stranger still Safari still loads but thats all. Any other program will bounce a few times and then do nothing. Even mail, pages, dreamweaver, terminal, settings - everything. Safari is the only working program I have found that actually still loads. The internet connection works find and everything else. McAfee is sitting in my status bar so I am guessing that has also loaded properly.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm using a Macbook Pro (latest version) with basic specs as below :
Mac OS X V.10.7.4
Processor : 2.4Ghz
Intel Core i7 Memory : 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Safari Ver 5.1.7
Safari doesn't reload fast and crashes / hangs frequently. Youtube takes a long time to load and when it's up, the visuals, audio are jerky. Vimeo hardly loads up. This machine is only about a month old and it acts up sluggishly. Some other programs running are slow too.
Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.6)
I understand Time Machine taking a longer time initially when first installed, however my Time Machine seems to always be running, backing up ALL my files each time not just the newer ones. i.e. "it" (Time Machine) is always running.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an iMac running the latest version of Lion (10.7.4) and which I have upgraded to a one terabyte hard drive and full memory capability. I back up to a My Book 2 terabyte external hard drive using Time Machine. My iMac is often very sticky, though I've done most of the diagnostics I know of and preferences etc. are seemingly all OK and fcuk -fs gives a positive result! The Mac is often hard to wake from sleep and in particular seems to spend a lot of time backing up very-very slowly, with the result that it frustratingly seems to be backing up most of the time with the consequent effects on using other programs. Also the whole thing seems to grind to a halt after a hard days work with quite a few applications open. I'm wondering what can be causing this and what I can do to overcome this very frustrating and debilitating problem?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
my new 2TB Time Capsule takes anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes to startup, before the status LED eventually changes to solid green. during that long startup period, the light is amber and blinks slowly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just switched to IMac and use to use Pinnacle for home video editing. If IMovie allows you to take a frame from a clip and export it to iPhoto as a jpg for printing and sharing?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
I have looked into this a lot already. It is to much that Time Machine backs up every single hour! It would be nice to set it to something like 3 or 5 hours. I have tried a 3rd party app to do this, but... If my computer was off or asleep when it was supposed to back up, it would get an error. It would not just do the backup when i turned it on or when it came out of sleep like stock Time Machine does. I have also seen a way to change the time incraments in the Terminal.(I am very good with it, not a noob) I have tried this and it screws up time machine completely. Maybe it does not work with the newest OS X. By the way... I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, got it 2 months ago.
Does anyone know a solid 3rd party app, that will work seamlessly. Or has anyone changed the time in Terminal and are currently using something different than 1 hour. There is a lot of examples online, but I would like the codeing that you literally used.
With my new DSLR/RAW shots, I've bloated iPhoto to over 105GB for just over 20,000 photos. Was doing housecleaning, deleting files and the "aw *****" moment hit where I deleted some i wanted. Went into TimeMachine and did a Restore to my external 2TB HD (FW800) as temp place. Now, when I went to delete that 105GB file started last night 10:30 pm, here 7.5 hr later: still churning away.....wtf did I do wrong??
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy iphoto is not working. When I open it, the picture loading swirl thing spins and never stops! Like it wants to load the events but it never does. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it twice and no luck! I Just got this computer a month ago. I have also tried the command+option to fix any problems.
View 3 Replies View Relatedfor no reason all of a sudden my iphoto wont load pictures. the application opens but it says it is loading photos but it just spins and spins for an hour and never loads. the pics are still there, they are in my finder under photos. this is the first problem i have had with iphoto like this other than its normal bloated performance issues. what on earth can be causing this? how can i try to correct it? will i have to reinstall tiger?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I click on my Iphoto Library Icon it brings up a blank library screen that seems to be "loading" pictures, but the pictures never load! I have been having this problem for a while so I created a second library called Iphoto Library 2 that functions properly. However, I need an album of pictures from my old library that I can not access!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've new to MAC (1 month or so). I bought a 24" iMac. Coming from PC, which has been great for me for a long time, I decided to try out MAC. I'm a hobby photographer with a DSLR camera. I want to load my photos (RAW + jpgs) to my computer hard drive. Automatically, iPhoto pops up and it's like I can't do anything with photos without having to go through iPhoto. I want to avoid iPhoto all together and create my own folder structure system on the hard drive, but my camera doesn't show up in 'Devices' in Finder. How do other photographers load their photos? I find it hard to image they have to go through iPhoto every single time. I have the camera hooked to the computer via USB. Is there something else I should be doing?
Another question about iPhoto.. . Can you organize your photos in folders within folders? Or can you just have one level of organization? It seems like your photo library would eventually just turn into a humungous sea of albums. Any advice on how to be better organized with iPhoto.
I cannot get my iphoto to load. It just asks me to relaunch and then nothing happens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently, iPhoto has completely stopped working. When I open the application, everything is blank and the rainbow pinwheel begins spinning and does not stop. I have to Forcequit the application. I tried removing iPhoto (placed in trash and emptied) and reloaded with my iLife disk but I am still having the same issue. Can anyone advise what the issue could be and how to fix? I have a Macbook Pro (intel) with Leopard installed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIts taking about 3-5 minutes to log out and I dont know why I have disconnected a usb without ejecting it before, and also declined an microsoft autoupdate from Word. when im logging out, the screen turns blue and theres a spinning circle at the bototm. after that, the log in screen is not able to be clicked on anything, and it will take about 5-10 minutes to be able to be clicked and log in.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
The Disk Utility command "erase free space" takes longer and longer over time. Now it seems to run forever. The time estimates 6 hours, but is not finished after 8 hours. Previously the time ranged from 30 minutes to an hour for the same machine and OS.
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