OS X V10.7 Lion :: Deleting Daemon From Start Up Items?
Apr 26, 2012
I just installed an update to MAC Office 2011. I receive the following message when I attempt to open Office 2011, "An older version of the Microsoft Database Daemon is running. To open outlook, 1st delete the daemon from the startup items."
I recently installed a major update to Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac, and, now, I cannot open Outlook because I get this message each time.how to do this?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Does anyone know how to remove 360 Controller Driver Daemon from the Startup Items on an iMac? I downloaded this so I could use an Xbox 360 wireless controller for Onlive but since downloading this I get a conflicting driver error when I load up Onlive. I thought I'd deleted this from my mac but I can still see this sitting in System Information/ Software/ Startup Items but I can't remove from here. It does not display in my System Preferences to allow me to remove from the Startup Items?
I have my desktop filled with folder, icons, etc. I want to create a 2nd desktop and delete all the crap. Will all my folders and icons still be in my original desktop if I create a new desktop and clean it up? I'd like a clean desktop while working on page layout or maybe have a folder of snippets and templates I use regularly in InDesign.
The question might be stupid but is there any way to deleted some selected items from Trash? As I see, either I can delete everything from Trash or none.
My computer is a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Version 10.7.3, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 with 4GB memory. Start-up has become somewhat erratic. Consistently, if I close the lid on the computer it won't restart when I reopen it. I'll have to hold the power button down for about 15 seconds, let up and then press it again. Sometimes restarting after a shutdown the computer will go through the long start-up I associate with a crash shutdown. Sometimes login start-up items don't start up. Sometimes I have to click somewhere on the screen to make the menu bar at the top of the screen visible. Overall, unexpected things keep happening. Although I don't think it probably relates, Chrome is my primary browser.
Anyone have a clue why my MBP is doing this? somehow I my trashcan acquired a file that said backup.something which looked like a full backup of my harddrive, but I already have it backed up in time machine on my backup drive. It's been deleting from 300,000 down to 80,000 for about 13 hours. I tried to take the folder out but it just started copying everything to the desktop which was gonna take the same amount of time. Should I let it keep deleting?
I know a lot of people say never to delete anything from the folder Library/Receipts, but how about: printer brands you don't own/use applications you've deleted also: I have about ten receipts for NeoOffice updates--would it be ok to delete all but the last? and a system package for 10.3.9--i know normally not to touch apple system stuff but if you've been using tiger from day one practically and plan to upgrade to leopard soon is it ok to throw out a panther-related receipt?
i know i need to delete other things (movies basically) because i'm down to a couple gigs of free space on my HD
My mac is full! I've been trying to delete files but no space is freeing up. I also tried transfering files to my external but still no free space. Checking my drive says I have 114.7 gb in a sparse disk file? what is it and how may I open up some room?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I Have a mid 2012 13" Macbook Pro OS X version 10.9.4 running Mavericks. My desktop is cluttered with icons and I'd like to know how I can clear it without deleting any of them. Where can I send them to be stored safely.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), BackBeat 2 go wireless earbuds
How do you delete specific search items in your (browser) form history? I don't mean a blanket "clear all", I just want to delete my typos. In Windows, you just need to scroll down to it and hit "delete". Doing that on Mac only erases a character from your search.
If I delete a file from a memory stick- it does not free space. This is because the item has been moved to the trash and it hasn't been permanently deleted. If I want to free the space I need to empty my trash. If I don't want to empty my trash how can I delete a file from a memory stick to free space (permanently delete just 1 file)? Also (sort of linked) - how do I just delete 1 file from trash (empty just 1 file)? The reason I like to keep trash for a while just incase I need to restore a file, if I know I will not need to restore it, then I want to permanently delete just that file.
Now when I drag things to the trash a message comes up telling me if I want to delete the file(s), they will be permanently delete. I don't no what happened but I used to be able to drag the file into the trash and empty the trash whenever I wanted.
I just opened my Trash bin, and there were maybe 12-15 items in ithere. But when I use Secure Delete, the pop-up box says there are 931 items, and it then proceeds to delete them---I guess.I only saw the 12-15 files, and that's it.
My Macbook Pro desktop is cluttered with icons. How can I clear it without deleting certain items that I might need later on. Where can I transfer them to be safely stored.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), BackBeat 2 go wireless earbuds
Running 10.6.4 on a 27" iMac 3.06 GHz C2D. I was irritated by sometimes not being able to empty items from my trash(message that file was in use when it wasn't). I found on lancelhoff.com a command for terminal(cd ~/.Trash && sudo rm -rf ) followed by directory/filename which allowed these pesky files to be deleted which worked great. I was showing my manager the trick I'd found and while doing so, it stopped deleting the files.
Now when I put items in the trash I get a message 'Are you sure you want to delete "xxxx.yyy"? This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action" instead of putting it in the trash. The files I was trying to delete when I was doing my doomed demo will not delete even after a restart. I did a fix permissions on my drive with Disk Utility which was no help in this regard.
I just made an upgrade forr my MS Office 2011 for Mac; everything went well until I started The Outlook part. I got a message that read something like: there's an old version of Microsoft Database Daemon running; delete the daemon from the start elements and restart the computer. Now my question: how do I delete this daemon?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When my Mac boots it opens load of apps in my menu bar (InsomniaX, iAlertU, LogMeIn, EverNote) this is annoying, uses memory (probably) and it makes it look cluttered how do i stop them from loading.
I have checked the preferences in each app and there is nothing there and there is nothing in Login items in accounts in system prefs.
When I log into my System Profiler, I see that I have three items listed to StartUp. These items I do not use.
Now when I go into System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items, these items are not listed.
When I go into my Library, StartupItems is not listed.
I've have run a search for StartupItems on the entire machine but it's not located anywhere. Does anyone have an idea on how I may remove these items from my Start up?
I'm trying to download a new update on my MacBook Air, but it's telling me I need more space on my Start Up Disk. How do I make room on my Start Up Disk?
My mackbook air keeps telling me that my start up disk is full. I delete items daily but keep receiving the same message. I have found that the problem may be that items are being saved in multiple areas on my computer. I don't know why this is happening and so I don't really know which copies to delete and which to save. It this point I cant even get software updates or compress files since there is not enough space available at this time.
The plist file is well launched as a Daemon as machine start up. It starts a shell script which is suppose to change one route in the Mac routing table.
The syslog trace mention that the shell script is well started, but when I check the route, it kept the default route.Â
I suppose the problem is due to the fact that the network interface is not up when the script is started at the first timeÂ
If I modify the plist file and get ride of the LaunchOnlyOne key the new route is affected, but the script keep running for ever every minutes.
The plist file:Â <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "URL"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â [Code] .....
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), OS X Server