OS X V10.7 Lion :: Hide Home Folders From WebDAV On Server?
Apr 3, 2012
I have set up Lion Server and so far it is doing everything that I want it to do. I have sucessfully connected to the Lion server from my iPad using webDAV. I can see the sharepoints that I have created just fine. What I want to do is hide home folders when connecting to Lion from the iPad. I know I can skip seeing the home folders by typing in the sharepoint name directly but I want users to access several different sharepoints when they hit the server.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm looking for software that can silently sync local folders with remote webdav folders.
It would also be nice if I could just relate to the local folder, and the software would automatically synce new files in both directions.
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Feb 27, 2009
I want to split my home folders across 2 servers to take the load off the open directory master. The user accounts are in AD but home folders are on the osx dir master server. does anyone know what is the best way to migrate some of the home folders to the our new replica osx server?
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Mar 26, 2012
I am trying to set up a webserver in order for others to access certain files via HTTP. I've turned on the Web Server and activited WebDAV. I'm unsure of what to do next.I am able to access the directory /Library/WebServer/Documents when I logon to the server through the Finder window. That's as far as I've gotten. But, ideally, I would like someone to be able to go to the URLs....to get to the target directory (or target file) "Example", and have it prompt the user for a name/password for authenticaion. I experimented with creating a realm, and having it point to a folder I created (e.g. Folder = /Library/ WebServer/ Documents/ Example), and giving myself access. I am unclear what the URL is for that folder. Going to urls... gives me a 404 error: Object not found.
I also tried pointing my realm to a location instead of a folder (e.g. Location = /Example). Now when I go to http://ourservername.com/Example, I get a 403: Access Forbidden error. But I'm unclear how to set access to the location, and where that would be actually located on my server (how can I add files to the Example directory?).
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), OS X Server 10.6
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Apr 27, 2012
We are using Mac OS X 10.6.8 in a classroom. Hard drive has two partitions, one for OS and apps, the other for student's files. Computers are bind to the Active Directory. Unfortunately, local home folders are on the boot parition. Over a time when apps FCP and Avid are frequently used, the boot partition gets filled with files and finally it's full. With zero kb available, users cannot even login anymore. Manually deleting files by admin is cumbersome and time-consuming task.Â
I'm looking for a way to keep /Users folder clean. Putting user's home folders to server is not an option, because of latency issues etc. Unfortunately the local home folder is the default saving place when user issues the Save As command. I've tried to tinker with the User Template to lock the Documents folder but apps like Microsoft Word and Final Cut Pro go crazy when they cannot save there. Forwarding /Users to other partition does not solve the problem, it just moves the problem to another place. Logout Hook to automatically purging the files could be an solution, but there's always one hapless soul who saves his or hers files to wrong place and loses them. Or maybe a script which looks at the modfication date and deletes old files.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2), ARD 3.5.1
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Apr 15, 2012
MacBookPro screen real estate limited. Folders and other junk on my desktop can be distracting on top of that.Is it possible to hide them until I need them?
Info:27" iMac quad core, Mac OS X (10.6.3), 24" IMAC, 20" IMAC, MACBOOK, IPHONE 3GS
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Sep 8, 2014
This past weekend I transferred my OS and apps to a newly installed SSD drive.
During the process I had to move some files around in order to get The OS and Apps on the SSD.
I used a technique that utilizes the Terminal and the chflags command.
My issue is now I can not hide the files and folders that are usually hidden.
I can't remember the exact method I used to unhide hidden folders and files. I can't even find a reference to it in my web browsers history.I have searched on the web for solutions along these lines:Â defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean FALSE ; killall Finderchflags hidden sudo chflags hiddenÂ
But none of these approaches have worked. I have downloaded Onyx, TinkerTool and Show Hide Invisible Files.
I have used them as best I understand to hide the normally hidden files and folders, but nothing has worked.
Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), 2008
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Feb 3, 2012
Running a Lion Server I have decided to move /Users and /Groups to another partition but now when I create a user or group no user or group share is created. Groups aren't that much of a problem since I can create those manually, but user homes.Â
I have in server.app pointed the new location out as sharepoint both users and groups point to the right place, but there's probaaby a terminal command to run somewhere here....
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Lion Server
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Feb 22, 2009
I'm pretty anal about the cleanliness of my documents folder, so I cannot stand having a folder called Adobe or Microsoft User Data in my docs folder.
I want to be able to hide those folders without adding a . before them (because then the apps won't be able to find the folders). Is there any way to do this? I know you can also change the permissions, but again, then the apps cant use the folders.
