OS X :: Memory Keep Disappearing Day By Day / 1 Giga Of Memory Left From 2 Giga
Apr 14, 2010
I'm new to mac and I've noticed that I can have 2 gigs of memory one day and the next I'm down to 24 or something!I've noticed that if I open a file in Itunes and then change the info that there are now 2 files in the finder, one with the old info and the new with the new metadata. Why does OS-X do that?!
Also, if I have 1 gig of memory left (out of 180 or so) why does it disappear to 0 if I open photoshop? I'm used to a PC running virtual memory and CPU but why does the Mac actually take away my available memory?I'm at my wits end here, it's been driving me up the wall for weeks!
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has dissappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
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Feb 15, 2009
My question is how to make a Giga Ethernet network wiring. I know from Internet there are diagrams for cable but I want to know the wiring of the module (the plastic box that I insert the LAN cable.
I house has a "CAT 5" cable laid, but it is only "half connected" because I found there are 4 wires unconnected. This is what the wiring when view from the rear (with the notch at the bottom).
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May 18, 2010
I'm wondering if someone with the latest Time Capsule (announced last week) can post the results of copying a large file (such as your iPhoto library or equivalent - ideally over 500MB) from the HD on your Mac to the HD on the TC over GigE.
Please report the time in seconds for the copy to complete and the size of the file. I'd like to understand if they changed the QoS on transfers to the TC HD.
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May 9, 2009
I'm new to mac and I've noticed that I can have 2 gigs of memory one day and the next I'm down to 24 or something. I've noticed that if I open a file in Itunes and then change the info that there are now 2 files in the finder, one with the old info and the new with the new metadata. Why does OS-X do that?!
Also, if I have 1 gig of memory left (out of 180 or so) why does it disappear to 0 if I open photoshop? I'm used to a PC running virtual memory and CPU but why does the Mac actually take away my available memory?
I'm at my wits end here, it's been driving me up the wall for weeks!
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has disappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
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Apr 2, 2012
How do I find out how much memory I have left on my macbook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 25, 2009
I just installed the new Leopard and now i have only 3 gigs of memory left out of the original 74.21 gb. I know before i installed it i had ~27 gigs left, is there anyway to find out what is taking up all the additional space?
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Oct 16, 2009
I have a Black MacBook (Early 2008). I think that I still have the factory standard RAM sticks (I bought the Mac used from a friend). I noticed today that I am running on only one gig of RAM even though I have two gigs of memory.
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Jul 20, 2010
I have been running out of hard drive space and have deleted a whole bunch of files... even deleted all the languages i didn't need from all my applications... about a week ago i freed up around 2GB.... but without saving and downloading anything my free space is now 70MB!! All I have been doing is watching streamed videos and I notice this reduces the drive space as I'm watching it!! Even opening firefox and some websites drops my memory by 0.1MB. I can't find anywhere where temporary files might be so i can delete them.
I never used to have this problem but I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I now use wireless internet through a phone provider and a USB modem rather than my previous WiFi via cable broadband. Can anybody shed some light on what is stealing my memory when browsing?
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Dec 2, 2009
I have been running out of hard drive space and have deleted a whole bunch of files... even deleted all the languages i didn't need from all my applications... about a week ago i freed up around 2GB.... but without saving and downloading anything my free space is now 70MB!! All I have been doing is watching streamed videos and I notice this reduces the drive space as I'm watching it!! Even opening firefox and some websites drops my memory by 0.1MB. I can't find anywhere where temporary files might be so i can delete them.
I never used to have this problem but I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I now use wireless internet through a phone provider and a USB modem rather than my previous WiFi via cable broadband.
Can anybody shed some light on what is stealing my memory when browsing?
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Mar 21, 2009
I just bought a early 2009 MAC Pro and it came with 3GB of RAM, I ordered 3 2GB sticks of memory to replace the 3 1GB sticks that I had in there from Kingston. I turned off the unit, I popped the little levers and pulled the memory out of slot 1, 2, 3 and then replaced the memory with the new Kingston in slot 1, 2, 3
One of the sticks in is not working at all and I get the RED LED light no matter what slot I move that chip to. So I am running on 2 of the new Kingston memory chips.
