OS X :: Using Mac Mini As Slave?

Aug 24, 2009

Some years ago, before my actual iMac, I bought an Mac mini. This Mac mini was with my mother now. 'Was'? Yes, was. Because now she bought an MacBook Pro unibody and returned my old Mac mini.

Well, as I have nothing to do with it I started thinking on using it to help my iMac for processing.

I work with 3D, so this would be really helpful. The problem is: what I want is use the Mac mini as a real slave, and not to do an network rendering. Network rendering will require another monitor an mouse (at least).

But I'm kind of lost here, I have no experience with this kind of thing, so:

1st: I imagine I have to restore my mini and clear everything, because iMac will control it. Is this correct?

2nd: Is this possible?

3rd: Is this what Mac OS server does? If so, is there a cheaper option? I guess Mac OS Server has a lot of features I'm not going to use�

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Mac Mini :: Using A MM As Download / File Transfer Slave?

Sep 5, 2009

At present I'm using my MP constantly but it's not always doing work stuff... and have recently I've notice the electricity bill to be astronomically high! Kinda like having a one or two bar heater on twenty-four-seven. Know what I mean?

And, for a little while I've been using a MBP for the same task but I find condition the battery every so often to be a right pain in the rear, especially since it's not my main laptop and it's cells are constantly pumped full most of the time, thus constantly connected to the wall outlet

cut down on my super high fuel bills and make my life a little easier. I'm thinking about buying a Mac Mini of my own, it'll probably be completely headless, cause I'm thinking of using it purely for downloads and huge online file transfers etc.

I am however curious, does anyone else use theirs as a slave, for the same or similar tasks?

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PowerPC :: Can I Use Cpu From An Old (slave) G4

Feb 28, 2010

I was wondering... I have 3 old G4's, with each 1,25 GHz CPU, and each about 1 GB memory.

I'm working on an iMac 1,87 GHz, 2 GB, and Intel.

I am composing music on the iMac, wich goes without problems. But I'm also writing music for video, and sometimes I have to render some material, and adapt some things, render it again, and so on, which takes a very long time. As far as I know, the workflow can be shortened by more CPU.

So I wondered if there's anyone who knows if I can connect the iMac to the G4's, or just one of them, to have one core extra?

Or maybe just do the rendering seperately on 2 or 3 G4's, as intel en G4 may clash on the different kind of CPU?

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Mac Pro :: Jumper Set To Master Or Slave?

Jan 15, 2009

I just was given a G4 that is not recognizing the Hard Drive. I was able to connect a drive through fire wire to load Tiger OS, but I still can't seem to figure out why I can't see the internal hard drive on the desktop or why it didn't pop up when asked where to install the OS. There is a hard drive there and it is connected, but how do I know which is the correct connection?

By reading some other threads, I saw that someone asked if the Jumper was set to Master or Slave? If this is indeed something that this could be, how can I determine that?

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OS X :: Using MAC To Slave PC As Hard Drive

Oct 18, 2009

I am very new to Mac, and heard somewhere that I could use my new MacBook to open my old beat up PC and transfer the files onto the Mac.

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Hardware :: How To Set Up Slave Drive Inside A Mac Pro

May 20, 2008

I have what may be an odd question. I had a Seagate SATA hard drive inside of a Lacie firewire400/800/eSATA external enclosure that recently got zapped in a power surge and stopped powering up. It has a bunch of film files on it, but no operating system. I put it in one of the extra drive bays inside my Mac Pro, and I could hear the drive spinning when I turned the Mac Pro on (usually it's really quiet, but it now had the unmistakable LOUD spinning of the Seagate), so I can tell that the drive itself is not dead. BUT, the Mac Pro decided to try to boot from this drive instead of its own drive. So it wouldn't start up at all, seeing as there's no OS on the seagate drive. I know there are no master/slave settings in Mac Pros, so I'm not really sure how to go about setting up an internal drive w/o an OS on it, in a Mac. I just want to be able to copy the uncompressed video files from the seagate drive to the Mac Pro's hard drive, then remove the seagate drive

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PowerPC :: Using B&W G3 Tower Slave Drive?

