OS X :: Snow Leopard Asks For System Events App?

Aug 28, 2009

After installing Snow Leopard, it asked me where 'System Events.app' was. It wanted me to browse to find it, but I didn't know where it was, so I cancelled it.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How Events Are Handled In Mac Os X

Apr 18, 2012

I am trying to write an application to handle driver asynchronous event.. it should be similar to iwevent in our linux..what are all the API's used for the same..

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), development

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OS X :: System Suddenly Asks For A Password?

May 23, 2010

I have a G4 450 OS 10.4.11 and when I went to restart it it asked for a password. I have used this system for a few years and this has never happened? I used my regular password and it worked but now every time I restart it, it asks me the same thing. What is also weird is that It says Powermac G3 above the password box. My system is a G4. I believe the drive came out of a G3 computer at one time but not sure how that relates. This has never happened before. I went to system preferences security tab and it does not show login is enabled at all. I did not do anything that I know of to cause this? How can I remove this login requirement and what does it mean that it says G3 when it is a G4?

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OS X :: Where Is System Events?

Apr 24, 2009

I downloaded MainMenu which I guess helps clean up my computer a bit. I repaired disk permissions and cleaned out the user and system caches. After this it recommended I reboot the computer so it did so for me. The computer restarted and the first thing on the screen (still up) is asking "where is system events?" with a list of Apps for me to choose.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Mount Hd Automatically / System Asks For Permissions

Feb 15, 2011

I have a Seagate Free Agent external USB hard disk (250 GB) which I had reformatted to FAT32. This draws power from the USB port and seems to work perfectly on my Linux (Fedora Core 8) and Windows (XP) boxes. On the Mac, when it is plugged in, it asks me whether it should Initialize, Ignore or Eject. I choose "Ignore" and then go on to mount it from the terminal using the commands sudo mkdir /Volume/FA sudo mount /dev/disk2s1 /Volume/FA. The device name has to be found out first using Disk Utility. After it is mounted, I can read, write, delete etc. without any problem.

Question: Why does it not mount this disk automatically? Even when it is mounted why does it not put a disk icon on my Desktop? I have no issues with smaller FAT32 pen drives which show up on my Desktop a few seconds after I plug them in.

Mac OS X (10.5.5)

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OS X :: System Events Chewing Cpu

Dec 30, 2005

I noticed recenly that everything on my mini has been running slower than usual. I opened up the activity monitor to find that cpu usage is very high, junping between about 50 and 100%. The culprit seams to be a process called "System Events". I wondered why this process was chewing so much cpu and slowing my system down, and what exacly it was doing. The only thing ive changed recently is added a few "actions" to folders using automator so that when i add files to the folders they are automatically added to itunes and put in a playlist. Could this be the problem?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Mail Repeatedly Asks To Verify Certificate

Jun 30, 2012

Using Mail 3.6 on 10.5.8. When I send from my .me account I am repeatedly ask to verify the recipient, with an oval connect button. Can I stop mail from asking me this every time?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Unable To Change Permissions In Leopard / Asks For Admin Password

Apr 7, 2010

On 10.6.2, I noticed that in the Get Info window, permissions for a file could be changed without having to "unlock" the operation with the administrator password. This was not the case in Leopard, which required the admin password before permissions could be changed through the Get Info window.

I found this to be concerning from a security standpoint. I had hoped that 10.6.3 would fix the issue, but it still appears to be a problem. I've noticed this on three different machines, two with clean installs of 10.6 and one with an upgrade from 10.5. Does anyone else notice this issue? Am I right in assuming that this is a security issue? The ability for permissions to be changed for any file directly from the Finder's Get Info window without even an admin password seems to be rather insecure to me.

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OS X :: Which Version Of Snow Leopard Need To Run The System

Aug 30, 2009

I want to have both options of doing a Clean Install or an Upgrade of leopard to snow leopard.Which DVD on Amazon should I buy?Can you point me to a link/info ? And I also bought my macbook pro in late june 2009.

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OS X :: Installing Snow Leopard On More Than One System

Aug 31, 2009

So I bought the $29 single user version. When installing it didn't ask for a serial code or anything. Can this disc be used to upgrade other systems?

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OS X :: Possible To Run Snow Leopard With Windows 7 On Same System?

Oct 15, 2009

is there a way I can have both OS's running at the same time, with Snow Leopard on the left monitor and Windows 7 on the right monitor, all running out from one computer rig (Mac Pro)?I've heard of ppl using Synergy to run dual monitors with dual computers and sharing one keyboard and mouse. I want to do the same EXCEPT run it all out of 1 computer.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: System Extensions Cannot Be Used?

Jan 31, 2012

I get the following errors: 

The system extension "/System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext" was installed improperly and cannot be used.  Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update. 


I have run disk permissions repair and disk repair, but these errors still come up when I turn on computer. 