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May 4, 2012
I purchased the latest MacBook Pro 17" in March 2012 in Australia. Because of "screen issues" I had to take my computer back to the Apple Store where they reinstalled Lion OS 10.7.3. Using Time Capsule I put retrieved all my information. However, I have noticed that my home folder has my married name and I want it to show my maiden name as I am now divorced. My account name is correct, it is just the home folder name.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 10, 2012
I have a lion server set up on a mac mini. I have set up an OD to manage network accounts through the server app. My workflow for setting up users is:Â
1. using the server app add a new user
2. I have a home folders users directory set up under file sharing and set to be available for home directories - so I select this share as the home folder for the user
3. I user the WGM app to then set up mobiility through the preferences tab to create always and to sync the home and preferences
4. I check that the home folder is set correctly under the user account in WGMÂ
When I log in to the client machine (regardless of whether or not I have first logged in on the server or not) the client presents an error saying that it can not log in and can not access the server at that time. The client stays on the user login screen.Â
If I then change the users home folder on the server to local I can then log in on the client machine and create the account. If I elect not to create the home folder on the client machine the rainbow ball of death occurs and the machine hangs. So I instead log in and select to create the local home folder. I then log out of the user and change the user setting on the server to point the home folder to the correct share instead of on the local setting.Â
I then log back on to the client machine and can log in without any problems. HOwever, I get an error message if I try to sync saying that the home folder is not accessible. This is despite the fact that the home folder, and the server et al, can be mounted in finder and I can copy and paste documents etc to and from the server. I have full and expected access to the server and the associated storage. For some reason home sync continues to say that the home folder can not be found (in fact that the server can not be found) whenever I try to sync. I have the OD bound to the client machine and have no problems seeing the users and being able to access the OD from the client machine.Â
Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2 x 2.93 6 Core Intel Xeon 32GB 13
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May 23, 2012
I've got a new Mac Mini Server that I'm using to set up file sharing for the first time. I've enabled OpenDirectory and verified that the users I'm creating are being created in (they show up in the Server app and Workgroup Manager app, but not in System Preferences | Users).Â
File sharing seems to be working fine, but I don't like the fact that each user has access to their home folder share when they connect to the server using a mac elsewhere on the network. I prefer only the shares I explicitly set up to be available.Â
Thus, a couple questionsWhy is there a home folder created on the server at all? Do I really need a /users/johndoe folder for each and every account in OD?How can I configure sharing such that I won't see the home folder when I connect from another mac on the network? I don't want to leave little "cubby holes" for my users to stuff files into
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Aug 11, 2009
Bit new to mac os x as i only picked up my first mac on saturday. Must say im extremely impressed with it so far.
1.) Can i stop spotlight searching certain folders?
2.) Can i password project certain folders or make them inaccessible to certain users? Im from a ux background so i presume i could just 700 the folder(s)?
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Nov 5, 2010
How can I hide certain files and folders on my iMac? Prefably without using a 3rd party application?
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Jan 5, 2007
I restored one disk onto another disk using Disk Utility and now I have three aliases on my hard drive called "var", "tmp" and "etc". I know what you're thinking... those are part of the Unix background in Mac OS X and I am smart enough to know that I cannot delete them, so my question is. How the heck can I hide them. I really don't like seeing them there. Other than that, my new drive is running fine.
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Nov 6, 2008
In the classic/PowerPC days I used ResEdit and just 'hid' the folders. So whats the Mac OS X /intel version these days?
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Mar 17, 2012
I'm aware of how enabling sFTP support in Lion Server by enabling SSH access in the Hardware settings.
Now, if I do log in using sFTP in Transmit client Software with a normal user account who should be able to access via SSH but got only permissions for the "Public" folder on the Server, that user via SSH/sFTP can see/access the root Directory of the server anyway!
how to set specific folder permissions to users using the enabled SSH/sFTP option?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac Mini late 2007 - 2GB RAM - 2Ghz
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Mar 7, 2012
So this is my first time really implementing Macs in an Active Directory environment and everything is going fairly well, except when it comes to the Home directory. All of my users are running 10.7, and with the latest patch, they can all log into the Domain without any issue. The problem is that their Home directory in the dock is displayed as a question mark. I'm guessing I'm missing something in the configuration, but everything looks right. Anyone have the 411 about how to set up a Mac user to map a Home directory to a network share on a Wiindows 2008 AD network?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 20, 2009
In windows i had a option to hide files & folder according to my requirment
How/Where can i get this option in snow leopard
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May 12, 2012
My dock and toolbar of the home screen hide when I open the internet, but if I hover over them they reappear, what can I do to have them permanently on?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 23, 2012
I have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
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Mar 19, 2009
I have a Mac pro that I use at home. I want to set it up as a server. Like a hosting server that I can log on to anywhere in the world, not just on my local network. I want to set it up similar to a hosting account through someone like godaddy. Where I can log in using FTP or something else. Do I need to install Mac OS X server? I've tried searching but I keep find local home servers. Anyone got any ideas? I'm guessing the first thing I need is a static IP, where do I get that?
