OS X :: How To Share VPN Connection Over Airport
Nov 19, 2010
new AppleTV and the possibility to access Netflix is my new goal. I am located in Norway, so it won't work without som tweaks.My solution is to buy a Pro VPN service from strongvpn.com, but that will only get it to work on my mac, not the Apple TV.I tried to share my work-VPN through airport to do a proof-of-concept, but I didn't get any internet.Is this possible to do? My iMac is connected to my Time Capsule through ethernet
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Apr 21, 2010
I'm trying to setup internet sharing on a 24" intel imac running the latest 10.6.
We are trying to share an ethernet connection over airport, however I cant seem to get airport to appear in the 'to computers using' list.
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Sep 30, 2008
I can't share my iMac (OS 10.5.5) internet connection from a cable modem to an iBook G4 (OS 10.4.11) using AirPort.
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Jan 26, 2010
I recently purchased (as in days ago) a refurbished 13" Macbook Pro. I just noticed today that my wireless connection on my Macbook Pro has been losing it's connection about every other 2-3 minutes. I was on iChat with a buddy this morning, and I must have been disconnected and then reconnected about 8 times in 20 minutes. I first thought it must have been a problem with iChat. That said, I have sat here looking at my screen for the past ten minutes, and I have seen the Airport wireless indicator disconnect and then reconnect again at least three times in the past ten minutes.
I have AT&T U-Verse Service, and I am forced to use their provided 2WIRE router. That said, I have had no problems with any other device that uses the wireless connection, from my iPhone to my PS3. I work from home and have my HP laptop literally sitting right next to my Macbook, and it has not disconnected once from the same wireless connection, whereas my Macbook has literally disconnected at least 20 times.
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Feb 23, 2010
I just got a time capsule and replaced my extreme with it then added my 2 expresses to the network. Was getting 28-33mbps download speeds using speedtest.net to test now i'm getting only 4-6mbps. WTH!!! Also the transfer rate for backing up my macbook to the tc drive is ridiculous!!!
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Jul 29, 2010
Two computers in the house MacBook and iMac, running on an Airport Extreme network, which includes an Airport Express plugged into the stereo.
A brief power outage the other night (perhaps unrelated), and in the morning, the network was wonky: the iMac was only getting two or three bars, streaming radio to the Express kept flickering on and off. When that happens, rebooting the Airport base station, the router, and the Express usually takes care of it.
Since the reboot, the iMac hasn't been able to keep a connection to the network, and often can't find it. It may start off, but then loses the connection and then times out trying to reconnect. Or the network doesn't even appear in the list. Read that launching Network and running Diagnostic will fix problems and it sometimes does, but never for long.
All this time except for one brief bit where it suffered the same problem the MacBook has had no problem connecting to the network and the Internet.
Have rebooted everything multiple times in various orders, run Disk Utility, and even gone ahead and upgraded the iMac to Snow Leopard (laptop was recently upgraded).
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Dec 8, 2009
Recently my MBP (mid-09) has had issues with airport as it continually loses connection and I have to turn it off and on again in order for it to work again sometimes within seconds of doing so. I would opt for a fresh install but my dvd drive seems to be scratching the dvds and it rendered my Windows XP DVD useless when I tried to install that. So it wouldnt be ideal unless there is a method of doing so without using the dvd drive.
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Mar 21, 2009
I've just got a Samsung BD-P1500, which is enabled for "BD Live" Discs.
It has an ethernet port on the back which I would like to use to get online. Why not :-)
The router I have is too far away to have a direct ethernet connection, so I was wondering if I could use the ICS feature in OSX.
I've had it working for my Xbox previously and it worked fine. Only lag experienced was when I was surfing on the MacBook at the same time.
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Jul 27, 2008
i have my mac pro using one ethernet port for net connection can i put a sec cable in the other port connect it to my macbook pro and share the connection?
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Apr 13, 2009
I want to share my internet connection from Airport to computers connected to another network created by a USB wireless device attached to my system.
The network created by the USB wireless is working fine, and computers can connect to it, but they can't access the internet.
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Jun 22, 2009
getting tired of switching the cable every time I want to get online (not to mention feel like I'm stepping on their toes when they want to get online and I'm on!).
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Jul 25, 2010
I have a first gene iMac g5 at work that does not have wifi. I found a USB wifi adapter on amazon for $15. If I use that, can i share my Internet connection over wifi just like i can with a built in airport card in my macbook pro?
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Jun 29, 2014
I have a mac air, I connect via WiFi with internet. However, I would like to share my internet connection so that I can connect with my iPhone.
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Sep 20, 2010
So I have just moved into a new flat in the centre of Sheffield UK. We are in the process of sorting out the best internet connection possible and it seems to be the pre wired connections that are in the bedrooms which are at 50Mb/sec... great. BUT! We want to share this wirelessly and as the only connection is via this walled socket (See attached photo) I don't know how to do it. It is not a standard BT wall socket but instead is something that an rj45 cable can plug into. Currently I have set up a wireless network by putting an rj45 cable from the wall directly into my mac mini and have set up internet sharing however this means that if I wanted to move or turn off my computer the wireless network would be lost! I have tried already connecting a current wireless router that I have (a Zyxel p-661hw-d1) but there is no dsl connection and therefore no internet. Would I need a wireless bridge? Just so you know the ISP is called Ask4, google it and you get to the homepage.
