My external hard drive holds some of my older archive data, but it also doubles as my time machine backup drive.Â
In an attempt to free up some space on the drive, I tried deleting some older backups. I did this by manually dragging them to the trash.Â
Now the trash will not empty, even a force empty doesn't work. Here's what 've tried so far:Â
1) I tried opening Time Machine prefs and turning it to 'off'.
2) Chose 'none' for 'select disc' in TM prefs, in an effort to 'disconnect' the drive from the machine.
3) Tried 'get info' on the drive and enclosed items, making everything 'read & write'
4) Tried hooking up the drive to another computer: the old backups didn't show up in the trash of that machine, but yet they did show up in the trash of the original machine once i hooked it back up.
5) Tried restarting my computer.
6) Tried force emptying the trash.Â
My Mac is a 2.8GB Quad-Core Intel. Â
I heard another way is to use Terminal, but the problem there is that i don't want to delete ALL the contents of the drive... I just want to delete the older backups which are now in the trash.Â
Im using a MacBook with OS X 10.6.2 and a Maxtor 1Tb External hdd.
I was running out of space on my External hdd, so decided to turn off time machine and delete all the backups and then do one latest backup and turn it off again, so i turned off time machine and deleted all the backups from the external hdd into the Trash.
I went to deleted the trash and after it prepared to delete some 48,000 files it came up with an error message saying:
"The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)."
So i researched this, tried a secure empty trash also held down the Option key and emptied the trash and also tried various different Terminal codes (I am nowhere at all competent with Terminal so i was probably doing it wrong).
I've also gone back into time machine and deleted any other backups from with time machine.
None of these have worked, and i have movies, music etc also on the external hdd so a re-format is out of the question.
Is there a way to completely remove files from my system without moving them to the Trash?  I've read about the Trash, but I'm not clear on EXACTLY how it works. Can I empty A file from the trash or when I click on a file & choose "Emtpy the Trash" does it empty ALL of the files in the Trash or just that one file?  Is there a way to just empty ONLY 1 file from the trash or restore ONLY 1 file from the Trash if so how? ALSO, what are the "rules" for MOVING files rather than COPYing them? I thought files that went from one folder to another on the same drive, were moved & ones that went to different drives were copied. It seems like I've run acrorss instances where that's not how things work.
I have much of the junk emails that come to me auto set to go to the Trash folder through Junk Filter settings. However, when I do a Command>A, to choose all the email in the Trash folder, and then click on Delete, the junk emails I never opened don't delete until I do it again or click on each one and then click Delete. All the other emails I moved there manually will disappear using the Command>A and Delete, just not those that went there by filter rules I set up.
Info:Mac Mini 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Logitech mouse, Apple wired keyboard, acer monitor
Today, I am not able to delete messages, I get this; The message "message name here" could not be moved to the mailbox "Trash On My Mac" The operation couldn't be completed. File exists.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27 inch core i7, 1TBHD, 4GB Ram
I have an external HD and have botched up all the time machine backups pretty badly. (deleting backups, adding things to the time machine disk not using a TM backup, etc).Â
I just want to delte everything and start over from scratch.Â
I decided to reinstall Leopard, Erase and Install. Everything runs much faster of course. I'm doing some restoring from my Time Machine HD. I don't want a complete restore, I'm just grabbing folders here and there from my TM HD and restoring it. I'm doing a backup now and so far it has deleted over 20GB of my backups and it doesn't seem to be stopping.
In Windows and Linux/Debian's Gnome v2.30.2, I can highlight specific file(s) to delete from its recycle bin. Can I do the same in Mac OS X 10.5.8's trash? It seems like I have to empty everything or restore the one(s) to keep first before emptying it.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 Ghz; A1260 model; 15" size.
The only way I can see my backups in Time Machine is by using the "option" key and selecting "browse other time macnine disks. However, there is only one Time Machine disk, only one backup appears in the list, there is only one backup directory on the Drobo where I put the backup and I can't find a backup directory anywhere else. HOw do I reset Time Machine so that it defaults to the "other" backup?Â
Used MacKeeper to identify duplicates which I have passed to Trash only to find that in many instances ALL of those files have passed to trash. I need to retrieve the originals. SO I want to know if I can select the items I want to permanently delete from Trash without losing the ones I want to keep.
I was trying to delete one file , so i dragged to trash, then all of a sudden I realize my entire Drobo (3TB Huge) was highlighted and deleting to my trash! So now I have a trash folder full all my Drobo's content and I can't figure out how to get it all back to "put back"! I'm afraid that I am going to inadvertently empty trash and lose my entire Drobo's contents! I need to figure out how to undo or put back ... come on Apple. Why'd you make this so difficult?
