OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unsaved Pages Document Be Retrieved After A Screen Freeze?
Mar 7, 2012Can an unsaved pages document be retrieved after a screen freeze?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Can an unsaved pages document be retrieved after a screen freeze?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
1. When closing the lid or pressing the power button the computer freezes, the fans start spinning fast it stays like that until it drains the battery. This happens every time.
2. Start-up times are very long, like 3 or 4 minutes. This also happens every time.
3. Now after a fresh snow leopard install it doesn't even start up completely, as it stays showing a light blue background and I can hear the music of the introductory animation.
4. Also, the keyboard is unresponsive at the login screen, but the mouse cursor moves and the display goes to sleep normally. Clicking anywhere with the mouse also produces no effect.
5. It seems to work OK in safe mode.
The macbook worked ok with the factory installed Tiger. The SL DVD is OK, as its installation has been tested on another Mac. The machine's advanced hardware test passed successfully. Resetting Pram and SMC did not solve the problem.
I didn't realize final draft had autosave disabled by default. Long story short, the program crashed, my work along with it. I didn't save the work. It was not auto saved. Would like to recover the work if possible.
View 1 Replies View RelatedStupid mistake, simple question. Was taking down some notes in TextEdit, closed file by mistake without saving. Anything I can do?
I should point out the file does exist, it just obviously reverted back to the state it was in before I did the particular hour or so of work in it.
EDIT: Should also point out I'm not using Time Machine.
I'm reacquainting myself with my new MBP. Is there a way to view a webpage, document, spreadsheet full screen, ie, spreading out across the entire screen? Right now I see about 1" of the desktop on either side of this webpage,
View 1 Replies View RelatedI dont know whats going on but suddenly all my "third party applications"( not included in iLife) started to freeze after I open them. (Keynote, Pages, Skype, MSN Messenger, just to name a few). I have to force quit them.
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Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
It seems that prior updates worked. However, when I update to 10.6.8 my system will freeze. The only that that moves is my cursor.I can be on the web, scrolling. It will happem when new email is being down loaded. I can be working on th PC side and will experence it. I ran the "Disk" repair. But even after the run is done the system will work for a short while and the freeze. Now I can reinstall 10.5 "Snow Lepoard" and not update to the latest "Package" update and all works well. So the main question is "What gives?". Its very troublesome. Is there any soulition to this?
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have just acquired a late 2006 24" iMac with 1GB of RAM. It came with Leopard installed, disks for Leopard and Snow Leopard, and iLife '09. The hard disk was full, as in, zero K free. I threw away a lot of stuff, ordered 3GB of RAM from OWC, and installed Snow Leopard. I then noticed several one-pixel high horizontal lines on the display, and the Mac would freeze up on occasion, but I thought it just needed RAM. I opened iPhoto and played with Faces for quite a while. The next day, I opened a different iPhoto library (my libraries are on an external firewire hard drive) and the Faces scan made the computer freeze. I closed iPhoto, and bits of windows started missing, or repeating themselves as I dragged the mouse. Sometimes there would be "holes" in windows showing my desktop image underneath, or lines of bright pixels would appear. I still thought it was the lack of RAM. Repairing the disk with Disk Utility didn't make any appreciable difference.
Today the RAM arrived and I installed it. The Mac sees it, but the problem has not gone away, it has in fact gotten worse. Every time I go to Disk Utility (starting up from the SL disk), it shows problem, I let it do the repair, it comes up successful, I restart, and it happens all over again. When I do a Safe Boot, everything is perfect. Should I reinstall SL? iPhoto? Downgrade back to Leopard? Is my hard disk bad?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 24" Intel
My wife has lots of documents in old pages format in many folders. I would like to come up with a script of some sort to batch open and close them using pages 09. The script i have in automator says the script is fine when ran but has no output.on open theFiles tell application "Pages".
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27'
While online in either Safari or Firefox my cursor as I am navigating a page will suddendly freeze on screen. I them am forced to relaunch finder, then unplug my mouse from the keyboard and once again, relaunch the finder.Then the cursor will move again. Any solutions to this problem guys? This is really driving me nuts. It happens about 5 times an hour!
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I bought my first uMbp the day Snow Leopard came out. Unfortunately, it was not installed on the uMbp. So upon running the mbp for the first time, I proceeded to install SL.
