OS X V10.7 Lion :: Copying And Pasting Thai - Squares?
Mar 27, 2012
I urgently need to be able to read a document, which is written in Thai. Up until this afternoon I was able to copy the thai text and paste it into Google translate, obviously not the ideal but I can understand the jist of the document, that was all I needed. Stupidly I went and had a look at the languages settings as some characters were copying over as hollow squares. Now all that is copying over is the squares and if I copy it into word or pages I get either squares or an alien head inside a square!
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Mar 23, 2010
I've been trying to copy and paste some files on to a external hard drive. My MBP will calculate the amount and then start copying and pasting but will come back with errors shortly after it began.
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Sep 10, 2014
I've never noticed this previously but as I was moving files around this morning I noticed that I was not moving all the files in a folder, only 128 of them at a time.Â
The workflow is as follows: select folder in Finder, click on a file, cmd-A to select all, cmd-c to copy them, select other folder, cmd-v.Â
Instead of 374 files moving, only 128 do.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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Apr 6, 2012
Is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut so I automatically fill out (i.e.) login information/email addresses instead of have to type the whole thing.Â
I frequently fill out my private and work email and would like to make that faster. Like on the iOS you can crate short words that is replaced with a long word when you fill out forms etc.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15" Late 2011
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May 9, 2009
A few months ago I installed some Thai fonts on my mac book. I downloaded them from this site, and dragged them into Font Book. Unfortunately, one of the fonts I added replaced the default Thai font (used to be Ayuthaya) for MS Office and the Yahoo email compose letter field. Furthermore, Ayuthaya no longer appears on the drop down for MS Office, even though it's in Font Book.
1) How do I change the fonts back to how they were?
2) How do I add fonts without having this problem?
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Mar 25, 2012
Sometimes, when my iMac has been "resting" and I then move the cursor using track pad I get a stream of black squares on the screen. The more I move the cursor the more black squares I get. If I switch off and then on the screen is ok. This is an intermittent occurrence.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Dec 9, 2008
I still DO NOT understand why apple does not have a cut functionality in the mac. It is really frustrating, as having the cut capability is very useful when moving multiple files through different directories. So is there a way to get this functionality?
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Oct 5, 2010
i keep getting these squares instead of the symbols in my equations if i type in () then it shows two squares if i type in omega the it shows one square what's happening? language settings? cuz my mac was originally Chinese traditional now i set it in English. this is a screenshot from the example u can find in your grapher too but my symbols are squares.
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Jul 29, 2010
I have a 10.4 iMac. Recently when using it the screen starts to pixelate with large random squares and effectively makes the computer useless. Either that or I get moving multicoloured flashing squares (very psychodelic)Also on booting up the grey screen with the apple logo has dark grey sqaures and then when it goes to the blue screen has a series of smaller squares top and bootom. The booting up stops at this point.
I have ran the disk doctor, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.
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Jun 20, 2012
I just booted up me Mac and got a screen full of yellow squares. I can still see all the icons and everything seems to be working. Is my display going, or is there a fix?
MacBook Pro
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Jul 1, 2012
I have a dvd that I copied to my desktop using disk utility. It's a .cdr file and a DVD/CD-R Master image.I can't view it or hear it though the image seems to have all the files of the original dvd.Do I need other software or have I made an error in copying the dvd?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), late 2009
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Jun 4, 2010
a way to multi-copy any thing like rather then copying one stuff to paste it, i'll be able to copy more then one thing and pasting them ?
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Nov 2, 2008
I have a problem with the display of an iMac G5 20". It shows up as vertical lines of small squares.
If I change screen resolution, the display will look ok for about half a second, and then it comes back again. Anyone had seen this before? (This is does not look like the usual problem with iMac and thin vertical lines.)
