OS X :: Unable To Rip DVDs / System Freezes And Nothing Works

Jun 2, 2009

I've had this white MacBook for less than 6 months and it has froze on me multiple times already. I took it to the Mac store and they said to put the OSX discs in to get the original files, cause they thought there might be a corrupted file. So I tried that and today it froze again.

I looked at the logs and the programs that make it freeze are Osex and Macthe Ripper. The whole computer freezes where the keyboard and mouse don't work. I can only shut down the computer with the power button. I'm trying to back up my discs so I can put away my originals. This is my first Mac and didn't think this would be happening. I tried fixing the permissions, restarting, and loading the original discs. I deleted Osex and this is my first freeze with MactheRipper. Software issue? Should I just use a paid program?

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Software :: Unable To Access System Preferences / Computer Freezes Up

Jul 9, 2010

The computer is a dual G4 1Ghz with 2Gb of Ram and two hard drives. Used to run a custom built microscope in a scientific lab. Resurrecting it is imperative, as the cards and other equipment are now out of date and replacing the computer and cards would be enormously expensive (and worse, would mean switching to PC).

There are several issues:
-No response to selecting "About this mac" from the apple logo in the upper left.
-No response to selecting restart or shutdown
-The computer freezes up (pinwheel) whenever I attempt to access System Preferences (window will appear however once mouse is over it, pinwheel appears).
-does not recognize the USB key needed to run a piece of software.

-together these issues prevent us from installing the software needed to control the scope.

I've tried reinstalling (clean not archive) the OS on the original HD and a new HD. The problem doesn't go away.Have also cleared out the systempreferences.plist and the cache for both safari and preference panes.

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OS X :: Unable To Activate Guest Account / System Freezes With Rainbow Pizza

Jul 21, 2010

New Mac Mini 2009, Apps, user and settings imported from a G4 Cube running Leopard perfectly. When I go to System Prefs - Accounts - Guest and I mark the checkbox "Allow Guests connect to this computer" System Prefs freezes with rainbow pizza. Then, no matter if I kill the application or not, the system is death. If I launch new apps from the dock, they bounce a four five times and then stop but the applications don't launch. Not even I can restart. When all the applications closes the system starts a loop of spinning clock wheel - blue screen - clock wheel - blue screen forever.

This is the second new Mac that has the same exact problem after importing all my data, and it's 100% reproducible. I returned the first one to Apple cause I thought it was a hardware failure. What I have done?

Repair permissions and diks
Reinstall the system
Create a test user and try from there
Try from root user
System log when I click the guest box:
System log after checking Guest User Access:

Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini ReportCrash182: Formulating crash report for process securityd23
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SecurityServer23): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 179 PPID 1 SecurityAgent
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SecurityServer23): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 178 PPID 1 authorizationhos
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SecurityServer23): Exited abnormally: Segmentation fault
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini ReportCrash182: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/securityd_2009-03-20-174840_Mini.crash using uid: 0 gid: 0, euid: 0 egid: 0
Mar 20 17:49:41 Mini /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit171: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 268435459
Mar 20 17:49:41 Mini /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit171: CSBackToMyMac::_SCSecKeychainCopySystemKeychain returned NULL
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 1102
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: GetOurLSSessionIDInit(), returned error 0xe2, securitySessionID=0x0 attrs=0 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash191: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 1102
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash191: GetOurLSSessionIDInit(), returned error 0xe2, securitySessionID=0x0 attrs=0 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash191: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash194: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 1102
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash194: GetOurLSSessionIDInit(), returned error 0xe2, securitySessionID=0x0 attrs=0 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash194: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini com.apple.launchd108: catch_mach_exception_raise_state_identity(): thread: 0xa8cf task: 0x8eaf type: 0xa code: 0x2c044 codeCnt: 0x2 flavor: 0x2c054 old_state: 0x2c05c old_stateCnt: 0x2c new_state: 0x2b02c new_stateCnt: 0x2b028
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.ReportCrash.SafetyNet194): Exited abnormally: Abort trap
Mar 20 17:49:54 Mini ReportCrash195: Formulating crash report for process ReportCrash191
Mar 20 17:49:54 Mini ReportCrash195: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ReportCrash_2009-03-20-174953_Mini.crash using uid: 0 gid: 0, euid: 0 egid: 0
Mar 20 17:49:54 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.ReportCrash191): Exited abnormally: Abort trap
Mar 20 17:49:55 Mini ReportCrash195: Formulating crash report for process quicklookd190
Mar 20 17:49:56 Mini ReportCrash195: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/quicklookd_2009-03-20-174954_Mini.crash using uid: 0 gid: 0, euid: 0 egid: 0
Mar 20 17:49:55 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.quicklook190): Exited abnormally: Abort trap
Mar 20 17:49:55 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.quicklook): Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds

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Software :: Time Machine Unable To Delete Back Up / System Freezes

May 27, 2010

Nothing happens, the comupter, macBook Pro, Snow Leopard, freezes. The only functional button is the esc key. Once it is pressed the computer functions.

