OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Multiple Addressees In Mail
Feb 8, 2012
I sent an e-mail thru mail in Snow Leopard using my MobileMe account to 3 addressees all in the "To" section. After I sent it I checked my sent messages and it only showed that it was sent to the first addressee on the list. Did I do something wrong? Should I have placed two of the addressees in the "CC" section? This is an important e-mail. How can I check to make certain that it went thru to all three recipients?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 27" iMac 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo, 8GB 1
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Mar 8, 2012
workflow for handling multiple email accounts in Mac Mail? i am returning from Postbox (which seems to have had "Accounts" that I could organize these in) and I am not sure how to handle them in Mac Mail.
i have two websites with multiple email addresses and I have a gmail and a me.com address etc etc.
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Jun 12, 2012
I have set up an automator service that TAR's a folder into an archive for me and it works quite nicely. Idealy however, I would like to be able to highlight several folders, right click and have automator tar each folder into it's own TAR archive, but do it one by one. Â
I'm not 100% sure so I guess it would be a good time to verify, is there a problem with having the system try to TAR multiple folders at one time? If it is not a problem then I guess this discussion itself is pointless and I can simple right click on each folder and select "TAR Folder" and just wait until they're all finished. I would think that it would be ideal for the system to do each one individually and not try to do them all at one time.Â
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Nov 12, 2010
If you have more than one mac is there a easier way to update to 10.6.5 than download on each mac. is there a way to download once then install on each?
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Nov 7, 2009
OK in Leopard I could always select a bunch of files, right click and get info, then change the permissions to Read and Write for Everyone and Leopard would apply it to all files selected. Now, when I try the same thing in Snow Leopard it actually opens the get info window for every individual file selected and I have to manually apply it to each one. Does anyone know how to go back to the old way?
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Feb 6, 2012
Where can I find the license agreement that states whether or not I'm able to install Snow Leopard on multiple computers?
Info:Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Sep 7, 2009
Has anyone else got this issue? You have a bunch of files you want to move to trash. You highlight them all, then right click, but "Move to trash" is missing from the menu.
If I highlight just one, the "move to trash" option is there. But disappears when multiple items are selected.
Anyone else had this problem? Is there a fix I can do to get "move to trash" for multiple selected items back?
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Dec 9, 2009
In windows you can select multiple folders and right click and check the size of all the folders combined, on my mac, when I have multiple folders selected and GET INFO, it opens up a window for each corresponding folder and tells me the size of each folder not how much all are in total....aside from a calculator, is there a way to tell the size combined?
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Apr 17, 2010
I have bought myself a copy of Snow Leopard, single user upgrade version ($29). I have not yet installed it, but I'm curious:
Lets say I install it on my MacBook Pro and that in a few months I buy a SSD to replace my current HDD. I would probably opt to go for a clean install (I am pondering whether or not to do it now) and copy over some important files. Would this work? Or would the install disk see my new SSD as another computer?
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Mar 15, 2012
This is the third drive that has failed since I was assigned this Mac Pro at work a few weeks ago, and the drive was purchased less than a week ago. The other two were older drives. They would suddenly stop being readable. Sometimes there was a problem ejecting the drive before it stopped becomeing readable (message would say the drive couldn't be ejected because another program is using it, when there were no programs open). One of them eventually mounted again and I recovered some of the files (but some files weren't readable when I tried to copy them). But that was just luck as they all seem now to be consistently unreadable. When I plug them in I get the message: "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer". same if I plug it into a different computer. And when I try to repair, it shows this: http://i.imgur.com/ivK9d.png. When it happed to the second drive, I just thought it was a fluke... but now a third, brand new drive? Something about the computer must be causing it.
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Mar 17, 2012
What's the Best Way to Organize Multiple Related Contacts? It may be a Couple or a Family with common Address and Phone, but different names and birthdates. Then I try to put them all in one contact listing.It may be a Large Business where you want to keep track of information about a dozen different people's address, phone, depart, title, email etc. But It still would be nice to be able to pull up one entry with all the business's information.
