OS X V10.5 Leopard :: What If Delete Stuff From Document Folder
Feb 8, 2012
I want to unclutter my macbook and I have found that I have duplicated files in my All Document folder. I want to delete these files so it is not taking up unwanted space on my hard drive. I have saved what I wanted in folders that I created for that subject. Everything else I want to delete. My question is if I delete this stuff will it cause my computer to mess up, I wont be deleting important files for programs to need to run with, will I. I also found that I have two "All Document" folders and two "Download" folders can I delete one so I only have one of each.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have bought a IMac, but there is a problem: There was user already, I mean someone was using IMac, so there is a lot off apps, what I want, is there a way to delete all apps, pictures, music and other stuff withoust clean install?
In my Applications Folder I have an alias Applications Folder.When I deleted the alias folder it wiped out all my applications on my hard drive.Does anyone know how I can delete the alias folder without deleting all my Applications?
As a non-UNIX-geek, and someone unfamiliar with the internals of OS X in general, I'd like to ask ya'll where sensitive data might be stored outside of the Home directory. As you may know, FileVault only encrypts the Home directory, and stores the password as a hash of the account password and the "master" reset password.
So, what sensitive stuff is outside of the Home Directory? Any system logs with potentially damaging info? Any badly written applications (i.e. MS Office 2004) that might keep sensitive data within the Application directory? Any stuff inside of the Library or System folders?
I have set up my mom with an older Macbook Pro of mine to save her from the evils of the PC. I set up two users, one for her and one for me; hers is uber simple (big icons, only the essentials in the doc) mine is crazy complicated. We share apps, of course, which was fine until I realized she is going to want to download Mah Jongg game apps and the like from the App Store, and I would LOVE it if I didn't have to have all that cluttering up the root Applications folder.I already tried to move one app from root to her user's Applications folder and all that moved was an alias, the app stayed at root. So how does one move these things? Is there a way via the finder? Can I use terminal.
When I go into finder, there are favorites which are applications, but one of them is a document that i accidentally placed there. I am trying to delete it but I cant.
Im not able to delete a TextEdit document from my MacBook, Everytime I move it to the trash and click 'empty' the file returns to the desktop, I've also tried to delete the words from the document then moving it to the trash but the document returns to the desktop. I really don't know what to do, worried this might be a virus.
I've been working hard on this document in Pages which had 3 tables in. I have been saving it as I have gone on and just now I have scrolled up to realise one of the tables is missing.
My document folder is no longer on my dock. I don't know how it got lost. I went to finder and tried to drag the folder to my dock numerous times, but it won't go there!
I have not needed a pasword in the past and I remember years ago in was not possible for a P/W for a document folder.Has there been any changes that now allow for passwords for a document? If not, any free apps out there for it?
I just got a Mac Pro with a 250GB SSD drive and 2 1TB drives. I planned to use the 250GB drive for the OS and the other two drives for all my data. How do I move the location of Documents, Music, Pictures...? In Windows, you can move the folder location, but I'm not sure if you can do this w OSX.
If this isn't possible, what's the best way to keep my data off the 250GB drive?
When i want to delete hide folder from usb, it says "The folder “trashes” can’t be moved into one of its subfolders".. What does it mean and how can i delete it??
Guys, how can i save a text edit document in a designated sub folder? All this time the only option to save a text edit doc for me is either in a document folder or other non-sub folders (e.g. desktop, etc).
i have a problem for my macbook pro 15". i cant open the document folder and download folder. i can se inside the folder from the dock folder icon, but i cant click open in finder.(application not responding). i wait the hole night but same.
I was deleting a file from my screen, and I accidentally removed my Document Folder so it is off my dock. Now next to the dashed lines to make the dock bigger, I only have my Application folder with the trashcan. I have no idea how my Document folder back on!
I'm the admin on my Macbook and after I restarted it earlier am essentially locked out of everything on my HD save for the Applications folder. I keep getting the error "The folder "Documents" can't be opened because you don't have the permission to see its contents" and would like to regain access to it as I have not backed up my stuff in about a month because of a Time Machine issue.
I don't know if it's related to this but all the prefernces have been changed to default and cannot change them in system prefrences.
I'd just like to get my stuff back and am fine with a clean install. I have access to 3 external drives: a 1 TB FW400 which stores my backups, a 120GB FW400 other external, and a 2TB USB one. Could it be possible to install OS X on the 120, boot from there, copy everything on the Macbook's disk to the 2TB, and then restore from a much earlier Time Machine backup on the 1TB once OS X is sucessfully reinstalled?
Alternativly is there a simple terminal command I can use?
Will my apps and stuff and things I've downloaded disappear when I upgrade from Snow Leopard to Mavericks? I am afraid everything will go away Do I need a USB to put my stuff in and then put it back when Mavericks has been applied? Because i'm downloading Mavericks right now and my iMac is so old it doesn't support half the stuff the new ones do. It was made in early 2009. And also, if it will stay, would it go away if I entered a different apple ID when it will reboot and say "Enter APPLE ID"
Why doesn't the original document I'm dragging and dropping from one folder to another move? What's happening is the computer is creating a duplicte of the document and placing it in the new location with a new creation date. The original document I wanted to drag and drop into a new location remains where it started as the "original" document and the new copy has this little arrow protruding up from the lower left of its icon. At first I thought it was an alias, but it's a copy of the document I thought I was dragging and dropping.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 20" Apple Cinema Screen, Safari 5.Mail, Address Book 5.
My computer is running slow and I looked at sys pref groups and it's full of things like app server admin and system and procview and it's never been there before. Am I hacked? can i erase them?
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 i am working on Word 2008 for Mac, version 12.0.1 (080305).
My problem, i created one text box in a document, somehow 2 more appeared. I made the mistake of thinking that to delete the extra text boxes, i simply highlight them and delete them. Silly stupid me, nothing that simple exists and i have wasted an hour trying to figure it out. The help button does squat, barely gives you any info on a text box much less trying to delete it. Does anyone know how to delete a text box in a word document?
I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.
I have 2 folders on an external HD attached to my airport extreme that I cannot delete. When I try to delete them it says they are in use. They both look empty. I'm not familiar with terminal, but I've tried a few different commands I've found on these forums. I've tried sudo rm -rt and similar commands and they all say the directory is not empty. how to delete these folders will be very nice.