Now occasionally, maybe a once every other day, whenever I open up a few applications like Word or maybe even a new tab in Firefox, everything would freeze and the spinning color wheel would spin for about 30 or so seconds and everything would resume to normal.
Now I ask, is this normal behavior? I have the 2.26ghz uMBP edition with 2gb of ram.
Should I go ahead and do a clean re-install?
What cause my imac to freeze? running sno leopard, hard drive changed 6 months ago, happens on safari and iphoto(11)
iMac (20-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8), hard drive replaced 6 months ago.
I'm using OSX Snow Leopard. Spotlight was unable to find a document in a folder. It found several others that have almost the same name, but not the one I was looking for. By scrolling down in the finder window I found it without spotlight right away.
To better explain my problem:
I was looking for a document that was called "Paperless". Spotlight found several document in different folders like "Paperlessone", Paperless2" etc. But not able to find "Paperless"
I checked the Spotlight options and it says, that it is looking for everything.
MacBook 2.4 GHz Dual Core
4GB SDRAM 10.6
Anyone noticed when making Combined pdf files (into single document) that Acrobat Pro only shows the first page, and not the full document. Meaning that one has to manually pull the sidebar down to scroll other pages? My install went perfectly, aside from a few minor glitches, Illustrator and Photoshop (CS4) quit now and again, but removed permissions, restarted and repaired permissions and is a lot more manageable now.
Safari and Mail are almost twice as fast now. Let's see how soon 10.6.1 appears.
Not too long ago I looked through the list of things I had put in the Trash. Some how I over looked a document I should have removed from the Trash and Empetyed Trash. There is some way to locate what has been empteyed from the Trash and get it onto the Desktop. How do I do that?
I have not Secured Empty Trash... so my document should still be able to be found and removed from the Emptey Trash.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
Can I restore a document that wasn't saved, however was backed up by time machine whilst being edited.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am using ms word mac 11.6.6 with mac OSX 10.6.8 and two times now I have edited a document, tried to save it and it froze up. The error message is "command is not available b/c the document is in modal state".
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.83 GHz Intel Duo Core
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI purchased Pages off the Apple site back in March. I am working on a project that involves several images. I tired to back up to a usb and when I did the usb said no image files. Pages froze and would not let me continue to work on it. I have deleted all big images off my computer. I can't back up to google docs as it freezes. everything is causing my computer to freeze. Now I am left with a computer that is running very slow and none of the images I need. Help, my project is due tomorrow and is worth a huge part of my mark
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I finally have broken down and gotten Pages to replace all my AppleWorks documents, of which there are many. There are a number of fonts in Appleworks that are different in Pages or not there. Is there a quick way to get them into Pages. I seem to forget how to do this as I'm getting old now.
iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), AppleWorks 6.2.8 / Pages '09 v. 4.1
I just bought a second-hand Macbook Pro to handle e-mails and browsing at a holiday place, replacing an older notebook running 10.4.
Each day for years I have printed a puzzle from the NY Times and scale it to a preferred size by the sequence <<command-print / page set-up / scale / enter>> then print>> in the Print panel. 10.6.8 does not scale the page; it prints at 100%.
I have seen the discussion recommending "tab out of the Scale box" and tried it but entering <<tab>> has no effect.
MacBook Pro, 2009 15in/Intel core due/4Go/1067MH
I downloaded Lion and now can't open pages or keynote. Do I need to buy new apps?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have DSL and AirPort Extreme on Snow Leopard imac. Web pages on Sarfari have been loading very slowly lately. I have the Activity window open (Sarfari>Window>Activity) to show all the page items as they are loading. The web pages usually get hung up and not all page items load. I have to Stop and Reload, sometimes several times to get the web page to load completely. This is very frustrating as I've been re-checking AirPort, Browser, and Mail settings. The Mail application runs fine.
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), MacBook Pro
i was trying to access some info on 70 or so microsoft word files and opened them in pages. realizing i should of just used spotlight ( which i have done to get what i needed) ... my problem is now i can't use pages as it has locked up. i can't close the open window's and get to work.
pages on imac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a pages document that I need converted to .doc the problem is that I was on the iWork trial and don't plan to buy iWork. I need a way to convert it without iWork.
I would post it for someone to convert it for me but .pages won't upload here.
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