OS X :: Switching Between Graphics System In Snow Leopard

Jun 10, 2009

Has anyone heard if OS X SL will allow on-the-fly switching between graphics systems in MBP (without having to log in/out)?

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MacBook Pro :: Graphics Processor Switching Snow Leopard?

Aug 30, 2009

Where do I switch graphic processors in Snow Leopard on my late '08 uniMBP?

It used to be in the "Energy Saver" area but, I had to log out and then back in again to activate the change. Is there something I'm missing here?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard DP 32bit Switching For System Prefs?

Dec 27, 2008

Some screens of a recent DP showing SL: [URL]

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Failed To Install / Graphics Card Failed / System Crashed Had To Reinstall?

Oct 1, 2010

So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo
now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?

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OS X :: Switching Languages In Snow Leopard

Mar 1, 2010

When I go to System Preferences >> Language & Text >> Language Tab, I see a language which is in there.Yet, when I go to the Input Sources tab, that language is not listed and so I cant use it.How do I get the language into the Input Sources tab if it's not there?

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ICloud :: Switching With Snow Leopard?

May 29, 2012

I believe I've researched enough posts here on Apple Discussions to tell me that what I want to do is possible, but I want to confirm it before I take some irrevocable action. So, first I'll describe what I want to do, then my understanding of how to do it, and then ask my questions.  I want to keep my mac.com email functionality for my primary account, my aliases, and my email-only accounts—all of which use mac.com addresses.For now, I don't care about contacts, calendars, bookmarks, or any other syncing except mail server syncing with my SeaMonkey mail client on multiple Snow Leopard Macs.I can't install Lion (yet) on all of my Snow Leopard computers. I have some software compatibility issues that have yet to be resolved, and one machine (Macbook Pro Core Duo) isn't compatible with Lion at all.I have several IMAP and POP mail accounts that forward to my primary mac.com address, and I would like that to continue. It's my understanding that I can log into my MobileMe account, select the "Not all devices meet requirements" option, agree to the iCloud Terms of Service, and then click the Move to iCloud button to use Apple's mail services with iCloud after MobileMe ends. Here are my questions:Will the move to iCloud work as described?Do I need to claim I have Lion installed on all devices? (I don't.)Will all of my existing mac.com email-only accounts and aliases continue to work after I move to iCloud? (I seem to recall reading somewhere that the paid-for email-only accounts will work, but the aliases wont...but I'm not certain that's correct.)Will I have full access to all iCloud features on any Mac on which Lion is installed?I currently have some web content hosted on my iDisk, and I understand that the iDisk will disappear on July 1. Is there some equivalent functionality in iCloud, wherein iCloud will host browser-based web content?That doesn't appear to be the case, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. 

MPQuad-Core2.8GHz,32GB,23"CinemaHD, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacBook Pro 17"; 10.6.8; 2GB RAM

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OS X :: Snow Leopard / Macbook Pro Video Card Switching And SLI

Aug 29, 2009

I own a 2009 Macbook Pro. I was just wondering 2 things about Snow Leopard:

How does it manage video card switching?

Does it allow SLI?

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MacBook Pro :: Lost Battery Life After Switching To Snow Leopard?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a MBP Classic (early 08) and I've noticed that the battery life seems to have dropped ever since I switched to SL. I should have conducted a more scientific experiment just before the switch, but I didn't, so I can't be sure. Is anyone else having a similar experience with Snow Leopard?

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Why Does MacBook Pro Have Graphics Switching

Apr 10, 2012

I was looking through tech specs of the 15 and 17 inch macbook pros and comparing them to iMacs, so i was wondering why they did that? Is the graphics better on the macbook pro?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Graphics Switching In Windows?

Sep 7, 2010

The title is pretty simple, and self explanatory. Will the HD Graphics/330M combo, or the 9400M/9600M GT ever be able to switch back and forth in Windows? And regardless of if it's possible, what is the limitation, drivers, other software, or a physical hardware limitation? It would be a nice way to get more battery life out of Bootcamp.

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MacBook Pro :: Graphics Card Not Switching?

Feb 5, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro 15" 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 (Mid-2010). I have auto graphics  switching turned on in the Energy Saver prefs. But it never switches. It stays on the nVidia card all the time. 

I have tried switching to Text Edit, Mail, BBEdit, and other non-graphics intensive apps. It stays on nVidia. It stays on nVidia even when I unplug and use battery power. 

I can manually change it to Intel, and it works fine. When I change it back to auto switching, it stays on nVidia continuously. 

MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 (Mid 2010)

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MacBook Pro :: Not Switching To Discrete (AMD) Graphics

Jun 25, 2014

MPBr, 15", Early 2013 with dual graphics (Intel HD Graphics and AMD Radeon)

Running Maverics 10.9.3 

What is happening:

1. Machine doesn't switch to AMD graphics no matter whatever app is running. In activity monitor even if some apps say "Requires High Perf GPU", the graphics card being used is still "Integrated".