Nov 7, 2007

I updated my G3 today to 10.3 finally and everything was working great until I updated software to 10.3.9 now my wireless isn't detecting any signals while it was working before the update. I'm thinking a driver was broken any ideas. It's a linksys wireless adapter I do believe.

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OS X :: Determining Boot And Slave Drive?

Jun 5, 2010

So I just installed two drives in my PowerMac G4 MDD. Using cable select to install them, I have the boot drive installed on the middle of the ribbon between the Mobo. and the end. The slave drive is on the end of the ribbon. Now when I open Disk Utility the slave drive is first on the list on the left followed by the boot drive. I thought it should be the other way around. Also, when I option click on each drive and click on information the boot drive is tagged with disk1xxx and the slave has the drive as disk0xxx. That doesn't sound right. Does it? ALSO strangely when I FIRST set the drives up and opened Disk Utility the BOOT was first in the list and the SLAVE was underneath, but after a restart they went the other way around. Can tell me what's going on? or anything to worry about? I will be doing frequent backups on the boot drive so I don't want any issues later.

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Hardware :: Slave Drive Won't Mount

Dec 6, 2008

I have a PC laptop harddrive that I'm trying to mount to my MacBookPro. The enclosure is homemade and powers the slavedrive up (I can hear it spinning) But nothing pops up on my desktop. Systemprofiler recognizes that a Lacie drive is hooked up via firewire and I positive that my pc slave drive is setup in slave mode.

Does the mac hard drive need to be set so it can accommodate a slave drive?

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Intel Mac :: Slave Old HD To Retrieve Files?

Feb 18, 2012

I have the original WD 1.0tB hard drive that was replaced in my iMac27.  It had some problems and would not boot; therefore, the mac folks replaced the drive.  Unfortunately, there are a few files I did not backup on the old drive. To avoid getting into my iMac, could I slave this drive onto a PC to try retrieve the files, or will I need to slave it on my iMac?  I have never opened my iMac (out of warranty with no extended), and am not sure I want to.

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OS X :: If My Master Drive Is Failing Will It Affect The Slave As Well?

Apr 13, 2009

I've been having some problems lately and I assumed it may be related to my HD since it's been making a lot of creaking noises for a while. Its been freezing a lot and when I click on folders they won't open and the text underneath starts flashing. Yikes. I've never come across that one before so I started booting up off the slave drive. Well just now the same thing happened with the text flashing running off the slave. Could this somehow be related to the master drive failing or do I just have other bigger issues?

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MacBook Pro :: Waterfield Muzetto / My Best Slave For Netbook

Aug 12, 2009

First, it's not a add ^^ just pictures of my new bag made in San Francisco.

I love it and i think it's the coolest bag who i've never seen

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Software :: Using FSCK And Internal Slave Drive?

Aug 9, 2010

Is there a way to get fsck to recognize a 200gig internal on the slave bus?

It seems that fsck only recognizes the startup drive.

Stellar Phoenix shows all the files are there but I cannot mount the drive through Disk Utility and I can't afford $99 right now.

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Power Mac G5 :: Boot From Slave Or Master - Performance Options

Oct 25, 2007

I have a 1.8 duel G5, 3 gig of ram, and 2 internal hard drives, a 120 gig and an 80 gig. My question: does anyone know if it makes a difference (performance wise) which drive I boot from? The 80 was the original boot drive, but due to space problems, now I boot from the 120. I've run every diagnistic imaginable, including Diskwarrior. I have the identical machine at work, and that one just seems snappier. I maintain both machines the same, cocktail, MacJanitor etc. There is plenty of room on both drives. So the last thing I can think of is the master/slave thing.

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OS X :: PowerMac G4 FW800 2nd Hard Drive Install (as Slave)

Dec 31, 2009

I bought a brand new Seagate 400Gb hard drive for my PowerMac G4 MDD FW800. I installed it in the back bay, as a slave drive. When I power on the Mac, I get a blank grey screen. The original hard drive with OS 10.4.11 is set as the master, so I don't know why it won't boot properly. I've checked for bent pins, and I don't see any obvious ones, so I'm completely confuzzled.

