OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Restore A Single File From Time Machine To A New Drive?
May 15, 2012
I am trying to restore A single file from time machine to a new drive, I know how to restore the file so it gose to my mac but I can't make it restore to my new hard disk " Why would you need to do that I hear you Ask "GOOD QUESTION" well it would take about 7 hour to copy the file to my mac and the another 7 hour to copy the file to the hard drive (which is where I need it to be).what I want to do is save 7 of the 14 Hours it will take by directly restoring the files (of which I have a few) to the new hard drive?I am working with OSX10.5.8?
Is it possible to backup multiple computers to a single external drive connected to an Xserve using Time machine? We have a Six TB external drive that we are connecting to an Xserve that has three drives. We want to backup the entire
I am trying to fix a Macbook Pro that has had its /private folder trashed and emptied. Obviously it won't boot unless you you boot in to Single User mode and I'm wondering if its possible to do a Time Machine restore from the terminal, I would need the 2nd more recent Time Machine image which is sitting on a Firewire HDD. Â
I was going to just see if I could find the orignal OSX install disk and just do a fresh install of the OS which I don't mind doing (since everything important is backed up in Dropbox), but I can't seem to find the CD anywhere nearby, so the Time Machine option would be much preferred.Â
I've restored my Mac OS x (10.6.8) from a time machine backup after reformatting the iMac's hard drive.After restoring all my files the external drive that time machine uses is locked and I cannot seem to get it to unlock itself. I've tried resetting the permissions on the "get info" panel without any success (Did a restart after every change- it just seems to go back to custom priviledges). I've also toggled the "Ignore Ownership" toggle on and off- again followed by a restart each time.Â
The external drive is connected by Firewire 800 and is a RAID 1 configuration using two 2Tb drives.I don't want to lose my existing time machine files on that external disc- hense formatting it is out of the question..Â
Info: External drive & Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm a graphics professional taking the plunge into a Mac Pro. After some research, this is my notional drive setup:??GB SSD Boot Drive in the optical bay2 x 1TB 7200rpm SATA in RAID0, partitioned for 1.Data and 2.Scratch (therefore <2TB data)I obviously need to make sure that RAID0 is safely backed up. I've got an online backup service in case my house burns down and I'll be backing up individual projects onto optical media, but I will of course want to Time Machine the Data partition of the RAID.Now, for that Time machine drive I can either create another RAID0 from the same kind of drives (with the risk that entails), or for about the same money get a 2TB 5400rpm (leaving a drive bay free for future use, possibly another backup).
I have somehow lost an important file. No problem I'm backed up with Time Machine, but after I go through the restore process it is not restored. How do I get my file back?
I'd like to take one hard drive and back up 3 different Mac computers using Time Machine. The hard drive has the capacity greater than the 3 computers.
I can find the file I want within Time Machine - I hit the restore button and Time Machine goes back to the desktop but tht file is no-where to be seen. I've tried individual files and folders to no avail?
I can find the desired 4 files in a â„¢ backup a week old. I select the four files in the Finder for that backup and click Restore in the lower right. Time machine fades back out, the same 4 files are still in the Finder window, but when I do a search for the files they are not to be found.Â
I accidentally deleted an important Numbers file on my iPhone from iCloud, and desperately need it back. I've tried using my Time Machine to reclaim it but as soon as i select Cloud Drive, Numbers folder, or user/Library/Mobile Documents i can't go back to any previous backups, my timeline tabs all show up in red. Â
I tried following the Pondini instructions for restoring individual files but I must be doing something wrong. To restore the address book, he says "open finder window". No problem. Then "enter time machine then navigate to the backup in question". When I open time machine, it only wants to back up. I can't access any files from there. I can only access the files from the backup folder but then there is no "restore" button. How do I restore the address book that I backed up in time machine?
Why is time machine saying that it cannot restore a file due to access persmissions when all I'm trying to do is restore a single file for my one and only user on the same computer that created the backup? Shouldn't that just work?
I cannot enter Time Machine (to restore a file that was lost) by clicking on the Time Machine icon. The machine backs up all right, but I just don't seem to have access.
How to restore a file from the Time Share volume of one mac to a different mac.Â
I have 2 machines: macbook pro & mac air both both running latest mountian lion. Each keeps its own time share volume on a network server. The two have some sync'd shares, but in general, they are not fully sync'd.Â
the macbook pro is in the shop for repair for a few days and I'd like to fetch some of it's files from its time machine backup onto the macair. I'm a little reluctant to simply fire up Time Machine on the mac air and respecify it's storage volume to be the macbook pro's volume. I'm concerned about internal configuration changes Time Machine might make to the mac air, including making changes that might cause it to have to do a full (not differential) back up when I reconfigure the mac air's Time Machine to use it's own backup volume after I'm done getting files from the macbook pro backup volume.Â
In addition to simply getting access to some of the files of the mac in the shop, I want to get the mac calendar from that machine and use it on the mac air. I understand that this may be somewhat trickier.