2. Connecting to an external display via thunderbolt or HDMI doesn't work (external display doesn't turn on) either as it required discrete graphics too.

3. After a reboot (at what time I believe machine tries to use discrete graphics card), the display is always blank. Even the Apple logo on back of lid is turned off. Only way to get the display back is to close the lid and open it after 10 ~ 15 seconds at which time it probably switch back to integrated and comes alive. 

What I have tried:

1. Reset PRAM.
2. Reset SMC.
3. Tried gfxCardStatus [URL] to no avail. If I manually switch to discrete card, gfxCardStatus checkmark say it has switched, but it doesn't.
4. Tried booting into hardware diagnosis (pressing D while booting) but was unable to get the screen turned on to proceed. 

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OS X :: Graphics Glitch? Using Snow Leopard

Mar 8, 2010

So for about a week or two now i have been experiencing this glitches that seem to come around after the computer has been on for more than 2 or 3 hours. I have noticed restarting the machine will get rid of them. I have a 2.4ghz MacBook with 2 gigs or ram from early 2008. I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.2

Does anyone know how to fix this? I think it might be a messed up graphics card, but i don't have much of a clue. I have noticed when trying to take a selected screen shot over the dock the glitches will go away, but they only happen on the dock, wallpaper, and window shadows, they are also random every time.

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MacBook Pro :: Auto Graphics Switching - Delay?

Nov 4, 2010

Does anybody experience any delays with the auto graphics switching on the late 2010 MBPs? I mean serious delays? Mine seems to be very slow at making the switch. Say if I open a PDF that has a load of images in and start to scroll at high speed to scan the document, everything becomes very stuttery. Then, after a while (very random in how long it takes) everything starts to get smoother, when I assume the NVIDIA kicks in. I thought this was meant to be more-or-less instantaneous?

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MacBook Pro :: Switching Graphics Cards Without Logout Possible?

Aug 20, 2009

My primary concern is whether or not uMBP users will ever be able to switch the graphics cards without logging out every time? I remember hearing that it was a software issue, does that mean that it might be supported in Snow Leopard?

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MacBook Pro :: Graphics Switching Without Restarting Windowserver?

Apr 14, 2010

Obviously the new Macbook Pros do not require a reboot to switch between graphics cards while the previous generation, the one which had two graphics cards made by the same company, requires a login/logout. The case made for the necessity of this login/logout has been the need for the WindowServer process to be relaunched, and to overcome this, WindowServer would need to be rewritten. Obviously that didn't happen. Further, if random Nvidia insiders are to be believed, this wasn't done using Optimus technology by Nvidia, but rather by Apple... so. How do you suppose they pulled that off?

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MacBook Pro :: Automatic Graphics Switching On Battery?

May 7, 2010

is there any way to only use automatic graphics switching when on battery?i want to use switching when on battery, but only use nvidia when using the power brick.

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MacBook Pro :: Using External Displays And Graphics Switching?

Jun 7, 2010

I just plugged in my Cinema Display to my MBP for the first time, and for a while couldn't figure out why the heck the computer wasn't recognizing it (though maybe I'd gotten a bad MDP/DVI adaptor).

Then I'd noticed I'd set it via gfxCardStatus to use Intel graphics only. I released it to Dynamic -- and voila! Display recognized. Interestingly, it now also will not accept being set back to Intel only with the monitor connected.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Graphics Update Stability

Oct 13, 2010

For a while, my MacbookPro, which is a MacBookPro5,3, has been telling me that I have updates. Among the updates was a graphics update. Back when my iMac5,1 ran Leopard, I blindly got the graphics update, so it is no longer usable, unless I use Ubuntu Hardy on it. I do not want to run into that issue again, since I have programs that I need on my Mac for me to be productive, as I started writing books and publishing them through Lulu (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.). Is the Snow Leopard graphics update going to cause stability issues, like the Leopard graphics update did on my old iMac5,1? Right now, I am getting all updates, except for the graphics update, that are available for my MacBook Pro.

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OS X :: Graphics Card Compatibility With Snow Leopard

Aug 27, 2009

Pardon me being stupid, but I'm stumped. I have the ATI Radeon HD 2400, and on the Snow Leopard specs for OpenCL it doesn't list this. Will this effect anything, or will it still work.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Includes New Graphics Drivers?

Aug 28, 2009

Title says it all? Are new Nvidia drivers included with Snow Leopard? What about the ATI drivers?

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MacBook Pro :: Graphics Not Switching To Intel Hard Drive

Jan 6, 2011

I purchased a Macbook Pro 15" i7 last month, and since doing the migration (using the migration utility) from my old black macbook my graphics are stuck on the Nvidia graphics and is not switching to the Intel HD graphics. This is eating battery power like no tomorrow.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does The Automatic Graphics Switching Turn Itself Back On

Jun 21, 2012

I have a late-2010 Macbook Pro 15" and have been having issues with gaming.  Specifically, the games will freeze the system requiring a reboot.  After reading further, I learned about the "Automatic Graphics Switching" mode under "Energy Saver" in the System Preferences screen.  Upon disabling this setting, and locking the preferences, the games are still freezing.   

