Lion introduced several gigantic bugs when it comes to trackpad gestures. Go to System Preferences>Trackpad>More Gestures, and look at the options for "Swipe between pages":BUG
#1: If you choose "Scroll left or right with 2 fingers", this only works in Safari to go back/forward, but it no longer works in other apps like the Finder.
BUG #2: If you choose "Swipe with 2 or 3 fingers", you can use 3 fingers in all apps but not 2 fingers.
BUG #3: If you choose "Swipe with 2 or 3 fingers", you can go back a page in Safari using 3 fingers, but you don't get the animation of going back like you do when you use 2 fingers.
Apple needs to make all of these options consistent across the board, so that you can always use 2 or 3 fingers, and that it works in all apps, and that you always get the animations.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 GB RAM, 750 GB HD
Having been able to use most of the multi-touch gestures yesterday, this morning only the single-finger tap, 2-finger tap and 3-finger double-tap are having any effect. Swiping left, right, up or down with 4 fingers has no effect (although 3-finger drag in Google maps is working, together with 2-finger scroll).
Info: Mac mini (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2GHz 8GB
My first mac was a MB, and I just added a 27" iMac to my collection. However I'm addicted to the gestures on the MB trackpad.
Maybe this is a silly question, but my searching has failed to come up with an answer. Are there keyboard equivalents to the up/down/side swipe gestures? I get frustrated trying to get access to a clear desktop or list the open apps...the only equivalent I have is the F3 key.
Recently I started noticing that the three-finger swipe no longer works in Safari, nor does the zooming option with trackpad. Scrolling and clicking/tapping still works tho.
How to make the three-finger swipe and all that work again? I checked the trackpad section and everything is ticked (except for Dragging)..
I am a pretty new Mac user though I like the trackpad gestures. However two important gestures are missing in my opinion, close an application or window and create a new one, e.g. in Firefox new window apple + n and close window apple + w.
I want to have these shortcuts done with the trackpad gestures, I have read xGestures is a possibility, is this right? Are there any FREE alternatives. Can't be the case that I am one of the only few requesting such a feature.
How to remove these strange gestures, moving to top right corner shows the gadgets (same as F4) moving to the top left corner shows all the windows (same as F3).
so I'm wondering how one would go about customizing the trackpad gestures on a new uMBP. More specifically, I want a 4-finger upward swipe to show Spaces, rather than to clear the screen and show the desktop. Is there a setting within OSX for doing this? Or a 3rd party app?
At first, I really loved doing gestures on the trackpad.
Now, I find it a nightmare.
It is so easy to move my finger the wrong way and accidentally resize the page. I will be in the middle of surfing or even typing a message and if my finger is not completely curved, I will throw the trackpad into gesture mode and my screen goes into multiple resizes.
I found no way to turn the gestures off under PREFERENCES -> TRACKPAD.
I have a Rev C Air with the SSD, snow leopard 10.6.1 and all of a sudden I have lost the pinch and squeeze, three finger swipe. All that works is the scrolling. Checked in system preferences and all of the appropriate boxes are checked.
Whenever I accidentally let the power drain on my aluminum macbook, which cause me to boot up from where I left off, everything works fine except all of my trackpad gestures stop working completely. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Is my only option restarting my computer or is there some way to reset it (without losing my preferences)?
My trackpad doens't seem to work when doing 3 or 4 fingered gestures. 2 finger scrolling works and so does clicking. It was working fine last night, even after I did a software update for the new Magic Mouse (which I don't have connected) I've checked system preferences and everything is ticked as it always has been for 3 and 4 finger gestures. I've repaired permissions and I've tried to reset the SCM, however I'm not sure if i've done it correctly.
All the Apple document says is to
hold down the 3 keys and press the power button once.
Then after 5 seconds turn the computer on.
I'm guessing after the 5 seconds i let go of all 3 buttons and then press the power button again to turn it on?
I restarted my MBP to install some updates and when I started working on it again I noticed that the trackpad gestures had stopped responding. This has happened to me before but I have no idea why. I know that when I reboot it again, that they will start working again, but it's annoying to restart everytime the gestures stop working.
I'm on my first Mac, a 15" 2010 MBP (2.4 Ghz), and I'm absolutely loving the multi-touch trackpad. It makes browsing things so much easier and even more pleasurable.
One thing that I just this second thought of is how to expand the gesture use more.
I'm in Mozilla now, and I moused up to the refresh button, and thought "what if I could refresh the page by just making a swirling gesture on the trackpad? That'd be pretty damn cool." This could also apply to the "stop" button by making an X gesture.
Apple has brought the multi-touch gestures available to MacBook users to the desktop with its new $69 Magic Trackpad, as well as a new battery charger for wireless devices like the Magic Trackpad, Apple keyboard, and Magic Mouse.Magic TrackpadThe Magic Trackpad offers Apple's patented multi-touch technology through a smooth glass and aluminum design. It enables users to scroll smoothly up and down a page with inertial scrolling, pinch to zoom in and out, rotate an image with fingertips and swipe three fingers to flip through a collection of Web pages or photos.
The Magic Trackpad can be configured to support single button or two button commands and supports tap-to-click as well as a physical click.Photos of Apple's Magic Trackpad first leaked earlier this summer, showing the multitouch desktop accessory before it was even announced. Earlier this month, the device received FCC approval, though at the time it was simply identified as a mysterious Bluetooth device.Apple first brought multi-touch functionality to its desktops last year with the Magic Mouse, a Bluetooth wireless mouse that allows users to use their fingers to scroll and zoom via the surface of the hardware. Every iMac and Mac Pro comes with the Magic Mouse, though users can now order the new Magic Trackpad for $69 as an option.
