OS X Yosemite :: Restore Deleted File Time Machine?
Nov 30, 2014
I accidentally deleted an important Numbers file on my iPhone from iCloud, and desperately need it back. I've tried using my Time Machine to reclaim it but as soon as i select Cloud Drive, Numbers folder, or user/Library/Mobile Documents i can't go back to any previous backups, my timeline tabs all show up in red. Â
running Yosemite.
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Dec 5, 2014
Mac User since 1984 !
Mac recent Mini under Yosemite and TimeMachine on Hard Disk (1To) ....
No problem before to restore a file by choosing a previous date with yosemite impossible to select a file and choose a date in the backup...
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), New recent Mini /Yosemite
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Sep 19, 2010
I was backing up my drive this evening. I left the Mac alone and realised when I returned that Time Machine deleted my oldest, and most important, Time Machine backup.
It's on an external hard drive.
Is there any way to recover this at all? This is so massively important!
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Aug 25, 2014
I purchased an external drive to use between my MAC and a PC for my photos. In the process, I totally deleted the Time Machine backup drive that came with my macbook pro. I now have nothing backed up and obviously cannot restore should I have a problem with the notebook.Â
I need to restore the actual TM drive that came with the macbook and then use my external as a second drive. I have exhausted all resources trying to figure this out.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 4, 2014
When I access time machine it shows the backup screens for all the dates but when I click on any one of them, that date comes up but I can't access any file or function on the screen. It either takes me back to the latest screen or scans back to the screen before the first backup (blank).
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 5, 2014
I have Yosemite 10.10.1 installed on a new MacBook Pro and Time Machine doesn't seem to be working as it should. When I enter Time Machine it doesn't give me any backups to restore from. I see a bunch of dates on the right but when I click on them, nothing happens.Â
I have a 1TB hard drive that is only about 1/2 full backing up to a 4TB Time Machine drive. I also have an iMac with 750GB hard drive with 3/4 of that full also backing up to the same Time Machine Drive. The Time Machine Drive says it has 1TB free so why can't I access older versions of files on the Time Machine backup?Â
This is happening on both the Macbook Pro and the older iMac which both have 10.10.1 installed.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 15", 2.6GHz, 16GB RAM, 1TB Hard Dri
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Jun 14, 2010
I've tried getting some answers to this from Apple support forums and my local mac forum but didn't get much info... I've removed some important language files while using monolingual (namely -English (American) -English (British) not realizing these are subset and required). I should've read the FAQ first... now some programs are appearing in weird character formats. Can I restore these language files with my Time Machine back ups? Which folder would I need to replace back with previous file? Since I did this only late last night, I should be able to just replace a certain system file folder, without causing much headache
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Sep 4, 2014
I have somehow lost an important file. No problem I'm backed up with Time Machine, but after I go through the restore process it is not restored. How do I get my file back?
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Jun 5, 2014
I can find the file I want within Time Machine - I hit the restore button and Time Machine goes back to the desktop but tht file is no-where to be seen. I've tried individual files and folders to no avail?
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Aug 21, 2014
I can find the desired 4 files in a â„¢ backup a week old. I select the four files in the Finder for that backup and click Restore in the lower right. Time machine fades back out, the same 4 files are still in the Finder window, but when I do a search for the files they are not to be found.Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Sep 12, 2014
I tried following the Pondini instructions for restoring individual files but I must be doing something wrong. To restore the address book, he says "open finder window". No problem. Then "enter time machine then navigate to the backup in question". When I open time machine, it only wants to back up. I can't access any files from there. I can only access the files from the backup folder but then there is no "restore" button. How do I restore the address book that I backed up in time machine?
