OS X :: IPhone SDK Installation On MAC Running On VMWare

Apr 26, 2009

I am trying to install iPhone SDK 2.2.1 on Mac 10.5.5 , running on VMware6. During installation it's asking me to restart the machine. Once i restart it's not resuming the rest of the installtion.if i go to the devloper->application folder and start directly the XCode an EXC_BAD_ACCESS(SIGBUS) error is coming.

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OS X :: USB Drive Not Detected On Mac Running VMWare

Jun 20, 2010

I have installed Mac OS X on vmware. When I put my usb drive, it is detected on the host OS not on Mac OS X which is running on vmware.

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Windows On Mac :: Want To Get A MBP - Running Win7 With VMware

May 25, 2010

I'm going to college next year and seriously looking at the 13 in MBP. I think it's the perfect blend of portability, power, etc.

However, I will need to run Windows 7 Professional, as I will need to run the app Minitab, which is for PC only.

I was talking to a fellow classmate who i would consider a computer geek. He knows much more than i do and he explained how I could run 7 on a MBP.

Here's what he said:

1.Buy MBP, VMWare 3, a copy of vista.

2. Install the vista into the VMWare 3 and have vista set up as the virtual machine.

3. Go to windows' students 741 webpage and "upgrade" to 7.

4.do the upgrade.

5. Done, now I can start VMWare3 with windows 7 and install any PC apps like Minitab and run with VMWare.

Is this correct? Is there a simpler way? I am a bit concerned with the "upgrade" part of the procedure. I would like to install 7 from the get go but 299.99 for windows 7 pro is too expensive.

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Applications :: Better Out Of VMware And Parralells For Running Windows?

Jun 5, 2008

Just wondering, which is better out of VMware and Parralells for running Windows??

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Windows On Mac :: How To Do Ctrl+click On MBP Running XP Via VMware?

Aug 18, 2009

had a look on the VMware site but didn't help. I only run my cad programs on xp and this function is really important.

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Windows On Mac :: Running Dos With Parallels Or VMware On MacBook Pro

Jan 13, 2010

I am having a very hard time installing doss 6.22 on my Mac. Why would I want too? Well cause of work, we have some a lot of old data at work that was collected over the years using dos programs and I need to go threw it and pull out what I need, when I need it. So having it on my laptop would be great. I have tried both Parallels & VMware with no luck. I can't get them to realize that I have a floppy drive, it's a usb floppy drive. I have 6gig of memory running snow lepoard. I have been thinking of trying the Sun Microsystem software but thought I would ask here first.

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Unusable When Running Through VMWare

Mar 17, 2010

I've just installed Windows 7 on my new iMac and when running it through VMWare it's extremely slow and basically unusable. Thought it would be super-fast on the i7?!

My set up is as follows:
Windows 7 64-bit on 50GB Bootcamp partition
VMWare 3 using 2 processor cores & 1500MB Ram

Things improve marginally if I use the ultra basic visual theme.

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MacBook Air :: VMWare Fusion Running XP And Built In ISight

Apr 1, 2008

Anyone using their MBA with VMWare Fusion running Windows XP? If so, could you please tell me if your built-in iSight is working in Windows?

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Windows On Mac :: Running Win2000 Under VMWare To Avoid Viruses?

Jan 22, 2009

I'm currently running XP under VMWare just to run a few old apps, like Lotus 123, without any need for the internet. It's now dead though after too many viruses and everything else the internet put on it without me knowing. Being primarily a mac user now, I don't want to have to learn about, and keep up to date with, antivirus software just to run a few old macros. So I was wondering if I can install an older operating system, such as Windows 2000, without ever telling it about the internet so it will have no connection with it and hopefully not die on me.

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Windows On Mac :: Bluetooth And IR Not Working When Running XP On VMWare Fusion?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro and sometimes run VMWare Fusion / XP so that I can sync some older Nokia phones I have (that only run on PC Suite).However, my older phones don't utilize cables...you can only sync with Bluetooth or IR.I opened up the Control Panel and looked for a "Bluetooth Devices" icon, but couldn't find one.Then I opened up the Nokia "PC Suite" and Connectivity window and it gave me the option of clicking (ie: selecting to turn ON) Bluetooth and IR, but when I did, it said that this function was not available.What am I missing?My MBP obviously has all the Bluetooth and IR whistles, but when running VMWare Fusion / XP, the computer seems to disavow any knowledge that these options/functionalities are installed and working on the Mac side.

