OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Corrupted Font Causing Fontbook To Crash
Jun 30, 2012
I've been having a problem with Firefox crashing recently. On Mozilla's forum, someone suggested that corrupted fonts can cause apps to crash. I opened Font Book to check on this. I was able to find and disable one font that Font Book listed as corrupted. However, there's another font that I think is corrupted but can't do anything about. Just clicking on the font in the Font Book window causes Font Book itself to crash! Is there any other way to disable this font (matura management capitals)? Can I just delete it from the Font folder in finder?
I have been suffering with this issue for a few weeks now. Any flash snippet on a page causing Safari to crash. I had tried everything to fix the issue. Reinstalling flash player, rolling back to flash player 9, changing my DNS servers, Removing all internet plugins, Firefox, running Safari in 32 bit mode, Terminal hacks...all to no avail. I recently was playing around with my desktop and changed the Name of my Mac HD. I then quit and reopened Safari and to my amazement this had solved the issue. Safari now running faster than ever before. Im not sure how exavtly it solves the issue but it sure worked for me.
Recently I purchased 8GB of G Skill ram from newegg for $90. After installing it in my computer, i thought everything was working fine until I noticed apps crashing more frequently. Is it possible that the ram is causing this to happen? Also, my computer kernel panicked once since installation.
My year old MBP is at the stage where it starts to slow down [most of the time in Safari/Firefox], the beachball appears [and doesn't go away], and then I have to forcefully restart the computer (no other apps will work after this). Only things I do/downloaded for my MBP are internet, MS office, Skype, and the apps that came with the MBP. So if Flash is causing the problems, what can I do? Reinstall it? I've never seen two browsers crash consistently, I would imagine it has to be Flash. Thoughts [as to what it could be if it isn't Flash]?
It happens about once a day now with Safari. Sometimes it causes my MBP to crash. I know all the controversy about Apple and Flash, but is it this common? I do have the latest versions of Flash and Safari, but is the problem this ubiquitous or is there probably something I'm doing wrong with my 1 year old 13" MBP (4 GB RAM, 2.26 Ghz, 250GB)
Since I hooked up a new external hard drive as a TM backup, my computer crashes constantly. And I mean constantly. I never had this problem with my previous external drive, which eventually failed.Â
If I unplug the new drive, the computer works perfectly. Having spent $$$ on a 1TB drive, I don't want to buy yet another one.Â
I did notice that the drive has USB 3.0 on the bottom ID label. I'm using USB 2.0. Does USB 3.0 require a special port because my 2007 Mac Mini doesn't have one as far as I know.Â
Info: Mac Mini 1.83ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Great for a while.
When I watch a flash video on my MacBook it causes Firefox (and Safari) to crash probably 70% of the time.
I noticed today that it started right when I upgraded my hard drive to a 320gb Samsung model in January. What made me notice that is because I am taking the MacBook to get its case fixed tomorrow so I put the original hard drive back in. Ever since the original hard drive has been reinserted flash videos have played with no problems.
Can a hard drive cause a problem like this?
btw I have 4gb of memory so I should have plenty of resources.
An odd problem that has recurred on two of the installations of Snow Leopard I've had on my 27" iMac is that for some odd reason, using Spotlight will cause a slow system death.
After installing SL yesterday on my iMac, after a few hours, my right/down arrows began "activating" and repeating. At first I thought it was only happening in Finder, but it just came out of sleep while in Safari and was repeating the Submarine echo like crazy. I've restarted and also unplugged the keyboard thinking maybe it just some random error, but nothing. The only "cure" seems to be actually tapping the down/right arrow keys while the glitch is happening.
UPDATE: I'm in the middle of re-installing snow leopard and I used a hot corner to turn the monitor off and about 10 seconds in, the repeating key began again and monitor popped back on. wtf?!
Since I installed Snow Leopard I have an annoying bug when I have Growl and Firefox installed. When I start up Firefox, the windows isn't on focus (window is kind of in the background). On Leopard I started Firefox and immeditatly I could press cmd+L to write the homepages. With SL I need to click first into the Firefox window because it wasn't on focus after starting up. This weird behaviour only appears when I have Growl installed, if i deactivate Growl, Firefox starts on focus, but since I need Firefox AND Growl, this annoys me a lot..
