OS X :: Startup Sound Stopped - How To Get It Back
Nov 25, 2009
Title says it all. Late 09 MacBook Pro. My sound is turned on in OSX. When I reboot my MBP (or shut it off and back on), the startup sound does not chime. How can I get it back?
For some reason the sound on my Imac stopped. I checked all volume controls and they are up and still no sound. I have restarted the Imac and still nothing.
Not sure why, but all of a sudden have no sound effects. When I go to System Preferences all the alert sound effect choices are grayed out. When press the volume buttons, can't adjust settings and there's a strike-out symbol underneath the bars.
I have Itunes for Mac. The sound has stopped working on Itunes only. It works fine on Internet, Spotify Etc. Volume is up in the bar, and the little diamond is moving across indicating playback is happening...
The sound suddenly stopped on my Mac Mini, both internal speakers and external speakers. Everything is plugged in and set up as required, but there is no sound, and there was an hour ago.
during startup, my powerbook will shutdown during the gray screen I've tried booting from an external drive. It goes to a gray screen without an apple logo.I've tried putting it in Target disk mode (to get my files off). But it won't mount on my desktop.Also tried resseting the pram as apple's troubleshooting suggested. nothing differen
the sound on my macbook stopped working yesterday. I tried rebooting it and nothing changed. There is no red light in the headphone slot either. The sound doesnt work with headphones or without. What could be wrong with it?
I should make sure "Built-in Output" is selected in my sound settings, but that option doesn't even appear. It's as if my computer forgot it had built in speakers...
I was listening to music on my macbook with headphones one night and once I unplugged them my sound stopped working. There is no red light coming out of the headphone jack and when I go to the sound settings it says there are no output controls. I don't know what to do because everyone says theirs has a red light but mine doesn't.
My Macbook has suddenly stopped having internal speakers in the sound preferences.When I turn it on, it plays that familiar synth chord sound to say all is ok, but it wont play any audio. So videos and itunes etc play but the sound isn't produced.When I try to turn the volume up or down, the indicator says the volume is up full, but I cannot adjust it. Underneath the volume measurement there is a little sign in white like a no entry sign, meaning that adjustment of volume is not available.I gues this must mean that the speakers have been disabled, but can't figure out how to enable them.
I have a macbook 2,1, the white one. Has anyone else had their regular built in sound just stop working right after upgrading to snow leopard? I can get sound to play through headphones, but once I up plug them the little sound icon in the menu bar will grey out and I will not be able to get sound to play through the internal speakers.
If I go to the Sys Pref > Sound > Output Pane, it will say "The selected device has no output controls" in the Settings for Selected Device section.
I upgraded my girlfriends laptop to Snow Leopard even though she could care less. Now she's all mad cause the sound doesn't work.
I was listening to a podcast on itunes, paused it, closed the MacBook, opened again a few minutes later and now there's no sound at all. There's sound from the rest of the mac, online etc., but not in itunes, it just plays the podcasts/songs mutely.
I have a 2006 Mac Pro and recently my firewire ports stopped working (front and back). I did a little searching around found a suggestion to try resetting the Mac's PRAM and NVRAM by holding the Cmd-Option-P-R keys down while booting. I have tried this numerous times and it doesn't seem to do anything (i.e. the Mac just loads OS X and doesn't re-boot like the instructions say). I'm using a MS Wireless Comfort Keyboard for Mac. Can you reset using a wireless keyboard?
Since I wasn't making any progress with that, I was toying with bringing in the Mac to a genius bar. Never having used the genius bar before - how does it work? Do I bring the computer in and leave it with them? Do they work on it while I'm there? I don't have an extended warranty so do they charge time and materials? I'm wondering if that might get awfully expensive and if I ought to just buy a PCI-X firewire card instead.
