OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Does System Respond To Ping Requests
Apr 15, 2012
I have the software firewall on and in stealth mode; the online modem Firewall Setting must be at "Minimum Security (Low)" because if I use "Medium" or "High" my e-mail message center in Safari Version 5.1.5 (6534.55.3) times out. I ran GRC's Shields Up and my computer failed the "Ping reply" test. Here's the result:
Ping Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED) — Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation.
I've just tried running the security test on the Shields Up! site, and I note that even though my firewall is in stealth mode (and Shields Up! reported that all the ports it probed were stealthed), it failed the test because it replied to an ICMP ping request - and yet the Snow Leopard firewall specifically states that when it's in stealth mode, it won't respond to such requests.
I'm currently running Snow Leopard an early 2011 Macbook Pro. The laptop also runs Intel's 320 SSD as its primary storage. I've noticed recently that my file system appears to be running slow and by that, I mean if I try to Save a file from the web, save a document from Office, or a photo from Photoshop, the prompt that lets me select where to store the file takes about 10 seconds to pop up. Everything else with the system runs pretty fast. The computer still boots up quickly as an SSD does. Opening programs takes one bounce or so... but the saving a file prompt across the board has been extremely slow.
I have been having somewhat sketchy network problems since upgrading to Snow Leopard the biggest one is that large updates to Time Machine fail with a network error. So I have been doing some digging and I noticed on my stats at OpenDNS that since installing Snow Leopard the requests to time.apple.com have gone from 175/day (already more than necessary) to 1745/day. Also the requests made by OpenDNS updater to myip.dnsomatic.com have gone from 36/day to 1462/day.
We keep getting requests to upgrade our Trusteer Rapport program. It says this protects against phishing attacks and provides credit card theft protection.
After upgrading to Snow Leopard (SR MBP), I've experienced unusually high and unpredictable latency from the airport connection. The Ethernet connection works fine (consistent and short ping times to the wireless router), but the airport connection's ping times vary wildly. A different MBP (unibody) on Leopard does not have this problem with the same router (so it seems unlikely that the router is at fault), and I did not have this problem before my upgrading. Programs such as Skype that require a steady stream of information are now unusable. Does Archive and Install work for downgrades?
I have an issue with my Windows 7 Client's they can connect my VPN SLS 10.6.8 but I tried to ping the server IP and get no answer.
Replay from x.x.x.x: Destination host unreachable. I did all registry changes for W7 Ultimate 64bits but no chance. All my Mac's work fine with all server services.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MAC and Windows 7 clients
My bluetooth keyboard have decided not to work recently, but most of the keys work on the keyboard. Only the the keys from "Z" to "F" is not working. I have tried changing the battery, or connecting it to other macs, but with the same result, those keys doesnt work.
What does it mean, "The burn to the SuperDrive drive failed. The disc drive didn't respond properly and can't recover or retry"? I had a new drive put in act two weeks ago.
Since my upgrade from 10.5 to 10.6, the "Mail 4.5" stop before getting automatically of all my mailboxes. I have to manually request a statement of my different accounts.Is there a way to slow the flow, because I feel that the server does not have time to respond to flow?
Info: mail 4.5, Mac OS X (10.6.8), No pb before with Mac OS X (10.5)
My system stops responding after opening iTunes(not always). This has happened twice with me. I had to shut the system down and re-start it again to make it work.
As the title says... Keys Q to O are not working. I have removed the letter casing from a couple to check for dirt etc but no evidence and the buttons are also working fine.
I want to have both options of doing a Clean Install or an Upgrade of leopard to snow leopard.Which DVD on Amazon should I buy?Can you point me to a link/info ? And I also bought my macbook pro in late june 2009.
is there a way I can have both OS's running at the same time, with Snow Leopard on the left monitor and Windows 7 on the right monitor, all running out from one computer rig (Mac Pro)?I've heard of ppl using Synergy to run dual monitors with dual computers and sharing one keyboard and mouse. I want to do the same EXCEPT run it all out of 1 computer.
The system extension "/System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext" was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update.
I have run disk permissions repair and disk repair, but these errors still come up when I turn on computer.
My system (imac, OSX 10.6.8) froze today. Moving the mouse or using the keyboard did not ask for my password. I had to turn the power off/on. Fortunately, I didn't loose much. Two questions: What happened?If it happens again, is there a less drastic solution than cycling the power?
Some applications don't respond to minimization shortcuts. Is there any possible way to show desktop (or force show desktop) without actually quitting the application?
Right now i have 10.4.11 on my almost 4 year old macbook. Can I buy the $29 Snow leopard disk and upgrade. Do i need to do a clean install. I am kinda noob in all this so kindly suggest if this can or cannot be done.
In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("com.apple.user*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.
I have 10.4 system and now want to upgrade to snow leopard but was told that first I should upgrade from tiger to leopard since I do have a leopard disk as well. Is this information correct and how big a deal is it to do these upgrades- how much time and how complicated?
After installing Snow Leopard, it asked me where 'System Events.app' was. It wanted me to browse to find it, but I didn't know where it was, so I cancelled it.
Sounds like people are enjoying Snow Leopard. I would love to join them, but the installer can't see my system drive! Disk Utility doesn't see it either. The only possible issue is that my system drive is an SSD, but it would be impressive if Apple managed to make their OS incompatible with a drive with a perfectly standard interface. Anybody else managed to get Snow Leopard installed on an SSD, whether one that came with their system or one they installed themselves?
How do I do this? (This question directed to anyone who HAS done it or feels comfortable enough with the procedure to run me through it)I'm running Tiger at the moment. I've read that the $29 upgrade disc works to install Snow Leopard onto Tiger also. I want to clean install and only back up music, videos, pictures, email, and personal documents like work. I do not need any of the applications that I've added to my macbook pro over the years. I do not have time machine. Will I lose all applications from safari through ichat and itunes if I clean install or are those applications on the Snow Leopard install disc.
Did I waste $29? What did I gain? Time Machine? Preview of icons? Pretty name and package doesn't mean it's quality. I like apple stuff, but this seems like a money grab.