OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Changing Default Sig File In Apple Mail On Mac Pro
Feb 24, 2012
I have made about 10 sig files in apple mail. I'm running 10.5.8. How do I change the default sig file so that particular one is used till I want to change it?
On my Macbook, running Leopard, I recently changed all my icons. (applications, folders, default files, etc.) I changed the Finder and Trash icons via System/Library/CoreServices. But the Dock won't recognize that the Finder icon has changed-- it's still showing me the old icon. That's Problem 1.
Then I created a new user account, and discovered that on that account the Dock shows the correct Finder image. But Problem 2: the new account doesn't recognize my default file icons. It flashes them for a second when I save the file, and then reverts back to the regular white default image. (Even though all the .icns files are correct in the application's Resources folder.) I really don't want to download Candybar or anything, since I know it can be done without that.
I am currently running 10.5.8, and I have changed my default icons. I love this feature, and this web page will show you how to do it. [URL:...] I am about to upgrade to Snow Leopard soon, and I am wondering if anyone else knows if it will still work? I quite like my 'glass icons' as my defaults.
I am trying to set Apple Mail as my default mail application, but invariably, when I try to send an email from another program, it opens Outlook instead.
How can I make Mail the default mail application for my entire system?
This issue has probably when addressed in the past but I am having a problem with it now and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Currently, whenever I try to access Apple Mail (OS X 10.6.4), I get the spinning ball and I find that mail is not responding. Does anyone have any idea of what is going on or how I can reinstall mail?
When you share (mail) an .aif file with Quicktime Pro, why does it become a .mov file when it arrives? I asked a friend of mine not to send .mov files when he wants me to listen to a song .aif format. I told him to check the preferences, he says all is set right.
I am trying to change back to the Apple Mail.app 3.5 from Microsoft Entourage and I can't seem to achieve this. I am afraid my Entourage will crash soon because my Database is currently 10.2 GB large. I had to switch 2 years ago from Mail to Entourage, after I lost all my mails because the Mail.app was corrupted. I have had a change of computer although I did migrate my data and was hoping that the mail.app was working better but it is doing strange things like importing folders with no content - although it marks them with the amount of mails located within. It also refuses to import (admittedly) large amounts of mails from Entourage, it doesn't matter if it is just a single folder or several folders. It hoards some old mails in its INBOX which remain there even after I have erased them numerous times. They just keep coming back.
When I use the import option of the mail.app it will not take over all my mails but will save parts of the database or crash when I try to feed it mBox files. I realise my databases are very large but there must be some way to import data from one programme to another. I think somehow my mail.app is broken or it can't handle the huge Entourage database, is there some way I can discover whether this might be the case? I am starting to think I should stick to Entourage because it has been performing faithfully for the past years and I like the appearance more, but because I had database issues under Entourage 2004, I'm afraid my huge database will someday become irreparable. I have a 2.4 Ghz Macbook Pro, 2GB Dram, System 10.5.6, Entourage 2008 and of course the mail.app which I've had to reinstall (with Pacifist) and fix with the new Apple Mail Update that was issued on DEC 23, 2008 (which is supposed to solve stability issues).
I am wondering how, if possible, to set the default "reply-to" address on Apple Mail. I know I can manually add it to each message I compose, but that's rather cumbersome. I'd like to be able to configure Mail so every message I send out will automatically use the same "reply-to" mail address. Is it possible?
My ISP sent an email that they want me to change the port my email program uses. They said most programs use port 25 and they wanted it changed to port 587 because it's safer. I called them to clarify and the tech had me change my Mail 3.6 preferences/advanced from port 995 to port 110 which he said was safer. Doing so renders me unable to e-mail so I switched it back to port 995. He couldn't figure out why 110 wouldn't work and suggested I contact Apple. I need to make any changes to my Mail account or not based either on the message from my ISP or the change the tech was trying to make. Unless I hear otherwise I'm staying at 995.
Information: iMac w/ Leopard Mac OS X (10.5.6) first time Mac user
My husband's computers use Tiger and Leopard (10.5.8) to access his email on the Mail program. His mail is from Comcast and uses the Comcast server, not apple or iCloud. His mail suddenly stopped working a couple of days ago.....as it did on one of my machines that still uses Tiger. He had not done any updates that could have broken the software. He does not have iCloud except on his phone and he doesn't even have a .mac address. There is no reason for the comcast server to not be able to be accessed by Mail app. He did finally update everything that needed it and it still does not work. Why would Apple's change over to iCloud break email access from other servers and how can we fix it. He really doesn't want to do his mail on Comcast's web site as it's slow and awkward.
I just installed some routine updates for my Mac and now I can't receive any mail in my apple mail program. It is version 4.5 and I am using a mobile me account. I have never had any problems before and obviously very annoyed. I know I can access it view the web but I like apple mail. I am able to send.
My apple mail (gmail account) keeps recovering a large sent email file. Repeatedly.I keep deleting it or exporting it to the trash, but a new recovered file soon reappears in the RECOVERED messages folder.
How do I prevent apple mail from continually recovering the same old email?
i'm using Apple Mac OSX SL in french and I noticed that a few months ago, some of my default folders such as Downloads, Desktop, Images, Videos etc, switched from french to english. So now when I click on Users-MyName I have half the list in English, half the list in French. The problem is, how can I change those folders back in French? I tried to rename them but their names are locked...
A quick question. On the far left side of the dock, what is the default icon that is there? For some reason I seen mine go up in a cloud and I can't remember what it is. Right now I have "Finder, Dashboard etc...
I changed the account preferences (in the System Preferences) so that the username is pointed to Data/users/username
The Finder icon in the dock still opens to to Programs/users/username, even after rebooting. All other apps appear to be using Data/users/username for saving files and other stuff.
How do I change the Finder on the Dock to open to Data/users/username?
For reasons that I will not go into here, I have a first initial and middle name, not a first name and middle initial like most people. It played havoc with the registrar at my college. My Address Book card has my first name as "G" and my middle name as "Ralph". Whenever programs automatically fill in my name, they use my first initial only. For example, Pages puts my author name as "G Kuntz". Is there any way to get my default name to be "G Ralph Kuntz", other than setting my first name to "G Ralph" and my middle name to blank ("")?
I'm using MAC os 10.6.1 and my MBP region is Russian(Ukraine) I want to set my default language in applications (to type - not menu language)as English. How to do it? For some reason all application start and change my Input Source to Russian every time.
Occasionally, I have a lot of mac applications running on my desktop, and I like to switch back and forth and do certain things with each one of them.
If I clog the activity monitor up too much, the color wheel will come up, and I really hate it. I get very impatient when that happens - not because of it being there, but for some reason, the color wheel itself.
Is there a way to change it so that there is not the color wheel there, maybe something like a black and white color wheel or another gif.
I used to have it so that whenever I take a screenshot it would go to a folder of my choice. But I have recently put a new hard drive in my MacBook and thus have a new Leopard install and do not remember how I originally set this up because it was such a long time ago.
Does anyone know what Terminal command or something that will let me make my screenshots go to something like User/Tyler/Pictures/Screenshots?
I'm looking to change some of the OS X default sounds (like the very annoying "boing!" drag-and-drop sound). I'm not talking about the alert sound that can be changed easily via the "Sound" function in System Preferences. I'm looking for the Terminal commands that would enable me to substitute an existing Mac OS X sound for the ones I don't like. (I'm not looking to create or find online other sounds; I'm happy to just use the ones that come with Mac OS X.) Some weeks ago I found a web page that described the necessary terminal commands and also where to find the .aiff files, but I've spent the last week trying to find that page again with no luck.