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Feb 13, 2012
Why is time machine saying that it cannot restore a file due to access persmissions when all I'm trying to do is restore a single file for my one and only user on the same computer that created the backup? Shouldn't that just work?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 15, 2012
I am trying to restore A single file from time machine to a new drive, I know how to restore the file so it gose to my mac but I can't make it restore to my new hard disk " Why would you need to do that I hear you Ask "GOOD QUESTION" well it would take about 7 hour to copy the file to my mac and the another 7 hour to copy the file to the hard drive (which is where I need it to be).what I want to do is save 7 of the 14 Hours it will take by directly restoring the files (of which I have a few) to the new hard drive?I am working with OSX10.5.8?
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Jun 14, 2012
I cannot enter Time Machine (to restore a file that was lost) by clicking on the Time Machine icon. The machine backs up all right, but I just don't seem to have access.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Using Time Machine
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Aug 27, 2014
How to restore a file from the Time Share volume of one mac to a different mac.Â
I have 2 machines: macbook pro & mac air both both running latest mountian lion. Each keeps its own time share volume on a network server. The two have some sync'd shares, but in general, they are not fully sync'd.Â
the macbook pro is in the shop for repair for a few days and I'd like to fetch some of it's files from its time machine backup onto the macair. I'm a little reluctant to simply fire up Time Machine on the mac air and respecify it's storage volume to be the macbook pro's volume. I'm concerned about internal configuration changes Time Machine might make to the mac air, including making changes that might cause it to have to do a full (not differential) back up when I reconfigure the mac air's Time Machine to use it's own backup volume after I'm done getting files from the macbook pro backup volume.Â
In addition to simply getting access to some of the files of the mac in the shop, I want to get the mac calendar from that machine and use it on the mac air. I understand that this may be somewhat trickier.
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Feb 10, 2009
I deleted my user file Macintosh HD/Users/MY USER NAME.
How can I get it back? I used data rescue 2 but it didn't get the folders it was in or the file names and I have about 300 files on my desktop so I can't rename everything. I also have a iPhone and I and I want to know if everything on it will be deleted at the next sync (Contacts, songs, videos, Photos, Apps) if I can't get my files back because some of my song aren't backup so my iTunes won't be the same as the last time I sync my iPhone (My iPhone is Jailbroken.)
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Mar 25, 2007
I put a sparseimage file in the trash and then shut down my machine. I can't log in with that user name, so I've been unable to access the trash to undelete it. Any ideas on how to fix this mistake?
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Dec 23, 2008
My son somehow managed to put the usr file into the trashcan, and when I went to get it out, it didn't show up there. Now when you start the computer it gives you a screen saying that you have to restart your computer, and will never go any further. Is there anything to be done here?
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Jun 19, 2009
How long should I be stuck on the screen "calculating space required to restore data"? I've been on this screen for about 20, 30 minutes. The "hash mark wheel" is spinning, but just not seeing anything new. Is this normal? My backed up data is ~100 GB.
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Dec 6, 2014
I tried to restore a Time Machine Backup but once the recovery process start there a pop up saying that Time Machine can´t modify or delete desktop and everything stops!.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a desktop G5 that I'm in the process of selling. I have been using Time Machine for my backups and am picking up a MacBook Pro to replace it as my requirements are now much more mobile.
My question is simply this; can I restore my system, backed up from my G5, to my new MacBook?
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Sep 7, 2010
I know time machine deletes old backups when full, but in the last hour my Time Machine (without warning) deleted its entire history of backups to make space for one stupid hourly backup. So i've gone from 6 weeks of backup info to one hours worth!Only after this did it tell me (the following hour I presume) that there was not enough space to perform a backup. So my reckoning if your backup gets anywhere near half the size of the backup drive you loose the lot.
In my case I was trying to sort some permissions errors and working on new network accounts so had to duplicate some files to fix permissions and temporarily doubled up on a lot of data.Amongst all that I needed a fresh copy of some system files and went to TM to grab them to discover everything gone.I had two HD's (250GB and mostly empty 500GB) backing up to a 1TB drive. I guess all this has happened 'by design' to make it consumer friendly(!), but the lack of options in TM is really to its own downfall.(Marks my second major disappointment of Apple software - after lame iOS multitasking interface/concept)
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May 24, 2009
i've got a niggling problem that i'd like to get sorted. I've searched the forums, but can't find anything that relates exactly to my problem.