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Unfreeze System

Mar 19, 2012

My system (imac, OSX 10.6.8) froze today.  Moving the mouse or using the keyboard did not ask for my password.  I had to turn the power off/on. Fortunately, I didn't loose much. Two questions: What happened?If it happens again, is there a less  drastic solution than cycling the power?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Upgrading system To It?

Apr 30, 2012

when upgrading my system from mac ox to  snow leopard... do will i loose data and apps on my computer?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Do System Restore On My Mac?

May 3, 2012

Can you tell me how to do system restore on mac

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trying To Empty The Trash The Finder Asks For System Password Then Empties The Trash Immediately?

May 17, 2012

OS 10.7.4 Trash does not work properly; when I empty the trash the finder asks for my system password then empties the trash immediately.

OS 10.7.4, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Can I Upgrade My System From Tiger To Snow Leopard?

Oct 21, 2010

Right now i have 10.4.11 on my almost 4 year old macbook. Can I buy the $29 Snow leopard disk and upgrade. Do i need to do a clean install. I am kinda noob in all this so kindly suggest if this can or cannot be done.

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OS X :: Tiger To Snow Leopard Options In A System?

Oct 31, 2010

In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("com.apple.user*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.

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OS X :: Updating From Tiger To Snow Leopard - 10.4 System

Jan 9, 2011

I have 10.4 system and now want to upgrade to snow leopard but was told that first I should upgrade from tiger to leopard since I do have a leopard disk as well. Is this information correct and how big a deal is it to do these upgrades- how much time and how complicated?

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OS X :: Switching Between Graphics System In Snow Leopard

Jun 10, 2009

Has anyone heard if OS X SL will allow on-the-fly switching between graphics systems in MBP (without having to log in/out)?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Add History To System Clipboard?

Aug 2, 2009

Has anyone heard if Snow Leopard will add history to the system clipboard?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Installer Cannot See System Drive

Aug 28, 2009

Sounds like people are enjoying Snow Leopard. I would love to join them, but the installer can't see my system drive! Disk Utility doesn't see it either. The only possible issue is that my system drive is an SSD, but it would be impressive if Apple managed to make their OS incompatible with a drive with a perfectly standard interface. Anybody else managed to get Snow Leopard installed on an SSD, whether one that came with their system or one they installed themselves?

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OS X :: How Can I Install Snow Leopard Onto Tiger In A Same System?

Aug 30, 2009

How do I do this? (This question directed to anyone who HAS done it or feels comfortable enough with the procedure to run me through it)I'm running Tiger at the moment. I've read that the $29 upgrade disc works to install Snow Leopard onto Tiger also. I want to clean install and only back up music, videos, pictures, email, and personal documents like work. I do not need any of the applications that I've added to my macbook pro over the years. I do not have time machine. Will I lose all applications from safari through ichat and itunes if I clean install or are those applications on the Snow Leopard install disc.

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OS X :: Install Snow Leopard But Does Not Show Any Changes In System?

Aug 30, 2009

Did I waste $29? What did I gain? Time Machine? Preview of icons? Pretty name and package doesn't mean it's quality. I like apple stuff, but this seems like a money grab.

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OS X :: System Preferences Hanging In Snow Leopard?

Sep 6, 2009

my System Preferences sometimes hangs when i open it in Snow Leopard and i have to force quit it and then reopen to use it properly.

trashing its cache seems to relieve it temporarily but it soon starts to happen again and ive tried trashing its preferences file.

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OS X :: Installing 7 On Snow Leopard - System Freezes

Feb 14, 2010

I did this twice, instaled win 7 using booth camp. The problem started when I boot os X. Every launch new aplication I saw 30 minutes of that creapy rainbow, just all os X freeze for this time, I could just wait. restarting os X doesn't . so I must restored partition of Win7.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Change The Language Of The System?

Apr 13, 2012

How to change the language of the system (detailed procedure).

Additionnal question: my mouse (wifi) works, but immediately after I have booted the system (a few seconds), the left clic does not work any more. What can I do?It is very difficult (impossible ?) to maintain the Imac without a mouse working correctly. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Reinstall System Fonts

Apr 19, 2012

Trouble with fonts from the "Get Go". Now fonts are disappearing in my Adobe CS5 font lists while I'm working. Noticed in my System Fonts folder some fonts I had not noticed before. Is there any way to reinstall my system fonts without reinstalling the entire system. Also all the fonts  in my system folder seem to be Windows True Type fonts. Is this correct?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x 2.93 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon 64GB

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Lost My System Preferences For It

Apr 22, 2012

i lost my ssystem preferences on my macbook pro snaow leaopard. How do i get it back

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Deleted System Folder From G4?

Apr 22, 2012

I accidentally deleted my system folder? I was trying to make some more memory on my PowerBook G4 and now nothing will work to fix it

G4, Mac OS X (10.4.4)

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