OS X :: My Mac Changed It Name By Itself?

Sep 16, 2009

i was looking at a movie than suddenly for the very first time (after 3 years using mac) my laptop hanged and window opened that i should press the power and bibing sound I restart it and then i realized that my system changed it name ?my previous mac name was soltans mac and now it changed to soltans mac (2) why ?
tanks in forward /Users/soltan/Documents/soltan mac 2.tiff

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OS X :: DMG Icon Has Changed?

Nov 9, 2010

What would cause this and how to correct this issue? Here is a pic. I can no longer open these files and when I click on the it opens disk u.

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OS X :: Changed User Name And Now Everything Is Gone?

Oct 29, 2008

I changed my last name on my user name account and when I restarted my computer, it's the default dock, my iPhoto is blank, contacts in Address Book gone...all my files seem to be there, but all my preference are GONE!

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Mac Pro :: One Or More Items Can't Be Changed Because They Are In Use

May 1, 2012

I am trying to copy over 1TB of data from a internal hard drive (in a hard drive dock) to a new internal hard drive when I attempt to copy the data I get the message in the topic title. 

I was originally trying to do this transfer on Snow leopard and when this problem surfaced decided this was a good time to upgrade to lion and blow away the old system with all the rubbish and start a fresh but as you can tell I am still getting the same error even after formatting the hard drive before installing lion and not doing anything with the system except attempting to transfer the data.

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OS X :: Changed HD Permissions - No Access

Aug 26, 2010

I have 5 partitions on 3 harddisks. While installing Snow Leopard on one of them I Lost access to ALL of them. By using the Installer DVD I managed to fix the Snow Leopard one but the rest are locked. I can't change permissions even as an admin, tried Terminal, nothing works, I'm getting desperate (and tired-It's 2:20 in Sweden now). The symbol of the HD in the info shows a HD with a padlock on it! Is there a Terminal command to unlock it? I have never used Terminal until this happend. If I don't reply at once I'm probably in bed but I hope somebody has helped me when I wake up.

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OS X :: Changed Permissions For Entire HDD

Sep 20, 2010

I right clicked on my Macintosh HD icon, chose get info, then changed permission to read & write, and applied it to all enclosed items. Then I restarted my MacBook and it wouldn't boot. It would just hang on the Apple logo boot screen with the spinning thing. So I did some research online and saw that I would have to wipe my whole hard drive and start over since I applied read & write to all enclosed items. I put the OSX disk in, and booted to it. Before I went to install a fresh copy of OSX, I tried to repair disk permissions instead. To my delight, it worked. I was able to boot like normal. But now I am having some strange problems.

-When I load Firefox, the bouncing icon will be all jumpy.
-When I log into Skype, the log in sound will only play halfway.
-The most weird and major problem is the no setting will save at all. If I add a new bookmark in either Safari or Firefox, then quit and reopen the program, it will not be there. If I change my home page, the setting won't save after I quit out. If I remove something from my OSX dock, then log out then log back in, it will be back.

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OS X :: Name Not Changed When Resuming From Sleep?

Oct 11, 2010

I want to change the displayed name on my computer in the name/password box that pops up when the computer returns from sleep. I've already set the home folder name to what I want, and in system preferences-->accounts--Full Name, I've already set that to what I want as well. Also I've set the Computer's Name to what I want as well. Can't figure out where else to change a name; I thought for sure setting the full name under the user account pane in sys preferences would do the trick but I'm still getting a different name when resuming from sleep and entering my password.

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OS X :: Safari Had Changed Its Appearance?

Jan 12, 2011

i was searching thing on youtube and when i pressed enter safari had changed its appearance and its not full page except [URL] and i cant download anything like the site is not full and most of the pictures wont appear.

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OS X :: Update Changed Icons?

Sep 17, 2008

update changed my icons?

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OS X :: Browser Font Has Changed?

Oct 6, 2008

the font that my browser uses (FireFox) to display text has changed to MarkerFelt/FeltMarker.

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Mac Pro :: No New Box Design, Only Changed The RAM Slot?

Mar 4, 2009

i was expecting a totally new box look for the Mac Pro but unfortunately they only changed the RAM slot and keep the same 2006 look. I was ready to purchase a Mac Pro only if they change the look & design but it seems that i will have to wait for another year till that to happen

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OS X :: Menu Font Changed?