Can I mix the memory and add the 1GB into slot 3 and 4 with slot 1 and 2 full of 2GB chips?
Also how to I run the memory utility again? I went to /system/Library/CoreServices/ and then I see the program Memory Slot Utility.app
How do I run this? I'm used to no spaces and I type ./then program name
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Nov 15, 2009
I've just updated the os to 10.6.2 and my 16gb mac pro 1,1 only shows 8gb in the system profiler. The memory tab shows they're all working correctly but size says "2gb" where should be "4gb".
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Mar 20, 2012
I installed 4x2GB memory modules. Now, I have a "Memory Slot Utility" pop-up(The memory modules are installed in the recommended slots) that pops up every time I start my computer. How do I get rid of this notice permanently?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Feb 15, 2009
is it possible increasing either on boot camp?
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Sep 27, 2010
Im trying to figure out how much memory to order for my mac pro which will be ordered soon. I know the more the better but there must come to a point where it makes little difference?
My primary uses are lightroom, photoshop (amateur/prosumer level) as well as running windows XP and possibly 7 inside Fusion.
Would 8gb be enough or would 12 make a substantial difference ?
Is there a big real world difference between running in dual or triple channel?
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Oct 3, 2010
i have Mac Pro 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon and there are 4 slots fro memory how much memory can i fit in there what is the highest memory sticks that i can get and can you recommend any places where i cab order some?
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Feb 4, 2012
I have an 2005 macbook pro that only has 1GB of memory but i need 2 to intall Lion - can i add more memory?
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.0.1
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Apr 10, 2012
How do I add memory to my mac pro?
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Jan 17, 2008
I tried reading the manual but im a little confused. Mine came with the standard 2 x 1 gb that is installed on top and bottom card (1gb on top and 1 gb on bottom). I purchased 4 x 2gb cards and want to install it on top of the 2 x 1 gbs I currently have.
On the manual its telling me to install it in pairs but 1 is inserted on top and 1 is inserted on bottom...
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Mar 27, 2008
So my last project - the first one on my new 3.2 octo with 20 GB RAM - and I'm getting out of memory errors in FCP. I thought at first it was a permissions or bad preferences problem, but it turns out that I actually pushed Final Cut too far and it exceeded it's 4GB RAM limit. does anyone have any info from Apple about when they might upgrade FCP to use more RAM?
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Apr 3, 2008
does anyone know how much memory would the PowerBook G4 (the very last one, 1.67GHz with DL SD and 15" HD) take?
apple- says 2GB, but is that limited by the motherboard or by the fact that when this machine went out of production, 2GB sticks weren't available yet?
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Apr 5, 2008
I thought I read awhile back someone posted on how to move the virtual memory to another hard drive. Now, I could be wrong, so I did a search and couldn't find the thread. So my question is on my Mac Pro, I have three HDs. 350GB that has OS. 500GB that is free. 1TB that has data. Is there a way to move the paging file (VM) so that it is being used on the 500GB hd?
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Apr 23, 2008
I have just installed 2 x 2 GB Memory from OWC in my new Mac Pro (early 2008). I have followed the video on OWS�s website in terms of where they should be placed!
Here is what I have tried:
Apple 2 x 1GB in Riser A slots 1 & 2
OWC 2 x 2GB in Riser B slots 1 & 2
OWC 2 x 2GB in Riser A slots 1 & 2
Apple 2 x 1GB in Riser B slots 1 & 2
(It should be 6GB in total)
Both options only show up as 4GB in total, where the OWC is 1GB each. Have tried to reset the PRAM, without any luck.
I then tried to take out the Apple memory, so only the new OWC was in and this then showed up as 3GB. Switched them around ant still only 3GB, but in a different order in the riser! So one on the OWC memory sticks must be faulty.
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Apr 1, 2009
My MacBook Pro (not shut down, only slept/awoken) for the past several months, is still running strong. That part is good. However, it seems that I noticed my swap file usage was already 997MB!