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PowerPC :: Sata Hard Drive - Set Slave Or Cable Select?

May 9, 2009

I am buying a used Powermac, G5 Dual 2GHz. It already has a SATA 320GB HD in it but I want to use my SATA 160GB from my dead iMac. The only questions I have are:

1. Is there anything special I need to do installing the second SATA drive? Does the drive need to be set to Slave or Cable Select?

2. Because the 160GB (going to use for storing musc) drive has OS X Tger installed, will it be a problem when booting once I install both drives? The 320GB drive has Leopard (This will be my primary drive). Will it boot to Leopard and let me use disk utility for format the 160GB drive?

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OS X :: Using The Console On A Slave Disk In Target Disk Mode?

Mar 19, 2010

Trying to troubleshoot a macbook pro 2.4 ghz with c2d so I start it up in target disk mode connected to my imac. (The current issue I am having are kernel panics on start up asking me to power off and restart). I am trying to see what the console output for the mbp is, but when I choose the mounted disk and go to applications there and run console, I get the console messages of my imac? What am I doing wrong guys?

edit: for the time being I ll just restart it in verbose mode, see what I get from that.

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Mac Mini :: Unable To Get Dual Displays / Using Mini DVI And Mini DisplayPorts

Sep 12, 2010

I have an Early 2009 Mac Mini with Mini DVI and Mini DisplayPort. And I have two 1080p HDTVs. The Mac Mini is capable of dual display, and I've gotten it to work before, so the issue is not the TV or Mac. And I have tried both Mirroring and No Mirroring.

I got a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter (#5311) and a Mini-DVI to HDMI Adapter (#4852) both from MonoPrice. And for some reason I can't get the Mac Mini to dual display, it's only one or the other.

Before I had a Mini Displayport Male and USB Male AUDIO to HDMI Female Converting Adapter (#5969) and I got video on both HDTVs, but not audio at the same time b/c one was USB and one was TOSLINK.

I'm not sure why I can't get video on both monitors. Any help?

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Mac Mini :: How To Conncet HDTV Using Mini Display Port Or Mini Dvi?

Apr 6, 2009

I need to connect my 09' Mac Mini to my Yamaha RX-V2700 receiver which outputs to my Sony XBR HDTV. I know the mini has both mini-dvi to dvi and mini-dp to dvi or hdmi available via adapters. I was thinking to go with option 1 however I was wondering what is your opinions? Is mini-display port better over mini-dvi or are they the same? Audio will be carried over optical toslink.

Option 1:
Using mini-dvi adapter to dvi: Connect Dvi-Hdmi cable to receiver and output audio with toslink adapter.

Option 2:
Using mini-dp adapter to dvi or hdmi: Connect Dvi-Hdmi cable to receiver and output audio with toslink adapter.

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Mac Mini :: How To Use Mini DVI/Mini Display Port Both Same Time?

Mar 2, 2009

Just curious can use both to drive the 24" LED ACD AND another 2nd monitor via mini dvi?? That would be a dream come true!

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Mac Mini :: Good High Resolution LCD Monitor Compatible With 2010 Mini Server?

Jun 23, 2010

The old Mini worked fine with my Westinghouse 24" LCD monitor (HDMI input -connected to Mini via DVI->HDMI cable).The new Mini Server 2010 has HDMI out, so I used a straight-through HDMI cable. The display looks terrible! All of the fonts appear to have a 'shadow' next to them - almost like an old analog VGA with 'interference'.Thinking it could be the cable, I went back to my old Mini's DVI->HDMI cable (and used the new Mini's HDMI->DVI adapter to connect to it). Same results.The Westinghouse monitor's native resolution is 1920x1200. The Mac says that it's configured for 1920x1200.

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Mac Mini :: Creating Usb Restore Disc / Load Mini SL Client On Server Via Usb Drive?