Jul 17, 2009

on my mac I have noticed on the menu bar the drop down menus font has changed when you hover of an option. But it is only on the Finder or right clicking on the desktop or right clicking on an app icon.

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OS X :: Restarted Mac And Background Changed Itself

Jan 2, 2010

I've just restarted my Mac and the background has changed itself to something quite worrying (screenshot attached). I can't explain it - I've not been messing with the OS or anything like that.

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OS X :: Changed Password Now Cannot Remember It

Feb 22, 2010

So this morning I changed my OS X password and didn't write it down anywhere. It was something pretty random, and I don't know if I'd even recognize it if I thought of it. I know, I know, I'm an idiot and didn't do anything right here. I'm the only user on this computer, don't have a master password set up, and don't have my install disc for another month and a half (due to my AmeriCorps program I'm moving around a lot and didn't bring it traveling with me). Is there anything I can do short of taking it to an Apple Store?

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OS X :: Google Font Changed?

Mar 26, 2010

the font on google has changed by itself? i thought it mightve been the preferences but theyre the standard ones times and courier.. so i downloaded firefox and its also happening on google on that too... but when i was downloading firefox i noticed it changed the font on the mozilla site too.

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OS X :: Sender Name Changed When Email Someone

Aug 18, 2010

I use gmail through my Mac Email, I have it synced up. My contacts are labeled as my friends names, for instance Joe Smith, would just be "Joe." Every time I email someone, their name automatically changes, and the last name is added, so Joe, is now Joe Smith. On the surface this doesnt seem like a terrible problem, but a lot of my friends I call by their last name, so if Joe Smith was entered under Smith, after I send an email, he is now "Smith Smith." In addition this change translates over into GMail, and my GChat contact would now be named Smith Smith or do I just have to label everyone with their first and last names?

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OS X Technologies :: Why Has UUID Has Changed

Mar 4, 2012

I probably already have the answer to this question myself but I wanted to make sure, and also have a follow-up query based on the responses.The system board was replaced last year after a nasty scrap between a cup of black coffee and my MBP (you will have immediately deduced who won).Today I noticed that many of the plist and plist.lockfile files within my Library/Preferences/ByHost folder have duplicates, albeit with different UUIDs in the filename. The dates pretty much tie up with when the system board was replaced so my assumption is that the UUID changed with the new hardware.

Q1) Would someone be so kind as to verify my assumption, or make a loud raspberry if my assumption is erroneous?

On the basis that the response from our wonderful community is: "Your assumption is correct Livebox, you have not gone mad, and you may rest-assured that the world is at peace (for now)", my additional question(s) are:

Q2a) Is it safe to delete ALL plist and plist.lockfile files that sport the old UUID? 

Q2b) Is it safe to delete ONLY those plist and plist.lockfile files that sport the old UUID AND have a new version that sports the new UUID?

MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4GB RAM - GeForce 8600M (512MB) GT

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Mac Pro :: Changed Display Resolution And Now Can't Log In

Apr 10, 2012

I have a mac pro 2x2.66 intel I'm running os x 10.4.11 (i know i'm going to wipe and install soon) I have a 27" apple led connected with the atlong dp400 first, the issue doesn't seem to be hardware related and is user specific. 

I have two user accounts. I have been using the monitor and converter for a few months now and it's fine.

A couple of days ago, i logged into user1 (screen res is set to 2560) then I logged into user2 (the res was set to 1920) and user2 was fine as usual. I decided to change the resolution to 2560 and the screen flashed but instead of taking me back to the desktop, it logged me out and when i tried to log back in, it hangs while loading the finder. actually, it logs me out once and then the second time, just hangs. it opens a few finder windows that I had open but doesn't load any desktop icons and then, just hangs. 