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OS X :: Stop VMWare Fusion 3.0 Running In The Background While Starting Up?

Oct 29, 2009

I just installed VM Fusion 3.0, it is really much faster running Windows Vista with it.

Anyway, my main issue is, when I opened Activity Monitor, I realized that VMF 3.0 runs in the background when the computer start, is there anyway to totally shut it off if I am not using it?

Also, on the top right tool bar, there is a "bi-head" arrow of VMF 3.0, how to get rid of it?

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MacBook Pro :: Hangs When Browsing Net Or Running VMWare Fusion

May 9, 2012

My MacBook Pro hangs a lot when I am browsing the net or even when running VMWare fusion. It has 4 GB RAM. I am using Mozilla firefox for browsing,

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Windows On Mac :: Connecting Vista (running Under VMware Fusion) To Xbox 360 On AE Network

Dec 15, 2008

I have an Airport Extreme network with an XBox 360 hooked up to it via ethernet. I would like to be able to use the XBox 360 as a media extender using the Windows Media Center running in Vista on my MacBook Pro. Vista Ultimate is running under VMware's Fusion and not as a bootcamp partition (not sure if this matters, but thought I'd mention it just in case). The MacBook Pro is using Wi-Fi (N) to connect to the Airport Extreme.

I followed the directions on the [URL] page, and all four things below that are required to be checked (given permission to run) or running as directed, yet I still get the message stating the Xbox could not be found. UPNP is indeed running.

What am I missing? Do I have to open ports on the Airport Extreme, even if the computer and xbox are on the same network? Do I have to open anything on the MacBook Pro on the Mac OS side?

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OS X :: Running Parallels And Boot Camp And XP Installation

Mar 20, 2009

I have one program that I will have to run in boot camp. The rest of the time, I would like to run in Parallels. Will I have to install XP twice to do this and thus take up more hard drive?

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Windows On Mac :: Running Program Without Installation On Crossover

Jul 29, 2009

There is lots of coverage regarding how to install software on crossover 8.0, but there is nothing that I can find regarding programs that require you simply to run them, without installation. I try and click them, and for less than a second, an image bounces above the crossover icon, but then it stops.

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MacBook Pro :: During Installation Prompt With Running Instances Detected And Cannot Proceed?

Apr 30, 2012

during installation prompt with running instances detected and cannot proceed

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Windows On Mac :: Open Up Bootcamp Partition (running Windows 7) In VMWare

Sep 4, 2009

So I am trying to open up my bootcamp partition (running windows 7) in VMWare and I get this error message: Cannot open the disk '/Users/brandonquirarte/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines/Boot Camp/%2Fdev%2Fdisk0/Boot Camp partition.vmwarevm/Boot Camp partition.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. It was working just fine before the upgrade to Snow Leopard but I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. I had to reinstall Windows 7 after I tried installing the Bootcamp 3.0 drivers so that may be more of the issue. I didn't test to see if would work still when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.

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MacBook Air :: Running With IPhone SDK / Xcode

Mar 12, 2008

Has anyone tried to run the SDK on the MacBook Air with Xcode? - and if so how does it cope?

I'm undecided as to whether I should get a MBP (for the power) , however the MacBook Air has its portability features

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Stop Running Application In Iphone 3gs?

May 19, 2012

how to stop running application in iphone 3gs

iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.1

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ITunes For Mac :: When Running Sync Or Backup / Get Error Message That IPhone Has Disconnected

Dec 12, 2014

iPhone 6 and Macbook Pro with iTunes.  Both are current with software updates as of 12/11/2014  When running sync or backup I get an error message that the iPhone has disconnected.  Both are on the same network and are connected together with a USB cable.  Last successful backup was prior to iTunes upgrade on 12/9. Today I successfully backed up my iPhone to a windows machine with the latest version of iTunes, no problems.  Seems the Mac version is the issue not the iPhone.  I was going to uninstall iTunes and reinstall it on the Mac but I could get it to uninstall. iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.2

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Windows On Mac :: Triple Boot Installation - Stuck At Windows Installation

Sep 19, 2010

I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation
triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu

I have done the following:
1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)

2. Installed rEFIt
I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)

3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.

4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.

5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)

So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".

6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.

Problems occur right here:
Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"

Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?

I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.

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Applications :: When Sync Iphone 3gs, It Says It Won't Copy File Because It Can't Be Played On Iphone?