I have tried repairing permissions on my hard drive, repairing disk on the external disk. Still the same.

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Intel Mac :: It Freezes Up But Mouse Still Works

Mar 14, 2012

I've got an imac with Snow Leopard on it.  It has started to freeze up quite a bit, maybe once every two days.  There are four profiles on the computer and it happens to them all.I have reparied permissions in each profile and run the Hardware test both standard and extended and it returned zero problems.  I've reset the PRAM and NVRAM.  When it freezes up the only thing that still works is the mouse. It moves the pointer but clicking doesn't do anything.  Trying to force quit applications doesn't do anything.  I tried unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in, thinking maybe it wasn't really freezing but just a bad keyboard but that didn't do anything--and neither does rightclicking on anything. 

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Software :: G5 2004 Freezes - Works Fine In Safe Mode

Mar 18, 2010

I've got a G5. After a short while I turn on the computer, the computer will freeze.If I boot in Safe mode the computer is working fine. I removed few items from the start up,I used disk utilities to verify and repair permissions, but no it keeps freezing when I start up normally.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sharing System Preferences Freezes Entire System

Jul 3, 2012

I recently took the plunge and installed Lion after being content with Snow Leopard....well now I have quite a few issues. When I open system preferences for some reason it automatically opens to Network...why I'm not sure. When I click show all, then click sharing, I can't make any changes in the Sharing preferences without my entire system locking up. I can't force quit or anything. I can still use the mouse but all I have is the rainbow wheel!

I have searched and searched and haven't been able to fix it. I have tried booting into the Guest account and the same problem happens there. I have trashed all the plist files everyone says to try. I have tried repairing permissions etc. I feel like I have tried everything. Is there anything else that I can do without have to do a clean re-install. I'm hearing if I do this that I won't be able to migrate my files from by backups due to permission problems?

I also took a look at my system log and it is full of this!
Jul 3 22:24:26 jessica-imac com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.Kerberos.digest-service[1307]): Exited with code: 1
Jul 3 22:24:26 jessica-imac com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.Kerberos.digest-service): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds .....

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: Unable To Rip DVDs

Nov 22, 2010

So I recently installed my 120gb OCZ Agility 2 SSD into my superdrive bay and using a USB DVD drive but here are my issues, I can't rip a full dvd in Handbrake (it will rip up to 25 minutes and tell me its complete) and I can't play DVDs using the DVD player program. Was there a different way to format the SSD and relocating the home folder to the original 1TB drive?

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OS X :: Unable To Burn CD / DVDs In Finder

Jul 18, 2010

I was trying to burn a few MP3 for a friend of mine today outside of iTunes (ripped from flv). I threw in a CD-R and was prompted to choose what to do. Because it was a simple burn, I was going to use finder. For some reason, I can't. This is the window that pops up when I try to choose "Open with Finder" Code: The operation can�t be completed because you don�t have the necessary permission. Not sure whats up with that seeing as I am admin on my MBP. I have repaired permissions and that didn't work. Weird still, I can burn in iTunes and Toast. Anyone have any ideas of what is going on?

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Applications :: DVD Player - Unable To Read Any DVDs

Dec 18, 2010

I own a Macbook Pro and today I realised that it wasn't reading any DVDs. It has read them before in the past but it won't now.

Whenever I put the DVD in it waits for a while making it's regular sounds and after about a minute it ejects it, doesn't even read the disc or anything.

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Applications :: Unable To Rip Dvds / MTR Shuts Down Immediately

May 14, 2009

Okay...so I'm literally going crazy. My father ripped a bunch of dvds of mine using his pc (I haven't converted him...yet!) with DVDfab Platinum. I'm working on backing up my movies on hard drive and I have tried to rip them to my Macbook with MTR as well as burning them with Popcorn.

