MacBook :: No Startup - Just Ticking Sound
Dec 28, 2010
I was just working on my macbook, it's the newest macbook avaible and i got it from my school. Then once i heard a strange ticking sound, sorry if my english is not so good i'm living in holland and did't had a long time english lessons. so i shut down my laptop immediatly and tryed to start it up. but after bootup then a white screen appears. Normally the apple logo shows up, but here it doesn't then you hear that ticking sound again it's really weard. i hope that i can solve this problem myself if i cant then i can bring it to the laptop-docter at our school so that's also a possibillity but i want to make my home-work in the holiday so i hope that i can solve this problem myself.
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Mar 10, 2008
for about 3 secs then start working again however i can use the mouse, i recently brought some ram and figured it could be that, however upon using some files on my HD i heard a ticking noise which i'm pretty sure is coming from my main HD, so is it on it's way out ?
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Mar 16, 2010
late 2009 mac mini 2.53GHz/4gig ram/320gig hd
ok the issue is that I'm constantly hearing the ticking or clicking sound from my mac mini. Could any tell me what could be making those sound?
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Apr 4, 2012
I Have a power mac G5 2.7 (early 2005?) liquid cooled. It has a ticking sound (like a clock), low level but still audible, can it be turned off? What is it?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.7 GHz early '05
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Sep 2, 2008
So my mac was acting up, no sound from iChat and Spaces wouldn't function properly.
So i restart, the Mac pro gets o the normal point of turning off the display before the spin up sound, but instead this ticking sound occurred. This had a repetition at about ever 3 seconds.
So i quickly held the power button and shut down the Mac pro. I powered up the system and all seemed fine.
Has anyone ever ran across this before?
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Dec 5, 2014
I bought my iMac last month (Late-2013 model) and notice some low/small "tick-ing" sound came out from the bottom section of my iMac i guess. I often hear that when there's no other sounds in my room. It happened whenever i scrolling down web page on Safari or when doing some graphical process on Photoshop, scrolling Dashboard and other graphical-related task.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 13, 2010
I know that in the past this question has been asked, but I was just wondering if anyone has figured out how to _change_ the sound, not turn it off. Although some folks might want to turn it off too.
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Dec 24, 2010
I'm referring to the two second sound that comes whenever you hit the power button. Is there any way to disable it?
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May 18, 2012
I have a Mid 2011 13-inch MacBook Air. My speakers chime perfectly at boot up, but then when Lion 10.7.4 loads, it won't load whatever driver is needed to run the speakers.Â
The really weird thing is that I have the speaker icon on my top bar and "Internal Speakers" are not only listed in the Outputs of my Sound tab in System Preferences but even selected. Both the volume bar in the Sound tab and on the top bar are grayed out and non-adjustable. But whenever I reboot, I get a lovely chime sound again.Â
This seems to be purely a software problem, but I didn't even know Mac OSX could recognize the internal speaker hardware without loading a driver for it!
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 13" only
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Jun 4, 2012
Every computer I ever had, the first thing I do is to turn off the startup sound because it is very annoying in a public place and sometimes in a quiet place. I have not been able to find out how to trun it off on my Air. I asked the guys at the stores and they just say you can't. That is really dumb. I turned off my speaker but that is not a practical way because I may not remember to turn it off when I shut down.
how do I turn it off permenantly.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 10, 2010
I am having an odd pproblem with a MacBook Pro. When I boot, 95% of the time, the Apple sound will loop continuously and the Notebook will not boot. In every 10 tries, I will have a chance to get the machine to boot up into the OS, and after a little while the Display will start to flash randomly and the machine will freeze. only a force shutdown seems to bring you out the freeze, but then you can't always get back into the OS because of the looping Apple Startup sound.It gets stuck at the exact same moment, right after the apple sound is finished, but loops.. So What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't get stuck at random moments, only just as the apple sound is finished playing, then it plays over, and over and over
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Nov 10, 2010
could you please provide some help as i started up my mac this morning and there was no sound on there except the startup chime and i have tried the help here:
[URL] but it doesnt help and there is no red light in the headphone slot.
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Oct 30, 2009
I have a Macbook pro 2009 (2,26Ghz, 160 GB HDD, all Apple original parts) which is only a few months old. It has never failed me and I love it. Until now. I usually just put it to sleep when I am done with it but yesterday I turned it off. Now this morning when I press the power button the mac booting up sound beeps and everything seems normal. The White screen with the apple logo comes on and it starts working. After that however a blue background appears and that "clock"-wheel-thing that spins comes up, then it goes away, then it comes back and spins some more, then it goes away and so on. Nothing else happens.
I tried turning it off and botting up again a few times but the same thing happens every time. I put in the installation-cd (Leopard) and held down c while I booted up, this seemed to be working at first, the installation menus came up and I chose that option that re-installs OSX while keeping the files on the hard drive. After a few minutes into the installation however I got a message that said (rough translation). "The installation failed. Mac OS X could not be installed on your computer. The installation could not install certain files on "/Volumes/MacintoshHD". What does this mean? Has my harddrive failed or what seems to be the problem?
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Feb 1, 2012
for some reason, my Mac doesn't play a startup sound when ever its booting up and the volume is on max.I'm running Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 18, 2008
I just bought a MacBook Pro and a Weird sound such as a disc scratching is coming from it seems my Disc drive. This only happens when I start the computer up or wake it after the HD goes to sleep. The notebook is brand new and not sure if this is normal.
