OS X ::unable To Perform Screen Capture / Can't Write File To The Specified Location
May 11, 2010
How can I change the location of files created with the screen grab features of OS X Snow Leopard ? I tried to play with the "Keyboard" control panel, but I'm always getting an error when I try to capture a screen picture (something like : "can't write file to the specified location"). I really don't know what is that "specified location" and how to change it. Any idea ?
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Sep 18, 2010
i was trying to get a screen capture of an issue with itunes when previewing tv shows/movies..etc but it appears you can no longer take screen caps of iTunes movies/tv shows (well ones you didnt import yourself).... or is there a work around?
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Jan 22, 2009
As I use the web I often use shift + apple + 3 or 4 to take screen captures of things I like and want to remember.
This saves the file to the desktop. Is there a way to change the save location?
Also I've been then adding the clippings to a PS file but this is getting to time consuming and dull to manage.
Is there a better option?
I do really like the way I dont have to use another application to take the screen shot but there is no management...
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Dec 26, 2009
I changed a .dwi (UNIX EXECUTABLE) to a .txt so I could edit it. I should be able to change it back to a .dwi, but it wont let me (just stays a text document)
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Sep 8, 2014
We are running OSX mavericks 10.9.4 which connects a network windows share on login.Â
I have see the share and navigate through its files fine however, if I try drag a file to the root of the share the green plus does not appear and I am unable to copy it. I am however, able to copy it to a sub folder within the same view.Â
Permissions are definitely correct and have the same permissions as the sub folders previously mentioned. If I go into a sub folder and back to the root, I am then able to copy the file as intended. It is based in an AD environment so these are all new users viewing the share from the MAC for the very first time.Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 20, 2009
How do I convert/save a screen (cmd+shift+3) or snap shot (cmd+shift+4) taken on my macbook pro to a jpg file?
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Apr 7, 2009
I am a Mac convert now two years and was beginning to truly believe Macs are impervious to the hair pulling and teeth gnashing so often associated with PC's but...I have been repeatedly trying to write to my WorldBook NAS which has previously worked beautifully but everytime I try to write anything remotely large, I get the message,
"An unexpected error has occurred the file could not be written to the disk. Error Code 51"
My NAS is 2TB and attached to my D-Link wireless. I have used it exclusively for my iTunes library and it has worked very nicely.I experienced this the first time with one of three movies I am adding to my library. After a couple tries, I decided to let iTunes copy it to the folder in it's process of adding it to the library and it worked fine. The following day I repeated the process and now I get the message through iTunes as well.
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Aug 17, 2010
I am using a macbook with lepard installed. I am running boot camp to be able to work on programms such as C++ and I need to get a screen shoot for the class. I have tried all of the Mac things that should work such as apple **** 4 and nothing happens for me. I have no print screen key as I am on a Mac ideas to capture the screen in the Windows side?
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Jul 5, 2012
I'm preparing a video to explain how to do some work for my job and I'd like to capture the screen to a .mov file as I perform some tasks on the computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 10, 2012
It looks like the most recent revison to OS X, that being 10.7.4 moved, or otherwise changed the way the system displays the background image for the login screen. I use a custom image file for mine, and now that same file does not display in 10.7.4Â The file (my coustom image) is still there, but it looks like OS X does not use that file anymore.This is the file name:[URL] how to customize the login screen background in the new build?
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Jun 7, 2010
How would I redefine where the screen capture utilities (command-shift-3, etc.) place the image? I can cut out a step in my work if, rather than placing the image on the desktop, I can place it in a specific folder (or even a network folder).
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Jul 14, 2010
I am stuck with a Windows computer, and am desperatly trying to find out how to do a screencapture. I am familiar with both alt/shift + prtScreen, but if there is someway to size a screencapture without having to go through Paint or similar,
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Jul 4, 2012
I'm trying to add time/date stamp to my screen capture file names. (at the moment it's just 'Picture 1' etc..)I've tried the following command in terminal but have not had success.
defaults write com.apple.screencapture name "datestamp" at "timestamp"Â
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 12, 2009
i know that there are 2 ways in OSX to take screen pictures.. one of the whole screen and other of just a portion of it. I just don't know how?
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Nov 30, 2002
There's no prt scr key on my ibook. How do I either capture the whole screen or the active window?
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Feb 15, 2011
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
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Jun 27, 2008
I am seriously annoyed about an otherwise excellent application: I just imported a couple of pictures from my camera into iPhoto using the Image Capture app. I sometimes like to do it this way to review the images and movies before importing. Now I had serious problems on two occasions:
1. There was a raw file on the camera, which iPhoto couldn't process, of course
2. Apparently I closed the Image capture application too soon - after I did so, iPhoto complained about not having enough storage space, although there's more than enough space on the hard drive
Regrettably I had the "delete after import" box checked. Meaning, my photos are gone now! Or, are they? Where does Image capture put them and will they still be there? If not, where can I file a bug for Image Capture?
MacBook Pro 15" (2.4 GHz)
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Canon PowerShot S95
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Sep 8, 2009
Image Capture in Snow Leopard defaults to saving to the Pictures folder, but I want to change it to the Desktop instead. If I simply change it in the app, close it, and open it again, it reverts back to the Pictures folder.
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Nov 30, 2014
After upgrading to Yosemite, I cannot find where to permanently set the Scan To location in Image Capture, to the Desktop, BY DEFAULT, every time I open Image Capture.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a macbook which is about a year old; running really slowly, so bought 4GB RAM from crucial to install in it- the memory showed up, computer was soo much quicker etc . Working absolutely fine for a week, and now (as per the other posts by people in a similar topic) my computer is displaying the following:
The computer boots up, but within about 10 minutes, apps (especially Safari and MSOffice ) keep freezing and then I get the "please restart your computer" message.