I have never had any difficulty with either program except when it comes to trying to re-rip these dvds copied on pc first.It doesn't seem logical that this can be a pc to mac problem...but who knows? MTR shuts down immediately when trying to rip the movie. Popcorn won't burn the TS file from the DVD or an image file of the DVD. I'm lost. Does anyone have any suggestions...?

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OS X :: What File System Works Both In Mac And Xp

Nov 9, 2008

I have a external HDD and I want to share files between Mac and Xp these files are over 8 gbs each what file system can OSX write to and what can xp read from?

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OS X :: How Operating System Works?

Aug 24, 2009

I have had my mac for sometime now and love it but was looking for more info on how the operating system works. For example I understand in my applications folder there is my programs but what is the library and the system library? How does it all work etc? Does anyone have any handy links I can use to learn more about the workings of OSX?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Load Cds And Dvds / Slow Loading Brand New Dvd Burner

Jun 21, 2010

I have a slow loading brand new dvd burner that I took out of a dell studio xps 16" that is the same exact size as the super drive in the macbook pro unibody 15" (both sata)...Is it possible for me to use this drive since my macbook pro 15 is not letting me load cds or dvds but it does go in...let me know before I do this myself and damage the whole thing

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Play .vob File From DVDs With Transferred Super8 Movies

Mar 29, 2012

I have an old DVD custom made from old super - 8 home movies. It plays well in a home DVD player meant to plug into the TV. My MBP 15" mid-2010 8x SuperDrive optical drive cannot play this - on calling up the files to be played, I see a folder with grayed-out files. Furthermore, I can't get out of the DVD player easily and have to do the Force Quit to shut down the program and use Disc Utility to eject the disc. (I use Disc Utility to dismount all types of discs, by habit).My SuperDrive works fine for commercial DVD movies, reading and writing CDs, etc. The "home movies" DVD's file extensions are: .vob, .ifo, .bup. The "home movie" files are:







VTS_01_2.VOB  and so on for the chapters

Do I need to have the "home movie" DVD remastered in a different format?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Burn DVDs Back Up Snow Leopard .dmg In Toast 10 Or Disk Utility?

Jan 14, 2011

I am getting errors when I attempt to burn my back-up Snow Leopard .dmg in Toast 10 or Disk Utility. Is my superdrive faulty? Here are my error messages.

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PowerPC :: Translucent Menu Bar Works On PowerBook G4 But Not In My System?

Aug 21, 2009

I'm trying to figure out why I can't get my menu bar to be translucent on my MacBook. It works just fine on the PowerBook G4. Look at these:PowerBook G4 set to translucent:MacBook set to translucent:MacBook not set to translucent

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Power Mac G5 :: System Freezes Due To Overheating?

Dec 18, 2007

Over the last few months I've noticed a trend with my dual 2GHz G5 at home, it often locks up and the fans go full-throttle. It sometimes happens when I'm using it and often when I leave it idling for a while. I've noticed that the CPU A and CPU B temperatures start around 120 degrees F when the machine is first powered up and steadily climbs to around 150. Is that normal? The dual 1.8GHz G5 I have at the office doesn't run hotter than 110 degrees. The fans haven't failed. Is there a coolant link? Is there anything I can do to diagnose this, or do I simply need to call AppleCare?

Mac OS X (10.5)

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OS X :: System Preferences Freezes All The Time?

Dec 19, 2010

whenever i try to remove something like growl or hyperdock from the other section of the system preferences pane, system preferences freezes. it has done this since whenever i first installed snow leopard on my computer. is this a snow leopard bug that apple has never fixed or should i try a system restore from the 10.6 disks.

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IMac :: Will System Freezes With WiFi On?

Apr 26, 2009

Right now I'm saving for the 20" model (2.66). Would The 20" 2.66 iMac Freeze Like The 4850 Issue? Will it freeze like the upper model with wi-fi on? Making sure before I invest in an iMac.

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OS X :: System Freezes And Display Goes Blank

Jul 3, 2009

I recently upgraded from my Macbook to a refurbished Macbook Pro and since the day I got it it has been giving me problems. Applications quite suddenly all the time and the system freezes and runs sluggish. The biggest prob is the display. It goes black and won't come back on. Sometimes when it goes blank you can see faintly if you look carefully and you can hear sounds. It slowly deteriorates from a once a week occurrence to a daily one until it won't turn on at all. I reinstall everything once a month. I took my computer to the mac store they ran all the diagnostic tests they have and said it is not a hardware problem. I have now wiped out all of my non-apple applications and the problem is back.

