OS X :: Mac Wont Detect Other Computers On Network?
May 8, 2009
Well im trying to get some stuff off my windows pc. The problem is my imac wont show the computers on the same network. When i try this on my other imac it shows and i log in through it, is there any settings im not doing or i accidently changed that caused this problem?
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Apr 7, 2010
how to configure my MackBook Pro to broadcast a WiFi signal. So we can connect using our iPads and what not. My question is I have set it up with a password so only my friends can use it.
Is there a program that would alert me when someone attempts to connect using an invalid password?
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Feb 24, 2010
I just installed windows 7 ultimate on my macbook via bootcamp. I installed all the drivers and everything seems to work perfect besides one thing; I can't connect to the internet with my WiFi. My iPhone has WiFi signal, and if I go back to the mac OS X side, my WiFi has signal. When I'm on windows 7 it doesn't even detect any wireless networks (I have quite a few around the house too.)
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Mar 11, 2009
Im trying to get on the pc here on my home network I cant seem to find it and my pc cant find me??? I have my office set up that works fine, but at home no luck... I dont remember how I set my mac up to see the office pc's but i dont think it was this much of a pain
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Dec 31, 2010
I just purchased my new macbook pro and I wanted to know if it was possible to use the laptop as a router so that my PS3 could connect through it. I followed the steps someone else mentioned:
(1) Open System Preferences on your MacBook Pro, and open "Sharing"
(2) On the left column, click Internet Sharing and check the box
(3) Use the drop-down menu to select Ethernet in "Share your connection from..."
(4) Check the box next to Airport in the section "To computers using..."
(5) Close System Preferences and open the Airport menu from your Toolbar (top)
(6) Click "Create Network", add a name to your Computer-to-Computer network
(7) Leave the Channel as Automatic, add a password if you require (make sure your PS3 is compatible with your chosen level of security), click Ok.
(8) Connect an ethernet cable between your broadband modem and MacBook Pro
(9) Turn on your PS3 and perform your usual setup when connecting to a wireless network
I have an Ipod, and it did detect the new connection that was setup; however, my PS3 and my Windows Mobile phone did not detect it. Is there a reason for this? Do only Apple devices identify this connection?
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Jan 28, 2006
When I open finder and click network, I don't see my respective other Mac. The iMac doesn't show the Powerbook there, and the Powerbook doesn't show the iMac. Both machines list my XP machine though. I can go to "go connect to server" under finder and enter computer name or IP address, and it does connect to the other Mac. However, why isn't it just showing up under network? Yes, I do have file sharing on.
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Jul 25, 2009
The problem is I cannot connect to my dad's iMac 24" from my 15" MBP. I don't understand why - I am able to connect to my little brother's MBP (pre-unibody) and my dad is able to connect to MY computer just fine.
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Sep 7, 2009
I have to mac computers in different rooms. One is my wife's and one is mine. I have the computers connected through my airport extreme. I am looking for a way for us to communicate without signing in to the internet through ichat. If i could use ichat to communicate through just the network.
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Apr 3, 2012
Trying to use the migration assistant to send files from a PC but it won't recognize both computers on the same network
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 26, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro runing 10.6.8. I have a small network in my house. I cannot see my windows computers with my MacBook Pro. The windows computers can see my MacBook Pro. What settings are needed for me to view the windows on my macBook Pro? Is there any thing I need to do to the windows computers?
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Iphone and Ipod 4 with IOS 5
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Feb 6, 2012
It uses OS 10.4.11 and the other computer I want to share with uses 10.5.6. Is that the problem? Do the operating systems have to be the same?
Info:PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Mar 17, 2012
I am trying to share two computers together in a private network.
I have an iMac running OS X Lion & a Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard. The iMac's name on the network is: Studio The Macbook Pro's name on the network is: djlaptop I turn on file sharing, assign a name and they connect through wi-fi. In the Macbook Pro's Finder (djlaptop) the devices list shows this:
And on the Imac (Studio) it shows this:
I can't seem to get the 'Macintosh HD' of the Macbook Pro to show up on the Imac's finder (running lion). The 'DJ' is the home folder.
Does anyone have any more knowledge on how to get it to show up? I have checked my Finder Sidebar items and all of them are ticked. I want to mount the whole Macintosh HD and not just the home folder.
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jul 2, 2012
When I was using my mobile.me account I was able to access my office computer from home but now nothing. I only see what's on my local network. I've tried signing in with my mobile.me account on all computers but nothing happens still not seeing the office computer. What changed?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.5GHz Intel Core i5
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Apr 12, 2010
For the past few months I've been using my mid-2007 MacBook (running Snow Leopard) with a Samsung external TV/monitor (with the MacBook's lid closed). I had no problems whatsoever in terms of internet connection to my D-Link DIR-655 router. Yesterday for the first time since creating this setup, I took the MacBook with me somewhere. When I returned the MacBook to my network (closed lid, plugged my monitor back in), I started having WiFi trouble. The WiFi was initially running very slowly and then not at all. The WiFi icon on the menu bar was showing regular strength, however.
The complicating factor here is that when my MacBook is on, all other computers on the network show getting WiFi signals but the connection isn't working for them either. When I turned off my MacBook and powered down/up the modem and router, other computers could connect successfully. (But when I turned my MacBook on, the computers lost connectivity to the internet. I've already played with the router's channels without success. I also made sure there weren't any unnecessary items in my Mac's DNS listing.
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May 12, 2012
I set up the icloud on to my computers, now I cannot connect my iphone to my computers, I get a err message saying it is drawing to much power from my computers, whats up?I didn't have this problem before and it is on both my imac and my macbook.