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Apr 9, 2012
I'm running OS X 10.6.8 on a 2.7 GHz i7 Macbook Pro with a 250Gb Apple SSD TS256C. Since last Autumn, after a problem that saw the SSD replaced by Apple and me needing to migrate my profile across from an older Macbook, every time the system shuts down it forgets my sound settings. So no matter how I set the sound before powering down it always chimes on start up. It's entirely possible that this may be a problem from the migration, but I don't know how to rectify the issue.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.7 GHz Intel i7
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Sep 19, 2010
however today suddenly the superdrive decided to make a 1-2 second 'seeking' sound at *every* startup. there is no dvd inserted nor have i used it even once in this week. it does this at the grey apple screen at the same time the apple "chime" sounds.
i am pretty sure it didn't to this up until today, i am not particularly concerned but why would it start doing this after a week on its own?
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Jul 3, 2009
Here's a bit of a strange one, noticed over the last couple of days that the start up chime was getting quieter, then today no sound what so ever when turning it on.
Now from my understanding of it, the chime is a bit like a POST beep on a PC? Hear it once and every thing's fine? Otherwise the MBP is booting up fine, dual booting it and have sound in OS X and Win 7?!
Suspect I may have a HDD issue, as had to run chkdsk /f /r the other day and had to stop it after 12 hours as it was still on stage 4 of 5 @ 18%, and it seems to be running slower, also the HDD is becoming more vocal.
I'm going to run a full AHT on the unit, was just wondering if anyone else has come across something like this before?
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Oct 1, 2009
randomly for the first im ever, my brother was on my macbook and all of a sudden the computer froze and it had a ticking noise coming from the inside. it honestly sounded like a ticking time bomb i shut the lid but it didnt go to sleep the screen stayed lit so i shut it down with the button and started it back up.
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Apr 11, 2012
My MacBook Pro just started to making a clicking/ticking noise. I am assuming that it has something to do with the fan because when I shut my computer down, the noise stops, but once I start my computer back it, it starts once again.
MacBook Pro
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Aug 28, 2007
My Macbook had a wierd nosie coming from the fan. Its sounded like a ticking noise and got more frequent as the fan speed increased.
Its only a week old, but never notice it before, properly because I use it infront of the TV.
However, I have use a can of compressed air and blasted the rear ven, which seems to solved the problem. I have loaded the machine upto 4500 rpm and still no ticking noise.
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May 30, 2008
not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same problems but every 20-30 seconds or so I can hear the hard drive clicking and going away, is this normal ? Its not the mentioned "loud screeches" or other kind of annoying sound, its just like a little click, this is after the 10.5.3 update, just wanting to know if some of you experience the same thing ?
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May 4, 2010
Just upgraded my aging MBP to the new i5. But I hear a ticking noise from the hard drive. Is this normal?
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Jun 6, 2010
my macbook pro makes a slight ticking noise when i move it or tap it just a little bit it seems like its coming from the right palm rest any thoughts, i think it maybe the hard drive or something. oh yeah 2010 mbp 2.4 ghz 320 hard drive
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Sep 15, 2008
every once and a while, when I am working on my MBA, i get a loud "ticking noise" in the upper right of my keyboard.It sounds like the harddrive is trying to think or something, but it only happens for about 5 seconds and it occurs even at idle if i dont do anything that requires the computer to use memory or access the cache, etc...
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Apr 5, 2010
I was reading a recipe the other night and my Macbook started ticking, the screen went black, then a white screen came up with a blinking envelope with a "?" in it. This happened once before when the computer was about a year old. I took it to the Apple store and they repaired it. The problem is that store is 2 hours from me. Does anyone know what this is and how to fix it? I have hit different keys and nothing takes me out of that screen. My biggest concern is my pictures and music are on it. I plan to buy another computer (anything but Apple) if I can't come up with a fix for this. Is there any way to get my music on my Iphone onto another computer?
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Dec 21, 2003
I wonder, is there any way to change the start up sound of my mac? the "duuum" sound does grow old after many many years
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May 28, 2007
I've lost all sound on my G4 iBook running OS 10.4.9. I still get the start-up chime every time I reboot, but there's no sound at all inside OS X itself.
System Preferences says there are "No output devices found." System Profiler says I have "No built-in audio."
I have tried repairing disk permissions. I have tried creating another user account and signing in. I have tried zapping the PRAM, resetting the PMU, and trashing all my cache files for both the system and my personal login. I have tried booting with Command-S and running a file system check (fsck -yf), but am told that the system "appears ok." Nothing has helped... I continue to get the start-up sound on boot, but nothing inside OS X.
Oddly, if I hook my M-Audio podcast mixer, the system detects my audio as "M-Audio," and I get sound if I use the headphone jack on the M-Audio unit itself (i.e., I can listen to iTunes, watch a YouTube video, etc.). But as soon as I unplug the unit, System Preferences reverts back to "No output devices found," and my machine resumes its maddening silence.
Since I use this machine pretty much only for podcasting and video editing, it's pretty useless to me without sound. Can someone help me, before I completely freak out? I was up until about 2am last night trying to resolve this.
How can I get this machine to "remember" the fact that it has "Built-in audio?"
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Feb 19, 2008
Is there anyway to turn off the start up sound played through the MP internal speaker when you turn the computer on? This is really annoying!
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Sep 24, 2009
how can i change the default volume level in SL upon startup? it used to startup with whatever level it was at before i restarted. now it readjust each time.
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