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Software :: My System Get Freezes About A Five Seconds?

Jul 8, 2009

My MacBook was working perfectly until a couple days ago, when it suddenly started hanging every time I booted it up. I gave it a day, and managed to complete some software updates the next time I logged in, after which it started working fine again. Now, however, it KEEPS freezing every ten seconds no matter what I'm doing. The worst part is, it freezes for about five seconds (the pointer becomes a pinwheel, which keeps rotating, as if my laptop's processing something), and then it starts working again. I ran a virus scan to no avail, and have rebooted my MacBook countless times. I don't know what's wrong with my laptop

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: When I Use Comand  R My System Freezes Up

May 14, 2012

I am using OnyX and it says I need to repair my startup Disk. When I do Comm +R my system freezes up and I can not do anything.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: Bought A Flashed 4870 Off EBay ... Works But System Profiler Weird?

Jul 8, 2010

see attachments.

Again: Everything works, I'm wondering if this is normal though.

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MacBook Pro :: System Freezes When Trying To Force Quit

Sep 13, 2010

Say an app has crashed and I then bring up the force quit dialog. I then select the app I want to kill, and press the force quit button. Now as the little popup that says "Are you sure you want to force quit" is coming down, my machine freezes. This has happened 3 times exactly the same way. Other than that, the machine is smooth as clockwork. I'm kinda thinking there is some sort of GFX card bug or something?

17" i7 2.66 MBP
OS 10.6.4

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MacBook Pro :: Brand New System Intermittent Freezes

Nov 27, 2010

During the first months of owning my new 15-inch MBP, I had at least three freezes. I remember there being a huge thread about this, which I can't find now. Happily though, my MBP no longer freezes, but I haven't done anything to it (other than software updates). So, was it a software glitch? Everyone were shouting about some sort of controller chip or something before, if I remember correctly...

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OS X :: System Freezes While Running Disk Utility?

Jan 10, 2011

While I was partitioning my disk, disk utility froze, along with my whole system. So I was forced to reboot.
Now my Mac thinks there's an 80 gb chunk of data somewhere (the data that would have been my partition), but I can't find it. How do I regain the lost space?

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OS X :: System Preferences Freezes When Choose Network?

Apr 1, 2009

Been a rough two weeks. I had the issue of my iMac not loading passed the grey screen. No keystrokes were working so I had to bring it in to get repaired. I was told some optic something cable had to be replaced.

Well, initially that didn't work but it just ended up taking forever too boot. 20 or 30 minutes. Now it is loading fine and Windows is also loading fine with bootcamp.

However, I can't get in to turn on my USB wireless adaptor for Sprint. I can open the system preferences and I can also go in to any other option without problems, but if I click "Network" it says Loading Network, then hangs up. I need to force quit and retry. Same results. Anyone know how to repair that? I have tried Disk Utility and it says no problems. Diskwarrior doesn't let me do much since I am booted to that drive.

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OS X :: Updated To 10.5.7 - Icons Missing And System Freezes

Jun 2, 2009

I've been experience intermediate issues ranging from not showing icons standard in OSX (such as in my shared devices, HardDrive icons tha tmount on the desktop, etc) this is a unibody 2.4ghz i got in February that came with 10.5.5 and used combo updates on each update...ive done a blank install from scratch with nothing on it and i still experience the missing icon issues that dont happen on other unibody mbps i use ??

((the other macbook pro im connecting to is an identical model 2.4 and the other one is a unibody 17, they display the proper icons under 10.5.7, unlike shown below))

My system gets random freezes even when nothing but the browser, word or small applications, it will beachball for aboud 30seconds to 2minutes even after a clean install and a combo straight to 10.5.7 any ideas on these issues? Am I the only one who is having these missing icon issues...even after a clean isntall with the original OSX Install Discs?

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IMac :: Replaced HD But System Freezes On Startup

Nov 10, 2009

I have a early 09 iMac 2.93Ghz with 6GB of ram. About a month ago it kept freezing at the grey startup screen. I took it to Apple and two trips to Apple later my hard drive was replaced. One month later here I am and the problem is happening again, the same exact problem. I turn on the iMac it goes to the grey screen, the beach ball "like" thing starts spinning and then it freezes in the middle of it and I have to do a hard power off(hold down the power button). Any ideas!? I already scheduled a appointment with Apple tomorrow afternoon but its a royal pain in the a** to keep shuffling my iMac between home and the Apple store. This will be my 4th trip in for the same problem, btw.

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