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Apr 3, 2012
I want to transfer Files and Folders from work Macbook Pro laptop to the Mac Mini Server, but I do not want any of the USER info as the user info is tied to my work environment (Network User). I used the Migration Assistant first but this brough the USER / USER Info over with it, and it did not take long to see that the user had info tied to work environment that did not play well in the Home Server Environment. I want to copy files ( Pictures, Music, other files) to my new user on Lion Server from either Time Machine backup or directly from the laptop using something like Target mode; Time Machine would probably be faster...
MacBook Pro17" (2011) Snow Leopard, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 31, 2008
I have a PowerMac G4 MDD that I would like to turn into a home server (file server, mail, DNS, Web, Webmail). I don't really need the "network login" features unless necessary. I've looked around the net and have been unable to find a guide that suites my limited knowledge... (I'm a software engineer by trade and home administrator by hobby!) The articles I've found assume a knowledge base greater then I have. I don't have any formal IT training but my current server is a FreeBSD box that I've used and upgraded over the past ~10 years.) I would like to move my home server to OS X.
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Feb 27, 2009
So I turned on my computers guest account today and while logged onto my username I tried to access the Guest's desktop folder. I was able to open the home folder but it said I was denied access to all the folders inside it, though I'm an administrator. It seems if I hit get info and add myself to the access list I can get into a folder, but is there a simpler way?
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Oct 28, 2009
Is there a way to create folders with the specialized icons like the ones in the Home Folder, eg a Music Folder with the music icon, Picture folder with the "watermark" camera icon?
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Mar 15, 2010
I want to organize my files/folders in a specific way, rather than use the standard folders in the 'home folder', and wondering how to set this up.
What's the best way to create my own 'master' folder and choose the exact folder structure?
For example I want to have my Music, Video and Pictures folders all inside a folder called Media. And I don't want things like library, documents, public and sites in my master folder.
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Jan 5, 2011
What is Best setup for iMac with SSD and HDD? Best location of scratch & home folders?
Computer: iMac 2.93 GHz Quad core i7, 8GB RAM, 1 TB HDD + 256 GB SSD
There is not much info from Apple about the best way to set up an iMac with a Hard Drive and Solid state drive. I've looked at a few of the forum posts across the web and came up with a plan and lots of questions. (I do use photoshop frequently, but not on a professional level):
1.I will keep OS and Applications on SSD
2.Would you do it differently or not at all about moving the home folder? I saw some posts about moving the entire home folder, but it makes more sense to me to only move selected folders withing the home folder to take advantage of speed of SSD. So will keep the home folder on SSD, but move certain folders (document, music, iphoto, download, etc.) to 1 TB HDD via instructions I found on the macintoshperformanceguide website (**is this the same as creating an alias?):
sudo cp -r Documents /Volumes/Master
sudo rm -rf Documents
sudo ln -s /Volumes/Master/Documents Documents
3.I will attach an external hard drive for most of my documents and backup storage
4.My main question and here is where I'm not sure what's best?
I want to speed up photoshop as much as possible? Should I make a partition on the internal HDD for a scartch disk? If so, how big? Is there a benefit to partitioning for scratch disc use? Should I not partition HDD and use for data and scratch? Any other way? I wish apple had a how to maximize use of the imac with HDD and SSD page!
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Aug 20, 2009
On Windows it's possible to change where the Music, Pictures etc folders are located. I've tried doing this to the folders on my Mac (Music, Pictures etc) and I can't find anything! I've checked on Google.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a friend wanting to get rid of an old gray polycarb cased G3 tower. The only spec I know about it is that it's running OS9 right now. I was thinking about loading it up with hard drives and storing all the music and movies on it.
I've done a quick google and found plenty of partial advice (such as upgrading the firmware before loading OSX)... but I was wondering if anyone had some personal experience to lend so I can learn from other folks experience? Any definitive DIY links that cover the subject?
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