I get a "sudo: tmutil: command not found" message on terminal when I am trying to inherit backups as per the fantastic instructions on the website by pondini. What does it mean and how can I correct it?Â
My old backups on time machine are not highlighted on time machine so cannot restore them. This is either because I have restored the OS or repaired the external HD used for backups.
Yesterday, I got a disk read error when starting up Windows under Parallels Desktop. After some sleuthing, I found the offending file, and was about to restore from my Time Machine backup when I decided to make sure the disk wasn't going south. I booted off a second, backup, system drive that I keep just for this purpose, and ran aDrive Genius disk scan on the main system drive. All good, only 6Â bad blocks on a 1T drive. I ran this overnight, as it takes an hour or two.Â
This morning, after seeing this result, I booted from the internal system drive, located the offending file again, and entered Time Machine to restore the data. What I found was that ALL of my Time Machine backup data had been deleted. The only data there was a backup from late last night, that WAS FOR THE SECONDARY DRIVE I HAD BOOTED FROM. Seemingly, Time Machine had quietly gone and killed all previous data, and started from scratch backing up my spare drive.Â
There was no warning, no notice, nothing. Over a years worth of backups were gone, and my Parallels installation is now shot, since I can't fix the read problem. I'm contacting Parallels to see if there is any other remedy. You can imagine how absolutely mad I am at this.Â
1) I did not touch the backup drive during the boot of the second drive, or the scan test. It was not re-formatted or touched in any way (other than by system software)
In order to use Lion’s encrypted (Core Storage) external drive feature, I needed to reformat an external 1TB drive with Apple Partition Map, as that works only with GPT. The only partition was HFS+J formatted and was used as Time Machine Backup, which I wanted to preserve.Â
Act I:
I connected the drive to another iMac running 10.6 which happened to have enough space on the internal HD. I read this article , which describes how to copy the BackupDB just by drag and drop. In hindsight, that was a bad idea, I should have created a disk image like suggested elsewhere, but if Apple itself suggests it, it can’t be so bad right?Â
So I just dragged the whole BackupDB to random folder on the iMac (after enabling ownership), and apparently it copied correctly the dir-hardlinks, as the resulting folder had the same size. Â
It seems that the Finder activates a special dir-hardlink aware copying mode when one does this. This is also confirmed by the fact that the Finder will refuse to copy the BackupDB together with other files, you have to drag and drop the BackupDB only.Â
Act II:
I reformatted the external drive as HFS+J with GPT and activated ownership.. But now, when I try to copy the BackupDB back, it continues to count indefinitely the number of files to copy! I speculate that the special dir-hardlink aware mode is not activated, but what can I do? How can I trigger it? Is there some hidden command line tool which handles this?Â
The lesson I’m drawing from this is: use the method described in the article only if you copy the backupDB from your old to your new drive.Â
My TM backups seem to be proceeding normally on my MBP (which is only sometimes connected to its Time Capsule), but spotlight takes about an hour to index my backup volume each time. Looking at my system.log, I notice that the TM backup volume number is increasing by one each time:Â
and so on. Is it normal that the volume name increments each time like this? Could this be related to the long indexing time, which just started recently?
I would like to always have one external hard drive attached to my iMac for Time Machine backups, and another external hard drive off site - periodically swapping the two. The though is that if there is fire or theft, it won't help to have a hard drive onsite attached to the computer, because both the iMac and the hard drive could be lost. Is Time Machine smart enough to allow me to configure two drives, so that whenever I plug in one of the drives, it can figure out what needs to be backed up?
I have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
How do you delete individual items from Trash without emptying entire Trash? If I highlight one item in Trash, the only option is the Empty button. I'm afraid it will empty the whole thing. I don't want to do that.
I deleted alot of pictures on my macbook and when i dragged them into the trash and opened the trash there was an icon in the lower right corner that looked liked a gear suggesting it was loading the files to be deleted. its been two days without loading. how do i get the files to load so i can delete them. i already tried unsecured delete too.
When ever I move any file to the trash, or choose delete from the file menu. Snow Leopard always warns me that this file will be deleted immediately and can not be recovered. How do I get the trash to function again?
I downloaded a beta test recently, now it's finished I have the folder sitting in my Applications folder, but it won't let me drag it out into the trash. I've logged in as an Administrator, changed my regular ID to have Admin status, none of it works. I've got the CCleaner app from the App Store, same issue. It tells me I need to be an Admin to uninstall files, but even when I log in as the Admin, it gives me the same message.