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Mar 9, 2009
Apple delivered a refurb MP. And I just hooked it to my 30" ACD. Then suddenly the screen froze with digital artifact lines and squares. Only way to release it was to do a hard shut-down. And restart. Looks like its the stock standard graphics card. Is there any know probs with the ATI 2600. Also under Graphics/Displays. it just says ATI Radeon HD 2600 (rather than 2600 "XT") guess its the same card. Should I call Apple and get this exchange?
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May 24, 2012
A few days ago, the Apple Store gave me a free "upgrade" on my MacBook Pro, from 10.6.8 to 10.7.3. However, Apple's gift has turned into a nightmare for me. I'm far too busy with work deadlines to have time for the 10.7.3 learning curve at the moment. Instead, I just want to go back to the pleasingly predictable 10.6.8. Therefore, I'm going to back up all my data onto an external hard drive, then completely erase the internal hard drive, and just start again, with a clean install of 10.6.8.
However, in order to do that, I first need to retrieve a 200 GB folder from the Trash. The folder which is in the Trash has NOT been deleted. Instead, it's just sitting in the Trash, waiting to be deleted. However, when I attempt to drag the 200 GB folder out of the Trash, and put it back on the Desktop, 10.7.3 starts copying the entire folder, instead of what 10.6.8 would have done, which would have simply moved the folder onto the Desktop without copying it.
In plain English, all I want to do is MOVE a 200 GB folder out of the Trash, onto the desktop, without copying the folder. Simple in 10.6.8. An apparent impossibility in 10.7.3. I've tried holding the Command key down while dragging the folder out of the Trash, but that doesn't work. Any workaround, which would apply to the entire hard drive, plus all external hard drives, even if it has to be a Command Line which I type into Terminal, that would be brilliant.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4 GB RAM
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Mar 26, 2012
how to search for jpegs from a folder or file and copy them to another file.In windows you highlight the file or folder and select search 'jpeg' then copy and paste the results to another file.Im not sure how to do this the mac way.
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Jun 23, 2012
I'm not sure when it started, though it was definitely after I updated to Lion, pasting into Textedit started taking longer and longer!
It doesn't seem to matter how much I'm pasting; I tested it by pasting one word, and pasting a paragraph, and they both took long enough that the spinning wheel came up for several seconds.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 27, 2012
My MBPro, OSX 10.4.11 boots up to frozen blue screen with little pixelated squares.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 11, 2012
How many Mac users have suffered from the problem of small coloured squares appearing at random on the iMac desktop? They can be wiped by dragging a window over them but they will eventually reappear. I have discovered at least three other threads where this issue has been discussed but our local Apple store is claiming that Apple haven't declared it as a legacy fault. It would be interesting to hear how others have been treated when presenting Apple with this fault. At first they thought it was the GPU but they now think that it is either the logic board OR the logic board AND the GPU together!! Being charged between £480 and £650 to repair a machine that is less than 18 months old is a bit much from a company that continually boasts about the quality of its products.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 30, 2014
I'm working in Numbers and creating text boxes. In the past there were always little square "handles" which I could use to control the shape of the box. These no longer exist. Their are just little squares in the center of the two vertical sides of the box so that I can only control the size horizontally, but not vertically.How do I now change the size of the box vertically? Why is it that simple chores always become so difficult with Apple?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Aug 26, 2014
I'm running a late 2009 iMac, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 with 8 GB memory with 27 inch ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 graphics card running 10.9.4 OSX.
I will get spontaneous crash of the system that causes small blue squares over the entire screen. The problem will resolve after 1-2 restarts. I ran the system diagnostic disk and found no problems on the long and short versions. It is an intermittent problem as the display and system are running fine now but daily will have the crash occur. Once the spots are present the computer will be frozen with no response to keys or mouse.Â
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 20, 2012
I just tried to move a bunch of file from the desktop to a folder on the desktop and it copied them - normally it would move them how is this please (I was not touching the control key)
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Aug 30, 2010
I like to write a personal newsletter, then paste it into emails and send. It's easier for me to work on it in Word first. I can't figure out a format that I can use in Word so that when I copy and paste it in Apple Mail email, it keeps the same format. So far, it changes format when I paste it. what was in bold, is no longer (or the whole thing is in bold), line spacing changes, bullet points change. I tried saving it as pdf file first and the font became microscopic when I pasted it into the email...