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Apr 26, 2008
I have an ibook with Leopard installed and its connected to the internet through airport. What I'm trying to do is share the internet connection to my xbox via an internet cable but i cant find any settings in system preferences to do that.
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Jun 8, 2009
I've got a Mac Pro and a Linksys Wireless N Router. I've got my cable modem hooked up at the moment directly to my Mac Pro. I was wondering if there was a way to share my internet connection on my other connection to the router? In other words, internet comes into the Mac Pro, shares with the wireless router, which broadcasts it to a third computer.
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Sep 12, 2009
I want to connect my MAC PRO to my time machine by ethernet and then my time machine to my ADSL Modem Router by wireless..e.gINTERNET >> ADSL MODEM >> TIME MACHINE >> MAC PROat the moment I have..INTERNET >> ADSL MODEM >> MAC PRO >> TIME MACHINEwhich I dont want.. And please could you give me a step by step walkthrough.. really detailed..
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Feb 8, 2010
I'm trying to share my wireless internet connection from my mac to my PC, the mac is connected to a switch with a tp cable and my windows pc as well.The switch doesn't have dhcp so I had to manually type in the ip address
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Jun 20, 2010
I have Alltel Mobile Broadband. Up until the other day, it's been working fine. I'd set up a network on my macbook after connecting to the Alltel network, then I'd enable internet sharing. Then my iPod Touch, iPad, etc would all be able to go online. The past couple days, however, the connection just won't share.
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Jul 18, 2009
I know that it's possible to share a wired internet connection from one mac to another computer through wireless, but I was was wondering if it's possible to do the reverse: share a mac's wireless internet connection through the ethernet port.Ideally, the setup I want is to have my iMac connected to wifi and have my xbox 360 connected to the iMac with an ethernet cable.
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Mar 15, 2009
I was wondering if it is possible to connect a desktop and laptop computer using apple share or bluetooth to share an internet connection that is connected through an ethernet port on the desktop. My internet company is crap so I need to find a way to cut out the router, which I have to reset all the time to get a normal internet speed.
Desktop is a Mac Pro bought last April, and the laptop is a 12" Powerbook G4. Both have bluetooth, airport, and the newest operating system.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have an older G5. Running Ethernet cables across the hallway is not going to work. Is there a Wi-Fi card, chip, usb solution? Or can I share an internet connection with my MacPro in the same room?
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May 14, 2012
How can I share my internet connection with my windows network
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 17, 2010
you can share your eithernet connection through the airport but can you do it the other way.Basically i have a mac in my room and also a PC, i want to be able to plug a cable from my PC to my iMac and then browse the internet using my iMacs airport connect to my wireless router downstairs.
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Jul 7, 2009
Just set up a new airport extreme but having problems with the share disk feature.
I have connected a hard disk to the usb slot on the Airport extreme that shows up in the airport utility but can't seem to find access the drive anywhere on my macbook.
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Aug 3, 2009
I've got a roommate with a MBA. Our wifi router died, and he's excited to get an airport extreme because, not only can he start backing up wirelessly, but also he can (or thinks he can) use a USB optical drive wirelessly.
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Oct 10, 2009
I have a 500gb Time Capsule setup in another room. The problem is though that my DSL modem is in my office connected via ETHERNET to the iMac. I am trying to setup the Airport via Wifi to share my internet.
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Jan 11, 2011
Since Saturday I've been having trouble connecting to the internet. For the last 18 months we've been connected to my Airport Extreme Base Station (2003) which in turn is wired to a Motorola SB5101 cable modem. Every time I had called the ISP (Comcast), they've been able to get it going while I was on the line by restarting the modem (which I tried before calling). Last night nothing would work no matter how many times I rebooted the modem and after many trial and errors, we were able to get connected to the internet by hooking my MBP directly to the ethernet cable from the modem and taking the Airport out of the equation. The service rep decided my router was likely at fault and I wasn't inclined to argue as it is an old router and things do break over time.
However, I ran out and bought a brand new Belkin Share wireless router and now neither that nor the Airport can connect to the internet even when the lights on the modem say all is well. Unfortunately, the Belkin came with it's own software package for router management and setup, which I'm not too keen on. It kept saying it couldn't connect to the modem or that the internet connection to the modem was lost. In tonight's efforts, I'm always able to plug my MBP right into the modem and get a connection, but as soon as I move that cable to the Airport or the new Belkin, my internet is gone. The Airport connection in the Network section of System Preferences always comes up as connected, but the Belkin glows dark red instead of green and the accompanying software says no connection to the internet can be found.
Does this sound more like the fault of the modem, the ISP, or me, the user? Any help would be much appreciated. Although I am able to connect now, my roommate's computer doesn't even have an ethernet port.
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Feb 3, 2008
I was just wondering, If I buy and airport express and use it to extend the wireless signal around my house, can I plug an ethernet cable on it and have that computer use the internet connection coming from it? dsl/cable modem -> airport extreme/time capsule -> airport express -> wired connection -> computer
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Mar 11, 2009
I have an airport extreme with a 1tb drive connected to it that my entire family connects to (4 people).
I installed the latest AirPort driver that allows the hard drive to be accessed over the internet which works great.
The problem is that it obviously only works with my user account since I linked it with my MobileMe user name. Is there any way to allow my other family members access to the drive over the internet, short of them going into MobileMe in system preferences and logging in as my MobileMe account?
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