Apple Battery Charger Apple claims its new Battery Charger sets a new industry standard by having the lowest standby power usage value ? or "vampire draw" ? of any similar charger on the market. That's the energy most chargers continue to draw after their batteries are fully charged.Instead, the Apple Battery Charger senses when its batteries are done charging and automatically reduces the amount of power it needs. In addition, the reusable batteries that come with each Apple Battery Charger are designed to maintain a high charge capacity for hundreds of charges, so you no longer have to buy new batteries or toss them every few months.Each Apple Battery Charger comes with six AA NiMH batteries, intended to allow users to run their keyboard keyboard and mouse or trackpad, while allowing two more for spare charging.
"Unlike many other reusable batteries, these batteries have an incredibly long service life ? up to 10 years," Apple said. "Which means you can finally break the cycle of buying and disposing of those toxic, single-use alkaline batteries. The batteries that come with the Apple Battery Charger kit also have an extraordinarily low self-discharge rate. Even after a year of sitting in a drawer, they still retain 80 percent of their original charge. That way you always have backup power when you need it[URL]
1. Lion's (10.7.3) user interface becomes nonresponsive/'freezes': trackpad cursor moves, keyboard can be used for typing, BUT gestures stop working and "Dock" is not responding (it is hidden automatically).
2. Tere are frequent "nfs server localhost:/5pBJvp-jULTJrbfF3Hpvc5: not responding nfs server localhost:/5pBJvp-jULTJrbfF3Hpvc5: is alive again" error messages in Terminal while I am running 'find' command.
These error messages seem to be correlated witth the user interface 'freezes'.
The hand gestures on the Macbook Air tracpad is awesome. As I am getting familar with the hand gestures on the trackpad, I was wondering if there are ways to control windows. Below are some of the things I like to know if there are hand gestures for it: Minimize current windowMaximize current windowClose current windowIn Safari, close current tabIn Safari, move from one tab to the next
These are what I can think of it right now. It would be so nice if there hand gestures on the trackpad.
just got a refurb. MacBookPro8,2, set up a new admin acct, then copied my files from a tiger powerbook to my user acct. gestures work on the admin acct, but not the user acct...probably some plist needs trashed, can someone clue me in on which?
Quicksilver is my most used app on my macbook pro. But I'm amazed its still in beta. Is it dead or something? There are tons of bugs and it keeps crashing
I'm a new iBook G4 owner and would like to know the best way to protect my computer from attack from viruses, bugs, spyware and all manor of nasty things ?What advise would you give me and how would I implement it ?
When Snow Leopard came out, I backed up via Time Machine and did a clean install, then restored via Time Machine. Ive been having three main problems, among a few small ones. When I right click the dock, half the time it freezes, denying access to the dock or finder for a good minute or two. Also, front row puts tagged tv shows in the movie section, and catagorizes them as "various" in the tv show section. On top of all that, safari is acting up.
Ok so I was planning on upgrading the ram to 3GB, the HD to 500GB, and do a fresh install of snow leopard. I'm assuming that time machine backs up all the system files and garbage that clogs up the system, so I'm planning on just dragging the files to a external hard drive, installing snow leopard on a brand new 500GB drive, then moving my files back. Will this fix my bugs? Or should I just install leopard instead? Btw leopard ran pretty slugish after a while, and sl did make my computer faster, but I assume the ram upgrade will keep leopard up to par.
I've been configuring Mac OSX Servers for a while, but in every configuration I have seen many bugs in Access lists.For example, if I put a group in an access list and then I add an user to the group, the ACL is not applied to that user. I have to add it manually to the ACL.Is it normal? I've read the whole documentation, but no clues on what makes this happen. Also if I put "special" permissions into a folder (for example, anybody DENY delete this folder only) it doesn't work. The permissions is the first in the list.
the effective permissions inspector works with the second try (I drag and drop the same folder two times and different permissions appear). Does anybody have issues like these?
I have an late 08 unibody Mbp and a 11 mba, I have noticed the glass trackpad on the air is much closer to the glass on an iphone in the way your finger reacts to it... the least bit of moisture and your finger doesn't glide as easily. On the pro it seems to have more of a coating to allow for smoother use under these normal conditions (humidity). Has anyone else noticed this? bottom line the air trackpad almost seems more polished.
The track pad seems to have a mind of its own after Lion installation. Seems to copy everything it crosses over. Is there a way to have it behave like it did in the Snow Leopard?
I recently got myself a Magic Trackpad for my TV-computer(a Mac mini running 10.7.3). It seems to work fine, but there's an annoying problem. I can't use it to click on things on the login screen. When I've logged in I can click around on various items, but not on the login screen and since this computer have a couple of family accounts it's a bit annoying. I can move around the pointer so it's not entirely dead, but I can't click making it a bit hard to choose the account you want to login as.Is this how it's supposed to work or is there some setting I've missed?
I've been using Lion long enough now that it feels normal. I just got interested in organizing things using multiple desktops and started reading about how things work. I continue to see references to a 'three-fingered-swipe'. My older macbook doesn't seem to know what this is. I check Preferences for Trackpad and it doesn't have most of the options mentioned in various posts I've seen. Is this because my macbook is too old and the hardware doesn't support it?