Could anybody of you who also uses SL, Firefox and Growl test if the Firefox window is on focus after starting the app, ? I tried it on 3 different Macs and all of them have the same bug. :-( I already wrote to the Growl and the Firefox team, but until now both of them say it's the other apps fault...
I had Mavericks previously installed on my iMac mid 2007 and was promoted to upgrade to Yosemite which I did. Now when I try to open iPhoto and it reads unresponsive in red letters on the force quit window. When I select and click force quit computer then freezes. I am however able to open iTunes but when I plug my iPod in computer then freezes.
The external drive has a copy of my old system 10.5.8 with everything on it including CS3/ Office 2008 and even iTunes. Those along with many of my desktop folders which had reference photos were almost entirely corrupted.
System Preferences appear corrupted within 10.6.8 - mouse will not activate any commands within any preference and will not close Finder windows (or initiate apps with a double click as it used to). Have tried rebooting and resetting PRAM and NVRAM.Â
Another user account on the same machine appears to working without issue. Think my young son may have dabbled with system preferences after he downloaded Minecraft last night.Â
My dad has a new 27" Core i5 iMac. When he plays a very long slideshow, iPhoto consistently crashes around the 8-minute mark. Sometimes he gets an error message saying "iPhoto unexpectedly quit" and sometimes the slides just quit coming up, even though the music keeps playing.
It doesn't matter from which event the slides come, although it seems to happen on his pics only and not on the pre-installed pics from Apple.
One last data point, this never happens, even when viewing the same slideshow, on his 13" MacBook Pro, which he bought at the same time.
It seems to me like a memory leak, or, less likely, some kind of GPU overheating issue. He's tried rebuilding his photo library, which changed nothing.
Yesterday, I stuck the upgrade DVD in and started the upgrade. Half way through the process it rebooted. At this point a big warning sign came up saying there has been errors, please reboot (I haven't seen this again). The current situation is that the macbook (Black 250gb) boots for around 20 seconds (grey screen with apple and ajax style loader gif thing) before powering down. Attempted remedies and outcomes. I have reinserted snow leopard and leopard to check the disc utility. It tells me quite quickly that the disk needs repairing. On clicking repair, it tells me that it requires me to backup erase/install. I have attached the mac to a macbook pro (the one I'm writing on) using target mode. The host (this one) cannot see the disk in finder mode but can in disk utility. The hard drive of the target is grayed out and i cannot right click for further options (such as reveal).
I have tried starting in single user mode but I get the following message: Singleuser boot fsck not done. I have tried starting in verbose mode but i get an I/O disk error and then it turns itself off. I have tried to force mount the target in terminal but it says resource busy. I only have myself to blame as it is inexcusable not to backup prior to an upgrade. I'm just so used to mac products working perfectly. To make matters worse, the last backup was on a hard drive which i have just found out is also corrupt (and my itouch stopped working today too!). So basically I have no backup. To portray the gravity of the situation, the info on the computer is a 1.5 year project. that's basically over a 5th of my life that I may have to repeat! The problem (from reading) is that the file structure is messed up. I'm sure that my files are there, it's just I can't access them.
My question is simple. How can I find and copy files from the broken macbook to this new and working macbook pro.
Are others experiencing this? I'm having issue getting a good solid answer after googling for quite a while. Some of the threads I have read also lead to no end result.
When I watch any videos, no matter what it is, after about 2 minutes my black macbook heats up and then run at fan speeds of 3600-4800rpm and it's super annoying and hot. As soon as I turn off the video, it cools down back to 1800 RPM and runs at 62 degrees. Sooooo odd.
I went to the genius bar and the guy there said that it is probably due to the fact that Snow Leopard takes advantage of the dual-core processor. I don't understand why it needs to utilize this processor where as it never had an issue on leopard before I upgraded.
I've also read that reloading the OS doesn't seem to help. Is this a common issue? Should I go back to Leopard?
I've only noticed that expose` is a little bit fancier on SL but other than that, I do not notice much of anything that is different.
I have an IMac. When I am in mail and type a word incorrect I get an alert sound. I do not get the red dashed line. I have looked all over Preferences. What am I missing? This is annoying. If I do a manual spell check of a document then it still does not underline misspelled words. I tested it in Textedit as well. No red line under the words.