So i just recently installed COD4 in the windows part of my computer was playing it fine and great then all of a sudden the sound stopped woring i unistalled ALL the bootcamp drivers reinstalled them and to my avail it still didnt work my OS X partition works perfectly i dotn really know what else to try
I've lost all sound on my G4 iBook running OS 10.4.9. I still get the start-up chime every time I reboot, but there's no sound at all inside OS X itself.
System Preferences says there are "No output devices found." System Profiler says I have "No built-in audio."
I have tried repairing disk permissions. I have tried creating another user account and signing in. I have tried zapping the PRAM, resetting the PMU, and trashing all my cache files for both the system and my personal login. I have tried booting with Command-S and running a file system check (fsck -yf), but am told that the system "appears ok." Nothing has helped... I continue to get the start-up sound on boot, but nothing inside OS X.
Oddly, if I hook my M-Audio podcast mixer, the system detects my audio as "M-Audio," and I get sound if I use the headphone jack on the M-Audio unit itself (i.e., I can listen to iTunes, watch a YouTube video, etc.). But as soon as I unplug the unit, System Preferences reverts back to "No output devices found," and my machine resumes its maddening silence.
Since I use this machine pretty much only for podcasting and video editing, it's pretty useless to me without sound. Can someone help me, before I completely freak out? I was up until about 2am last night trying to resolve this.
How can I get this machine to "remember" the fact that it has "Built-in audio?"
how can i change the default volume level in SL upon startup? it used to startup with whatever level it was at before i restarted. now it readjust each time.
The startup sound works but after you get to the desktop screen there is no sound. When you push the speaker keys there is a circle with a line thru it. I reboot and everything works after reboot. So I have to start and reboot everytime to get the sound to work.
so i installed windows 7 on bootcamp, i noticed that the keyboard backlight keys to adjust the keyboard backlight arent working. then i switched over to the mac os, and it also stopped working there!
whenever i press the keys, the transparent box shows up but the bars do not move, it is currently off, and it also has that crossed out circle symbol.
I know that in the past this question has been asked, but I was just wondering if anyone has figured out how to _change_ the sound, not turn it off. Although some folks might want to turn it off too.
I was just working on my macbook, it's the newest macbook avaible and i got it from my school. Then once i heard a strange ticking sound, sorry if my english is not so good i'm living in holland and did't had a long time english lessons. so i shut down my laptop immediatly and tryed to start it up. but after bootup then a white screen appears. Normally the apple logo shows up, but here it doesn't then you hear that ticking sound again it's really weard. i hope that i can solve this problem myself if i cant then i can bring it to the laptop-docter at our school so that's also a possibillity but i want to make my home-work in the holiday so i hope that i can solve this problem myself.
I have a 3 year old MacBook Pro, so I decided to experiment with Bootcamp. I changed it completly to Windows. Happily it worked, however there doesn't seem to be a way to mute the startup sound. I've searched the internet for answers but the problem is, but all the advice I find tells me either to mute the computer before turning it off (which unfortunately doesn't work), plugging in headphones (also didn't work), or downloading a mac application which I obviously can't as I'm in windows.
I have a Mid 2011 13-inch MacBook Air. My speakers chime perfectly at boot up, but then when Lion 10.7.4 loads, it won't load whatever driver is needed to run the speakers.
The really weird thing is that I have the speaker icon on my top bar and "Internal Speakers" are not only listed in the Outputs of my Sound tab in System Preferences but even selected. Both the volume bar in the Sound tab and on the top bar are grayed out and non-adjustable. But whenever I reboot, I get a lovely chime sound again.
This seems to be purely a software problem, but I didn't even know Mac OSX could recognize the internal speaker hardware without loading a driver for it!
Every computer I ever had, the first thing I do is to turn off the startup sound because it is very annoying in a public place and sometimes in a quiet place. I have not been able to find out how to trun it off on my Air. I asked the guys at the stores and they just say you can't. That is really dumb. I turned off my speaker but that is not a practical way because I may not remember to turn it off when I shut down.