OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Change The Administrator
May 27, 2012
I have a imac running osc 10.6.8 I just found the disks, i received this as a gift from a relative who passed away I do not know the password. I want to change the admistrator of the computer without loosing all the programs.
I'm looking at buying a macbook. The seller does not have the administrator password or the original Leopard 10.5 discs. Will this cause a problem if I want to upgrade to Snow?
I don't know if its my installation because of upgrade or all Snow Leopard installations, but SL is asking frequently for the administrator's userid and password.When trying to do a Software Update, it asks before starting. On Leopard it would ask before installing, but not before checking. Seems unnecessary.I can't remember where but I've seen it pop up much more frequently than before. I've even had it prompt me twice during an application install.Even running XCode for development. Try and debug an application, it now comes up asking for the userid/pw or someone in the developer group. I don't see a built in app to configure who's in what group. Normal Unix group commands don't seem to be present.
I want to reset my administrator password using the Mac OS X disc, but I don't want it restored to factory settings which would make me lose all my music, doctuments, etc.
I need to know how to make it so all user accounts can use System Preferences, only the Administrator Account can open Systerm Preferences.This happened when I updated to Snow Leopard.
Info: iMac (17-inch Early 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am giving my wife my MacBook Pro to replace her MacBook. I have been able to transfer documents, iTunes and photo's (thanks Terence Devlin) to my former MacBook Pro. I am now trying to make her the administrator. I have gone into system preferences and have not been able to proceed from there.
We had a HDD fail on one of our office Mac laptops (a power pc G4). Apple repaired it and I restored all files etc from a backup. I was the administrator during the restore. Before I could get back, the user changed that account to a standard account and changed the name. Now there is no way to change the account back, because there is no admin to authenticate the change. Anything I can do? I am not an advanced computer/Mac person.
I just restored my 13" Macbook Pro from a Time Machine Backup that was created on a 15" Macbook Pro via Migration Assistant, and I have been experiencing some weird problems. The weirdest thing is that I cannot change my account from Standard to Administrator, even if I am logged into the root account. When I authenticate and click on the check box that says "Allow User to Administer This Computer", the box goes blank again and a box shows up telling me a restart is needed.
i was trying to set up another account on my macbook but i made the new account the admin account with the parental guidance how do i change my original account back the administrator?
I am giving my old G4 iMac 20 (OS X 10.4.11) to a relative and have transferred my files; cleared caches, passwords, etc. and setup selected apps, iTunes songs, and iPhoto pictures for the new user. In order to conclude this iMac transfer, I have several questions:
When I change the Mac account to the new user and make her the administrator, what impact on the settings, iTunes songs, iPhoto phones, etc. whenever I delete my account/administrator?
My partner purchased an older second hand Macbook (running Leopard - from what he tells me). But he can't get round the admin password which wasn't supplied to him. there any way to change/reset this password without knowing the current password? I've got a copy of the Leopard install disk
I bought a Macbook air on ebay & I do not have the password for the person listed as administrator. Is there a way to delete that administrator & set up myself as administrator?
I am trying to upgrade to Yosemite, but somewhere along many passwords, I can't remember my administrator one. The online q&a's were a bit over my head as well.. is there a simpler way to get it changed?
I don't know about you, but Snow Leopard's aurora is so much cooler. I used a program called "Desktop 2 Login" to change the default wallpaper for the login screen to a different wallpaper. Using this same program I changed it back to L's Aurora. (Still in 10.5). When I upgraded to snow leopard, the login wallpaper did not change. It is still stuck on L's aurora. I have used about every method besides Terminal, and it won't change.
I know this has been addressed before, but the answers didn't work for me, so I posted a reply in that thread but got no responses, so I'm starting over.
With 10.4, all I had to do to change an icon for a folder or website was copy and paste. These were for icons I wanted in my dock to make them easy to find. Otherwise the default seems to be either that ubiquitous satellite dish or a boring documents icon.
But now, even though I can still do the get info/copy & paste routine, and the new icon shows up in the folder or the desktop, when I drag that icon to the dock it reverts to that crummy satellite dish. When I installed 10.6 on my new iMac, it kept some of my dock icons - the ones I had created - and dumped others. And kept me from creating new ones for the dock.
Is there any way to change the size of the icons in the application grid? seems to big for me an i want them smaller. This is what im talking about:
Question 2:
how can i play a sound at startup (like windows, when you turn on the computer and the cloudy wallpaper shows on the screen, you hear a sound) i wanna do exactly that on my macbook pro,with other sound of course
I put an mp3 or wav file at the login items on the system preferences accounts, but wont work, cuz everytime i started my mac, yes i heard the sound but it also open itunes, and i dont want that, i just want a simple fast sound.
I did not have to use smc fan control earlier but ever since 10.6, it seems my notebook does not ramp up the fans until 90C or even higher. In 10.5 I would see the fans to start coming on when the temp got in the 80C range. Anyone else have a similar experience? I was converting a movie to my iPhone using Quicktime X last night and I saw the temp get to 100C before the fans ramped up and stayed at about 6200rpm. I hate to make another cpu temperature thread, but I am trying to see if Snow Leopard had any impact on SMC settings.
(I also did a SMC reset after installing SL and the effects are the same with the fan speed not coming on sooner) I guess now is the time to get the program to control my fan speed. Just sucks that Apple themselves cannot control their own temps