OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Copy Files From Jump Drive Or Download Folder
Feb 22, 2012
I haven't been able to copy files from my downloads folder to Font Book, or more importantly, copy files from my jump drive to a folder on my desktop.I also can't copy images from a CD to my desktop. All instances give the error message window "The operation cant be completed because you dont have permission to access some of the items."I should have permission to copy everything, but I'm wondering if in the case of the fonts, the new Lion OS prevents you from using fonts without a license (even if they're free??) pretty clueless
I have two Macs, a desktop PM G5 and a laptop Black Macbook, both running 10.5.8. Currently when using the laptop I can see and access the PMG5 and its files through my wireless connection. I'm planning on picking up an external drive, and I'd just like this confirmed, as in its access ability. If I hook up the external drive to the G5 so I can leave it there, and access its files through the G5. will my laptop also be able to access it through the G5. In other words, when I access the G5 from the laptop over wireless, will the external drive appear as just another folder and/or device on the G5 and I'll be able to move and copy files just like I already do?
I have turned on File Sharing on the server, and having logged into my iDisk via Finder, I thought I could drag the folder from the Finder window to the Public folder icon on Lion Server, but no luck.
I am signed into Lion Server as the admin, so what should I do? I'm trying to copy those files from the iDisk before time runs out and Apple scrubs iDisk!
I am trying to write /Users/xxx to a Lexar 8g flash drive. Its size is under 1g. I can easily put subfolders onto the drive, but if I try to feed it the entire home folder it tosses it out again. I don't know how to use Finder to reach the /Users folder, where xxx is just a subfolder, but I can do this from the terminal command line; however, then I got stuck on how to proceed: I tried to mount /dev/disk1 [which diskutil shows as its name]; each variation I'v tried runs into some problem: disk busy, not found, etc. I was using sudo commands, so I don't think it's a permissions problem.
I am trying to copy 1446 pictures from a flash drive to a folder. I am new to Mac and am trying to learn basics on Mac os-x lion. What is the process for copying and pasting pictures from a flash drive to a folder
I run an iMac 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 10.7.3 and I'm having some serious problems with an external drive. Some history first - I have a large iTunes library (~3Tb) of everytype of media which I stored on an external NAS (iomega StorCenter) with no problems - then this NAS started to report a drive error with imminent failure. I purchased a new DAS (Western Digital) drive and moved all my content from the NAS to the DAS and everything was ok. Then I started to get errors through iTunes about cannot find the file and cannot read the files - and then I couldn't access anything on the drive. At this time I thought this was a different problem because I was running preview Mountain Lion, or there was an actual fault with the disk. After investigation, and coughing out for Data Rescue 3 I found that somehow the entire file structure had been corrupted and all my files had been orphaned. So at this point I had one dying NAS drive and one DAS which wasn't usable and no space to recover any files to.
So - next step was to purchase another external drive (and returned the WD) - this time I went for a G-Raid 4Tb (non-thunderbolt) drive and I've been in the process of recovering files from backups and iTunes. I've had no problems until today when yet again I've started getting errors and now I have problems copying files to/from this G-Raid drive.
Technical details - OS-X 10.7.3 - G-Raid 4Tb formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) - currently showing 1,163 folders and 15,452 files.
Symptoms - using finder drag and drop copy a file from the g-Raid to desktop results in 'The operation can't be completed because the item 'xxx' is in use. - 'The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found (error code -43).' and the copy fails.
Using the cp command I get a 'Resource Busy' error. However, this is not for all files - I've managed to copy all my books back to the desktop ok, when a couple came up with the above error I tried again and it copied successfully.
I have run Disk Utility - here are the details :-
- 4TB G-Tech - VerifyVerifying partition map for “G-TECH”Checking prerequisitesChecking the partition listChecking for an EFI system partitionChecking the EFI system partition’s sizeChecking the EFI system partition’s file systemChecking all HFS data partition loader spacesChecking Core Storage Physical Volume partitionsThe partition map appears to be OK Volume (Media) - VerifyVerifying volume “Media”Checking file systemPerforming live verification.Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Checking catalog file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24190)Checking multi-linked files.Checking catalog hierarchy.Checking extended attributes file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24784)Checking volume bitmap.Volume bitmap needs minor repair for under-allocationChecking volume information.The volume Media was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Unused node is not erased (node = 94)Checking catalog file.Invalid sibling linkRebuilding catalog B-tree.The volume Media could not be repaired.Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
and it's just got worse - in getting the info for this post I no longer have access to the drive. This is the second time this has now happened on two different directly connected drives (USB and Firewire) - which means the problem is elswhere. I've a stack of errors in the system.log file
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** /dev/disk1s1 May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 1 - Preparing FAT May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 2 - Checking Directories May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 3 - Checking for Orphan Clusters
I was informed by my ISP (Hughes.net) that my modem is not functioning to download large files. They are sending a new modem; in the meantime I paid for the Lion upgrade and cannot install it. Can I get the jump-drive sent to me?
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Linksys wifi router/ Hughes HNS9000
I have a hard drive on my 2008 MacPro that's problematic and so I bought a new drive and installed Mavericks on it and am booting just fine on the new drive. There is however, one folder in the Library/Preferences folder that I need to copy over to the new drive. All the tricks for accessing the Library folder work great on the start up drive, but I can't seem to access the Library folder on the old drive (both drives in the MacPro as it has 4 drive bays), even though the drive will mount. How can I see that Library folder on the old drive? Note while I can mount the old drive, I can't boot to it.
