Applications :: ITunes Library Disappeared After Changing File Name?
Mar 21, 2010
A few days ago I tried changing the name of the middle file in the top row (Currently "iTunes Lib", which is what I think it was originally). I opened iTunes last night and found that none of my music was there. Obviously iTunes is looking for THAT folder, but the name is different.
What can I do to set this right? If I knew the original name of the file, I would try that.
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Oct 30, 2009
I have a strange problem at least to me. Recently I moved my iTunes library to an external drive and all went fine. I used the consolidation tool to achieve the task and all went just fine. Since doing this every time I open iTunes the location of the library has changed back to my local drive.
For example...
I set it to: volumesmediaiTunes Media
and it is automatically changed to: usersmemusiciTunesiTunes Media
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Jul 2, 2009
For some reason, when my son was trying to load a from a CD to the applications folder all the applications suddenly disappeared. If you click on itunes or word you get an error notice about a corrupt file. The documents appear to be there.What should we do? We are running OS 10.4.11 on an iMac.
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
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Apr 16, 2008
I had to restore my library a while problem, dragged it onto the desktop, iTunes rebuilt it from the .xml file and everything was fine...only problem is now I'm trying to tidy up my desktop and those two pesky library files won't stay deleted from the desktop no matter how man times I trash them...Now, I understand the library file needs to update itself and all, but why can't it keep it's business confined to the iTunes folder?
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Oct 4, 2009
In the preferences section of iTunes I have it unchecked to "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library" but not sure why it would add the file. I have all of my music stored in the default location for iTunes and when I play a file outside of iTunes, it will add it to the library database.
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Sep 29, 2009
Why do they both exist? My best guess is just that they switched to iTunes Library but maintain an identical iTunes Music Library file for now for compatibility (since the XML files exist so 3rd party apps can access the iTunes library).
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Apr 14, 2012
Looked at my ITunes library last week to try and make a new playlist but all my years of music/videos etc has disappeared without me doing anything? I have had very bad luck with Time Machine as well and realised not long ago that for 4 years it has only been backing up 'Desktop' and not the whole computer. I backed up all my photos and docs on various DVD's and CD's once I realised but I cant see that I backed up my Itunes library. I am only hoping that on the 'Desktop' external hard drive back ups that I can find it again? If it is on there, how do I get it off as I have heard that you can not retrieve certain items from an external hard drive especially with Time machine although I have never needed to before. Do you think all my songs etc have gone forever now?
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Jun 25, 2012
My daughter's entire iTunes library seems to have disappeared from her mac. She has everything on her iPhone. How does she get it back onto her computer?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 20, 2009
In trying to set up shared music among the users of my computer I think I deleted the original file info, even though there was a music folder showing folders for the individual artists in my library. These however now appear to be empty. I have the music listed in iTunes but when I try to open a song I get a window with the following message, "The song "...." could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?" But no luck locating the files. The guy at the Apple Genius Bar said I could retrieve the music but refused to tell me how because it is supposedly illegal. I don't know why it is illegal because the tunes were purchased. But he did tell me to google the problem and I have come up empty handed.
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Mar 13, 2009
I've got to a point where the HD on my MacBook is just too small to hold my music library, so for a while now, I've been housing it on an external drive hooked up to an Airport Express. My setup certainly isn't without its fair share of problems.
Setup: I keep my own folder structure, with folders for specific categories and playlists. iTunes's music folder structure has never been organized enough for me, so I don't use it. Another reason is I have music in my library that isn't in iTunes (since I don't frequently use it). My music library resides on an AirDisk, while my iTunes database along with some local music folders resides on my Mac.