I can log into my user1 account and even another that I made for guests but never use... I just can't log into user2 now. I have been googling and couldn't find the exact problem but i tried some solutions to things that sound similar. Because it seems to be user specific... By logging in with Terminal, i was able to move some preferences out of the users preferences folder and try to restart. plists like; [URL]

but it hasn't worked...  I'm hoping I'll be able to get into this account, as i have some info I need to export before i wipe this machine and reinstall. and getting access would be the least troublesome way... 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: NAS Disk Name Changed

Jun 16, 2012

I use a NAS for backups and external storage.At some time in the past week, my backup operations stopped working, and I think I have tracked down the source of the problem. Somehow, an "extension" got added to the disk name (I did not do this and I am not sure how it happened).The disk name (Cosmos) has not changed, but when right click and choose "get info", in the "Name and Extension" section, the disk shows up as Cosmos-1. Unfortunately, the name is greyed out and I can't change it.Does anybody know how I can remove the -1 extension and change the name back to Cosmos so that my backups see the disk again?

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MacBook Pro :: Ram Failure Kernel / Changed To New Ram?

Mar 12, 2009

so i got my 3 week old mbp 15 (which i dropped and dented) replaced today due to kernel panic/ram failure/apple store only had 1 memory stick in stock...

my question is, what causes ram failure? i dont want it to happen again, i didnt install any 3rd party ram.

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OS X :: Network Changed By Another Application - What Is Its Meaning

Dec 11, 2009

My isp (Comcast) informed me that I could no longer send emails unless I changed my email port from port 25 to port 587. When I open my network preferences to make the change I get a message that my network preferences have been changed by another application. When I cancel the message it reappears and will not allow me to do anything even quit network preferences.

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OS X :: Services Menu Has Changed To Portuguese?

Jul 31, 2010

My Snow Leopard Services menu items (or at least most of them) are now listed in Portuguese! I have no idea why this has happened or how to switch back to English.

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MacBook Air :: What Has Changed In The Cooling System

Oct 26, 2010

I've been reading that the new 13" MBA runs cooler and the fan doesnt turn on as often, considering that the processor is the same what did they change to make it run cooler? Is there some heat exchanger now?

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OS X :: 10.6.5 Update Changed Wallpaper To Default

Nov 11, 2010

I just updated to the 10.6.5 update and for some reason my desktop wallpaper changed to the default wallpaper.

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Mac Pro :: Local Hostname Involuntarily Changed?

Nov 7, 2008

"This computer's local hostname, Mac Pro=4 local is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to Mac Pro-5". To change the local hostname, open System Preferences and click Sharing , then click edit and type the name in the local hostname field.

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OS X :: Firefox 3.04 - Bookmark Address Value Changed

Dec 6, 2008

I have a problem with Mozilla Firefox 3.04. Whenever I create a new bookmark, by any method, it replaces the address value with the an address that I visited in the recent past. And this address can change as time goes on, so the address value for the bookmark seems to be dynamic.

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MacBook :: Keyboard Functions Changed By Itself?

Jan 27, 2009

i went to the toilet juz now and left my macbook in the livin room and when i came back. all my function keys(expose,vol,brightness) settings were changed. i dunno why. I had to go to system preference to disable the "press Fn key to activate function" option then only it went back to normal where i din need to press the Fn key to activate expose etc... pls i wanna know y did the settings change by itself.

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IMac :: Order Details Changed - What Does That Mean

Apr 24, 2009

I, like many, am anxiously awaiting my new iMac (3.06, 4850). I just ordered tuesday but i noticed something on my order details online that i dont know what it means. yesterday when i checked the details of my order, under imac 24", it said custom configuration, then you could click it to see the specs. today it says imac 24'/SD and there is no "custom configuration" under it. whats goin on, im not freakin out but curious as to why this change occured. anyone else ever notice this or know what it means? i cant remember whether the /SD was always there or not either.

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OS X :: The Fonts On Safari Browser Have Been Changed?

May 2, 2009

I'm having more problems with my new MAC than I ever did with any PC! I loaded new fonts onto my MAC today and now when I go into Safari and browse the internet, all of the fonts on any website I go into have been changed into some ridiculous font! Why would this happen and how do I restore the default font settings?

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OS X :: Lost Everything After Changed Home Folder Name

May 27, 2009

One of my friends just called me, saying he changed the name of his home folder, and after a restart, everything is gone.

I've never done this, and I don't know what to do to fix it. Quick googling has come up with nothing useful.

He's got an album that he just recorded, which isn't backed up, and so he's pretty distraugh.

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