OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Change The Desktop Display?
Apr 21, 2012
I created a short page in Pages. I want to display this as my desktop as a reminder to do a task which will appear when i turn on my computer each morning. I cannot set this page as my background. I tried drag and drop as well as saving as a document etc. How do i display this as a background?
How do I change the color on my desktop? I have Snow Leopard, latest version.I had messed things up and somehow accidentally changed the color of the desktop to a light blue, from the darker background I had previously.Someone at Apple said to right click my mouse on the desktop and it would give me options to change the color. But nothing happens at all when I right click the mouse on the desktop. I get no options, and no menu. Same with left clicking the mouse on the desktop.
For some peculiar reason, my desktop pictures do NOT change / rotate on my secondary display.
I have a MacBook Pro 15" (Late 2007) running Snow Leopard 10.6.2 and I have dual displays. My primary display (the MBP screen) DOES change / rotate picture every minute, but I want my secondary display to do the same.
It seems that restarting does fix it, but only temporarily. I think it might have to do with plugging/unplugging the secondary display and sometimes if it's working, I disconnect and reconnect the monitor and then the pictures stop rotating.
All my desktop picture settings are correct in System Preferences. I tried unchecking then rechecking the "Change picture:" checkmark, but that doesn't fix anything.
I also tried clicking on different folders in the left column of the Pref Pane, then clicking back on my chosen desktop pictures folder.
Today I tried to move two applications(safari and calculator) from the Finder to the desktop icon area. When I dragged them I accidentally stopped before I reached to workstation/application area and now both safari.app and Calculator.app are written on my desktop and I can move it, open it, or change it. What should I do to get rid of it?
I don't know about you, but Snow Leopard's aurora is so much cooler. I used a program called "Desktop 2 Login" to change the default wallpaper for the login screen to a different wallpaper. Using this same program I changed it back to L's Aurora. (Still in 10.5). When I upgraded to snow leopard, the login wallpaper did not change. It is still stuck on L's aurora. I have used about every method besides Terminal, and it won't change.
I had a problem of my options in finder turning up as numbers and letters so I did some research and entered this code into the terminal: rm -rf ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/swlog and now all files on my desktop and documents are gone and I am freaking out! I need all those docs back! What can I do to undo it?
I know this has been addressed before, but the answers didn't work for me, so I posted a reply in that thread but got no responses, so I'm starting over.
With 10.4, all I had to do to change an icon for a folder or website was copy and paste. These were for icons I wanted in my dock to make them easy to find. Otherwise the default seems to be either that ubiquitous satellite dish or a boring documents icon.
But now, even though I can still do the get info/copy & paste routine, and the new icon shows up in the folder or the desktop, when I drag that icon to the dock it reverts to that crummy satellite dish. When I installed 10.6 on my new iMac, it kept some of my dock icons - the ones I had created - and dumped others. And kept me from creating new ones for the dock.
I have a imac running osc 10.6.8 I just found the disks, i received this as a gift from a relative who passed away I do not know the password. I want to change the admistrator of the computer without loosing all the programs.
Why does Finder keep shrinking the size of the icons on my desktop? I set them for 48 X 48 and a few minutes later they reset spontaneously to 16 x 16. Irritating
everything is going well, and it seems to be working fine (there are a few things that aren't perfect... but I'm sure they'll get ironed out in the future)Anyway, what I want to do is burn a copy of the Installation DVD, just to be sure nothing happens to my only copy (I had a bad experience with leaving my Leopard DVD on a bus once... I was so angry with myself!)Now, I used disk utility, and now have a perfect .cdr copy of Snow Leopard sitting on my desktop.I have Toast Titanium on my MBP, and am just wondering which is the best option to make a bootable copy.
I am looking for calculator software that does data entry like a desktop calculator (not a handheld kind). For instance, on my Sharp EL-1801PIII, I can enter 78 x 7.75 % and then the + to add the amount I just came up with to the amount I started with and come up with a total amount. I don't have to put the first amount into memory or anything. Also, on my desktop calculator, I can enter a number and just hit the plus sign over and over if I have more than one of that number. On the handhelds and the software I've used, it requires a whole lot more keystrokes. Can anyone suggest something so I can get this calculator off my desk and free up some space? The calculator that comes with the OS operates like a handheld calculator. No bueno.
Info:Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, iPhone 3G, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Parallels and Windows XP Pro ... Apple user since 1983
I can not see my desktop background picture, I can only see a blank grey screen. I check the system preferences and it says that I have chosen a desktop picture from my pictures file but it is not showing up.
I downloaded pictures from a friends camera onto my iMac. The camera was removed before I selected "eject camera". That has resulted in two empty folders on my desktop that I cannot move or delete.
Is there any way to change the size of the icons in the application grid? seems to big for me an i want them smaller. This is what im talking about:
Question 2:
how can i play a sound at startup (like windows, when you turn on the computer and the cloudy wallpaper shows on the screen, you hear a sound) i wanna do exactly that on my macbook pro,with other sound of course
I put an mp3 or wav file at the login items on the system preferences accounts, but wont work, cuz everytime i started my mac, yes i heard the sound but it also open itunes, and i dont want that, i just want a simple fast sound.
I did not have to use smc fan control earlier but ever since 10.6, it seems my notebook does not ramp up the fans until 90C or even higher. In 10.5 I would see the fans to start coming on when the temp got in the 80C range. Anyone else have a similar experience? I was converting a movie to my iPhone using Quicktime X last night and I saw the temp get to 100C before the fans ramped up and stayed at about 6200rpm. I hate to make another cpu temperature thread, but I am trying to see if Snow Leopard had any impact on SMC settings.
(I also did a SMC reset after installing SL and the effects are the same with the fan speed not coming on sooner) I guess now is the time to get the program to control my fan speed. Just sucks that Apple themselves cannot control their own temps