I want to move my home folder to another drive. Do I copy my home folder to the other drive, then go into sys prefs, accounts, advanced, etc and then change it?When I change it without copying it, none of my settings etc are still there.
I have recently been copying files from one external drive to another. They seem to copy just fine until I run a test on them by checking them with the program Chrono Sync. Chronosync is regularly telling me that certain attributes are not exactly the same and wants to sync them. does anyone know why a file copy from one drive to another would not be exactly the same? I am using Mac OSX 10.5.5.
I opened up the download folder stack on my dock, and I noticed 2 random .exe files that I didn't download. I opened the download folder in the finder and they weren't there. I could only see them when I open up the download folder stack in the dock. I tried clicking the one of the files but it said file not found. I ended up restarting my computer and they were gone after that. I don't have bootcamp or windows installed on this computer btw.
How do I copy images from a photo memory card to my Mac Book Pro (Os x) ? I tried earlier and apparently removed the images from the memory card. I don't want to remove them from the card, only copy to my MacBook.
I finally ripped my music into digital format. It is a very large library so I performed the rips in four segments creating four folders of music. The highest level folders are Music1, Music2, Music3, Music4. The next layer folder is the artists name, then album name, then the actual MP3S.
How do I merge the folders? If I perform a copy the first artist name is sees that already is exists, the finder wants me to skip the copy or replace the folder that is there. I simply want to add the folder or merge it. Is there a "merge" function in OSX? I tried Carbon Copy but it will not copy or sync fils on the same disk.
I purchased and downloaded Lion, but didn't make a backup copy. OK, I realize I should have copied the file before I installed it, but now what? How do I go about downloading the software without purchasing the same thing again?
Installed parallel 7 & win 7 to macbook pro. Can't seem to copy a file or photo from IPhoto & paste to folder in Win explorer (i.e., ext HD). Paste command is muted in Win ??
I am preparing to move to the cloud and downloading the lion soft copy, and wow, is it always this slow? was sunday morning a bad time to choose to do this?!
I've recently got a new MacBook Pro, and for at least 6 years or more, I've been using Windows to handle my iTunes library. At one point, when trying to transfer my library, somehow I lost ALL my music. As a result, I learned to back it all up...And I learned to be patient when doing so.Any way, I want to make sure that when I transfer my files THIS time, I do it right. I just need to consolidate my iTunes library that I have backed up to an external hard drive to another folder on the same drive.
Then when I move it to iTunes on my Mac, I only have to put the files into the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder.That said, I'm fairly decent with using the terminal; I've used Ubuntu for a while, and right now I'm using Fedora. I would use the terminal on my Mac, but I really don't want to use it there; I'll stay safe and let my Fedora computer do the work.That said, I know that both Mac and Fedora have "rsync" and "find" as part of the UNIX kernel both are built off of. With all that out of the way.
My question is simply which commands I ought to use to manually consolidate the files in the iTunes folder to a separate folder on the same external hard drive. I also happen to have a number of duplicate files, for some reason, except the duplicates are sometimes .mp3 files, while others are .m4a files. While the majority of my music has been restored because of "Purchased" section of the iTunes Store, I'm unsure of which files I'm looking to preserve; Do I just copy the mp3 files, or both? I hate doing music database repair.
I had to format the hd where I have time machine, so I copy the tm folder to a new folder in other external hard drive.Now that I format the 1st external hd I trying to copy the tm folder to the root of the formated hd, but after a long wait I get a message saying that there is enought space...How can I copy that big folder faster, is there any other way ?
I want to copy my iPhoto library to an external drive but I cannot find the folder on my Mac Air. When I open Finder there is no Picture folder showing so I cannot find the iPhoto library.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a MacBook. I changed nothing that I know of. Suddenly when I download files they say they're going to the Download folder but when I open the folder to retrieve (or clean out) old files, there's nothing visible. It appears the file is empty. I have no other option to choose from while downloading. They just automatically go to the folder. Yet the folder's empty.
What am I doing wrong? Where are the files? I do NOT have a Download folder in my deck. (Never have.)
How do I fix this? (I need to download files from work and many of them don't allow me to "Save" as.
I want to sync my MacBook Pro w/ my iMac (both running Lion).I want to be able to come home from a business trip and have all of the new / edited info on my MacBook (new photos (organized & edited), changes to various folders in "documents", random files/folders added to desktop, changes made in iTunes, etc) show up on my iMac, which I work off of while at home. And of course the reverse - sync the changes on my iMac to my MacBook before I travel again.Wouldn't it be possible to copy a User's Home Folder on Machine 1 to an external drive, and then use that to replace / update the Home Folder on Machine 2?Or possibly do a complete Disc Clone (i.e. Super Duper) of Machine 1, and then use that to "restore" Machine 2? What are the pros and cons?And any better solutions? I realize that my proposals may be over simplified, but also that my goal must be a common one.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz i5, 8GB ram
I have a USB to IDE adaptor on a external drive 200 gig, the problem is i can not copy files from my macbook pro to it. when i drag pictures or files to it in finder, it shows a circle witn a slach bar in it
I have a 2TB Time Machine drive that has failed (directory errors). Disk Utility, Disk Warrior and Data Rescue 3 didn't work. DR3 showed the directory but can't restore it. Can I manually restore the backup folder (backups.backupdb) ?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 17 inch i7 Late 2011