Jul 1, 2010

I do have a copy of the the Mac Mini SL Client software but I don't have another Mac to create the USB restore disc in order to load the client on the Mini Server via usb drive. I don't intend to use the Server Software and don't want to 'activate' the license so I can resell it instead. Can I just use the Server to create the bootable restore disc without 'activating' the Server License and locking it to my serial number? Or is there another way to create the restore disc if you don't have access to another Mac to run disc utility?

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Mac Mini :: New Mini Won't Recognize An External Drive (LaCie 1TB  Porsche Design?

Feb 6, 2012

Have a new Mac Mini, using an external drive but I can't get it to show up in finder. It's a Lacie 1TB Porsche design HDD, using a USB connection directly into the mini. I tried it at first by connecting to an open usb on my cinema display..no good. Also no good when connected directly into the mini.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Use An External Wifi Antenna To Boost Reception For Core Solo Mini

Apr 15, 2012

My old Mini is in the next room to the wireless DSL modem. It gets one to three max bars, usually two, and it's just through one interior wall. I don't want to spend a bunch of money, I just want to get a little better reception in the next room. I have seen USB wifi antennas advertised. Would that do anything for me? My iBook G4 in the same spot gets full reception no problem.

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Mac Mini :: Mac Mini For Home Theater - Standard Optical Audio Cable

Apr 15, 2009

I have just read a ton of forum posts and want to make sure I am going to buy the right accessories to make my new Mac Mini all it needs to be to run my home theater.1. For 5.1 audio, do I need to buy this product and then just use a standard Optical audio cable to plug into my receiver?2. The new Mac Mini comes with a mini DVI to DVI connector correct? So all I will have to buy is a DVI to HDMI cable?3. Is OWC (other world computing) the best place to buy upgrades for the mac mini? I have looked at the videos on youtube and it seems like something I should be able to do no problem.

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Intel Mac :: Finding An Adapter That Connects A Mini DVI To A Mini Display Port?

May 25, 2012

Is there an adapter that connects a mini DVI to a mini Display port so I can use one computer as an external monitor?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Mini :: Mac Mini Has An Ethernet Connection To Hook To Wired Rotter?

Sep 21, 2010

I don't have one...but want to know is the mac mini has an ethernet connection to hook to my wired rotter?

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Mac Mini :: Mac Mini Server 2009 Main Drive Replacement

Jan 9, 2011

One of the drives in our 2009 mac mini server 2009 has died. I have taken apart many minis so have no problem taking it apart to replace, but does anyone know which drive is the primary, "Server HD" drive? Would it be the top drive (first drive you come across during disassembly) or the bottom drive closer to the logic board with the two pads stuck on? Just wondering if anyone knows for sure so I can avoid removing the drive that's still working fine.

Also, to keep the server running in the mean time, I am booting to the second drive which is working fine. Just curious, once the dead primary drive is replaced , can I simply use carbon copy clone to copy back from the 2nd drive, or will I need to install snow leopard server back onto the new drive?

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Mac Mini :: Got Front Row 1.3.1 With Enabler 1.5 Working (Media Center Mini)

Jan 8, 2008

I have a Mini Media center that I installed Front Row onto. When I updated to 10.4.11 I found that Front Row was broken and I finally figured out how to get it going again. I'm posting this simply for the spreading of knowledge. What you'll need:

Enabler [URL]
Front Row 1.3.0 [URL]
Front Row 1.3.1 [URL]
Pacifist [URL]

Installing: Put Front Row 1.3 package on desktop. (don't open) Open Enabler and Install Front Row. Enable Front Row (if you get an error you probably already have it enabled). <Restart> Use Pacifist to open FrontRow 1.3.1 package. Find Front Row App (System>Library>Core Services) Install the app and Replace when prompted.

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Mac Mini :: Mini To Projector: Small Black Line On The Screen

Oct 4, 2008

Soo...I just picked up a mini to run plex and use as a media center. Hooking it up to my projector via VGA cable. When I set the display settings to the native resolution on the projector there is a small black line or bar down the left hand side of the screen. Not on the right but only on the left. why this would be happening?

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