Problems: Whenever I move songs/albums/playlists from the local storage on my Mac to my remote library, I have to go through and reselect the file location on the AirDisk for every file. I've also noticed that files on my AirDisk typically appear with an exclamation next to them, won't sync to my iPhone, and won't play in things like iTunes DJ unless I manually mount the AirDisk. Even then, iTunes only sees the specific song I clicked. iTunes still thinks other songs on the AirDisk are unavailable (even though the AirDisk is mounted), and thus skips them when playing unless I specifically click a song. Finally, whenever I move my music library around (like putting it on a NAS), I have to go through and manually change the location of each and every song!
All of these problems makes me think there has to be a better way! I've read about using iTunes to relocate the iTunes music library or database to a different disk, using the "Consolidate Library" feature and other built-in features, but it doesn't seem like any of these would work with a custom folder structure. I also know there are various 3rd-party "helper" apps available, but I haven't looked into them. Perhaps a 3rd-party app could simplify the process?
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Dec 17, 2009
When I used to delete a song from my iTunes library it would ask me if I wanted to also remove it completely from my computer. Now it no longer does and I cannot find a option to get that back. Can someone tell me where I can get iTunes to do this again?
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May 29, 2009
I was adding some music to iTunes downloaded through acquisition x, and my external HD (Seagate 320 GB) all of a sudden has no music files anywhere on it. The available space is still the same as when i had 40 gigs of music on it, and iTunes says on opening: "The file "iTunes Library" does not appear to be a valid iTunes Library file. iTunes has created a new iTunes Library and renamed this file to "iTunes Library (Damaged)."
I can't find any .xml or .itl or a (damaged) library file ANYWHERE. THEN the next dialog display says the iTunes application could not be opened, the required file is in use.
So used an applescript to unhide invisible files and folders, and the .Trash is empty, Finder's trash is empty, searched all OVER for any trace of the .mp3 files in my library, but they have disappeared. I also can't unmount or eject, verify or repair my External because it is "in use." The only process running i can see is finder, though I'm not sure.
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Dec 22, 2008
When i allow iTunes copy and organize my music files it uses /Artist/Album/# TrackName structure. Can i configure it to use /Artist/AlbumYear - Album/# Artist - TrackName?
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Sep 5, 2014
I was changing my track info in my library (of 1 song) and unfortunately I have changed all of my authors and cover pic. of entire library. Is there any chance to change it back? I don’t use an Time machine I use the last iTunes and also the iTunes Match ....
iTunes, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 27, 2009
Was editing a photo in iPhoto just a few minutes ago and BOOM, I get the "you must restart your computer by holding down the button" prompt and the screen is locked. So I hold it down and restart. Open back up iPhoto after restart and it's like I'm starting it for the first time. It shows ZERO photos. What happened!?!?!
I seek my photos from an external hard drive and the file is still there so how do I reimport them into iPhoto and why did this happen?
I have the Mini iPhoto Library icon which is 70 gigs in size, which has not only my photos in it, but also my preferences. How do I get iPhoto up and working again? Do I just have to tell iPhoto where to look for my library? If so, I forgot how to do this.
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Oct 19, 2010
If I want to let a program change ID3 tags of MP3s outside of iTunes, would iTunes not be able to find or recognize the files after this? Would my library be ruined?
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Dec 1, 2014
iTunes won't change more than one file's information at once (e.g. changing the componist at 10 Songs), even if i mark them together and iTunes tells me if i want to change them at all. It doesn't change a thing at all. If i change them one after all it works. I have about 25.000 Songs which i want to edit.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 11, 2009
I used to be able to adjust the size the artwork is displayed in my Music library, now I can't in iTunes 9. Why?
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Dec 8, 2014
On Mavericks, Current itunes. My iTunes library files, the folder, iTunes Library.itl , iTunes Music Library.xml and so on, are stored in the Music folder of my system on the main hard drive.Â
All of the actual MP3s etc are on a separate drive, "Beagle Music". (I have iTunes set to not import and to leave my files the way I have them organized)
I've moved those to a new External, "Beagle Media". Â
I would like to point iTunes to the new drive, and would GREATLY PREFER not to have to rebuild the library files from scratch.Â
I TRIED editing the file path in iTunes Music Library.xml, thinking that would fix the .ITL file, but that is actually the reverse of how it works, so the XML reverted when I restarted iTunes.