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Aug 21, 2010
The first problem was that it was stuck on the boot screen, about to try reinstalling and now found out it cant detect my HDD :/
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Jan 3, 2011
I would like to know if my activity over the internet is being monitored. I have some networking experience but I know very little about how VNC operates other than the software does not have to be on a Mac to monitor my activity and I only need to be on the same network. Are there native utilities on my computer (late 2008 MacBook 10.6) that can detect network monitoring? Should I being researching other technologies, other than VNC?
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Aug 21, 2010
I just got an iomega home media network hdd (1tb) and i wanted to back up my macbook pro tht runs on OS X (10.6)
i installed their retrospect (6.1) software and conected the drive with the lan cable provieded by iomega and i did evrything they told me, but the drive doesnt not mount.
my computer doesnot detect the dive and a red light flashes on the drive in between the blue light (which is the only light tht should flash)
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Aug 26, 2010
I was copying files to my external hard drive (firewire) and finder froze and relaunched. I got the generic error saying that my "device was ejected improperly". Now when I try plugging in my hard drive my Macbook Pro (2008) it won't recognize it. I've tried:
1. Using USB instead of Firewire
2. Checking Disk Utility
3. Checking System Profiler
4. Resetting PRAM
5. Resetting SMC
6. Using Data Rescue 3
Nothing seems to detect my hard drive.
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Dec 15, 2010
I've but a bit of thought (and research) into this with no avail.
Basically, I'm trying to detect when a screenshot is taken.
The people over at CloudApp say they do it by monitoring the users screenshot path (com.apple.screenshotpath or whatever) and looking for new files that start with "Screen shot". However, this isn't reliable.
The people over at grab.by wouldn't reveal their secret method, but, a search of their help database reveals "Additionally TinyGrab for Mac will not auto-upload images if 'Spotlight' indexing in OS X is disabled."
P.S. I'm a total noob at this. Try to take some time dumbing things down
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May 6, 2006
a hotkey to detect new displays? I plug my Powerbook into my TV often and don't want the little Detect Display icon in my menu bar. It would be much easier just to use a hotkey, or even if I could set up a shortcut to do it.
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May 19, 2008
I am connecting my Macbook on my HD TV but the osx does not detect the appropriate native resolution. MY Samsung TV has a native resolution of 1365x768 but the osx only detects and offers 1280 or 1920 (they both look really bad on my TV). I used a mini-DVI to DVI adapter and a DVI to HDMI cable. I also tried, without success, to create specific display settings using SwitchResX and DisplayConfigX. (10.5.2) I know that there is not a big difference between 1280 and 1365 but still, it's very annoying espacially that I my old PC with XP detected the right resolution as soon as connected it...
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May 30, 2009
I was surfing the web, and suddenly the wheel started spinning and my MacBook locked up. I tried rebooting, only to see a folder with a question mark on it. So I tried to boot from the DVD and use Disk Utility to repair my HDD. But Disk Utility didn�t detect my hdd. So I assumed that the drive was dead and bought another one and istalled it.
The new hdd was not recongized by my machine either. Then I took the old hdd and installed it in a external case which connects to the computer with USB and I managed to boot OS X from it.
Anyone knows how I can make my MacBook detect my internal SATA drive?
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Aug 29, 2009
I use two monitors: an Apple Cinema display and a Dell, which is display number 2. I installed SL and it was normal until I rebooted the first time. Now every time I boot up, the only display that is found is the Dell and I have to go into preferences and select "detect displays" to make the main one show up. It loads as if the Dell is the only display, and since it is smaller it messes up my desktop, lumping all my icons on top of each other. When I click "detect displays," it moves everything back to the Apple monitor, making it the main display as it should be, but it is all out of whack.
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Mar 13, 2012
My MacBook Pro (15-inch i7 Early 2011) won't detect an external display using an apple mini displayport -> VGA connector using 10.7.3.All cables and the monitor are fine because my white macbook detects the LG monitor without any problem.I have read and tried every 'sollution' suggested on the internet, but all fail. Since my MBPro can't even detect my Sony LCD TV (my white macbook does) i suspect it's a firmware/hardware issue.I want to buy a thunderbolt display, but am not sure if i can spend all this money when even this simple VGA connection won't work.
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Apr 8, 2012
I have an external Vivitar V69379UA, which can be used as a Webcam. I was wanting to use it with photobooth and facetime, but I have a problem. Quicktime 10 does not detect my external camera, even after I installed the driver, which created a .component and .ini in the /Library/QuickTime folder. However, when I install Quicktime 7 on Snow Leopard, I can see the camera inside of the Quicktime 7 record video option. The problem is, PhotoBooth and FaceTime only listen to Quicktime 10, which does not detect my camera.
QuickTime, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 28, 2012
My MacBook Pro won't detect my SanDisk USB, I recently had the same problem with a card reader. Initially, I thought it might just be the card reader but now I'm thinking it is an issue with my MacBook.
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Jun 5, 2012
my iMac (Intel, OS X 10.6.8) doesn't detect dvd's anymore. I can hear the disc spinning but after a while it will be rejected. It's the same with original dvd's and copies.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 9, 2014
my macbook pro can't seem to detect ANY usb drive. I have already selected to "show external disk/drive" on finder's preferences but it doesn't work.
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Jan 3, 2011
I have a macbook pro (penryn) that just stopped working. I believe the hard drive just died on me because whenever I try to boot up, I just hear this clicking sound. I think I may have a bootable backup I made with SuperDuper! a while back on my external hard drive. I tried connecting it to my MBP but it wouldn't detect the drive. I only get the mouse cursor when I hold down the option key at boot.
Does anyone know if this may be a known defect? Do you think Apple will replace the hard drive for me?
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