OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Get My Dock To Remember Changes Upon Restart?
Mar 9, 2012
It forgets my changes along with the desktop. I've done the .plst removals, reinstalls etc but nothing seems to work? I think CleanMyMac killed something, but I've removed that app. It does not work to create a new user account.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Mac Pro 3,1 8 Core, 2.8GHz
I've been happily in love with my iMac since 2006. Never had any problems.
Just got back from working abroad over a month and my business partner (new to Mac) has been using my computer. Apparently the computer was switched on nearly 24/7 and only been restarted a couple of times.
At first everything seemed fine until I ran the software update.
First problem, there was an error when doing the security update so couldn't complete the whole update.
iMac still working fine though..
First, it took ages to startup, then the dock didn't load. Tried restarting at first, didn't respond, shutting down neither....
Then when opening finder, the menus on the left hand side, Hard Drive, Documents, Music, etc... all gone...
Most applications won't open... even some jpegs, pdfs, etc...
Also the DiskImageMounter, Terminal and probably loads of other stuff has disappeared I'm not even aware of...
Tried to open 'About this Mac'... no response...
Tried to open.. 'Mac OSX Software' the following message appeared... Your system settings are being updated. Unable to open your preferred Web browser. Try again in a few minutes.
I've looked at the utilities folder, checked the CoreServices, tried 'killall Dock' (discovered that the terminal utility disappeared), etc, etc.
i have about ten accounts which seem to be working fine on my mbp but on the macpro when i enter the password to an account and I go back to the account this space is EMPTY. and I am having a terrible time getting these accounts to work.
I've just tried following this tutorial. Code: [URL]. After entering the Terminal command I restarted the dock using. Code: killall Dock. And apparently that was supposed to restart the dock, however it's killed mine and it will now not start at all. Any ideas on a Terminal command or other way(s) I can get my dock to show again?
I've made a Smart Folder to have one place to look for any bills I've paid in the last 40 days, with the following parameters:
- Search within a folder within my Home folder called "Accounts & Services"
- Name begins with "PD 2" (all my paid bills are labeled like "PD 2012-02-01 AT&T," for example)
- Last modified date is within last 40 days
The folder worked when I created it, and whenever I opened it for a day or so afterwards.
But a month later when I open the Smart Folder, the latest bills aren't there.
When I "Show Search Criteria," I see the "Search within" has been changed to a circular reference — it SEARCHES WITHIN THE SMART FOLDER ITSELF!
The practical upshot of which is that it finds only the files that were found at the time the Smart Folder was created, and does not find anything newer because it's looking in the wrong place.
I'm hoping someone has a remedy for this, but I don't have high hopes considering the "Mac Quick Tips" podcasts from 2009 in which Smart Folders are demonstrated show this problem in the demo without realizing it.
My computer stop responding so I had to force restart finder. Now my active programs indicator is not working. How do I get it to work again? I have tried shutting down my computer and that didn't work. I deleted and re-copied over the files, but that didn't work either.
I am having great difficulty with my Macbook Pro. It's not working. Earlier today, my computer started to freeze. So, I held down the power button with hopes to soon restart it. When I hit the power button to restart it, that was the beginning of the problem. The screen stays with the Apple logo and the little circle going round and round. I have tried a number of things including starting it up in Safe Mode (didn't work), trying to use Installation disk to repair computer (the option to "repair disk" was not lit...therefore I couldn't use it), using Command S (continuing to get the message "Invalid Record Count", "disk0s2: I/O error"), using Command V.
Basically, I installed Leopard on a Macbook Pro that I'd just given a new HD. What I didn't realize was that there was also an issue with the thermal grease (or excessive thermal grease as it turned out) so when I installed Leopard after replacing the HD, the thing got so hot that even though it successfully installed the OS, when I tried to restart it I couldn't. Since I was borrowing the DVD I gave it back and since I've replaced the thermal grease thereby fixing the overheating issue.
When I start up the Macbook Pro now, I get the Welcome screen movie with all the languages floating past in space, but then I get a blank black screen with a mouse pointer that ends up taking me nowhere. In Windows, you normally should keep the DVD in the drive after installing from DOS since the installation program still needs more information from it. Is this the case with Leopard? Should I ask for the DVD back again?
I'm running a 2007 silver Imac and just upgraded to SL. Aside from all my apple aps (ie. logic pro studio 8) running slower than molasses rolling up a hill. My mighty mouse (wired) jumping to the corner of the screen all the time and WiFi won't stay connected to my router for more than a few hours at a time (when this happens it also likes to ask me for the password it already knows and rejects it when i reenter it?