Occasionlly I get loud beeping with a blank screen & flashing LED
Any help would be much appreciated; I'm now about wary about checking the RAM out or anything like that. Also.. because I installed the RAM myself, does that invalidate any warranty / Apple after care??
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Jul 2, 2012
I've had my original MBP since 2007, which was originally on 10.4 I believe. I've done upgrades up to the current 10.7.4. My original MBP was encountering end-of-life hardware issues, so earlier this year ago I purchased a new MBP. I used the Migration Assistant utility to move my files and user settings.My older MBP toward the end of its life was having OS shutdown / reboot problems. The OS would never completely shut down. It would go to a light gray screen, and the twirling icon in the middle never went away. A manual shut down from the power button was the only recourse.It seems that the problem is tied to issue(s) with my user account settings, since the problem is still present, despite newer hardware.
After I do a manual shutdown/restart, I can immediately perform an OS reboot just fine. But after the OS has been running for hours/days, I can't run a clean shutdown/restart.I'm 100% confident that this is not a hardware issue. I'm comfortable with reviewing my system.log in Console and issuing Terminal commands, if that will help with any troubleshooting.
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MBP, 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a new MacBook, 2.4GHz, 2 GB DDR, that has replaced my iBook G3 after the HD went out. May it RIP. Sometimes when I close the lid at work and put it in the computerbag it will be quite warm when I get it out. Sometimes it won't come out of sleep and I have to do a hard boot. What causes this and whats the remedy?
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Nov 26, 2010
I have a column that has name / phone and i'm trying to break out the two into two separate columns. I can't figure out a way to do this? I'm trying to figure out to use the line break to trigger the column separation but no luck? Here is an example of what i have in a column:
Joe Blow
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a MAC OS X 10.4.11 IBook G4 1.1. It's acting up on me. Crashes often and freezes as well. The only CD I can find is the Mac OS X Tiger Install DVD. Is this the Hardware test cd as well?
If yes, how do I get the hardware test started. I tried the "restart while holding "C"" and "restart while holding the "option key""... Doesn't work... Don't see a hardware test option. If no, Can I download the application
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm planning of sending in my white macbook to AppleCare for a few repairs regarding the white casing (cracks) but do not want to send in my Western Digital 500GB Hard Drive.
I called AppleCare and they said they prefer it when you send in the original hard drive, for whatever reason they stated. My personal reason why I don't want to send in my 500GB Hard Drive is that I have a ton of files in there that are important and don't have another 300+ hard drive lying around to back everything up. Another reason is that my Leopard Family Pack disc I purchase years ago is at my parent's house in New York and I live in California, so getting it would be a huge hassle considering it's somewhere in boxes of storage and my folks are in Venice till the 15th of June.
Look, essentially what I'm freaking out over is that I've heard many cases that when you send in your computer to applecare, its not uncommon to get a macbook back with an erased hard drive.
I just don't wanna deal with the hassle. So am looking to avoid it altogether. Doing so bytaking out my 500GB HD and popping in the original 80GB HD that the Mac came with. I thought I had Leopard in there but when I put in the 80GB HD in the Macbook and turned on the Mac, a confused faced folder came on and turned off.
I want to send in my Macbook with the 80GB HD and that HD to have Leopard on it...so I decided to do the same method I used when I transferred everything from my 80GB HD to my 500GB HD when I first purchased it.
I used SuperDuper! application, free version...but it didn't work.
I set it up to "Copy: Mac HD to Untitled" (Untitled was the name of the 80GB since I erased it when I got my 500GB HD hoping to use it for Time Machine but never did)
I tried this twice, each time taking about 2 hours to transfer and copy to the untitled HD. I tried "back up all files" & "back up user files." But after this process was done and I popped in the untitled HD into the Mac I continued to get the same confused folder face..twice.
Any help on the matter is really appreciated as I'm highly considering not even sending my Macbook in with the 500GB HD to completely avoid any possible frustation if that HD was to magically erased.
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Dec 4, 2008
This is the image I get on my iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo OSX10.5.4. I have repaired permisions and removed all login items. Once I move the cursor or open up a window the screen clears behind the cursor or window etc... It freezes up at least once or twice a day...
I started up again and attached another screen, the image was normal on both screens. But alone the iMac still starts up with the pixelated screen.
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Feb 5, 2010
I want to edit this file but when I want to save it says: Document 'xxxxx' cannot be saved. You do not have write permissions. [URL]
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Dec 3, 2008
This is the image I get on my iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo OSX10.5.4. I have repaired permisions and removed all login items. Once I move the cursor or open up a window the screen clears behind the cursor or window etc...Any suggestions? It freezes up at least once or twice a day...
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Mar 24, 2009
I was wondering if there was a way to take a screen shot/screen grab ect. movies on mac? Because I wanted to put it as my desktop and take a few and just have them alternating.
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Jun 21, 2012
This is unnerving. At random intervals, my screen flashes. It more like "winks" - as though a screen capture was being made. Actually, when you make a real screen capture, the screen doesn't wink, but that's the impression I get. The screen doesn't flicker or flash like it's a hardware bad connection, but goes through a fast, but continuous normal-white-normal cycle. I'm looking at my activity monitor to see if something is unusual, but I can't tell. Everything I look up seems to be real.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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