OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Delete Addresses From Email
Apr 12, 2012
I have old addresses that pop up when I type an email. These are contacts in my address book who have changed their email addresses. I want to have only the most current address available. How do I permanently delete the old address?
I am trying to extract only email addresses out of Mac Mail so I can then use as input into address book or a mass mailer app. I have about 10,000 emails that need to be scanned. I have found an applescript at[URL].. which seems to have the right intent but not being an applescript expert when I run it it only creates a new workbook with the correct column headings and no content. I point it at the right mailbox. I have about 7 different mailboxes which hold emails received about a particular product which is the title of the mailbox (eg red product, black product). I figure I can produce an excel file for each mailbox and then join them togetehr adding a new column called product and populating it for the added products.
When I begin to type the name of someone in the "To" field, I am offered a list of all the addresses they've had—some of them years ago. If I'm not careful, I end up selecting one of the old, and usually defunct, ones. How can I get rid of these outdated addresses? I've tried left-clicking an address and selecting "Remove address," but that seems to only remove it from the "To" field.
Many records in my address book have multiple email addresses. No big deal but I wonder if there is a way to tell Address Book / Mail which address to pick as the default.
For example I send a litttle news email one a week to a group of contacts. I want to send this email to people's personal -- not business -- email address. I've created a group in Address Book and type that group name in my Mail to line and the group pops up. But a few of the records pick the corporate address and I have to go in and change those addresses.
I just tried editing one record ... I deleted both "work" and "home" addresses from a record. Then reentered them "home" first, "work" second. But when I closed the edit Address Book listed them in the original order (maybe alpha).
The dropdown "to" box in Mail contains old email addresses I no longer have. How to I clean up the list of MY old emails. Not the ones I have received from.
I'm using Mail 4.5 on OS X 10.6.8 - I'm using a late-2008 aluminium unibody MacBook with a 250GB hard drive and I only have 4Gb of available space left. I'm trying to free up space on my hard disk and I downloaded Disk Inventory X to check what was taking up so much space - apart from my iPhoto library and Pictures folder which together account for about 125GB I see that the folder containing Mail messages is 42.8GB in size!
I'm assuming that this is because I've received a lot of photos via email but I've added the ones I wanted to my iPhoto library so I assume I no longer need the images that were emailed to me.
where I can find these email attachments so that I can delete them all at once - I'm hoping that I don't have to go through all my emails one by one to select and delete them individually?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4GHz 13inch MacBook (late 2008)
I want to remove my mail program from my ipad and i'm wondering how to do this. I don't want to lose my email, though, just get it off my ipad which is something other people use.
I would like to send emails to all email addressess in one contact. It automatically chooses the first email in the card. Is it possible to choose all email addresses in one contact?
when composing an email and trying to import group from address book, I cannot get emails addresses to appear in "TO" line when typing in name of group
I have created months ago a mail folder which automaticly places "spam" messages, and recently when I try to delete the messages from the folder , they become greyedout and cant be deleted.
I just got a MBP and I love it ! But how do I import all my email addresses? and is there a way to import all my favorite saved websites that I have stored on AOL? Also how do I get two screens open at once? I cant for the life of me figure it out...
I tend to "save" email addresses by remembering the first few characters, and allowing Mail to fill in the rest, from some list of addresses it saves based on who I've sent mail to in the past.
WHERE is this list saved? I now want to move to a new Mac, and I don't want to lose all my "almost saved" email addresses.
I'm using mail 2.1.3 on a G4 powerbook running Mac os 10.4.11. I've switched mail servers today, and all my email addresses are now imap instead of pop. That meant I had to create new email accounts in mail, and as I did, I deleted the old ones, as I would no longer need them. Unfortunately, All of my email seems to have gone with all the old pop accounts. Did I just lose all my email??? I really need to get some of it back, its been a few months since I last backed up. I did have all of my accounts set to not delete trash for 30 days, so I'm hoping its still some where. Am I screwed? Why would Apple not warn me heavily before doing something BIG like deleting all of my email?
I want to change all my email addresses for the itunes store, the app store and icloud to one email account? Can I do it without losing any purchased items?
I would like to print out my email addresses. Is there a way to go to ,say, my address book and do something that would enable me to print the addresses? I'm using Mail 2.1.3.
Info: 20" alum iMac , 2.4 GHz, 2 GB; Parallels and XP Home, Mac OS X (10.4.11)