And my computer won't shut down or restart? I read in another thread about this happening with multiple accounts and a log out being needed but I don't have other accounts. So I have nothing to log out from? I'm super disappointed and am tempted to switch to windows 7, but I've already invested a small fortune into my apple and apple exclusive software like the looser that I am. And you'll be saving a perfectly good computer from being thrown out the window.
I am running Leopard (Not Snow Leopard) on a 2005 Power PC G5 (Pre-Intel)
I keep getting the gray screen that comes down and tells me to restart my machine in 4 languages.
I have tried PRAM/NVRAM, SMU and Reinstalling the OS but no change. Sometimes this happens 5 times a day. The fans also sound like they are working overtime while the screen is coming down.
My iMac freezes once or twice even three times a day for no obvious reason. This happens using safari only or safari and mail.This has happened for 2 weeks. No change in my system for 2 years, except regular updates. I can close the application (Safari for example) but the iMac stays frozen. When I use "force to quit", it is proposed to restart Finder. But, the iMac stays stucked with the color wheel turning. The only way to stop and restart is to switch off and on.
I've been having a problem with Snow Leopard since I installed it, and it's been bugging me like mad, but I haven't been able to find a solution or anyone with a similar case anywhere. Today, however, I tried again, and I ran across this news article, which perfectly described my problem:
Finally, twice in the past week now I have experienced a very old Mac OS X bug that I thought was gone for good: All of a sudden, when I try launching an application, the application's Dock icon starts bouncing endlessly in the Dock and the application never fully launches. Instead, eventually (after a few minutes of endless bouncing), the bouncing stops, but the application icon stays there without the status light indicating that it's open, and right-clicking on it results in an "Application not responding" message. You can force-quit and try again, but it won't work any better the second time.
And once this starts happening, if you want to get anything accomplished with your Mac, you really have no choice but to restart the entire machine.Has anyone experienced anything similar and/or knows how to fix it? It really inhibits me from doing almost anything with my Mac when I can't open any applications./edit: To add some context, this only happens after my laptop has been running for a while and seems to affect some applications but not others (maybe those that have already run since restart are fine?). I still have over 1.2gb of free RAM while I try it, so I don't think it's a memory issue either.
We are running Mac OS 10.4 in a student lab. Leopard asks for an administrator password to unpause a printer, and our students do not have the admin password for obvious reasons, but a certain printer keeps doing this. Is there anything that can be done to stop having to authenticate for this kind of event?
This is a neat one. I found out last night that I cannot restart or shut down either of my Macs if my wife's account is still logged in. In order to perform either function, I have to log onto my wife's account and log it out before it will allow me to either restart or power down the computer.
If I try to do so while both accounts are logged in, I will get the usual prompt for an Admin name and password, but then it just won't go past that screen. The prompt just keeps coming up to enter the Admin info. Anyone else experiencing this, or have any recommendations?
I did an update install on both machines. I updated our iMac with a full retail copy, and the MBP I updated with an UTD disc. Perhaps doing a full erase and install is the answer? Or do you guys think it's just something buggy in SL?
mysqld has a ton of really nice startup options to help me debug my app. However I cannot figure out how to shutdown and restart MySQL from the command line and pass these options to mysqld.Snow Leopard and MySQL 5.1.56 MySQL Community Server.
Whenever I need to restart my MacBook Pro, a bunch of my preferences are lost. For example, I have to drag Google Chrome back in the dock. I lose my Expose preferences, login items I've disabled still pop up. Keyboard shortcuts with Spotlight (which I keep disabled because of a program I use), get set to default. It's terrbily frustrating to have to reset all these things over and over again and I can't find the answer. Part of it is I'm not terribly saavy with computer language. I can find the Terminal and type in commands though.
OK, count me as one of those that doesn't like the gray dock. I figured out how to change its color and even its opacity. Here's what it looks like now.
I want to group my applications in the dock into drawers. I keep frequently used programs in the dock to make it quick to open. But I would also like to group (for example all the programs for photos) some applications into one dock space. There are times I cannot remember the exact name of the program I want, just that it (for example) has to do with manipulating photos.
I have an iMac (early 2009 model) that I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard(10.6.3) from Leopard and now when I restart and shutdown, it takes almost 30 secs for both, compared to when I was running Leopard, it literally took about a second (maybe 2). I've tried verifying/repair disk permissions, clearing cache, turning off airport utility, etc. per some suggestions through Google to no avail. There are no programs running before shutdown. I'm wondering if something was included in the upgrade/updates to slow the shutdown process.
I have deleted a file from my documents folder and even when I empty the recycle bin this file after a restart comes back. The recycle bin doesnt refuses to empty. It empties normaly.