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May 6, 2012
Can i set up multiple e-mail addresses on one mac account
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 7, 2012
I recently took a position where the previous person didn't leave much in the way of processes or instruction. There are several existing domains, purchased from GoDaddy, hosted locally on our server. I am working on adding a new site and purchased the domain below. I have changed all the zone settings in GoDaddy's DNS manager and have duplicated an existing *.conf fie in the Apache2 folder making the changes within the file to the directory and the domain name. I have also added the directory and set it to be a sharepoint as well as adjusted the permissions.Â
Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac OS X Server
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May 2, 2012
I recently started a position where the previous person left me very little information. I am not familiar with hosting locally as I have always used GoDaddy.  There are several sites set up, so I have some "template" to go off of, but I need the basics. If i purchase the domain somewhere and the multiple sites are hosted on a single IP, how can I direct to a specific folder? Do I just create a folder within the volume all others are then make it a shared folder? Set the protocol options to match one that is alread there?Is there a beginers guide to this, and all the settings and options available somewhere?Â
Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac OS X Server
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May 11, 2012
I have a macpro setup with two partitions.Originally one partition assigned to Snow Leopard.I log in using a network user (using OSX server) and that user has local Admin rights.I setup a new instance of Snow Leopard on the secondary Partition and logged in using the network user.This had the effect of using the partition 1 Home directory for this user and I can't get the secondary partition to use itself for storing the users home directory.The workaround I have is to log in to Partition 2 snow leopard with a local admin user then temporarily rename the Users folder on partition 1. Next login to partition 2 as the network user, then everything gets created on partition 2 as expected.Finally rename the Partition 1 Users folder back.Now I can log in to either partitoin with the same user and have different local home setups.
Anyone else had this or is there a better procedure for setting up multiple partitions? The same happens with LION. I need to keep a snowleoapard partition with all the setup I currently have, but start a new LION partition.I don't want any cross contamination, hence the requirement for separation.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 29, 2012
I am looking for a nice tidy option to create an image of a "master" client and distribute to a group of student Macbooks. All the Macbooks are the same model and are all running Snow Leopard (though they were released with Leopard). Initially, one of the teachers created a user account (called student) with all the software and settings that we needed, on one of them and used Migration Assistant to copy that account to the others.Â
I prefer to have a master image I can restore to at any time. I figure that Disk Utility will do the job - I'm just not 100% sure of which steps to take. So far I have created my "master" macbook that is set up just the way I want it. Next I was going to attach it to the mac I use to run everything on (ARD etc) via firewire and boot the master in Target mode. Then I would run Disk Utility on my mac and use the New Image button to create an image called "studentPOD.dmg" (There is room on my mac for this, or I can put it on an external USB disk) Is this correct, and once I have the image, how do I get it onto the other Macbooks? Is there anything special I have to do to make it bootable? They all part of a student POD and can be re-imaged at anytime without worrying about losing data...so I can afford to experiment...Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Disk Utility
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Mar 12, 2012
I have an Epson AcuLaser C2600 which I got some years ago and which has run fine on 10.3, 10.4 and until recently on 10.6. It has suddenly started printing second and later copies of a single page document about 3cm lower on the page than it should. It does the same on pages after the first page in multi-page documents. This does not always happen but does for much or even most of the time. This happens in various applications. Sometimes the printer shows a 'Check paper size' warning but does not stop.
Discussions with Epson have led to checking Print and Fax preferences, Page Set Up, Extended Printer Settings (all of which I'd done) and making some changes to the printer control panel connected to Paper Size and Auto Continue. The problem remains and discussions continue. It is worth commenting that something like this seems to have been an Epson issue for some time but the suggested solutions have not worked for me.