A few minutes ago I realised that many of my (many dozens of) Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail (v4.5) have become corrupted. That is, they all have the same name and have all lost their selection criteria -- putting each one in 'edit' mode, I see that each simply has three selection conditions, all of which are empty. I have a huge backstore of email and use smart mailboxes to organise it all (by client, by job number, etc) in conjunction with MailTags. The MailTags data seems to be intact, so I don't think that's the problem (besides, some of my smart mailboxes that do not draw upon any MailTags-generated meta data are also affected). Â
I have tried restoring the smartmailboxes.plist file from TimeMachine (from a date 2 weeks ago -- and to the best of my knowledge my smart mailboxes were all intact last night).
Info: Macbook Pro 15" (Feb 2008 model), Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2.6 GHz, 4GB RAM, 7200 rpm drive
I tried to upgrade the snow leopard from 10.6.0 to 10.6.8 for the good last weekend. I downloaded the upgrade file form apple. But always after downloading it says can not verify the file as the disk image is corrupted.
I'm on latest update of Snow Leopard and ever since I started working with mBOX (sound interface) and ProTools, my osx crashes frequently when quitting apps. My guess it's something to do with the sound card (the internal one). When I quit an app , the screen becomes green and it says in a couple of different languages that I have to turn off the computer by holding down the power button.
Then when I do that and then restart my computer, when booted it says 'You shut down the computer because of a problem'. In the report I always find that the problem layed with the app I quit.
It's not a particular app, I've had it with Quicktime, VLC, iTunes, LittleSnitch, SoundSource, Chrome, etc...
Leopard 10.5.8 to Snow Leopard (10.6 and 10.6.2) since then, most of the Adobe CS3 crash at launch (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash) some others (Indesign, Flash VE) lost their SN.
Am unable to uninstall and make a new install of CS3, installer said: System Requirements Error. This software cannot be install because the file system of the OS volume is not supported.
I download then Photoshop CS4 Trial from Adobe. It says too:
System Requirements Error. This software cannot be install because the file system of the OS volume is not supported. The OS volume should be local, writable and should have non-sensitive file system.
I am running snowleopard on my imac with version 10.6.8 My problem is as soon as I login- it kicks me straight off again back to the login screen.I have 4 other different login users and they work perfectly however my one does not.Â
But it's such a shame that fonts are SUCH a pain in OSX (auto activation, system fonts, conflicts, etc etc)... and then Leopard's "updated" FontBook was no bueno.
So sad.
Since then I've been TRYING DESPERATELY to love FEX, and now Fusion2 (which is a tad better, i think?).
So the question begs:
Will SnowLeopard do anything to help with the OSX font madness?
I have just made a software update and am running Mac OS X version 10.6.4.
After my update, the font in many programs like Safari and the PDFs in Preview has changed to a weird font that 1) is useless and hard to read and 2) does not support danish letters. The result is that danish letters are either disappearing or using the normal font.
This was never a problem before updating, so obviously I am rather frustrated. I have gone into the various preferences in both Safari and OS X and sought to change the font. I have also tried TinkerTool, but nothing seems to work.
Have you had any experiences with this?
As I can't upload images to this service, I am not able to show you how it looks, so if you send me an email, I will be able to reply with a screenshot.
I am on a brand new 3.06 GHz iMac. Installed Snow Leopard, 10.6.1. In general I don't experience any of the problems other people seem to have. But twice now my screen has turned blue while I am in the middle of something. All the open apps disappear and the Finder seems to relaunch. It only takes a few seconds. I don't have steps to reproduce it. Both times I had several apps open and had video/DVD running in the background.
Has anybody seen this?
I am a notorious file-saver which means I haven't lost much work through this but if it keeps happening I might have to go back to Leopard.
The menu (the top menu bar, "right click" menu etc) fonts are WAY too big. I downloaded TinkerTool and already lowered the size of all the fonts it let me, looked around the settings in the OS itself but I can't seem to touch the menu font sizes at all.
Following someone's directions a bit to slavishly, I managed to delete one of my favorite fonts from both Library/fonts and ~/Library/fonts: verdana regular. I don't know anything about fonts (isn't that how I managed to delete my favorite?). Will anyone tell me how to reinstall this font? Is it possible to retrieve it from the Snow Leopard disk?
Is there any way to scroll through the font types in TextEdit? When I go to Format>Fonts>Show Fonts and press the up and down arrows I cannot scroll through the fonts. I have to use the trackpad.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7), iPod Classic 80GB