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Apr 6, 2009
I recently purchased two 2GB memory modules from OWC to upgrade my MacBook 2.4 Core 2 Duo. The memory arrived and I verified the packing slip matched what I had ordered. The install went smoothly. Upon turning on my Mac, instead of booting up I got a gray screen and 3 repeatable beeps. These sounded like "warning alerts", so I immediately shut down and tried to power up again - with the same result. I reopened my Mac and confirmed everything was done correctly by popping out the sticks and re-inserting to make sure the modules we're properly seated. Turned on the machine and got the same thing. Nervously, I re-installed the factory modules and (thankfully) my Mac booted up just fine. So does this mean that the memory I received is DOA? Is there anything else those 3 warning beeps might have been indicating? I'm 99 percent sure the memory I received is matched for my machine, so all I can assume is that it's faulty? Can anyone verify my assumption before I contact OWC to help me rectify the situation?
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Apr 28, 2009
like a mounth ago I bought a new Nahelm Mac Pro, 2,26 GHz, i'm very happy with it, here is the configuration:
16 gb ram ( 8 x2 gb ram)
640 gb + 2 x 1 TB Harddisk
two GT120 video card
Two Samsung T240 HD screens
and the other stuff are standart
The other day I didnt have anything to do so i was just having fun a little with some drawings on painter and photoshop while doing my everyday stuff (watching some streaming videos, or listening to music..etc) since it is my only computer, i do it for my work but also for my fun when I have nothing to do. When I watch a streaming video, let's say from youtube, i have it in full screen in one screen and on the other screen, I do my other stuff, like msn and doodling on photoshop and painter with my tablet..etc and my computer starts to lag, starts to respond very slowly, in a way that i cant do anything at all, and the streaming starts to play slow as well, then i reduce the size of the video instead of full screen and it looks a lil better for some time but then again it slows down my computer. Then when I check Activity Monitor I notice that I still have 10-12 GB free ram since I have only my everyday stuff open. but it shows 54 GB virtual memory and I dont understand what uses this much memory? I mean ok I make multi tab browsing..Etc but not more than I used to do on my old pc laptop with 4 gb ram, why does it use virtual memory when I still have 10 GB free ram? what should i do to avoid such situation other than not opening those applications at the same time? I wish that I was clear enough to explain my problem, I'm attaching a screenshot of my Activity Monitor,
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Jul 8, 2009
I am considering upgrading from my ~2 year old MBP to a 2.13 MBA Rev. C and have a question re: RAM performance: how does your MBA w/SSD perform once you have maxed out the 2GB of internal RAM and started swapping to the SSD?
The reason why I ask is that my current MBP had 2GB of RAM which would max out under my regular daily use (typically open is Mail, Entourage, Skype, Adium, iTunes, Keynote, Activity Monitor, and Safari with 10+ tabs open... don't ask). As you might expect, everything grinded to a halt once the MBP blew through the physical RAM and it started swapping to the HDD. A few months ago I upgraded to 4GB of RAM and everything ran smoother.
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Jul 19, 2009
I bought my Macbook Pro 17", Intel 3.06 GHz, 4 GB RAM a few days ago. However, I seem to keep experiencing this System memory issue. Right after I start the Mac OS, I got around 3 GB of System Memory free (which is still a bit weird, is the Mac OS by itself requiring a whole GB of RAM?), but the more I use my system, the less RAM becomes available. This is normal, but I would expect the memory to return once the applications are closed.
However, after working with different applications, especially vmware-fusion, and Logic Pro, although I close the applications, only very little System Memory returns. I have attached a screen shot of the system, including the Activity Monitor window. As you can see, with only Safari and Finder opened, I only got less than 700 MB of memory free, out of the 4 GB I have. I believe this might be what is called a "memory leak". Is there any way to sort it out, without having to reboot my system each time I need memory? Here's the screenshot: [URL]
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Sep 10, 2009
i just bought 16gb of ram for my 2008 Mac Pro.
I have the original 2 x 1gb sticks + 4 x 4gb sticks now .
How do i install the memory to get the best result
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