I have stuck on 10.6.7 because there seemed to be a number of printer issues with 10.6.8 and as everything was fine (and I like a quiet life). I have made no OS updates so it is hard to understand why this has suddenly started (unless it is a hardware issue). I recently installed Pages 4.1, the only other changes have been things like updating browsers (and adding a couple of extensions) and other applications.
mini 2.4 8GB, PB G4 1.67 15" 512MB, ASUS EeePC 701, OS 10.6.7, 10.4.11, Linux
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Apr 12, 2012
I would like to always have one external hard drive attached to my iMac for Time Machine backups, and another external hard drive off site - periodically swapping the two. The though is that if there is fire or theft, it won't help to have a hard drive onsite attached to the computer, because both the iMac and the hard drive could be lost. Is Time Machine smart enough to allow me to configure two drives, so that whenever I plug in one of the drives, it can figure out what needs to be backed up?
27' iMac i7 Quad-Core, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Apr 4, 2012
I use BT as my server and want to set up my tiscali mail with the Apple Mail. Tried help from BT and Tiscali and they both couldn't set it up..
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May 15, 2012
Mail in OS 10.8 can't open web links embedded in mail messages. Just started this AM but I changed nothing.
Info:iBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), sudden problem as of today
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Jun 27, 2012
I am unable to send mail from my imac using apple mail. I keep getting told I am not connected to internet and my accounts keep getting taken offline.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Lost emails
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Apr 30, 2012
After clicking on 'get mail' the download bar shows activity but no mail is downloaded to the inbox. Checked to see if for some reason mail is being downloaded to another box but not so.I know that mail is being sent because I can receive it on my iphone under same email address.Email was working ok until yesterday when this started happening. Not sure what to check or how to correct.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 25, 2012
In Mail, is there a way to print the list of mail activity in a folder without actually printing each email?
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Feb 4, 2012
I have a rule that copies an email to the ON MY MAC and then another that MOVES TO A FOLDER in Mobileme. They are in this order. The problem is when I quit Mail the Folder I am copying to is changed to the Mobileme folder so I end up with a duplicate. It doesn't change until Mail is quit. The other odd part, there one arragement like this that did savef at some point and works as expected.Â
I have tried having both of these rules combined into 1 and have the same results.
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Mar 24, 2012
When I try to change the settings for my Mail app, in Snow Leopard, the incoming mail settings are greyed out. What do I do to be able to change these?Â
(I had a problem, with my Mail account, which a consultant fixed for me on my laptop. But I cannot remember what he did to access the incoming mail server preferences, and make the changes, because on my desktop these are still greyed out.)
MacPro, MacBook Pro, ipods, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Apr 11, 2012
One IMAP account is intermittently losing all mail in inbox except for one message. After doing opening program the receive wheel spins for a long time, but at this point there are only 170 emails in the inbox because we moved all the rest to the on my mac inbox to try to solve this porblem. There are two accounts, both from the same provider, but one of them takes a long time to receive new mail.  The wheel spins for a long time - each time it gets mail.Â
Several times after finishing receive cycle, all the mail that was in the inbox disappears, except for one. I was able to get the emails to retrn by going into settings>accounts> and changing a random setting and then changing it back the way it was. All settings appear to be correct and match the other other account that is working correctly.Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 23, 2012
Would like to know how to transfer mail from apple mail to outlook.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 1, 2012
I just installed some routine updates for my Mac and now I can't receive any mail in my apple mail program. It is version 4.5 and I am using a mobile me account. I have never had any problems before and obviously very annoyed. I know I can access it view the web but I like apple mail. I am able to send.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 12, 2012
I've just transferred to iCloud and I'm trying to email 3 people with the same email. I cannot seem to get > 1 address into the "To" field. how to do this, e.g. To: aaaa@yyyy.com bbbb@zzzz.com
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Jun 11, 2012
Is it possible to backup multiple computers to a single external drive connected to an Xserve using Time machine? We have a Six TB external drive that we are connecting to an Xserve that has three drives. We want to backup the entire
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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