Oct 6, 2010

I used Macthe Ripper to rip my sons chuggington dvd to my macbook pro, then i used handbrake to convert it, i managed to copy the converted file to my itunes library, but when i symc my iphone 3gs, it says it won't copy the file because it can't be played on my iphone.Several forums mention using the iphone/ipod touch preset when converting in Hnadbrake, now i may be a numpty, but i cant find this preset anywhere?! The closest thing i can see is an apple button/setting.when i selected apple and told it to play again, it said it would overwrite the prev converted verison. It took hours to convert the first time, if I do this, will it really work? Or will I waste another 3 hours?!

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FaceTime :: Make Iphone To Iphone Video Call Through Sim Card?

Apr 21, 2012

how to make iphone to iphone video call through sim card??

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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OS X :: IPhone 1G Dock Works And Fits Perfectly With IPhone 4?

Jun 24, 2010

I found out something interesting that brings back two years. Remember that old iPhone, the one that came out on June 2007. Well I think his accessories will save us some money for this new iPhone 4. I went inside my garage and found my old iPhone dock that Apple provided with the original iPhone. I said ?hey maybe this dock will fit the new phone.? And it did EXACTLY what I predicted. The new iPhone 4 dock FITS in the old original iPhone dock. I just saved myself $30 for a new dock!

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Software :: Bluetooth Macbook Pro And IPhone Connect To My IPhone 3G?

Jul 23, 2009

I can't seem to get my Macbook Pro 13" 2.26Ghz (OS 10.5.7) connect to my iPhone 3G (OS 3.0) via bluetooth. In the Bluetooth Setup Assistant the macbook sees the iPhone 3G, but they don't connect after I accept the connect on the iPhone 3G. The codes on the Macbook and iPhone are the same and, therefore, should connect.

I've searched the Apple Discussions (support) but there is no answer there.

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Access Notes Backed Up From IPhone Without Using IPhone

Aug 24, 2014

How do I access Notes backed up from iPhone onto Mac without using an iPhone?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Macbook Running Leopard And IMac Running Tiger - How I Can Upgrade Them Both?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.

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Intel Mac :: Running Constantly Hot - Changed The Hard Drive But It Is Running Hot?

Mar 5, 2012

I've had an iMac for just about a year and over time I guess I just didn't notice but the machine always ran very quietly.  At the same time the back of the computer would heat up so bad that it would nearly burn my hand if I left it there.  Well last week I decided to upgrade to Lion from Snow Leopard and when I did the install failed and froze up the hard drive.  I took the computer in to the apple store and they determined that it had to have a new hard drive installed because the old one (only a year old) had a physical malfunction (was broke).  So anyway I have my iMac back and get it started up, backed up from time machine, and then finally get Lion istalled - and now all of the sudden I notice that the fans in the computer are CONSTANTLY blowing - I can hear them spinning and can hear the air venting out of the back of the computer - and the computer is STILL really hot on the backside of the screen.   

So now I am wondering if the originial problem was the computer heating up and if that may have broken the otherwise good hard drive?  Also now that I have a new hard drive - should I be concerned about the fans being on ALL the time?  I mean they never go off.  Even when I leave the computer for hours and come back to it and the screen is asleep the fans are STILL buzzing away at top speed. Here is the stats on the computer at the time that I'm typing this note - there are no other programs running than Firefox and Mail.  Also - I don't know what the optical drive is exaclty - but if it's the DVD drive (superdrive) - there is nothing in the DVD disc drive 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Slow Running - Steps For Making It Smoothly Running?

Mar 21, 2012

my 4 year old IMac 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo with 2gb running 10.7.3 has been running really slow since I installed photoshop CS4 and upgraded to lion ( I have 137gb of free space on hard drive) I mean it wont quit out of photoshop I always have to do a force quit and most applications run really slow. Do I need a new computer , what should I go for to have a smooth running mac?Was thinking of a new IMac 27-inch: 2.7GHz with 4gb memory. 

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Running Extremely Slowly And Fan Continuously Running Loudly?

Jun 4, 2014

My Macbook Pro (from mid-2010) has recently started running EXTREMELY slowly, and the fan continuously runs loudly. From other posts, I have checked my activity monitor to see if any process is taking up a lot of the CPU % and have found that nothing seems high, except the kernel_task which, from what I understand, is supposed to be high. I have also attempted to reset the SMC which didn't fix the problem either. I have taken my computer to the genius bar 3 times now, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong (because it works perfectly there), but when I get it home the fan comes back on, and everything runs slowly.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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