I use MacBook Pro, OS X, 10.6.4; Mail Version 4.3 (1081); Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac, Version 12.2.6 (100708)
p.s. I'm new to Macs as of 2/2010
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Apr 13, 2009
Hope someone might be able to help. I am attempting to copy files from a USB attached to my iMac external hard drive to my new NAS drive system, which is connected through my Airport Extreme by gigabit ethernet.I know the NAS is using a file system that I do not recognize (its a WD ShareSpace, 4TB/3TB Raid 5 NAS), which could be causing the problem. Basically I am attempting to transfer all the files stored on the USB external to the NAS. When I copy all the files and paste them to the NAS through Finder, I get an error saying it could not be completed cause I have Insufficient Privileges to do so. There are thousands of files to go through, but I have pinpointed two folders that are causing the problem, which themselves have thousand of files.
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Sep 7, 2010
is there a program which i can use to paste photos digitally on to a page for lack of a better term to make a mosaic of different picture so i can print or email it
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May 4, 2012
I have some screenshots which I would like to paste directly into an outgoing mail message. I am NOT talking about adding it as an attachment, and am NOT talking about simply adding an icon within the message which the recipient must then click on in order to open up and see the screenshot. What I am talking about is PASTING the screenshot/picture directly into the body of the mail so that the recipient can see it right away the same way it can be done in Outlook. I have seen up to this point completely misses the mark by explaining how to add an icon (which needs to be clicked to be seen) within the mail rather than answering how the image can be shown in the message itself.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 20, 2014
New iMac at first of year has always locked up with green squares (1/4") randomly on the open window. I have to do a hard boot to unlock the screen. This may happen 5 or 6 times a day but I'm finding no pattern. It happens in any software, mail, internet browser, extra programs and only using what I need at the moment, including mail and internet, hasn't worked. I've run disk utility - repair disk and repair permissions multiple times to no avail. I've reinstalled the OS Mavericks and Adobe Creative Suite programs (Photoshop & Premiere Pro), no improvement. Â
I purchased a high-end iMac specifically to handle high-demand video editing needs. But this happens when checking email or browsing the internet too. Here's a listing of the system from a "Panic (system crashes) log" from the "Activity Report."Â
System Profile:
Model: iMac14,2, BootROM IM142.0118.B00, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 3.5 GHz, 32 GB, SMC 2.15f2
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, PCIe, 4096 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz,
[Code] .....
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Apr 18, 2012
I want to copy all of my mail and preferences from an old OS X Lion hard drive to a new one. In order to do that I need to be able to see my user library on the old hard drive. Is there anyway to do that without using Terminal commands? Also, what files will I need to copy to the new hard drive?
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May 12, 2012
I am trying to copy the iPhoto library to my newly installed NAS drive. I have 2 libraries (3.6gb and 16.8gb). The smaller one copied across no problem but when copying the second I get an error 36 after it has copied 30mb of data.
I have tried all avenues:
- Restarted iPhoto holding down alt and opt and repairing permissions.
- Rebuilt library using iPhoto Library Manager
But I still get the same message. I have backed up the whole Mac using Superduper to a small external drive and that works fine. Part of the reason I bought the NAS drive was to back up photos, and now it doesn't work!
Also, I do when checking Console I get the following message regularly:
12/05/2012 09:16:22.050 fseventsd: scan_old: bailing out because device mounted @ /Volumes/Buffalo_Cloud has dls 0x0 and dls->fci 0x0
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 31, 2012
how to stop Outlook from copying email received? Every email I receive is copied hundreds or thousands of times in my Inbox.
Outlook for Mac 2011, iOS 5.1.1
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