My MBP has a 320GB harddrive with like 240GB used on it but I only have two 250 GB harddrives so you can see the problem I'm in. I would like to combine into a single virtual drive so that it can accommodate my Time Machine backups.
I just setup my mac pro, and started to install my applications. Then I realized I had an older drive from way back that might have some useful stuff on it. This drive was my boot drive, with old apps installed on it. Is there a way through Time Machine (or otherwise) to install these apps on my new boot drive? I can't find the proper install dmg's.
Alright I have a June09 13in Macbook Pro. I had the 160GB hard drive and upgraded to a 1TB hard drive. I have a time capsule and tried to do a restore onto the new 1TB HDD. It took about 30 hours to complete and said restart. I restarted and then it went to a screen that told me to hold the power button and restart. I looked it up and I guess it means there was a corrupted file in the backup. So I installed OSX onto the new hard drive and tried to do migration assistant and for 2 hours it said it was copying my files and would take less than a minute. I got tired of that and I'm really tired of this whole mess...what is the best option to get my 100GB of data onto this new drive? I have tons of backups on the time capsule but I don't know if I should attempt another 30 hours for it to not work.
I have had Time Machine configured to back up my photos and videos on an external drive. My Time Machine backup is a separate drive attached to my MacBook by FireWire. I have Leopard OS. I have in the past successfully retrieved deleted photos from the Time Machine backups using iPhoto.
Now, unfortunately, the external drive with the photos and videos has developed a problem (possibly power-related) so that my MacBook no longer recognizes that drive. Obviously, this means that iPhoto can't find/open that photo library. Which means that iPhoto can't access the backup via Time Machine. The photos must surely be on the Time Machine backup but I can't figure out any way to retrieve them.
I have a Macbook, and used Leopard with a Time Machine to backup on an external HD. The internal HD started to fail, so I bought a brand-new internal HD to replace it. I want to restore my machine with the Time Machine backup I have but I have a problem. I lost my Leopard install disk -- I only have my original Tiger install disk that came with my computer. I will partition the new internal HD using the Tiger disk.. So I ask: Will I be able to back-up my files into my new Tiger-OS HD if the back-up was done with Leopard? Can I load my backup files if they were done with a different version of OS?
I am a little new to Time Machine, so I was wondering if anyone could answer this? I am currently using Time Machine to backup my Mac. I am running Leopard and I want to move to Snow Leopard when it comes out. When i get Snow Leopard, I will perform a reformat on my hard drive so its a nice fresh install. My question is what options will I get when I get when I go to install it as I have Time Machine? I'll be honest and say I'll be happy to just copy across my iTunes, iPhoto, contacts and calender over to Snow Leopard and not worry about anything else (stuff like downloading Firefox takes seconds and isn't a problem). Is this an option? Can i just install Snow Leopard totally fresh, then connect the Time Machine drive and copy the iTunes (etc etc) folders/files/docments over to my fresh install?
just renewed my hard drive in my imac, cant seem to restore my photo library into its original folder. i run lightroom so the photos need to be in the right place x
As you may have read in other threads, I upgraded my hard drive today with plans to restore from Time Machine. I left for class with the restore on a screen that asked me to select which items I want to restore (everything). When I left, it said it was calculating the size of the transfer. The transfer button was grayed out. When I came back 6 hrs later, it was still calculating. What on earth is going on?
I like many of you Mac users am very interested in Snow Leopard. I'm wondering however, if I decide to do a clean installation, will I be able to bring back all my files with Time Machine like you could do with Leopard? (I remember when I first connected my Time Machine HDD to my current computer it asked me if I wanted to restore my data) Also, will my Apps also be in restored onto Leopard? Or would it just be my files?
I'm trying to go back in time machine to when I had Leopard, but it won't let me, all those options are listed, but are grayed out. I can choose to go back in time to the days TM has backed up SL though?
I am running 10.6.8 on my MacPro (early 2008). I have 4 internal hard drives. The main boot drive has 10.6.8 and the secondary drive with a system has Lion. I cannot completely upgrade to Lion on my main drive until all my software is compatible. My main boot drive started acting like it's in slow motion 2 days ago. No matter what I do (DiskWarrior, Disk Utility, zap PRAM, fix permissions) nothing seems to work. Every mouse click or movement gives me the dreaded spinning wheel and it hangs for about 5 min and then does what it's supposed to do.
I have logged into a new account w/ no special 3rd party apps or utilities and it still does the same thing. Hard drive diagnostics say my hard drive is ok. I have tried reinstalling the 10.6.8 combo update but that hangs after a few minutes of starting. I thought about restoring a Time Machine backup from 1 day before this happened, but before I attempt a full disk backup, need to ask what to do so as not lose everything. I assume I must boot up from another disk or hard drive, correct? Can I simply select all the system folders and apps folder or do you think I should do a complete restore?