I restored my pro from a time machine machine backup and now it displays the time incorrectly (-1hr). 'Set date & time automatically' is checked in system prefs which makes the problem even weirder. I'm using the Apple Europe sever too.
I've read somewhere about deleting a hidden file to solve the problem, but there isn't enough information to execute.
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Dec 5, 2014
Recently when booting Yosemite on my MacPro early 2009 I get a message "could not load time machine prepare" but I am able to open it. But when I try to connect to my Time Capsule I get a message, "there is a problem connecting to time capsule". My iMac and Macbook pro both connect to the same time capsule with no problem. It seems the time machine prefpane on the MacPro has been corrupted. What to do?
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Feb 15, 2009
I noticed today that Time Machine was taking an awful long time to do a backup, but I didn't think much of it until an alert popped up that said it was 150GB short of space. There's no change I gone near 150GB of changes to anything today, since the last hourly backup.I looked at the Time Machine HD, and there is only one folder left inside the backup.backupdb/Mac Pro/ folder, and in Time Machine there is only 'Today' left in the time bar thing. So it seems months of valuable backups have just vanished for no good reason!Is there any way to find out what Time Machine is trying to backup, and why?And I assume there's not much hope of restoring my lost backups?
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Jun 2, 2009
I got home from work today to see a message about needing 232.79GB to backup but only having ~100GB.Firstly that makes no sense because I "only" have 200GB of files on my hard drive (although obviously the backup would need more), but more importantly there is no way they have all changed since yesterday.I opened the time machine backup and noticed it had deleted every single backup apart from one from last night.From late last night (don't know how far back it goes, console.app doesn't show much further back) until the time when I got home.Has anyone got any idea why it has done this, there is no reason for it that i can work out and now I'm a bit worried it is going to start screwing up backups in the future.
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Feb 9, 2009
I added a few new albums to different artist folders, and instead of adding each folder to the library individually [using "Add to Library" from the File menu], I decided to take a shortcut and add my entire Music folder to the Library.
Now, a load of stuff is missing, and I have a massive collection, so I don't know exactly what's there and exactly what has gone. Searching using Finder confirms that the files are completely gone from my hard drive.
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Jul 24, 2009
Either I accidently deleted an email in my apple mail inbox or my computer deleted it (because it was in my inbox for several months) but now I can no longer find this important email. Though, I do have time machine running always, so I was wondering if the email had been saved to anywhere on the hard drive where time machine may still have it.
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Sep 22, 2009
I initially backed up to the Firewire drive (140GB at a rate of about 1.2GB per minute and all was well.In Snow Leopard i noticed that without any hacks it also has the option to backup to a network drive. I have a QNAP NAS and also an Airport Extreme Basestation. As the QNAP doesnt support HFS i thought i'll just plug my drive into the Basestation even though i heard it wasn't the fastest thing to use..Anyway, to cut a long story short, i open time machine, re-select my time machine drive as the location has changed from being firewire to being attached the Basestation and time machine then says ' analysing changed files' or whatever that similar message is, then it says copying 0.1MB of 143Gb .....i stop it, go and check the drive and it has deleted the whole lot and is trying to start again!? WTF??It didn't format the drive as other data is still on that disk. Kinda loses my confidence in it when it will happily delete 143GB without even asking me
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May 7, 2008
My MacBook (Early 2006) is faulty and is soon to be replaced by Apple. They are replacing it with a MacBook (Early 2008).
I have 10.5.2 on my MacBook, and back up regularly using Time Machine.
My question is, when I receive the replacement MacBook, how can I restore my data from my faulty MacBook to the new?
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