I have not re-enabled this setting but when I check the settings again it is enabled.  Seemingly, the OS is changing the "Automatic Graphics Switching" on its own. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Avoid Switching To Integrated Graphics Card

Jun 27, 2012

See the new Macbook Pro that I recently got has two graphics cards. One, the integrated, standard issue Intel HD4000 and the other one, a Nvidea GT650M. Personally, I was thrilled to learn this. However, my Macbook Pro seems to switch in between these two and I really don't want it to do that. I would rather just make the GT 650M the main graphics card and avoid using the integrated graphics.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Apple Releases Snow Leopard Graphics Update For Mac 10.6

Aug 17, 2010

Apple on Tuesday released Snow Leopard Graphics Update, a patch for Mac OS X 10.6 that is said to improve performance and reliability of popular titles like StarCraft II and Portal. The 69.2MB update was released by Apple Tuesday afternoon. It is available from the company's support site, or via Software Update. It requires Mac OS X 10.6.4. According to Apple, the software update contains performance and stability fixes for graphics applications, including fixes that: address frame rate issues occurring in Portal and Team Fortress 2 on certain Macs resolve an issue that could cause aperture 3 or StarCraft II to unexpectedly quit or become unresponsive.

The update addresses framerate issues on the titles Portal and Team Fortress 2 for the late 2009 and mid 2010 iMac and Mac mini; early 2009 Mac Pro; early 2009 and mid 2010 MacBook; and mid-2010 MacBook Pro 15- and 17-inch models. The update also resolves an image corruption issue that may occur when disconnecting and reconnecting external displays while the system is running. Valve, the maker of Portal, Team Fortress 2 and the Steam gaming client for Mac, said in June that it was working with Apple to improve the performance of games running in Mac OS X. The company said that improved drivers from Apple would have the greatest impact on performance. "We are making a lot of progress identifying specific issues that need work inside the game and inside OpenGL and drivers," Rob Barris of Valve said at the time. "Apple, ATI and Nvidia are all involved."[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]

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Mac Pro :: Snow Leopard Graphics Update On Flashed Cards?

Aug 17, 2010

Just noticed the Snow Leopard Graphics Update, anyone install it yet/found noticeable improvements (can't install it until I get back home in a week)? Hopefully no problems for people with flashed graphics cards? I would like this update to let me run SC2 in Mac OS X; it's so much faster in Win 7...

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IMac :: Snow Leopard Graphics Update Performance

Aug 18, 2010

Has anyone ran some tests with the new Snow Leopard Graphics Update Apple just released. I am primarily interested in the performance increases it offers SC2. I am at work and will not be able to install it until late tonight, after which I will post before and after FPS and settings for SC2.

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MacBook Pro :: Automatic Graphics Chips Switching - Extended Battery Life

Apr 13, 2010

the new machines will switch between graphics chips. all very nice (at last), but my 15" MBP 2.8 doesn't and it's a real pain for me as I often go between apps than need the extra speed and then back to e.g. Word, and could really do with the extended battery life (I have the old style battery pack) any news if the older graphics systems can be worked to switch on the fly...i.e. without having to logout and shut down all the open apps, and work?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Flickers Black For Short Moment On Switching Graphics

May 9, 2010

I just got a new MBP i7, and whenever the graphics switch from the Nvidia 330m chip to the Intel chip, the screen "flickers" black for a short moment before reappearing. Can anyone with a new MBP comment on this behavior? It doesn't happen on the switch from Intel->Nvidia, just the other way around.

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MacBook Pro :: Stop Automatic Graphics Switching Setting Automatically Reverting

Jun 25, 2012

Macbook Pro 15" Mid 2010

OS X 10.7.4 

I have a recurring problem where my screen (built in or external monitor/projector) will just go blank at random times. It is an unrecoverable situation and I have to do a hard power reset to get working again.

After testing several theories without success I struck upon one that showed promise. The blanking tended to occur when I was in Lion Fullscreen mode, or using a gesture to start expose - so I figured maybe it was a graphics switching issue.

So I went into System Preferences and disabled 'Automatic graphics switching'. I then ran trouble free for several days (I was typically crashing 1-2 times a day)

Then several days later it happened again and I thought I was back to square one. However, a colleague suggested I check the graphic switching setting to see if something had changed it back, and sure enough it was re-enabled.

Now I find myself in a constant battle with the system to keep disabling the 'Automatic graphics switrhing' in System Preferences.

I have tried setting it and locking it, but sooner or later it reverts. I need to know if it is possible to force it to stay disabled.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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