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
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Sep 22, 2009
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
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Apr 5, 2012
While downloading podcasts to my library, I am getting the message, "the iTunes Library file cannot be saves. An unknown error occured (-54)." Any idea of what is going on?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), & Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 26, 2012
I constantly seem to be getting the error above. I have searched the internet but no one else seems to have the error.
Info:MacBook Pro 15" 2.53Ghz, 4gb, 320gb hd, Mac OS X (10.6.1), LED Cinema Display & iPhone 3GS (3.1.2)
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Jun 24, 2014
I am trying to upgrade my apps. When I go into the store, it prompts me for my username and password. It's defaulting to a different user - why?? When I enter my Apple ID / password, I receive the following error message:
This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled.
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Mar 14, 2012
I opened iTunes today and although all my music was listed under "Music" in the Library, every time I tried to play a song I am told that the original cannot be found. So what do I need to do to clear out iTunes "memory" so I can re-load the library?
Mac Pro 2.66 Ghz 8-core, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Radeon 5770
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Apr 24, 2012
iTunes often tells me it can't save my library file anymore. When I check my itl file in the Finder, it isn't linked to iTunes anymore ("open with") and my permissions are listed as "you have unknown access". If I quit and restart iTunes it says the Library file cannot be found. A simple reboot solves this problem every time, but it shouldn't happen in the first place.
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May 20, 2012
Can one itunes library.itl file be used for music in two different itunes media files? I have an Air. Want to have music in MP3 format on the Air and the same music in Lossless format on a large external HD. Would like same playlists etc for both types. Lossless takes up too much room on the Air but for playing tunes on the road, MP3 is fine. Want to keep same music as Lossless for archiving and for playing on very good speakers at times; would be kept on the external HD. Would like to have the same playlists, ratings, etc., for music that is in both MP3 and Lossless format. For example, rating Dylan's Blood on the Tracks album as a 5 for both the tracks that are in MP3 format (that live on the Air) and the same tracks in Lossless format (that reside on the external HD). I realize I could have separate iTunes folders on the Air and the Ext HD but then would have to duplicate all the data on playlists, ratings, etc. for the two independent iTunes folders.Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 16, 2012
Foolishly, i excluded my ~/music folder from my Time Machine backup, and when i restored following a recent system drive meltdown, i lost all of my iTunes library files - the .itl, the Previous iTunes Libraries, the .xml, everything. However, my media was on a different drive, which is still spinning. Additionally, i had my library synched to my iPhone, and i had Matched what iTunes could Match to the cloud. So i have all of my media locally, i have most of my media in the cloud and or on my phone, and i have most of my playlists in the cloud or on the phone. What is the best way for me to put my data back into iTunes and return to normalcy? In that i have an empty library right now, i have turned synching off on my phone. What i most want to get back is playlists. What i secondly want to get back are playcounts and ratings.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Early 2008
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Jun 26, 2012
I want to set up my old Mac Mini as a home server for our Apple Tv2 and my Macbook pro, but I am having difficulty setting up iTunes. All of our music is stored on an external hard drive, attached to the Mini and i have set up an iTunes library on the Mini too. So far so good, and I can access this library on the MacBook as a shared library, and the Apple TV through home sharing.
But, I want to go further and add to and edit the shared library (i.e. the one on the Mini) using iTunes on my MacBook. Am I able to also access the library file stored on the Mini from iTunes on the MacBook pro, so I am using the same library file on two instances of iTunes on two different computers?
Currently when I try (by opening iTunes on the MacBook while holding down option, and 'choosing' the library on the Mini, i get the following error message: The iTunes Library.itl file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for this file
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 22, 2014
When I try and copy MP4 file movies into iTunes library, it gives me this message 'The disk can not be read from or written to.
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